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4.You have broken your promise again!How ______ you expect me to believe you?(  )

分析 你又违背了你的诺言!你怎么能期望我相信你呢?

解答 答案是A.本题考查情态动词can的用法.情态动词can常常可以与 how 一起用于疑问句,表示感受强烈"怎么能/能够…";根据句子结构和句意,"你又一次违背了诺言",所以"你怎能期望我相信你呢?",可知答案选A.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Excuse me,Mrs.Edward.______ Miss Claire come in now?
-Oh,yes.I have some minutes free at present.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.The operation can prolong his life at least by three or four years on condition that he is taken good care of.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.________ at the result,the boss left without saying any word.(  )
A.Having disappointedB.Disappointing
C.To be disappointedD.Disappointed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

8.I will never forget the first time when I saw my little sister Lily.I was eight year old then.Because my arms looked weak,my mother believed that I can hold the baby firmly.Then,I took Lily on my arms,and I knew how many I loved her.My mother had a full-time job,so we had a person who was in the charge of housekeeping and taking care of us.I wouldn't like anyone else take care of my sister.Therefore,I feed her,gave her a bath,and changed her clothes.When she was cry,I held her.
Now Lily has grown up and is pretty than I am,but I still treat her as my little sister.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Amber,16,has been in four foster-care homes(寄养家庭)in two years.Now she is getting a makeover(精心打扮)at the mall to be filmed in a television station in Boise,Idaho,which may help her find a permanent family that does the ordinary things families do-go on picnics,eat out,and watch movies together.
Ten years ago,teenagers such as Amber were so hard to place with adoptive families that hardly anyone tried.If you talked about finding a home for an older child,that meant the kid was 7or 8.But today,people are increasingly willing to adopt those who are 9years old or older,and most experts believe the phenomena will continue.
Of course,the teens often need as much encouragement and advice as the future parents do.In St.Louis,Missouri,Project Teen Plus provides a support group to help teenagers talk about their fears and doubts about being adopted,for many of them have lived in institutions so long that they have no idea what life in a family is like.And teens often have mixed feelings about joining a new family.Many teens in foster care are worried that being adopted means having to reject their birth families.One adoption expert suggests finding out the reasons for teenagers'resistance and offering the choice of remaining in touch with their birth families after entering adoptive homes.
The key to success seems to be careful preparation and patience of both the teen and the family.So a teenager usually spends six to nine months with a future family before an adoption is finally decided.For example,a couple decided to open their home to Michael,17.For ten months,the couple and the boy struggled to get to know and accept one another.But Michael's 18th birthday brought about change.The big event was not only his first birthday with his adoptive family but also the first time he had ever been given birthday gifts and a cake.For Michael's new parents,the rewards have been great."You're not just helping someone else,"says Father."You're making a decision to grow as a family."

67.The purpose of mentioning Amber in the first paragraph isC.
A.to show the readers the ordinary things families do
B.to help Amber find a permanent family to adopt her
C.to introduce the topic of teenager adoption to readers
D.to indicate that teenager girls are eager to be film stars
68.According to the passage,why do teenagers fear and doubt about being adopted?B
A.They spend too much time living all by themselves.
B.They don't know what their life will be in a new family.
C.They can't get enough support from some institutions.
D.They talk less with the future parents about adoption.
69.Many teens in foster care think being adopted meansC.
A.no longer seeing their friends
B.saying good-bye to their pets
C.having to reject their birth families
D.losing their choice of education
70.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.Success of adoption calls for patience and preparation.
B.Teenagers are encouraged to place with foster care.
C.Foster parents share worries with their future children.
D.The family needs great financial support to adopt children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.A family in Guelph,Ontario is spending a year living"in 1982".They're doing it so their kids can see what life was like before technology like iPads,computers and even coffee machines was part of everyday life.
They have stopped using all technology from their home and are relying on the things people would have used back in the 80s.There is a box at the front door where people can put their cell phones in,while they're visiting the family.
Blair McMillan and his wife Morgan want their kids-Trey,5,and Denton,2-to have a year without technology.
Instead of reading e-readers,they are reading books.Instead of using a GPS,they used paper maps.The home the family is living in was built in the 1980s.Even the way they dress and style their hair is from the 80s.
The whole idea started when young Trey was called to come outside.He didn't because he was busy playing on the ipad.That's why his dad thought of the idea of living"in 1982"for a year.The family plans to live like"it's 1982"until April next year.To them,one of the hardest things was giving up their cell phone.
24.What will the visitors do when they come to see the family?C
A.The way they dress and style their hair must be from the 80s.
B.They must leave their cell phone at home.
C.They will put their cell phone outside before entering the room.
D.They can use the phone prepared by the family.
25.What is mainly talked about in the fourth paragraph?A
A.Dos and don'ts
B.Reasons and results
C.Advantages and disadvantages
D.Advice and plans.
26.Who made the family have the idea of living"in 1982"?B
A.The reporter
B.Young Trey
C.Blair McMillan


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.A night out in Tokyo is much the same as a night out in Milan these days,according to a survey about socialising,conducted amongst 16 to 34-year-olds around the world.Wherever you live,a typical night out is spent eating burgers,seeing American films or listening to English-language music in clubs and bars.Individual differences do survive but American culture is everywhere.
Differences in the social behavior of the two sexes are also disappearing.Most people surveyed felt that it was‘perfectly normal'for groups of young women to go out alone,that it was‘equally acceptable'for young women to smoke and drink,and that a couple should split the bill when they go out together.For most young people these were the biggest differences between their own generation and their parents'.
Interestingly,however,most young people interviewed said that parents are still stricter with daughters than sons about where they go and who they go with.Overall,only 10 per cent thought that parents treat their sons and daughters equally,and almost no one thought parents were stricter with their sons!
Important national differences appear,however,when it comes to time-keeping.In the Far East and Eastern Europe a night out starts---and finishes---much earlier:there seven o'clock was the average time for meeting up with friends.For many Southern European and South Americans,on the other hand,an evening out doesn't even start until ten or eleven o'clock,by which time many of their South Korean or Japanese counterparts are safely home in bed!
Parents'rules reflect this.Most Japanese parents expect their teenagers home by ten o'clock or even earlier,whereas in Europe it is more likely to be eleven or twelve o'clock.The most surprising findings came from Argentina,however,where it is apparently quite normal for 15 and 16-year-olds to stay out all night.But then perhaps this is because their parents have less to worry about---80 percent of Argentine youngsters claimed that they rarely or never drink alcohol!

66.Night out in Tokyo is similar to it in Milan becauseC.
A.English-language activities are highly welcomed
B.they are experiencing the different globalized-culture
C.American culture is very popular all around the world
D.all the young people have the same habits and hobbies
67.One of the biggest differences between young people and their parents lies inB
A.the music style and stars they loved
B.their attitude towards paying money for dinner
C.the decreasing number of young women smoking
D.the time they meet up with people and have evening out
68.In the last paragraph,"this"refers toC.
A.evening out      B.drinking alcohol     C.time-keeping D.staying up late
69.What is the passage mainly talking about?B
A.The same night-out life in all the modern cities.
B.The similarities and differences in social behaviors.
C.Comparing night life between the east and the west.
D.Parents'different rules between their sons and daughters.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.San Francisco's Chinatown is the biggest and oldest in the country.It's the third most visited tourist destination in the city.It's also the city's most densely populated neighbor-hood.So why are.businesses in Chinatown struggling?
   In this week's paper,I outline some of the reasons for why Chinatown's crowded streets and busy shops might be declining.Underneath the surface,Chinatown is falling.And the city,local organizations and businesses are trying to figure out what they can do to turn things around.
While numbers of people visit Chinatown,they don't stay long and they don't spend a lot of money.And beyond annual festivals,1ike Chinese New Years,this month's Moon Festival and last month's Sunday Streets-which drew about 15,000 t0 20.000 people-the neighborhood has a hard time attracting locals.
Can you remember the last.time you went to Chinatown?If you can't,You're not alone.Locals told me that Chinatown doesn't have much to offer them-that the stores are all the same.There are some good eating joints,people said,but they don't know how to find them.Some people even told me that they sometimes go to extreme measures to avoid the neighborhood altogether.But when asked if the-v would like to see Chinatown gone,the answer was always a strong no.
Locals are hopeful that things will get better and traffic will increase when the Central Subway is complete.But chat's not for another five years.at least.And if'new shops or restaurants don't make their way into Chinatown.the same problem of attracting locals will exist.
   Not that Chinatown's going to die.The dragon still has some fire in its belly.And many people are rooting for positive change.The question is,how does Chinatown change without losing the very importance of what makes it unique?
29.Which can we know about Chinatown according to the passage?C
A.Businesses in Chinatown are going well.
B.Local people like going shopping there.
C.A great number of people visit it every year.
D.No period has seen a more prosperous Chinatown.
30.According to the locals we can know thatB
A.Chinatown doesn't love to offer them assistance
B.shops in Chinatown lack their own characteristics
C.it is hard to buy quality goods at proper prices
D.they feel annoyed to see so many familiar faces
31.What is the author's attitude towards Chinatown?C
32.It can be inferred from the passageA
A.the Central Subway is under construction
B.Chinatown has to make way for subway
C.many restaurants have been closed down
D.the locals hope Chinatown will be extinct.

