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       See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying tubers.

       While working with troubled teens, I used to haste them do a Ten Years game in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.This lack of “foresight”was a major reason why their lives were pretty messed up.But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business.

       Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams became true, almost as if orchestrated (精心安排) by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than expected.I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.

       This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.

       You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:

       “Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2012 and it’s really taken off.”

       “Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”

       Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.This will help you make it more real for you.

       Sit down and write (or type) your Ten Years in the Future letter today.

60.It seems that the author’s dream and vision became a reality because the author     .

       A.had put something magic in the letter

       B.could foresee what would happen

       C.was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter

       D.took what was written in the letter as a guide in life

61.According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that     .

       A.does the same exercise as you

       B.will become your friend in ten years

       C.you know now and may still know in the future

       D.you can imagine when you write your letter

62.The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter     .

       A.as soon as possible

       B.in ten years’ time

       C.when you have time

       D.as often as possible

63.Which of the following covers the topics in this text?

       a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

       b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

       c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.

       d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.

       e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.

       f.How to improve your letter writing skill.

       A.a, d, f                     B.a, c, d              C.b, c, d             D.a, c, e

60---63   DCAB   


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省新乡平顶山许昌2010届高三第二次调研考试 题型:阅读理解

See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying tubers.
While working with troubled teens, I used to haste them do a Ten Years game in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.This lack of “foresight”was a major reason why their lives were pretty messed up.But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business.
Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams became true, almost as if orchestrated (精心安排) by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than expected.I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.
This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.
You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:
“Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2012 and it’s really taken off.”
“Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”
Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.This will help you make it more real for you.
Sit down and write (or type) your Ten Years in the Future letter today.
60.It seems that the author’s dream and vision became a reality because the author    .
A.had put something magic in the letter
B.could foresee what would happen
C.was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter
D.took what was written in the letter as a guide in life
61.According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that    .
A.does the same exercise as you
B.will become your friend in ten years
C.you know now and may still know in the future
D.you can imagine when you write your letter
62.The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter    .
A.as soon as possible
B.in ten years’ time
C.when you have time
D.as often as possible
63.Which of the following covers the topics in this text?
a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.
b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.
c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.
d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.
e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.
f.How to improve your letter writing skill.
A.a, d, f                     B.a, c, d              C.b, c, d             D.a, c, e


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省长沙市同升湖实验学校2009-2010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier; only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman!
There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shadows of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green -a strange world indeed.
Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”. These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is near dark. They show us shape but no color.
Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes prefer blue to yellow. A red light will not attract insects, but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.
1. The passage is mainly about _____________.
A. color and its surprising effects.            B. women being luckier than men
C. danger caused by color blindness          D. color blindness
2. According to the passage, with the help of the “cones”, we can_______________.
A. tell different shapes                    B. see in a weak light
C. kill mosquitoes                        D. tell orange from yellow
3. Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?
A. Women are more careful.              B. There are fewer color-blind women
C. Women are fonder of driving than men.    D. Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.
4. Which of the statements about the color- blind is true?
A. Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing color.
B. None of them can see deep red.
C. None of them can tell the difference between blue and green.
D. All of them see everything in shades of green.
5. We can attract and kill mosquitoes by using a _____________.
A. red light       B. yellow light          C. blue light        D. green light


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南长葛第三实验高中高一上学期第三次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

 About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier; only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman!

There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shadows of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green - a strange world indeed.

Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called “cones”. These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is near dark. They show us shape but no color.

Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes prefer blue to yellow. A red light will not attract insects, but a blue lamp will. In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day, and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.

1.The passage is mainly about _____________.

A. color and its surprising effects.

B. women being luckier than men

C. danger caused by color blindness

D. color blindness

2.According to the passage, with the help of the “cones”, we can_______________.

A. tell different shapes                    B. see in a weak light

C. kill mosquitoes                        D. tell orange from yellow

3.Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?

A. Women are more careful.

B. There are fewer color-blind women

C. Women are fonder of driving than men.

D. Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.

4.Which of the statements about the color- blind is true?

A. Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing color.

B. None of them can see deep red.

C. None of them can tell the difference between blue and green.

D. All of them see everything in shades of green.

5.We can attract and kill mosquitoes by using a _____________.

A. red light       B. yellow light       C. blue light     D. green light



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北省石家庄市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

 About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred if affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.

There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person can’t tell the differences between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man sees everything in shades of green--- a strange world in deed.

Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions very small things called “cones”. These help us see in a bright day and tell the differences between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shapes(形状) but not color. Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects but a blue lamp will. In similar way human being also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.

1.The passage is mainly about ______.

A. color and its surprising effects on drivers

B. women being luckier than man in that fewer of them are color blind

C. danger caused by color blindness

D. color blindness and how our eyes tell different colors and shapes

2.According to the passage, with the help of “cones” we can _____.

A. tell different colors             B. see in weak light

C. tell different shapes             D. tell orange from yellow

3.Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?

A. Women are more careful.             

B. There are fewer color blind women.

C. Women are fonder of driving than men.  

D. Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.

4.Which of the following statements about color blind people is true?

A. Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing colors.

B. None of them can see deep red but all can tell blue from green.

C. None of them can tell blue from green but all can see deep red.

D. All of them are lucky enough to see everything in shades of green.



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省新乡平顶山许昌2010届高三第二次调研考试 题型:阅读理解


See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying tubers.

While working with troubled teens, I used to haste them do a Ten Years game in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.This lack of “foresight”was a major reason why their lives were pretty messed up.But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business.

Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams became true, almost as if orchestrated (精心安排) by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than expected.I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.

This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.

You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:

“Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2012 and it’s really taken off.”

“Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”

Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.This will help you make it more real for you.

Sit down and write (or type) your Ten Years in the Future letter today.

60.It seems that the author’s dream and vision became a reality because the author    .

A.had put something magic in the letter

B.could foresee what would happen

C.was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter

D.took what was written in the letter as a guide in life

61.According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that    .

A.does the same exercise as you

B.will become your friend in ten years

C.you know now and may still know in the future

D.you can imagine when you write your letter

62.The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter    .

A.as soon as possible

B.in ten years’ time

C.when you have time

D.as often as possible

63.Which of the following covers the topics in this text?

a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.

d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.

e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.

f.How to improve your letter writing skill.

A.a, d, f                     B.a, c, d              C.b, c, d             D.a, c, e


