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Mr.Reed has been selected to represent us on the committee.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:022


用pick out,select或choose的适当形式填空。

(1) They were ________ from among many applicants.

(2) The university he ________ had accepted him.

(3) Mr Reed has been ________ to represent us on the committee.

(4) Lily, ________ the good apples from the bad ones!


科目:高中英语 来源:导学必修五英语外研版 外研版 题型:016

Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ________ some schools for poor children.

[  ]

set up


setting up


have set up


has set up


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年重庆市高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Long before they became doctors, lawyers, CEO’s or real estate developers, they played in garage bands and maybe even dreamed of becoming rock stars. That’s why they signed up for Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp.

    For nearly a week, the mostly middle-aged “campers” had practiced in the West 54th Street studios. They came from as far away as London and Tokyo and as close as Long Island and downtown New York to prepare for their moment of onstage glory.

    “I feel like I’m 18 again,” said Jerry Goldberg, a 60-year-old investment banker and guitar player, whose family was in the audience.” I admit that I felt a little uncertain when I first got here, but this has turned out to be a wonderful experience, one of the greatest of my life.”

    Everybody has two businesses, their own business and show business. This can be a life-changing experience for them. Mr. Daltrey, who has appeared at several fantasy camps, was asked why he keeps coming back.

    “I’ve had people tell me that I shouldn’t be doing this, that it's bad for my image,” he acknowledged. “But that’s rubbish. Look, it’s all so positive, and everybody is having so much fun. So what’s bad about that?”

    Jeff Munger, a drummer and rancher(农场主) said. “I’m at a point in my life where I’m going to spend my money on things I’m passionate about, and I’m absolutely crazy about music.”

    Most of the campers are successful executives or professionals: a founder of the Oracle Computer Company, a businessman whose father invented the Big Mac, a plastic surgeon, presidents of health care and seafood companies.

1.This text is mainly about________.

    A.a music course for the elderly people

    B.a pop club for professional musicians

    C.a rock music camp for music lovers

    D.a studio for wealthy businessmen

2.What do the middle aged campers have in common?

    A.They are all interested in charity.

    B.They are all passionate about music.

    C.They are all retired business people.

    D.They were all rock stars when they were young.

3.According to the text, Mr. Daltrey ________.

A.once played in a garage band

B.has come with his family

C.has joined in the camp a couple of times 

D.is very careful about his image

4.We can infer from the text that the campers _________.

    A.enjoy their regular jobs     B.come from different countries

    C.do part-time jobs            D.have a great many fans



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届高考二轮复习:单项选择百题精练 题型:单项填空

Mr Smith always has  ________ to tell us.

A.some good pieces of news

B.some pieces of good news

C.some good piece of news

D.some piece of good new


