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We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a very good job. 1.

So, you have to give a speech and you are terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience. Later you think, “Thank Goodness, it’s over. I’m just not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.”

Cheer up! 2.Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of your time doing your research. Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly. 3. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Just remember: Be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be brief. 4. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience. If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches ! You’re not convinced yet? 5.

A. It doesn’t have to be that bad.

B. Take several deep breaths before your speech.

C. This article gives some advice on how to give good speech.

D. Say what you have to say and then stop.

E. Don’t say what you aren’t familiar with.

F. Never forget your audience.

G. Give it a try and see what happens.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安临潼区华清中学高三一模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Homework and stress are rarely reduced inside the classroom.Meanwhile,outside the classroom,the pressure is on to find scholarships for college.

According to Braintrack,a higher education database with worldwide reach,more than 3 billion US dollars (18 billion yuan) in private scholarships are awarded to college students annually.Average awards range from $2,000 to $3,000.

The scholarship application process is similar to the college application process: forms to be completed,test scores and transcripts to be sent,essays to be written and often interviews to be prepared for.

A few great places to start looking for scholarships are: www.fastweb.com,www.finaid.org and www.collegexpress.com.Check out the annual scholarship guidebooks Scholarships,Grants & Prizes by Peterson’s and the Ultimate Scholarship Book: Billions of Dollars in Scholarships,Grants and Prizes by Gen Tanabe and Kelly Tanabe.

Be selective.Thoroughly research the qualifications required by each of the scholarships.Don’t waste your time applying for those that are need based if you can’t produce the appropriate documents.

Research past recipients (接受者).Check out the websites of the organizations sponsoring the scholarships.Many post the biographies of past recipients.You don’t need to have cured cancer,but if you don’t think your résumé (履历) measures up to the past winners’,you might be better served by moving onto the next scholarship on your list.Prepare for the interview.

You’ll want to dazzle them with your personality,but above all you’ll want to be prepared.Find someone you trust to conduct a similar interview with you – someone who will be honest with you and provide valuable suggestions.

Let your personality shine through in your essays.The essays are the best way for students to share who they are,where they’ve come from,what they’ve overcome and so on.Tell your story in an interesting and persuasive way.And if you do have an interview,send a thank you note afterward.

By Lee Bierer

1.What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?

A.To explain where to find scholarships for US colleges.

B.To inform readers of the scholarship application process.

C.To introduce some typical scholarships offered by US colleges.

D.To give tips on applying for US college scholarships.

2.If you want to learn about past recipients of a scholarship,you can use ______.


B.the annual scholarship guidebooks published by Peterson’s

C.the websites of the organizations sponsoring the scholarships

D.The Ultimate Scholarship Book: Billions of Dollars in Scholarships,Grants and Prizes

3.The underlined word “dazzle” in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to ___.

A.influence B.impress C.guide D.present

4.To increase your chance of winning a scholarship,you are advised to ____.

A.apply for as many scholarships as you can

B.tell an interesting story in your essay

C.do a similar interview to help you prepare for the real one

D.have a talk with past recipients and try to talk like they do


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河北省高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

There are advantage for students to work while studying at school.One of them was that they can earn money.In the most part,students working to earn money for their own use.Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything as if they please.They would have to ask their parents for money or for permission to do things by the money.Some students may also to save up for our college or future use.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南省百校联盟高三11月教育教学质量检测A卷英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The World Health Organization warns that millions of people are dying every year from indoor air pollution. The WHO finds that poor cooking, heating and lighting technologies are killing millions of people each year.

Indoor air pollution results from the use of dangerous fuels and cook-stoves in the home. To help fight the problem, the WHO announced, new guidelines aimed at reducing household pollutants.

WHO officials say nearly three billion people are unable to use clean fuels and technologies for cooking? heating and lighting. And they say more than seven million people die from exposure to indoor or outdoor air pollution each year. Of that number, the WHO says about 4. 3 million people die from household air pollution given off by simple coal cook-stoves. Most of the deaths are in developing countries.

Carlos Dora is Coordinator in the WHO's Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health. He says people should not use unprocessed coal and kerosene fuel indoors. He says opening a window or door to let out the harmful air will not improve the situation. It will only pollute the outdoors.

WHO officials say indoor pollution leads to early deaths from stroke, heart and lung disease, childhood pneumonia(肺炎) and lung cancer. Women and girls are the main victims. The United Nations found that more than 95 percent of households in sub-Saharan Africa depend on solid fuels for cooking. It says huge populations in India, China and Latin American countries, such as Guatemala and Peru, are also at risk.

Nigel Bruce is a professor of Public Health at the University of Liverpool. He says researchers are developing good cook-stoves and other equipment to burn fuels in a more efficient way.

WHO experts note some new, safe and low-cost technologies that could help are already available. In India, you can buy an induction(电磁) stove for about $ 8.00. And in Africa a you can buy a solar lamp for less than $ 1. 00.

1.What has been done to reduce indoor air pollution?

A. The WHO provided selfless assistance for the poor.

B. People are forbidden to use coal-stoves inside.

C. The WHO issues official advice to cut down pollution,

D. People are taught how to correctly use their stoves.

2.According to WHO officials, we can know that

A. many people refuse to use clean fuels and technologies

B. seven million people die from indoor air pollution

C. simple coal cook-stoves cause too many deaths

D. the processed coal is dangerous to people’s heath

3.It can be concluded from the fifth paragraph that .

A. most children are suffering a lot from lung cancer

B. solid fuels are easily producing pollutants

C. sub-Saharan Africa is the poorest place

D. some countries are at the risk of using up fuels

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. More and more will die in the future.

B. It is not hard to solve indoor air pollutants.

C. Most people cannot afford a new stove.

D. The WHO will take strong measures.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川眉山中学高一上学期半期英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Rather than _______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ______ a bike.

A. ride; to ride B. riding; ride

C. ride; ride D. to ride; riding


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邯郸魏县一中、曲周一中高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Comfort zone is the mental place surrounded by borders in our mind where we feel secure.Even though this comfort area and its boundaries are just a state of mind that has nothing to do with reality,it plays a huge role in the progress of our development.Since the comfort zone is limited,there is not much benefit for you inside your comfort zone.Nothing new will happen until you open yourself and leave your comfort zone.

Even though your background may be affecting your present situation,what really matters is not where you were born,your skin color,race,age,gender,religion,government,or even the poor environment in which you have been living for so many years,but what really matters and makes a big difference in your life is your attitude,to understand your comfort zone,how you limit yourself within it,who you are,why you behave the way you do it,and mainly where you are going.

Sadly many people don’t go anywhere because they stay within their comfort zone.They accept defeat after defeat before even trying or knowing how capable or valuable they really are.These circumstances are not the cause of our actual situation but the conformism (因循守旧) and the poverty of our thoughts and therefore the weakness of our broken spirit. Leave your past behind;constantly transcend (超越) your comfort zone!Your past within this comfort zone is nothing but a wasted load that you don’t need to carry at all.

Take constant action as many times as it is required and never,never quit. As Napoleon Hill said,“A quitter never wins and a winner never quits. Defeat is never a failure;no circumstance ever is failure until it is accepted by the individual as a failure.” Nothing is impossible for an optimist attitude;everything is possible when we start blindly trusting ourselves,when we have a burning desire to succeed and a blind determination to make our dreams come true;everything is possible when we don’t take a no for an answer.

1. What is comfort zone according to the passage?

A.A place in our realistic life where we obtain comfort.

B.A mental place in our mind where we stick to our beliefs.

C.A limited place in our mind where we feel safe.

D.A secret place in our mind where we communicate with ourselves.

2. The author believes staying in our comfort zone can________.

A.prevent us from being aware of the reality

B.protect us from the cruel reality

C.push our development in life

D.stop us making progress in life

3. Napoleon Hill is quoted in the last paragraph to show that________.

A.one should not quit in order to succeed

B.a successful person can’t leave his comfort zone

C.there is a great difference between defeat and failure

D.it is important to take constant actions

4.The writing style of this passage can be described as________.

A.defensive B.persuasive

C.subjective D.supportive


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃积石山积石中学高一上10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Friends come to visit us in the evening, they spend their time telling us they are in a hurry and looking at their watches.It isn’t that our friends are all very busy, it is just that When we haven’t got a television.People think that we are very strange.“But what do you do in the evening?”,they are always asking.The answer is very simple.Both my wife and I have hobbies.We certainly don’t spend our evenings staring at the walls.My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages.This is particularly useful as we often go abroad for our holidays.I collect stamps and I’m always busy with my collection.Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together.

Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house.This does not worry us, we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before.Our friends, however, are lost---no television!---So they don’t know what to do.On such evenings our house is very full ---they all come to us.They all have a good time.Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games.

1.The couple have not got a television, because

A. they are not rich enough

B. they are strange people

C. they enjoy spending evenings in their own ways

D. they don’t know what to do when there are power cuts

2.Both of the couple are interested in

A. learning languages

B. traveling

C. staying home alone

D. watching people play games

3.At night when there is no electricity, the couple

A. have to stare at the walls

B. can do nothing but sit in silence

C. will have many visitors

D. have to go out for candles

4.The writer tries to tell us that ____.

A. the television is useful

B. electricity is important

C. life is enjoyable without television

D. life is impossible without a television


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川广元市高三上学期第三次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

You know eating fruit and vegetables does good. But do you know it can also make you look good? People who increased their intake over just six weeks developed a healthy glow and appeared more attractive, researchers found. Scientists at St Andrews University found eating them slightly increased yellow and red pigments in the volunteers' skin. They monitored the food intake of 35 people and took pictures of their faces, arms and hands using a sensitive camera at the start, and after three and six weeks. Increasing their intake of greens by 2.9 portions a day was found to make the person look more healthy and an extra 3.3 portions could enhance their attractiveness, when their photographs were rated by others.

Fruit and vegetables are rich in carotenoids(类胡萝卜素),which are known to protect against cell damage from pollution and UV rays, and can also prevent age-related diseases including heart disease and cancer. But while it was known eating extreme amounts of certain vegetables such as carrots could turn skin orange,it was not known a small increase was perceptible(被觉察)to others—and was seen as appealing.

A camera measured changes to the skin's redness, yellowness and lightness, and found it significantly changed in people who naturally increased their intake. These changes were not evident in three weeks. Using light sensors, the researchers showed these red and yellow hues were linked with the levels of carotenoids in their skin. There are hundreds of carotenoids but those thought to have the most dramatic effect are lycopene(番茄红素)—which gives tomatoes and red peppers their red colour—and beta-carotene found in carrots as well as broccoli, squash, and spinach. Skin colour is also affected by chemicals called polyphenols(多元酚),found in apples, blueberries and cherries, which cause blood rush to the skin surface.

1.What do we know from the research?

A. If you take in a little more fruit and vegetables, you will obviously look more attractive in three weeks.

B. People who increased their intake of greens by 3.3 portions a day were found the most attractive after six weeks.

C. Increasing your intake of greens by 2.9 portions a day can greatly improve your health.

D. The researchers took the pictures of the 35 people in the research at different stages.

2.Which of the following is NOT the function of carotenoids?

A. They can protect against cell damage from pollution and UV rays.

B. They can prevent heart disease and cancer.

C. They can keep you in good health.

D. They can prevent age-related diseases.

34. 3.Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. We've already known eating extreme amounts of carrots can turn skin orange.

B. We knew in the past that eating a few more carrots could make us look appealing.

C. The research showed the improvement in skin is linked with the levels of carotenoids in it.

D. Among hundreds of carotenoids, lycopene is thought to have the most dramatic effect

4.Which can be the best title of the passage?

A. Eating fruit and vegetables does good.

B. Eating fruit and vegetables makes you look good.

C. How to become attractive?

D. Fruit and vegetables are rich in carotenoids.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南顶级名校高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

In life people make many decisions, some of what are so important that they affect us greatly.

My latest decision is made when I entered Senior 3 in Miss Zhang's class. Since I was not good in English, Miss Zhang asked me to listen attentive in class and put down some important notes. Therefore, I was never a good listener. I went on in my own way , ignore her suggestions completely until Miss Zhang had talk with me. He made me realize the importance of note-taking.

From this experience, I have realized a good decision benefits from people. We should learn to take others’ advices and do the right things.

