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    Recently some American scientists have given a useful piece of advice to people in industrialized nations.
They say people should eat more of the same kind of food eaten by humans living more than 10,000 years
     The scientists say that the human life has changed greatly.Our bodies have not been able to deal with
these changes in lifestyle and this had led to new kinds of sicknesses.2.________So they are called
"diseases of civilization".Many cancers and diseases of the blood system are examples of such diseases.
     Scientists noted that people in both the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age enjoyed very little
alcohol or tobacco,probably none.3.________However,a change in food is one of the main differences
between life in ancient times and that of today.
     Stone Age people hunted wild animals for their meat,which had much less fat than domestic ones.They
ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruits.They did not have milk or any other dairy products,and they
made very little use of grains.4.________We eat six times more salt than our ancestors.We eat more
sugar.We eat twice as much fat but only one third as much protein and much less vitamin C.
     5.________But scientists say that we would be much healthier if we eat much the same way the
ancient people did,cutting the amount of fatty,salty and sweet food.
A.Stone Age people lived a simple life.
B.But today,we enjoy eating a lot of these.
C.In that case,they would live much healthier.
D.Ancient people also got lots of physical exercise.
E.These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times.
F.People today probably don't want to live like our ancestors.
G.Modern people used to suffer from "diseases of civilization".

科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

阅读课文"A Night the Earth Didn't Sleep",然后完成 Information about Tangshan Earthquake

The   time and place It happened on 
1._______ 28, 1976 in Tangshan,
2. _________Province.
Something before the earthquake The water in the 3._________ rose and fell over and over.
The well walls had deep 4._______in
them and a smelly 5. ________came out of them.
Some 6.________became  abnormal
The sound of planes could be heard and the
water pipes cracked and 7. ___________   .
The damages of the earthquake The number of people killed or injured in
the earthquake reached over 8. _________.
Many people died or were 9._________
and many children became orphans. Nearly
everything was 10._______


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

      Every year, earthquakes are responsible for a large number of deaths and vast amounts of destruction(破坏) in various parts of the world. There are about a million quakes a year. Fortunately, however, not
all of them are destructive. The intensity (强度) of an earthquake is measured on the Richter Scale, which goes from zero upward. The highest magnitude recorded to date is 8.9Major damage generally occurs
from quakes ranging upwards from 6.0.
     The actual cause of earthquake itself is the breaking of rocks at or below the breaking of rocks or
below the earth's surface. This is produced by pressure which scientists believe may be due to a number
of reasons, two of which are the changed of the earth's crust (外壳) and continental drift(漂流).
      In order to minimize the damage and to decrease some of the pain resulting from earthquakes,
scientists are working on ways to improve accurate prediction. Two kinds of the instruments now in use
to achieve this goal are seismograph(地震仪) and tilt (倾斜) meter. The former records any shaking of
the earth. Seismologists ca accurately record the exact time, location and size of an earthquake. The latter, as the name suggests, is used to record any changes in the tilt of the land.
1. Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. The highest magnitude of earthquake recorded is 8.9
B. Major damage usually happens when the intensity of an earthquake is below 6.0
C. Scientists usually use seismographs and tilt meters to predict earthquakes now.
D. Continental drift may cause an earthquake.
2. What's the main idea of the passage?
A.  Earthquakes can cause a lot of damage.
A.Scientists are working hard to predict the earthquakes.
B.The reason why earthquakes happen.
C.Introduce the earthquake and its prediction.  
3. Where does the passage mot likely come from? 
A. A newspaper.  
B. A report    
C. A science magazine.    
D. A history book.  


科目:高中英语 来源:北京高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Grown-ups know that people and objects are solid. At the movies, we know that if we reach out to
touch Tom Cruise, all we will feel is air. But does a baby have this understanding?
     To see whether babies know objects are solid, T. Bower designed a method for projecting an optical
illusion (视觉影像) of a hanging ball. His plan was to first give babies a real ball, one they could reach out
and touch, and then to show them the illusion. If they knew that objects are solid and they reached out for
the illusion and found empty air, they could be expected to show surprise in their faces and movements.
All the 16-to 24- week -old babies tested were surprised when they reached for the illusion and found that
the ball was not there.
     Grown-ups also have a sense of object permanence. We know that if we put a box in a room and lock
the door, the box will still be there when we come back. But does a baby realize that a ball that rolls under a
chair does not disappear and go to never-never land?
     Experiments done by Bower suggest that babies develop a sense of object permanence when they are
about 18 weeks old. In his experiments, Bower used a toy train that went behind a screen. When
16-week-old and 22-week-old babies watched the toy train disappear behind the left side of the screen,
they looked to the right, expecting it to reappear. If the experimenter took the train off the table and lifted the
screen, all the babies seemed surprised not to see the train. This seems to show that all the babies had a sense
of object permanence. But the second part of the experiment showed that this was not really the case. The
researcher substituted (替换) a ball for the train when it went behind the screen. The 22-week-old babies
seemed surprised and looked back to the left side for the train. But the 16-week -old babies did not seem to
notice the switch (更换). Thus, the 16-week-old babies seemed to have a sense of "something permanence,"
while the 22-week-old babies had a sense of object permanence related to a particular object.
1. The passage is mainly about _____.
A. babies' sense of sight
B. effects of experiments on babies
C. babies' understanding of objects
D. different tests on babies' feelings
2. In Paragraph 3," object permanence" means that when out of sight, an object ______.
A. still exists
B. keeps its shape
C. still stays solid
D. is beyond reach
3. What did Bower use in his experiments?
A. A chair.
B. A screen.
C. A film.
D. A box.
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The babies didn't have a sense of direction.
B. The older babies preferred toy trains to balls.
C. The younger babies liked looking for missing objects.
D. The babies couldn't tell a ball from its optical illusion.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Keeping a full social calendar may help protect you from dementia (痴呆),  researchers said on
Monday.Socially active people who were not easily stressed had a 50 percent lower risk of developing
dementia compared with men and women who were isolated and prone to distress,  they reported in the
journal Neurology.
     "In the past,  studies have shown that chronic distress (长期抑郁) can affect parts of the brain,  
possibly leading to dementia,  " HuiXin Wang of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden,  who led the study,  
said in a statement."But our findings suggest that having a calm and outgoing personality in combination
with a socially active lifestyle may decrease the risk of developing dementia even further."
     An estimated 24 million people worldwide have memory loss,  problems with direction and other
symptoms that signal Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.Researchers believe the number of
people with dementia may quadruple (变为四倍) by 2050,  underlining the importance of better
understanding the condition.
     The Swedish study involved 506 elderly people who did not have dementia when first examined.The
volunteers were given questionnaires about their personality traits and lifestyles and then tracked for six
years.Over that time,144 people developed dementia with more socially active and less stressed men and women 50 percent less likely to be diagnosed with the condition.
     "The good news is,  lifestyle factors can be modified as opposed to genetic factors which cannot be
controlled,  " Wang said."But these are early results,  so how exactly mental attitude influences risk for
dementia is not clear."
1. Study suggests that________.
A. women have a 50 percent lower risk of developing dementia than men
B. 50 percent of elderly people have the risk of developing dementia
C. people with active lifestyles will never develop dementia
D. going to a party will cut the risk of developing dementia
2. ________people are believed to develop dementia in one year on average in the future 40 years.
A. About 1.8 million
B. About 24 million
C. About 72 million  
D. About 96 million
3. It can be inferred that________could be a good way to decrease the risk of developing dementia.
A. living alone in a deserted island
B. modifying genetic factors
C. changing lifestyles
D. getting away from activities
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. It is not clear whether mental attitude influences the risk of developing dementia.
B. The people involved in the Swedish study are never diagnosed with dementia.
C. Memory loss,  direction confusion could be the symptoms of dementia.
D. The number of people with calm and outgoing personality is growing.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       It’s true that teens don’t get enough sleep,but changing the school starting time would have a chaoticeffect and throw everyone off balance.
       Scientists have shown that teens are more active later at night than children and adults,so most
teens areprobably staying up later for whatever reasons.“The researchers measured the presence of the
sleeppromoting hormone (荷尔蒙) in teenagers’ saliva (唾液) at different time of the day.They learned
that the hormone levels rise later at night than they do in children and adults-and remain at a higher level
later in the morning.Measuring the hormone in the saliva is a good way to show that most teens have
sleep problems,but changing school schedules isn’t the best way to fix this.Most people arguing against
changing school schedules would say that it would only cause teens to stay up and wake up later,thus
leaving them with the same problem.
      The biggest problem schools would come across from changing their schedules would be the after
school and job conflicts students and teachers would meet.“Teachers reported that students were more
alert,and research showed that afterschool sports and jobs would suffer.Students in that area might have been able to deal with less time for jobs and sports somehow,but some of them have practice and earlier plans that would become conflicted if this change were to occur.Most students rarely have time to play a
sport and do homework before 9 or 10 o’clock.Opening schools later may have worked for some areas,but the reality is often very different.

1.The meaning of the underlined word “chaotic”in the 1st paragraph is close to________.


2.Most teens have sleep problems because________.

A.they are more active than children and adults
B.school work takes up most of their time
C.their hormone levels are higher later at night
D.they probably like staying up for no reason

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.There are many conflicts between students and teachers.
B.Some of the teachers have practice and earlier plans.
C.Most students are able to do sport and homework before 9?00.
D.Ways to solve students’ sleep problem vary from area to area.

4.The passage mainly develops by________.

A.giving reasons  
B.showing examples
C.comparing facts 
D.offering solutions


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省模拟题 题型:句型转换


     Singing are the pupils of the remote Beau-Roc primary school in Haiti. One of them plays a guitar
made from an empty oil tin. Their headmistress, Emile Jean-Noel, is one of the few women school
principals in the country.
     Over 70 % of Haitian population live below the poverty line with inadequate food, water, schools,
or housing. To reduce the hunger that prevents learning and to encourage parents to send their children
to school, meals are provided by the World Food Programme.
     "We are so cut off we have many difficulties," comments Emile, adding that finding chalk, school
books and other materials is practically impossible. Emile tries to encourage those around her to make
use of all available resources. Her efforts are bearing fruit. One of her successes was convincing local
women to contribute to their children's schooling and increase their own income by selling embroidery
(刺绣) and other handicrafts.
     Recent political instability has meant that the country has not invested in education for ten years.
Enrolment(入学) is a mere 44 per cent and a little less than a half of those entering primary school finish
it. Less than a third of these go on to secondary school. In rural areas it is not rare to find 17- and
18 year-olds in primary school. Beau-Roc has only 4 teachers for 260 pupils. Emile works constantly
 to improve her pupils'environment. Under her direction, a local worker is now constructing a storehouse
for the food delivered regularly by the World Food Programme.
     Not only is Emile's salary too little, but she receives it irregularly. For her, transport is a real headache. She lives five kilometers away and has to take a privately-owned bus, costing more than she can afford.
     "The decision to be a rural teacher in Haiti should not be taken lightly", Emile comments. "With all the
sacrifices and risks it requires, only those who are really cut out for teaching should do it." Nevertheless,
Emile loves her job. "I always feel at home with the children and, the parents understand what I'm doing."

1. What theme is presented in this passage?
A. Devotion to education.
B. Poverty and hardship.
C. Politics and children  
D. Love and beauty
2. Which of the following is extremely difficult for Beau-Roc primary school?
A. Teaching the women how to make embroidery and other handicrafts.
B. Persuading local women to care about their children's education.
C. Encouraging those around her to use those available resources.
D. Finding chalk, school books and other materials.
3.  In the last paragraph, "those who are really cut out for teaching" are those who are ________.
A. dismissed from teaching
B. unfamiliar with teaching
C. qualified for teaching
D. cautious about teaching


科目:高中英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     It is difficult to imagine what life will be like without memory.The meanings of thousands of
everyday perceptions(感觉、知觉), the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our
habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by
     Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.It includes
not only "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in
the way an animal typically behaves.Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain
because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile.Memory is also involved when
a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.
     Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and
machines.Computers, for example, contain devices from storing data for later use.It is
interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being.
The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"-ready for
instant use.An average U.S.teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000
words of English.However, this is but a fraction(部分、片断) of the total amount of
information which the teenager has stored.Consider, for example, the number of faces and
places that the teenager can recognize on sight.
     The use of words is the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings.A large
part of a person's memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.
1.According to the passage, memory is considered to be ________.
A.the basis for decision making and problem solving
B.an ability to store experiences of future use
C.an intelligence typically possessed by human beings
D.the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words
2.The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that ________.
A.the computer's memory has a little bigger capacity than a teenager's
B.the computer's memory capacity is much smaller than an adult human being's
C.the computer's memory's capacity is much smaller even than a teenager's
D.both A and B
3.The whole passage implies that _______.
A.only human beings have problem-solving intelligence
B.a person's memory is different from a computer's in every aspect
C.animals are able to solve only very simple problems
D.animals solve problems by instincts rather than intelligence
4.The topic of the passage is __________.
A.What would life be like without memory?
B.Memory is of vital importance to life.
C.How is a person's memory different from an animal's or a computer's?
D.What is contained in memory?


科目:高中英语 来源:上海高考真题 题型:阅读理解

A. When a child should learn to read
B. Why it is fun to teach a child reading
C. What if a child has reading problems
D. How you prepare a young child for reading
E. What is the best way to teach a child reading
F. Whether reading early promises later achievements
1. _____
Learning to read early has become one of those indicators - in parents' minds at least - that their child is
smart. In fact, reading early has very little to do with whether a child is successful academically. Research
has shown that difficulty with reading is often due not to inferior intelligence but to differences in the
developmental wiring of each individual child. In some cases, there are neurological problems and developmental lags that can be overcome with proper training.
Traditionally, American schools teach children at age six, but many schools begin teaching informally in
kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. If parents start too early to encourage reading, and a child does not
immediately succeed, the parent has a hard time relaxing and letting the child go at his or her own pace.
3. _____
Over the years, research has proved that the use of both the "whole language" method and the "phonic"
method works best for a child to master reading. While the whole language approach, which includes
reading to children and getting them interested in both the activity of reading and the story they are
reading, is helpful, phonics must be taught. Children must be taught that one of the squiggles they see is
a "p" and another a "b". Getting the print off the page requires a different ability than being able to
understand the meaning of what is written.
4.  _____
You can start developing the skills needed in reading at a very young age without putting any pressure on
children. Besides reading to them, parents can start "ear training" their child by playing thyme games. This
develops the child's ability to recognize different sounds. In reading to children, parents also can point to
words as they go, teaching the child that the funny lines on the page are the words you are saying. All this
should be a fun activity.
Once a child is in school, the learning of reading is inevitably more serious. For children who have some
kind of reading difficulty, you must get a professional diagnosis. While the teacher might say the child is
merely disinterested but will get over it, disinterest or poor performance in reading can stem from a
number of things, some being very specific learning disabilities that can be identified and worked on. But it
is very tricky for parents to deal with their own child's learning disabilities.

