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I can hardly imagine Peter ________ across the Atlantic Ocean in five years.

[  ]

C.to sail
D.to have sailed



科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈新内参·高考(专题)模拟测试卷·英语 题型:050


  “Let's go down one more, push your enter key…”says a volunteer helping senior citizens work a web(网)session on the Internet.

  David Lansdale has found a way to light up the lives of the elderly. He gets them wired to the Inter net. “If you hit your enter key, it will bring up this particular email”

  Pauline Allen is one of those who have started using the Internet,“I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 year; old. And I haven't found the rocking chair yet”“You found the keyboard?”asks the reporter.“That's right, I found the keyboard.”

  The average age of Lansdale's students is around 68. All are in nursing or assisted care homes. He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web.

  David Lansdale says,“Here they are in California, the family was back in New York, the opportunity to connect, to cross the time and space, was incredibly precious(valuable) opportunity to them.”

  “I hear you are so beautiful.”Lillian Sher writes an email to a newborn great granddaughter. Working with one another, the senior learn as a group. They learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized: loneliness, helplessness, boredom, and loss of memory.

  Mary Harvey says,“Bingo just doesn't interest me . But this does. Believe me, this does.”Ninetyfouryearold Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor. She says,“When I send a letter to my grandchildren, and great grandchildren, they hang it up their in offices, just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator. Ha, ha.”

  David Lansdale says,“There's a collective benefit. There is an element(因素)of treatment. Re member we started as a support group.”

  Dixon Moorehouse says,“I just wish I was 15 years old and getting to learn all this.”The senior call their weekly meetings Monday Night Live. And many say the meetings have given them new life. Ruth Hyman says,“Three years ago, they told me I wasn't going to live. But I showed them, and got work, and I've worked ever since.”

1.The purpose of David Lansdale's work is to ________

[  ]

A.keep the minds of the senior healthy

B.popularize the use of computer' among the old

C.organize the senior as a group to work

D.help the senior connect with their families

2.The words “the maladies of the institutionalized”used in the text refer to ________.

[  ]

A.the difficulties in learning

B.the problems caused by getting old

C.some kinds of treatments

D.the worries about the Internet

3.How many examples does the writer give to prove that the senior enjoy the Internet?

[  ]


4.It can be inferred that Ruth Hyman's younger generations hang her mails up ________.

[  ]

A.in order to lose the letters

B.in order not to forget something important

C.to make the offices more beautiful

D.to show pride in their grandmother's work


科目:高中英语 来源:素质教育新教案·高中英语·第一册(上) 题型:050


  “Let’s go down one more, push your enter key… ”says a volunteer helping senior (老年的) citizens work a web session on the Internet.

  David Lansdale has found a way to light up the lives of the elderly. He gets them wired to the Internet. “If you hit your enter key, it will bring up this particular email… ”

  Pauline Alien is one of those who have started using the Internet. “I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 years old. And I haven’t found the rocking chair yet. ”“You found the keyboard? ”asks the reporter. “That’s right. I found the keyboard. ”

  The average age of Lansdale's students is around 68.All are in nursing or assisted care homes. He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web.

  David Lansdale says, “Here they are in California, the family are back in New York, the opportunity to connect, to cross the time and space, is precious to them. ”

  “I hear you are so beautiful. ”Lillian Shyer writes an email to a newborn great-granddaughter. Working with one another, the seniors learn as a group. They learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized: loneliness, helplessness, boredom and loss of memory.

  Mary Harvey says, “Bingo just doesn’t interest me. But this does, believe me, this does. ”

  Ninety-four years old Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor. She says, “When I send a letter to my grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, they hang it up in their offices, just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator. Ha, ha. ”

  David Lansdale says, “There’s a collective benefit. This is a treatment. Remember we started as a support group. ”

  Dixon Moorehouse says, “I just wish I was 15 years old and getting to learn all this. ”The seniors call their weekly meeting Monday Night Live. And many say the meetings have given them new life.

  Ruth Hyman says, “Three years ago. they told me I wasn't going to live. But I showed them, and got work. and I've worked ever since. ”

1.The purpose of David Lansdale's work is to ________ .

[  ]

A.keep the health of the mind of the seniors

B.popularize the use of computers among the old

C.organize the seniors as a group to work

D.help the seniors connect with their families

2.The underlined words“the maladies of the institutionalized”used in the passage refer to ________ .

[  ]

A.the difficulties in learning

B.the problems caused by getting old

C.some kinds of treatments

D.the worries about the Internet

3.How many examples does the writer give to prove that the seniors enjoy the Internet?

[  ]


4.It can be inferred that Ruth Hyman’s younger generations hang her mails up ________ .

[  ]

A.in order not to lose the letters

B.in order not to forget something important

C.to make the offices more beautiful

D.to take pride in their grandmother’s work


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈题库 练考新课堂 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  “Let's go down one more, push your enterkey… ” says a volunteer helping senior citizens work a web session on the Internet.

  David Lansdale has found a way to light up the lives of the elderly. He gets them wired to the Internet, “If you hit your enter key, it will bring up this particular e-mail…”

  Pauline Allen is one of those who have started using the Internet, “I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 years old. And I haven't found the rocking chair yet.” “You found the keyboard?” asks the reporter. “That's right, I found the keyboard.”

  The average age of Lansdale's students is around 68. All are in nursing or assisted care homes. He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web.

  David Lansdale says, “Herethey are in California, the family was back in New York, the opportunity to connect, to cross the time and space, was incredibly precious (valuable)opportunity to them.”

  “I hear you are so beautiful.” Lillian Sher writes an e-mail to a newborn great granddaughter. Working with one another, the senior learn as a group. They learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized:loneliness, helplessness, boredom, and loss of memory.

  Mary Harvey says, “Bingo just doesn't interest me. But this does, believe me, this does.” Ninety-four-year-old Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor. She says, “When I send a letter to my grandchildren, and great grandchildren, they hang it up in their offices, just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator. Ha, ha.”

  David Lansdale says, “There's a collective benefit. There is an element(因素)of treatment. Remember we started as a support group.”

  Dixon Moorehouse says, “I just wish I was 15 years old and getting to learn all this.” The senior call their weekly meetings Monday Night Live. And many say the meetings have given them new life.

  Ruth Hyman says, “Three years ago, they told me I wasn't going to live. But I showed them, and got work, and I've worked ever since.”

1.The purpose of David Lansdale's work is to ________.

[  ]

A.keep the minds of the senior healthy

B.popularize the use of computers among the old

C.organize the senior as a group to work

D.help the senior connect with their families

2.The words “the maladies of the institutionalized” used in the text refer to ________.

[  ]

A.the difficulties in learning

B.the problems caused by getting old

C.some kinds of treatments

D.the worries about the Internet

3.How many examples does the writer give to prove that the senior enjoy the Internet?

[  ]


4.It can be inferred that Ruth Hyman's younger generations hang her mails up ________.

[  ]

A.in order to lose the letters

B.in order not to forget something important

C.to make the offices more beautiful

D.to show pride in their grandmother's work

5.What's the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.How to keep healthy

B.The problems of the old

C.Senior citizens on the Internet

D.A school for the senior people


科目:高中英语 来源:教材全解 高中英语 必修3 冀教版 题型:050


  “Let's go down one more, push your enter key…”says a volunteer helping senior citizens work a web session on the Internet.

  David Lansdale had found a way to light up the lives of the elderly.He gets them wired to the Internet.“If you hit your enter key, it will bring up this particular e-mail…”

  Pauline Allen is one of those who has started using the Internet,“I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 years old.And I haven't found the rocking chair yet.”“You found the keyboard?”asks the reporter.“That's right, I found the keyboard.”

  The average age for Lansdale's students is around 68.All are in nursing or assisted care homes.He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web.

  David Lansdale says,“Here they are in California, the family was back in New York, the opportunity to connect, to cross the time and space, was incredibly precious opportunity to them.”

  “I hear you are so beautiful.”Lillian she writes an e-mail to a newborn great-granddaughter.Working with one another, the senior learn as a group.They learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized:loneliness, helplessness, boredom, and loss of memory.

  Mary Harvey says,“Bingo just doesn't interest me.But this does, believe me, this does.”

  Ninety-four-year old Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor.She says,“When I send a letter to my grandchildren, and great grandchildren, they hang it up in their offices, just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator.Ha, ha.”

  David Lansdale says,“There's a collective benefit.There is an element of treatment.Remember we started as a support group.”

  Dixon Moorehouse says,“I just wish I was 15 years old and getting to learn all this.”The senior call their weekly meetings Monday Night Live.And many say the meetings have given them new life.

  Ruth Hyman says,“Three years ago, they told me I wasn't going to live.But I showed them, and got work, and I've worked ever since.”


The purpose of David Landsdale's work is to ________.

[  ]


keep the mind of the senior healthy


popularize the use of computers among the old


organize the senior as a group to work


help the senior connect with their families


The words“the maladies of the institutionalized”used in the text refer to ________.

[  ]


the difficulties in learning


the problems caused by getting old


some kinds of treatments


the worries about the Internet


How many examples does the writer give to prove that the senior enjoy the Internet?

[  ]










It can be inferred that Ruth Hyman's younger generations hang her mails up ________.

[  ]


in order not to lose the letters


in order not to forget something important


to make the offices more beautiful


to show pride in their grandmother's work


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年普通高校招生考试浙江卷英语 题型:050


  It was Satuday.As always, it was the one, for “Six days, shall you labar and all your work”was taken senously back then, Outside, Father and Mr.Patnce ncxt door were bxsy conny tcood lnside the wiel users Mother ane Mrs.Patrick were enpted in seeng cleaning

  Somehow the boy s had shipped away to the back lot with their kites.Now, evet at the reis of having Brother caught to beat carpets.they had sent him to the kitchen tox exsre xding, sccmed there was no limt to the heights to which kites would fly today

  My mothe looked at the sitting room, its furndign disordered for a tborough sweeting.Again she cast a look toward the window “Come on, girls! Let's take sing to the beer and theem a tutue”

  On the way we met Mrs.Patrick, Ianghing guiltily as if she wrig doing woeig wrong

  The never was such a day for flying kites! We played all our frsh string into the boys' kites up higher and higher, We could hardly distingwish the orang-coloced sports of the kites Now and then we slowly pullked one kite back, watching it dancing upo and down in the wind and finally bringing it down to earth, just for the joy of sending yt up again

  Even out fathers dropped their tools and joined us.Out mothers look their turn, laughing like schoolgirls Ithink we were all beside ourselves Parents forgx their daty and their dignity; children for everyday fights and little jealousies."Perhaps it's like this in the some of heafer,"I thought confusedly.

  It we growing dark before we all walked sleepily back to the housew.Isuppose we had some chean and orderly enough.The strange thing was, we didn't mention that ady afterward Ifelt a little embarrasse.Surely none of the of the others had been as exceted as I Ikxked the memory up in that deepest part of me where we keep “the things that cannot be and yet they are”

  The years went on, then one day Iwas hurrying about my kitchen in a city apartment, trying to get some work out of the way while my three-year-old, sisrently cried her desire to go park, see duck

  “I can't go!”I said.”“I have this angt and when I'm through I'll be too rired to walk that far

  My mother, who was visiting us, go up from the peas she was shelling It's a wllderful day, she offered, really warm, yet there's a fine breeu.Do you remimber that day we flew kites?

  I stoppoed in my dash between store and sink.The locked door flew open and with it a rush of memorese Come on, I told my little girl You're right, it's too good d day to miss.

  Another decade passed, We were in the aftennath(余波)of a great war, All evening we had been asking our returned soldier, the youngest Patrick Boy, about his experiences as a prisone war, He has ked freely, but now for a long time he had been silent, What was he thinking of-what dark and horrible things?

  "Sany!"A smile shpped out frow his jips."Do you remem-no, of course you wouldn't make the impression on you as it did on me.”

  I hardly dared speak,”Remrmber what?

  “I used to think of that day a lot in POW camo(战俘营),when things weren's too good, DO you remember the we flew the kites?


mrs.patnck was laughing gultily because she thought ________

[  ]


she was too old to fly kites


her husband would make fun of her


she shoule have been doing her how


supposed to the don't game


by “we were all beside ourselves writer means that they all ________

[  ]


felt confused


went wild with joy


looked on


forfot their fights


what did the think atfer the kite flying?

[  ]


boys must hace had nore fun than the firls


shoule have finished their work before playing


her parents should spend more time with them


all the others must have forgotten that day


why did the writer finally agree to jtake her little girl for an outing?

[  ]


she suddenluy renmenbered ther duty as mother


she was reminded of the day thety felw kits


she ha dfinished her


she thought it was a


the youngest patrick boy iss mentioned to show that ________

[  ]


the write was not alone in treasuring her fond menories h


his expenience in POW camp threw a shadow over his life


childhood friend\ship means so much to the writer


people like him really changed a lot after the war

