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  Shenzhen, faced Hong Kong across a river in south China's Guangdong


province, hosted 104 millions overseas tourist arrivals in the first


six months of the year, up 344 percent from same period


last year. The city is placed in the first between the leading


tourist cities in the country for the tourism growth rate. Most


of the overseas tourists visited this southern Chinese city on


purposes of entertainment, sightseeing, vacation and visit friends or on


business trips. Shenzhen, that is also one of China's five special economic


zones, had raked in 748 million US dollars from overseas tourism services


from January to June in this year,a rise of 2748 percent year by year.














科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009



 Shirley Temple is remembered throughout the world


as a little girl, who sang and dance in many film.     




Shirley Temple began to do films at the age of five,     




and she was only nine when she played the part of     




Heidi. In almost every part of the world that films     




were seen on TV, children and their parents still     




enjoy     “Heidi and others films from Shirley Temple.    




Although she has appeared in a film for over thirty     




years, her name is still dear to people anywhere.     




She was later out of the film circles, and others knew her     




as an excellent woman with the knowledge of world     




problems. In 1969, President Nixon sent her to work in the United Nations, where her abilities were greatly recognized.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009



 Mrs.    Brown's old grandfather lived


with her and her husband Every morning


he went for a walk in the park and came


home on half past twelve for his lunch.    


1 ________


But one morning a police car stopped


outside of Mrs Brown's house at twelve    


2 ________


o'clock, and two policemen helped an old


man get off the car, one of them says    


3 ________


to Mrs Brown, "The poor old gentleman


lost his way in the park and telephoned you    


4 ________


for help, so we sent a car to bring him    home


Mrs Brown was more surprised, but    


5 ________


she could only thank the policemen and they    left


But,grandfather, she then saying,       


6 ________


You have gone to that park nearly every day 


7 ________


for twenty years How did you lost your way    


8 ________




The old man smiled, closing his eyes    


9 ________


and said, “I did quite lost my way, I just    




got tired and I did not want to walk home on foot



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009



 Before he was a teacher, Bob told me that


he would like to be a lawyerSo he tried her


(1) ______


best to enter into the universityBut he failed


(2) ______


At that time, something unhappy happened in his


family, which made necessary for him to work


(3) ______


in the societyMary is a helpfully and good-


(4) ______


mannered girlAfter she left a school, she


(5) ______


worked in a hospitalShe wished to be a good nurse


The last ones I want to tell you of is AnnLike


(6) ______


her classmates, she has many wishesYet she


(7) ______


failed the exams three timeBecause she didn't


(8) ______


become a film star, she felt very sad, and


hid herself at home for several monthsUnder the


(9) ______


help of her friends, she finally passed through it


Young people are full of wishes and hopes after




they step into the society


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009


In May 31st Miss Huang married my brother.                           1.  

She teaches our English and she’s our head teacher. So                          2.  

I know her very good. She works hard. She’s friendly                         3.  

to all of us and we like her, either. Once our parents were                    4.  

invited to a parent-teacher meeting. My father was                          5.  

busy and my mother was ill that day. But my brother                        6.  

attended to the meeting instead. Some advice of his                         7.  

caught her attention. They’ve been good friend                           8.  

since then. Now I regard her my sister. And she                           9.  

still my teacher. So I’m sure I’ll do better in my English.                     10.   



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


In May 31st Miss Huang married my brother.                           1.  

She teaches our English and she’s our head teacher. So                          2.  

I know her very good. She works hard. She’s friendly                         3.  

to all of us and we like her, either. Once our parents were                    4.  

invited to a parent-teacher meeting. My father was                          5.  

busy and my mother was ill that day. But my brother                        6.  

attended to the meeting instead. Some advice of his                         7.  

caught her attention. They’ve been good friend                           8.  

since then. Now I regard her my sister. And she                           9.  

still my teacher. So I’m sure I’ll do better in my English.                     10.   


