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 _____ a post office, I stopped _____ some stamps.
A. Passed, buying           B. Passing, to buy        C. Having passed, buy    D. Pass, to buy


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省师大附中高一下学期期末模块测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

A farmer had some puppies(小狗)to   36  . He painted a sign advertising the puppies and   37__  nailing (钉)it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, a little boy came to him.
“Mister,” he said, “I want to buy one of your puppies.”
“Well,” said the farmer, as he   38  the sweat off his face, “these puppies come from fine parents and cost   39  money. Do you have enough money?”
The boy    40   his head for a moment. Then reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of   41  and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?” “Sure,” said the farmer. And with that he  42  a whistle (口哨声), “Here, Dolly!” he called.   43  from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly    44  by four little balls of fur. The little boy’ eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their   45  to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse.   46    another little ball appeared; this one noticeably smaller.  Then in a somewhat    47   manner the little pup began hobbling(蹒跚) toward the others, doing its best to    48  .
“I want that one,” the little boy said,   49   to the smallest one. The farmer said, “Son, you don’t want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you   50  these other dogs would.”
With that the little boy   51  back from the fence, and began    52    up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he exposed a steel support running down both sides of his leg   53  itself to a specially made   54   . Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see sir, I don't   55   too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.”

A.sellB.buy C.raiseD.drive
A.set offB.set outC.set aboutD.set up
A.wipedB.removed C.settledD.drove
A.a number ofB.quite a fewC.a great deal ofD.only a little
A.raised B.buried C.droppedD.shook
A.made outB.put awayC.gave awayD.let out
A.In B.AwayC.OutD.Up
A.curiousB.foolish C.ordinaryD.active
A.catch upB.keep upC.put upD.make up
A.staring B.pointingC.greeting D.devoting
A.whileB.asC.that D.what
A.attachingB.attachedC.being attachedD.to attach
A.legB.stick C.shoeD.foot


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宁海外国语学校2009—2010学年高三下学期高考模拟英语试卷(4) 题型:阅读理解

Ben Southall, from Britain, got the world’s best job, as an island caretaker on Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. Towards the end of his six-month contract, he had an incident. Please read his blog issued on Dec. 29, 2009 to find out more about the incident.
Now I’ve spent nearly six months here in Queensland and so far I thought I’d done particularly well at avoiding any contact with any of the dangerous critters that consider this part of the world their home. I’ve avoided being boxed by a kangaroo, nibbled by a shark and bitten by a spider or a snake—but then in my final few days on Hamilton Island I seemed to be punished by a little creature known as an Irukandji.
Irukandji jellyfish are tiny and extremely poisonous jellyfish that are in the tropical waters of the Queensland coast between early October and May, and which cause symptoms collectively known as Irukandji syndrome(综合症). Its size is roughly no larger than a fingernail of an adult’s little finger.
I was enjoying a post Christmas jetski session with some friends at a quiet beach on Hamilton Island. As I climbed off the back of the ski and onto the beach I felt a small bee-like sting on my forearm. I didn’t think too much of it at the time at it disappeared very quickly and left the beach to head to a sports massage appointment I had. As I arrived I noticed that my feet and hands were tingling(刺痛) slightly. The member of staff immediately suggested that I get the symptoms checked out and within minutes had the security there to escort(陪同) me to the doctor’s room, only a few hundred metres away.
I was feeling pretty hot and sweaty, had a headache and felt pretty sick too, together with pain in my lower back and a tightness in the chest and really high blood pressure all classic symptoms of Irukandji syndrome! This was not what I’d wanted at all and had caught me a little off guard to say the least--I’m supposed to be relaxing in my last few days on Hamilton Island.
The doctor knew instantly what it was and straight away started the course of treatment to get me on the mend. I had a couple of injections which immediately took away the uncomfortable pain I was feeling and I slipped into a comfortable sleep after an hour or so, waking to say hello to a couple of friends who came to see if I was OK! Bre was there the entire time tending to me like a little Florence Nightingale!
Once I’d recovered sufficiently I was discharged that evening and allowed to go home to sleep the effects off and only really knew what had happened when Bre told the full story the next morning--I had been very lucky.
I’d had a minor brush with what can be a very serious jellyfish and has led to people being hospitalized for a number of days, my slight knock was enough to tell me that it’s not something to be messed around with and I really should have been wearing a full stinger suit, as it recommended at all beaches here at this time of year.., even if you’re in the water for just a couple of seconds as I was!
66. We now know that people who suffer from Irukandji syndrome usually ___________.
A. have headache, backache, chest pain, sweat heavily and feel sick
B. have headache, backache, chest pain, breathe quickly and cough a lot
C. is not very painful in the beginning, but can be very painful the next day
D. play with these beautiful jellyfish while swimming in the sea
67. What have we learnt from Ben’s blog EXCEPT that _______________?
A. Ben Southall knows how to take care of himself
B. Ben Southall doesn’t look after himself well enough
C. Ben Southall has been in hospital for some days
D. Ben Southall’s friend, Bre tends to him well
68. What lesson can we learn from Ben’s incident?
A. All rules must be strictly obeyed all the time.
B. All recommendations should be seriously taken into consideration.
C. Always have yourselves covered when you are in the sea.
D. Never play with creatures in the sea.
69. Which of the following is the correct order of the events?
a. Keep an appointment  b. See a doctor              c. Go jetskiing                     d. Get home
A. a,c,d,b              B. c,a,b,d             C. c,b,a,d             D. d,b,a,c
70. How do islanders deal with Ben Southall’s incident?
A. Politely, certainly and successfully.     B. Nicely, slowly and carefully.
C. Hopefully, carefully and skillfully.      D. Kindly, quickly and efficiently.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市2010届高三下学期第三次调研考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

When Toyota’s president, Akio Toyoda, apologized for the recalls that have harmed Toyota’s reputation, he talked not just about his company’s fate, but also his nation’s.
“I hope to return Toyota to profit and contribute to the revitalization of Japan,” he said.
Once a leading symbol of Japan’s rise to global economic might, Toyota has become one of the most obvious signs of its decline. And even before the recalls, Japan’s rivals(竞争对手) from South Korea and China had started overtaking Japan in key industries from semi-conductors to flat-panel televisions. And Toyota on Tuesday issued another damaging recall, this time of its popular Prius car.
“At this rate, Japan will sink into the sea,” said Masatomo Tanaka, a professor at the Institute of Technologists. “If Toyota is not healthy, then Japan is not healthy.”
Many economists and business leaders say they hope that Toyota’s trouble will be the wake – up call that Japan needs to understand that its reliance on manufacturing(制造业) and industrial exports, which served the country so well after World War II, is no longer wise.
Yukio Noguchi, a professor of finance at Waseda University in Tokyo, said Japan must finally step into a post - industrial, service-based economy — a painful shift that the United States and Great Britain underwent in the 1980s. Others said Japan should focus on high-end, high-profit products, like robots and fuel cells, rather than mass-produced goods subject to quality-control issues.
“Even Toyota can fail. Even Lexus, even Prius,” said Mr. Noguchi. “Our world-leading manufacturing industry may no longer world-leading. This has a strong impact on the national psyche.”
According to the Cabinet Office, manufacturing accounted for 22% of Japan’s entire economic output in 2008, down from 28% in 1990. however, manufacturing’s share of the economy still remains far above the level of 12% in the US. And few economists or journalists here advocate abrupt shifting. Rather, the feeling is that Japan needs to find a new balance by replacing its traditional industries with more information technology and software industries in which it is weak.
Yet this shift will be hard for Japan, where many policy makers and experts still seem to cling to the old model of heavy industries and consumer goods. If Japan can pull it off, it could serve as a model for other export – dependent Asian nations, which will also eventually face the same choice.
“I hope that Toyota will change our way of looking at our economy,” Mr Noguchi said. “We cannot survive if we continue to stick to the old type of industries.”
67.Since the Second World War,          have been contributing much to Japan’s economy.
A.high – end and high – profit products like robots and fuel cells
B.manufacturing and industrial exports
C.information technology and software industries
D.industries from semi – conductors to panel – televisions
68.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage above?
A.Few Japanese economists advocate a rapid shift into a service – based economy.
B.Most journalists in Japan advocate an abrupt change into a post – industrial economy.
C.Many economists hold that it is too early for Japan to shift into a service – based economy.
D.No Japanese reporters think it high time for Japan to step into a post – industrial economy.
69.The underlined part “cling to” probably means         in the passage.
A.hold on to       B.keep up with    C.turn to      D.pick up
70.From the passage we know the way out for Japan to get itself free from its decline consists in
A.keeping up its reliance on manufacturing
B.continuing to focus on its industrial export
C.speeding up its shift into a post – industrial economy
D.increasing its manufacturing


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省兴化市文正实验学校高二上学期10月月度检测英语卷 题型:阅读理解

I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was driving along the road to take my daughter from school. Our plan was to go swimming together. I finished my work at 4 o’clock and then went to the post office. Then I stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit. We’d like to have some fruit after swimming.
I was driving along a high road on my way to my daughter’s school. Over my road was another road, which was built like a bridge for cars coming to the other way. I was hungry so I put the bag of apples in the seat beside me and started to eat one.
Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. Then my car started to shake! I didn't know what was happening. Perhaps something had gone wrong with my car. I drove more slowly and then I stopped the car and at the same moment the road fell onto the cars in front of me.
I found myself in the dark. I couldn't move. The bottom parts of both of my legs and my feet were hurting badly and I couldn't move them. All around me was quiet. But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I memorized what had happened. I had been in an earthquake.
For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could reach the bag of apples, so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I heard people climbing towards me. A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the broken road. I called out, “I’m here!” when I heard a shout. Soon a stranger climbed to the side of the road near my car. “How are you doing?” he asked. “Not too bad, ”I said. “But my feet and legs feel as if they’re broken.”“We’ll have you out of there just as soon as we can.” They didn't get me out until the next morning. I had been in my car for fourteen hours.
【小题1】When the earthquake took place, the writer was        .

A.on his way to the post office B.stopping off at a shop
C.doing some shoppingD.under a road built like a bridge
【小题2】The writer’s car began to move from side to side because      .
A.there was something wrong with his carB.he ate apples as he drove
C.an earthquake happenedD.he drove too fast
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.When the earthquake happened, the writer was with his daughter together.
B.The writer’s legs and feet were badly wounded in the earthquake.
C.The writer was saved as soon as the stranger climbed up the road.
D.The writer was so frightened that he forgot everything that happened around him.
【小题4】Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to the writer?
a. A stranger climbed to the side of road near his car and asked how he was doing.
b. The writer finished his work.
c. He felt his car shaking on his way to his daughter’s school.
d. He bought some fresh fruit in a shop.
e. He was saved the next morning.
f. The writer found himself in the dark.
g. He went to the post office.
【小题5】From the passage we’re sure that the writer was         .
A.a teacher of a schoolB.a manager of a shop
C.a father of a girlD.a worker of a post office


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年贵州省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


Once a farmer had some puppies to sell. He painted a(n)____ advertising the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his

yard.____he was driving the last nail into the post,he felt a sudden pull on his trousers.He____down into the eyes of a little boy.

“Mister,”he said,“I want to buy one of your puppies.”

“Well,”said the farmer,as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his___,“these puppies come from fine parents and____ a good deal of money.”

The boy____his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket,he pulled out a handful of____and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got thirty­nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?”

“Sure,”said the farmer.

And with that he____a whistle,“Here,Dolly!”he called.

____from the doghouse and down the road ran Dolly____by four little balls of fur. As the dogs made their____to the fence,the little boy noticed something else moving inside the doghouse.____another little ball appeared,this one noticeably smaller. The little pup began walking unsteadily toward the others,doing its best to____.

“I want that one,”the little boy said,____at the runt (矮个子).

The farmer knelt down at the boy’s side and said,“Son,you____want that puppy. He will never be able to____and play with you as other dogs would.”

With that the little boy____back from the fence,reached down,and began rolling up one leg of his____.In doing so he showed a steel brace(支柱) running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a____made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer,he said,“You see,sir,I don’t run too well myself,and he will need someone who understands.”  The____is full of people who need someone who understands.

1.A.sight             B.paper               C.information      D.sign

2.A.Then            B.Before                  C.As                                    D.After

3.A.put               B.looked                  C.knelt                      D.stared

4.A.nose            B.neck                      C.head                      D.face

5.A.spend          B.spare                     C.make                     D.cost

6.A.raised          B.lifted                     C.fell                         D.dropped

7.A.notes           B.change                  C.sugar                     D.goods

8.A.let out                   B.carried out C.put out                           D.left out

9.A.Up                B.Over                      C.Out                        D.In

10.A.came                  B.followed               C.went                      D.caught

11.A.step           B.way                        C.walk                       D.drive

12.A.Quickly     B.Slowly          C.Oddly           D.Sadly

13.A.get up                 B.stand up               C.catch up               D.move up

14.A.moving      B.pointing           C.calling           D.turning

15.A.mustn’t     B.don’t                     C.can’t                      D.needn’t

16.A.run            B.sit                           C.walk                       D.stand

17.A.stepped    B.talked          C.climbed                D.fell

18.A.clothes               B.dresses                 C.sweaters               D.trousers

19.A.simply                 B.specially               C.carefully               D.newly

20.A.farm          B.country                 C.city                        D.world


