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【题目】每个人对待幸福的态度和感觉都不一样,请你就What Is Happiness? 这一话题谈谈你对幸福的看法。








Happiness means different things to different people. Some people believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. Some other people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, they have not only money but also power, which can’t be bought by money.

However, there are still some people who have quite opposite opinions. They value their belief, or their intelligence, or their health, which they think can make them happy.

For me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. When I make great progress in studies, when I make contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I will be happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual, my “wealth” of happiness is in my studies, my work and my family.



【亮点说明】文章第一段第二句是一个that引导的宾语从句和if引导的条件状语从句以及which引导非限制性定语从句的复杂句。Some people believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. 有一些人认为如果他们很富有,他们就可以做任何他们想做的事情,这就叫幸福。第三句是一个that引导的宾语从句,表达出另一部分人的观点:Some other people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness.另一些人认为在政府位居高官是幸福。第四句是which引导的非限制性定语从句 In this way, they have not only money but also power, which can’t be bought by money. 这样,他们既有权又有钱,这是不可能用钱买到的。Which修饰的是整个主句。文章第二段分别为一个定语从句和一个非限制性定语从句。第二段第一句是who引导的定语从句However, there are still some people who have quite opposite opinions. 然而,还是有一些人有着完全相反的观点。Who的先行词是people。第二句是which引导的非限制性定语从句They value their belief, or their intelligence, or their health, which they think can make them happy.他们珍视自己的信仰、智力或者健康,这些让他们认为能够使他们快乐的东西。第三段陈述自己的观点。第二句是一个排比式的、when引导的时间状语从句When I make great progress in studies, when I make contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I will be happy. 当我在学习上取得进步的时候,当我通过工作对社会做出贡献的时候,当我的家人都过得很和谐,分享快乐和苦难的时候,我会很高兴。最后一个句子是although引导的让步状语从句Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual, my “wealth” of happiness is in my studies, my work and my family.尽管幸福的定义取决于个人,我幸福的财产在于我的学习、我的工作以及我的家人。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In this new city, we everyone will meet the when we don’t know what to do.

A. occasion B. statement

C. place D. information


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Don’t let the chance slip away! I can __________ you that my investments will double your income within no more than one year.

A. possess B. sponsor

C. instruct D. guarantee


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The most frightening words in the English language are, “Our computer is down.” You hear it more and more when you are on business. The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said, “I’m sorry, I can’t sell you a ticket. Our computer is down.”

“If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket.”

“I can’t write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to do so.”

I noticed every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the black screen. Then I looked down on the computer and asked her, “What do all you people do?”

“We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not.”

“So when it goes down, you go down with it.”

“That’s good, sir.”

“How long will the computer be down? I wanted to know.”

“I have no idea. Sometimes it’s down for 10 minutes, sometimes for two hours. There’s no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it’s down it won’t answer us.”

After the girl told me they had no backup computer, I said. “Let’s forget the computer—What about your planes? They are still flying, aren’t they?”

“I couldn’t tell without asking the computer.”

“Maybe I could, just go to the gate and ask the pilot if he is flying to Washington,” I suggested.

“I wouldn’t know what gate to send you to. Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn’t take you if you didn’t have a ticket.”

“Is there any other airline flying to Washington within the next few hours?”

“I wouldn’t know,” she said, pointing at the dark screen. “Only ‘IT’ knows. It can’t tell me.”

By this time there were quite a few people standing in lines. The words soon spread to other travelers that the computer was down. Some people went white, some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.

【1】Where do you often hear the frightening words “Our computer is down”?

A.at the airport. B.At the gate.

C.On business D.In the ticket office

2】What could the girl in the ticket office do without asking the computer?

A.She could do nothing.

B.She could write out a ticket.

C.She could still sell a ticket.

D.She could answer passengers’ questions.

3】What does the underlined word “down” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.White B.Broken C.Black D.Dark

4】We can learn from the last paragraph that .

A.a modern computer won’t be down

B.computers can take the place of human

C.there will be great changes in computers

D.sometimes a computer may bring suffering to people

5】The best title for the article is .

A.Asking the Computer

B.When the Computer Is Down

C.The Computer of the Airport

D.The Most Frightening Words


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:











3、参考词汇:网络朋友 on—line friend(s), 上当受骗to be cheated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We believe the time and hard work _______ in completing such an important project are worthwhile.

A. involved B. involving

C. to involve D. to be involved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The summer I was ten, my mother decided to bring us to the world of art. My brother and I were not very excited when we realized what my mother meant. What she meant was not that we could take drawing classes or painting classes but that we would have to spend one afternoon a week with her at the Fine Arts Museum. Before each visit to the museum,she made us read about artists and painting styles. It was almost as bad as being in school. Who wants to spend the summer thinking about artists when you could be with your friends at the swimming pool?

First we had to read about ancient Egyptians (古埃及人)and their strange way of painting faces and then go to look at them at the museum. My 12-year-old brother thought this was so funny, but I was not interested. Later we had to learn about artists in the Middle Ages who painted people wearing strange long clothing. We had to look at pictures of fat babies with wings and curly hair and with no clothes on flying around the edges of paintings. I certainly couldn't see what was so great about art.

On our last visit to the museum,something happened when I saw a painting by a woman called Mary. In it, a woman was reading to a child. The colors were soft and gentle, and you could tell by the mother's expression how happy she was just to be with the child. I couldn't stop looking at this painting I wanted to se every painting Mary had ever made! It was really worthwhile looking at so many paintings to find a painter who could interest me so much.

【1】The aim of the mother's plan was to __________.

A. take them to visit the museum

B. introduce them to the world of art

C. ask them to read about artists

D. show them different painting styles

【2】What was the writer's experience at the museum before the last visit?

A. She came to feel her mother's love

B. She liked many paintings.

C. She hardly enjoyed herself.

D. She could understand the pictures of fat babies.

【3】What made the writer change that summer?

A. One of Mary's paintings.

B. A strange way of painting.

C. Artists in the Middle Ages.

D. Her mother's instruction.

【4】From the text, we can see __________.

A. the importance of curiosity

B. the effect of art

C. the value of learning

D. the power of family education

【5】The writer and her brother had thought that they could __________ in their summer vacation.

A. have visited some art museums

B. have been to Egypt for a visit

C. have taken drawing or painting classes

D. have played with their friends


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is dangerous to __________ in the forest,because you are easily lost.

A.go through B.go over

C.go about D.go off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The shelter is expected to help the homeless live __________ the bitter winter

A. across B. with C. through D. against

