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14.Hearing the bad news,the girlcouldn'thelpcrying.(忍不住)

分析 听到这个坏消息,那个女孩忍不住大哭起来.

解答 答案couldn't help. 考查翻译填空.can't help意为"忍不住",因事情已经发生,要用一般过去时态,can的过去式是could.

点评 考查翻译填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示确定所填单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子,使句意更通顺.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Destruction of the environment is one of the most seriouschallenges(挑战) we face.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.My son and I were trying to sell the house we had repaired,but in the barn(谷仓)there were bats and they would not leave.The barn was their home.They told us so in their own way they hung for the season."Don't worry about it,Dad."Patrick said."They keep down the mosquitoes(蚊子)."
Unfortunately they also kept the buyers away.When we had asked a person to sell the house for us he had refused to show it because of the bats."Bats are popular,"Patrick comforted me."They are ecological.""Isn't there a machine you can buy that produces high-frequency sounds to keep bats away?""I don't know,"said Patrick."But I like bats,and whoever buys this house will probably like them too.'"Probably?"I hated that word."How many bats are there,anyway?""I counted about 90last night,"said Patrick."They were dropping out from under the edge of the roof.""You mean there are more------outside?""They're everywhere,Dad.But look at it this way.When the cold weather comes,they'll be off to Mexico.Maybe in the spring we can keep them out.Don't worry about it,"he said for the hundredth time."It's not a problem."
The bat expert I called was even more active than Patrick."I think you've got a large number there,"he said in wonder."I've been trying to attract bats to our house for 25years.A single bat ears up his weight in mosquitoes and black flies three times every night.You've a very lucky man."I offered to share my luck with him.He could take them away."Bats have a remarkable homing instinct(本能),"he said."They'd fly straight back even if I transported them 100miles.Once they have settled,you can't stop them from coming back."I was silent.
Finally we managed to rent the house to a young family,who were also interested in buying it."What about the bats?"I said to Patrick."Oh,they love the bats,"he said."No mosquitoes.No black flies.It's one of the things that attracted them.""Do you think they will really buy the house?""Probably?Well,if they do,I suppose I'll have to admit that I was wrong.""You mean you're going to eat your words?"
"Yes.I am."
63.What was the problem the author had with his house?A
A.Bats were living in the barn and wouldn't go away.
B.The author and his son couldn't sleep well because of the bats
C.The author and his son might be able to stay for the season.
D.The house was still badly in need of repair.
64.What did Patrick suggest the author should do to stop the bats living in the barn?B
A.Buy a high-frequency machine.
B.Close the barn in the spring.
C.Reduce the number of mosquitoes.
D.Move them one hundred miles away.
65.What happened to the house in the end?A
A.Some people agreed to rent the house.
B.The author failed to find anybody who wanted to live in the house
C.The bat expert made the decision to buy the house.
D.The bats left the house for Mexico in the spring.
66.Why did the author think he might have to"eat his words"?D
A.He felt sorry for the bats.
B.He was happy about selling the house.
C.He realized they might be wrong about the bats'actions
D.He might be mistaken about being unable to sell the house.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Campussecurity (安全) has become a public concern after a series of violent attacks against school children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.On the way to California,my family stopped for lunch.As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant,a man with a dirty face jumped up from a chair,opened the door for us and greeted us in a friendly way.
Once inside,my daughters said in a low voice,"Mom,he smells."After we ordered our lunch,I explained,telling the kids to look beyond the dirt.Seeing this rudeness truly upset me,I wanted to set a good example to my children,but sometimes being a good example was difficult.When our meal arrived,I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck.With the windiest trip ahead,the kids needed them,so I went back to the car for them.
Just then,the"doorman"was opening the door for me,I said a loud"thank you"to him as I exited.
When I returned,we talked a bit.He said he was not allowed inside unless he bought food.I went back and told my family his situation.Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich.The kids looked puzzled,but when I said the order was for the"doorman",they smiled.When it was time to continue our trip,I noticed the"doorman"enjoying his meal.Upon seeing me,he stood up and thanked me heartily.He then lifted his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted.I suddenly noticed the tears in his eyes-tears of gratitude (感恩).What happened next drew great astonishment:I gave the"doorman"a hug.
Back in truck,I fell into deep thought.While we can't choose many things in life,we can choose when to show gratitude.I said thanks to a man who had simply helped open a door for me,and also said thanks for that opportunity to teach my children by example.
66.What attitude did the children show to the doorman at first?A
A.dislike         B.surprise           C.puzzle      D.interest
67.The author returned to the car for car-sick pills becauseC.
A.seeing the doorman made her sick
B.she wanted the doorman to open the door for her
C.the kids needed them for the windiest trip ahead
D.the kids were concerned about the restaurant's meal
68.For what purpose did the author say a loud"thank you"to the doorman?A
A.She wanted to give the children a lesson of gratitude.
B.She showed her real love for him.
C.She wanted to give the doorman a hand.
D.She just showed her polite manner.
69.It can be learned from the passage that the doormanD.
A.refused to accept the offer              
B.took the offer for nothing
C.gave the author a thankful hug           
D.was moved to tears for the kind help
70.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A
A.We should learn to show gratitude.
B.Life is difficult for those in trouble.
C.Don't judge a man by what he wears.
D.We should be polite to others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.The material of this coat is of poorquality(质量).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Catherine came home so thin and dirty that her own children could hardlyrecognize/recogniseher.(认出)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.In _____ 1870's Marx found it important to study _____ situation in Russia.(  )
A.a; theB.an; aC./;/D.the; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Below is a web page from http://www.parents.com/.
Kid of the Year Photo Competition
Enter your kid's photo today and win!We're giving away 52weekly250prizes from Readers'Choice votes.PLUS,our editors will select one entry to win our grand prize of7,000.
Official Competition Rules
No purchase necessary to enter or win.
The Kid of the Year Photo Competition entry period begins at 12:00a.m.on January 23,2016,and ends on January 21,2017("Entry Period").Entries must arrive by 9:00p.m.on January 21,2017("Entry Deadline").Entries will not be acknowledged or returned.
SPONSOR(赞助商):Meredith Corporation,1716Locust Street,Des Moines,Iowa.
ENTRY:There will be two methods of entry.
Share My Entry:
Visit  http://www.parents.com/photos/photo-contests-1/kid-of-the-year/and click the button to enter.
Facebook Entry:
Visit  http://Facebook com/Parentsmagazine and click the Kid of 2016tab.
Then complete the registration form and follow the instructions to upload one album of up to six photos of your child aged three months to eight years.You may provide one description and one album title that will be applied to all photos.Photos.without any brand names or trademarks.Must be taken by participants,non-professional,unpublished and may not have won any prize or award.Photos must be.jpeg or.bmp image formats(格式)and cannot be over 3MB.
This promotion is in no way sponsored,supported or run by,or associated with Facebook.You are providing your information to Parents Magazine and not to Facebook.The information you provide will only be used to run the promotion and register for Parents.com.
LIMIT:One entry per family,per child,per week.One weekly prize per child.For entries of more than one child in a family,the entry process must be completed separately for each child.No group entries.
60.We can learn from the passage thatD
A.you should buy something first before you enter the contest
B.the editors of the contest will decide who will win the prizes
C.you should send your entry before 12:00a.m.on January 21,2017
D.your entry will not be returned even if you don't win the contest
61.Linda,a mother with seven-year-old twins,wants to enter the competition.She mustB
A.provide a description and an album title for the kids'photos
B.complete the entry process separately for each of her kids
C.go to Meredith Corporation to fill out the registration forms
D.provide the information to Facebook if she chooses Facebook Entry
62.To enter the competition,photos mustC
A.contain brand names or trademarks
B.have won some prize or award
C.be taken by non-professional participants
D.contain parents'personal information
63.The purpose of the passage isD
A.to advertise the website Facebook com
B.to attract photographers'interest in a photo contest
C.to introduce two methods of entering a photo contest
D.to encourage parents with children to enter a photo contest.

