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A: _______________? 

B: Rice, please.

A: Yes. And tea or coffee?

B. Tea, please.  

[    ]  

A. Do you want some rice     B. What would you like to have   

C. What do you want        D. Anything delicious (可口的)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


.agricultural    A./??gri'k??lt????r??/    B./ '??grik??lt????r??/     C. /??gri'k??lt????r??/    D. /'??grik??lt????r??/

genuine      A./'d??enjuin/       B./ d??en'juin /      C./ 'genjuin /        D./ gen'juin /

barbecue     A. / 'b??bikju:/       B./ bɑ:'bikju:/      C./ b??bi'kju: /       D./'bɑ:bikju:/

celebration   A. /sel??'br??????n/      B. /seli'brei????n/     C./ 'sel??br??????n /     D. / selib'rei????n/

fundamental  A /'f??ndɑ:mentl/     B./f??ndɑ:'mentl /    C./f??nd??'mentl/     D. /'f??nd??mentl/


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市崇文区2010届高三第二学期统一练习(二)英语 题型:阅读理解

第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40 分)
Shopping in the United States changes a lot.About ninety years ago most people shopped in small stores that were owned by one person or a family.Women went from the bakery to the butcher's to the grocer and on to the fruit and vegetable seller in order to get their food for the week.
Then about sixty years ago, supermarkets were born.In a supermarket, people could get all the different kinds of food they needed without going to different stores.
The next big change in shopping in the United States was the shopping mall.A shopping mall is a group of stores under one roof.Because malls allowed people to shop without worrying about the weather, they soon became very popular.The mall became a place for people to socialize in addition to shopping.If you walk through a mall, you will see older people sitting, chatting and drinking coffee.Malls are places for teenagers to hang out.Many teens will often just "go to the mall" and spend time with their friends.
The recent change in American shopping was the superstore.Large chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Office Depot and Toys "R" Us have been built all across the United States.Because they are so large, they can buy goods at a great discount and sell them much cheaper than smaller stores.
Sometimes, when they are built near small towns, many of the small town stores have to close.They just cannot compete with their giant neighbors.
And now, online shopping is becoming more and more popular all over the States.People are too busy to go to the physical stores, so they go shopping over the Internet.Online shopping has lots of advantages.For instance, online stores are usually available 24 hours a day.Searching or browsing online shops can be faster than browsing the physical stores.While, online shopping also has its disadvantages.People are at higher risk of being cheated on the part of the merchant than in a physical store.And privacy of personal information may be let out.
56.Which of the following shows the right order of shopping development in the United States?
①small stores  ②superstores   ③shopping malls    ④shopping online
A.①②③④⑤             B.①⑤②③④
C.①⑤③②④          D.②③④①⑤
57.Which is the place for people to spend time with others according to the passage?
A.Shopping malls.           B.Small stores.      
C.Supermarkets.          D.Superstores.
58.Why can the superstores sell products at much lower prices?
A.Because they are built near small towns.
B.Because they are across the United States.
C.Because they sell all kinds of products people need.
D.Because they can buy goods at a reduction in the price.
59.What's the disadvantage of online shopping according to the passage?
A.Wasting time.         B.Leaking personal information.
C.Fixed prices.        D.No chance to do physical activities


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省2010届高三最后一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

“What’s in a name?”According to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet,there is not too much.“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”But Shakespeare may have been wrong.In most cultures,names matter a great deal.

Americans choose names for their children with care.Parents usually think about the impression a name gives,not its meaning.Most Americans would consider a“Jennifer”more attractive than a “Bertha”,for example.The last name,or,surname,must also be considered when choosing a first and middle name.A name like Lester Chester Hester would sound poetic,but odd.Parents would avoid names that remind them of people they don’t like.On the other hand,people might name their children after a respected elderly relative or even a famous person.The popularity of certain names can change with each new generation.Names that were once common,like Fanny or Elmer,sound old-fashioned today.But other names—like John and David,Mary and Sarah—have stood the test of time and continue to be favorites.

People in Ameica don’t always call their friends and relatives by their given names.Instead,they often use nicknames.Sometimes nicknames are short forms of a longer name.For instance,a girl named Elizabeth may be called Lisa,Beth or Betsy.As children grow up,they may decide for themselves which nickname they wish to be called.Some people just go by the initials of their first and middle names,like B.J.or R.C.And of course,people may call their children or their sweethearts other special nicknames.Often they have a “sweet” flavor,like Honey or Sugar.What’s in a name? A world of significance.So if you’re choosing an English name for yourself,take care to choose a good one.Amade-up name could sound strange to native English speakers.And a translation of your Chinese name may not make an appropriate name,either.But a good name can leave a positive and lasting impression.As an American politician once said,“In real life,unlike in Shakespeare,the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears.”

1.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?

A.People change names in order to be popular with the new generation.

B.Names will change by themselves in order to be popular.

C.Some names may no longer be popular among the new generation.

D.No names can stand the test of time.

2.When choosing names,you should stick to the following principles except that_________.

A.the impression a name gives is more important than its meaning

B.you can name after a well-known person

C.surname should be paid attention to

D.you can create a name that is special

3.The word “initial” in paragraph 3 probably means_________.

A.nickname            B.the first letter        C.short form        D.title

4.The author will name a newly born baby girl             .

A.Bertha               B.Fanny             C.Yunyun          D.Elizabeth

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Names have great significance to Americans.    

B.Names change when time goes by.

C.Chinese people should be careful when choosing their English names.

D.Roses smell sweet by any other name.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江苏省高三第二次模拟英语卷 题型:阅读理解


Affordable Boutique Hotels in New York City

By STEPHEN HEYMAN    June 20, 2010

A new breed of hotels is trying to stand out from the masses with designer details, memorable allowances and prices around $250 a night.

Welcome to Boutique Hotel.

To Get Those Summer Tickets in New York, Strategize

By FELICIA R. LEE        May 28, 2010

“The Merchant of Venice” is on show. Tickets can now be requested online, Most New Yorkers know the drill: on the day of the show, line up outside the Theater in Central Park several hours before 1 p.m., when free tickets start being handed out.

Climbing the Walls in Brooklyn

By LOUISE STORY         May 28, 2010

Since opening last fall, Brooklyn Boulders, an 18,000-square-foot gym, has become a destination for New York rock climbers of all levels.

Hotel Review: Ace Hotel, New York

By FRED A. BERNSTEIN    September 27, 2009

The owners are hoping that guests will enjoy the spacious accommodations, but that depends on whether they find the hotel’s oddities off-putting or endearing.

Tent City: A Child’s Urban Adventure

By ERIC KONIGSBERG     July 24, 2009

One of the better-kept secrets of the city is the series of one-night family campouts that the Parks & Recreation Department has every summer weekend.

1.If you want to stay in a hotel in New York City for a week and enjoy designer details, memorable allowances, you need to get prepared for at least____________.

A. $ 1550             B. $ 1650              C. $ 1750           D. $ 1850

2.___________ is a good destination for New York rock climbers of all levels.

A. the Parks & Recreation Department           B. Brooklyn Boulders

C. Lower Manhattan                     D. Tent City

3. Suppose you are interested in Shakespeare’s plays, you may pay attention to more details written by _________.

A. ERIC KONIGSBERG                    B. LOUISE STORY    

C. FRED A. BERNSTEIN                  D. FELICIA R. LEE



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江西省南北校区高一9月联考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

TODAY, Friday, November 12

JAZZ with the Mike Thomas Jazz Band at The Derby Arms. Upper Richmond Road West, Sheen.

DISCO Satin Sounds Disco. Free at The Lord Napier, Mort lake High St., from 8a. m. to 8p.m.

Tel: 682—1158.

SATURDAY, November 13

JAZZ Lysis at The Bull’s Head, Barnes. Admission 60p. % Q- c& A& {' ~* o, R' I, v

MUSICAL HALL at The Star and Garter, Lower Richmond Road, Putney, provided by the Aba Daba Music Hall company. Good food and entertainment fair price. Tel: 789—6749.

FAMILY night out? Join the sing-along at The Black Horse. Sheen Road, Richmond. 2 R$ p6 W:

The John Bennett Big Band at The Bull’s Head, Barnes. Admission 80p.

THE DERBY ARMS, Upper Richmond Road West, give you Joe on the electric accordion(手风琴).

Tel: 789—4536

SUNDAY, November 14

DISCO Satin Sounds Disco, free at The Lord Napier, Mort Lake High Street, from 8 am to 8 p.m.

FOLK MUSIC at The Derby Arms, Upper Richmond Road. The Short Stuff and residents the Norman Chop Trio. Non-remembers 70p. Tel: 688—4626. $

HEAVY MUSIC with Tony Simon at The Bull, Upper Richmond Road.

1.Where and when can you hear the Norman Chop Trio?

A. At the Bull’s Head on Sunday.    

B. At the Derby Arms on Sunday.

C. At the Bull on Saturday.

D. At the Black Horse on Saturday.

2.Where and when can you hear the Mike Thomas Jazz Band?

A. At the Derby Arms on Friday.

B. At the Black Horse on Friday. "

C. At the Star and Garter on Saturday. ,

D. At the Derby Arms on Sunday.

3. You want to enjoy the electric accordion on Saturday. Which telephone number do

you have to ring to find out what time it starts?

A. 789—6749.      B. 789—4536.     C. 682—1158.      D. 688—4626.

4. You want to spend the Saturday by joining the entertainment with your family.

Where should you go?

A. Disco at The Lord Napier.

B. The sing-along at The Black Horse.

C. The electric accordion at The Derby Arms.

D. Jazz at The Bull’s Head.

5.You want to spend the same day at two different places and don’t want to cross any street. Which of the following is your best choice?

A. The sing-along at the Black Horse and Jazz at The Bull’s Head.

B. The sing-along at The Black Horse and Folk Music at The Derby Arms.

C. Folk Music at The Derby Arms and Heavy Music with Tony Simon at The Bull.

D. Musical Hal lat The Star &Garter and Disco at The Lord Napier.


