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3. The (起源) of these words are unknown.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          The “e”in e-sports stands for electronic. Instead of playing physical games,people play games on a computer. Most of these games are played on the Internet.

          People love e-sports for the same reasons as people love many other sports. The competition is fun. The play is exciting to watch. The players are highly skilled. However,people like e-sports for another key reason. The sport of video games creates new,exciting worlds. In the games,people can do things that they cannot do in normal life.

          South Korea is the global center for professional e-sports. In South Korea,places called PC Bangs are Very popular. They usually have one big room filled with many computers. There are no windows. People pay to play the games. They can also buy energy drinks and food. Young people spend many hours there.

          Many people are concerned about the problems that can come with e-sports. One main problem is technology addiction (瘾) . Young people can especially play so many games that they cannot stop. Some experts believe that half of South Korean children have problems because of using computers and the Internet too much. Therefore,the South Korean government made a special Shutdown Law in 2011. According to the law,children under 16 are not permitted to use the Internet between midnight and six in the morning. Today,parents are responsible for setting rules for their own children. Also,the government established technology addiction treatment centers,which treat millions of people every year.

         One of the biggest problems in e-sports is drugs. Many players often take drugs to improve their performance. However,using drugs can be very dangerous. Bjoem Franzen worked in the e-sport business for many years. He wrote in his blog, “Using drugs in e-sports is one of the industry’s  secrets. It is a natural thing for some League of Legends players to take different kinds of drugs before a game. They will even do this to extend their training for a few extra hours.”

5. According to Paragraph 2, people are more attracted by e-sports particularly because .

   A. it is creative

   B. it is full of competition

   C. it has no time limitation

   D. its players are professional

6. What do PC Bailgs in South Korea mainly aim at?

   A. Selling popular drinks and snacks.

   B. Providing people with computer games.

   C. Displaying different types of computers.

   D. Instructing kids under 16 to surf the Internet.

7. What did the South Korean government do about technology addiction?

   A. They shut down some e-sports centers.

   B. They urged parents not to use computers at home.

   C. They passed a law to limit the time kids spend on the Internet.

   D. They planned to set up technology addiction treatment centers.

8. What can we learn from Bjoren Franzen's words in the last Paragraph?

   A. It is confusing for some players to take drugs after a game.

   B. It is common for some players to take drugs before a game.

   C. It is unexpected for some players to take drugs in their Gaining.

   D. It is dangerous for some players to take drugs while playing e-sports.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            After I entered high school,I loved reading magazines for teenage girls very much. Through the magazines,I knew what clothes to buy.

            One day,while I 21 (read) a magazine for teenage girls as usual,I fell in love with a dress that a teenage model 22 (dress) in. The model in the picture looked really great in it. I immediately decided to buy such a dress. 23 (luck) , I found one in a store downtown.

            After I came back,I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. How?ever,I found I didn't look great in it. After 24 (compare) myself with the model in the picture,I knew why. I was 25  (fat) than the model. I decided to lose 26 (weigh) .

            I started to go on a diet. When I ate more than I thought I should,I made myself to throw up. This went on for a few weeks 27 one day I passed out on the playground of my school. I was taken to hospital.

            When I woke up,I saw my mother by my side. She looked 28 (worry) . I suddenly realized I had made 29 big mistake. I was sacrificing my health for beauty.

            I stopped dieting and started to eat 30 (health) . I also stopped reading magazines for teenage girls. Now I look healthy and feel great.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

ask Ⅰ.Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


play tricks / a trick on sb.捉弄某人,开某人的玩笑

trick sb. out of sth.骗走某人某物 


  1. 这些孩子们喜欢捉弄他们的老师。

2. 他用诡计骗走了我的钱。

3. 她施了个巧计诱使我们相信她。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. There were wild street (celebrate) When England won the Cup.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. He founded the charity in memory his wife.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. If you want to take photos here,you (can/ should) ask permission or we might get into trouble.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. They only give you a (n)   (折扣) if you buy more than a certain amount.

