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() 34. 1 can find in helping others,so I volunteer here every weekend.

   A. satisfaction   B. talent

C. truth   D. advice


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



   One day,a donkey and a monkey were talking together about how unhappy they were.

    “My ears are so long that all the animals laugh at me,” said the donkey. “I wish that I had two beautiftil /??rAW (角) on my head."

    “You look well enough,” said the monkey. “But just look at me. Every time I turn lily back,the other animals laugh at me."

    “Why do the other animals laugh at you?” asked the donkey. “You look all right to me."

    “They laugh at my flmny-boking 如"(尾巴) ,” said the monkey. “In fact,if I have a great tail,I will be a beautiful animal!”

    A mole(鼹鼠) heard the talk between the donkey and the monkey.

    “Hold your towgwes (舌头) ,both of you,” said the mole. uYou should be thankful for what you have. How would you like to be a mole? The moles have no horns at all. The moles have no tail to speak of. The moles live in the dark most of the time. The moles are almost blind”

    The donkey and the monkey said no more about the things they did not have.

    We should be satisfied with what we have. There are always others not as we" (处境好的) as ourselves.


() 46. From the passage,we can know that the donkey .

   A. wanted a big tail

   B. wanted beautiful horns

   C. thought the mole's ears were too short   

    D. thought the monkey’s tail was very funny

() 47. What were the donkey and the monkey both unhappy about?

   A. Where they lived. 

    B. How they looked,

   C. What they had to eat.

   D. How much work they had.

() 48. When the mole said ,“Hold your tongues”, what was he telling the donkey and the monkey to do?

   A. Stop talking in such a way.

   B. Keep on talking to each other,

    C. Hold each other's tongue.

   D. Hold the tongue of their own.

() 49. Which of the following is TRUE about the mole?

   A. He has a big head. 

    B. He has a long tail,

   C. He is almost blind.

   D. He never lives in the dark.

() 50. What lesson did the mole want the donkey and the monkey to leam?

   A. Be thankful for who they are.

   B. Good things come to those,who wait.

   C. People with the same interests can be friends.

   D. Communicating well with others is important.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Can you take a message for my (old) sister?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 21. The book, Henry’s opinion,is the best book on the subject.

   A. for   B. about   C. at   D. in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. On October 15 ,Cindy went to the China Art Museum in Shanghai the Disney's most famous cartoon images.

   A. see   B. seeing

C. to seeing   D. to see


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

           B  易读度

We usually work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However,for some people,it's their bedtime.

Robert Moore

     “I work at night because I like stars very much,Ihappiest when I’m looking down my telescope (望远镜) . The stars are amazing,and it's great taking pictures of them. Of course,my social (iix. 的) life is poor,but I know how to solve this problem now. Igoing to make friends with foreigners,so I can talk with thein when Iworking!”

Tony Baggio

“My work is repairing ?he (铁轨) ,so I have to work at night. I can get lots of money. However,Igoing to leave this job. I have to find a normal job because I will become a father next month,Ihoping to be a builder. It’s hard work,but no more nights!”  

John Millar

“When I came to this country,the only work I could find was a night doorman. This job is boring because it's so quiet,but I've decided to make use of it. Igoing to start a course in art,and I can read my course books during the long quiet nights!I want to be a teacher in the future/'

Peter Patel

“I work in a call center in India,but I answer C?lls from people in the UK. So I have to work at night. It's not a problem for me and I like to talk with different people every day."


() 56. Robert enjoys working at night because.

   A. he likes seeing stars

   B. he wants to read books quietly 

   C. he wants to make more money   

   D. he likes talking with foreigners

() 57. What can we know about Tony?

   A. He doesn’t want to do iiard work.

   B. He thinks his job is boring,

   C. He will have a baby. soon.

   D. He likes taking pictures.

() 58. What does John do?

   A. A builder. B. A doctor,

   C. A teacher. D. A doorman.

() 59. What do Tony and John have in common?

   A. They want to make friends with foreigners.

   B. They want to change their jobs,

   C.They have a poor social life.

   D. They make a lot of money.

() 60. Peter thinks his job is .

   A. dangerous   B. meaningless

C. creative   D. enjpyable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

75. 吉尔想出了增加销量的新主意。

Jill a new idea for increasing sales。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

15. Her uncle is a d person. Thirty years ago he lost both his arms.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Mr. White (躺下) on the sofa and began to read a newspaper.

