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【题目】Hundreds of people have formed impression of you through that little device( ) on your desk. And they’ve never actually________you. Everything they know about you__________through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. ________they feel they can know you________ from the sound of your voice. That’s how powerful the________is.

Powerful, yes, but not always________. For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom I’d never met________, got me rock---bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really________me. I sometimes wished to________another agent.

One morning, I had to________an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Rani’s office________. The woman sitting at the desk, ________my madness, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a________smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the________immediately. “What a wonderful lady !” I thought.

Rushing out________I called out over my shoulder, “By the way, what’s your name ? ”“I’m Rani, ”she said. I turned around and saw a _______woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me safe trip. I was________!Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so________.

Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani’s________-----her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I’m here for you’_______----were all silent signals that didn’t travel through wires.

1A. accepted B. noticed C. met D. heard

2A. ran B. moved C. came D. developed

3A. Yet B. Thus C. Then D. Indeed

4A. rather B. just C. also D. already

5A. telephone B. voice C. connection D. impression

6A. direct B. useful C. accurate D. easy

7A. by myself B. in person C. in public D. on purpose

8A. interested B. annoyed C. discouraged D. confused

9A. promote B. train C. know D. find

10A. arrange B. postpone C. book D. confirm

11A. for the first time B. at any time C. from time to time D. in good time

12A. expecting B. testing C. seeing D. avoiding

13A. comforting B. shy C. familiar D. forced

14A. bill B. form C. ticket D. list

15A. hopefully B. disappointedly C. gratefully D. regretfully

16A. careful B. serious C. nervous D. pleasant

17A. amused B. worried C. speechless D. helpless

18A. calm B. nice C. proud D. clever

19A. forgiveness B. eagerness C. friendliness D. skillfulness

20A. explanation B. attitude C. concept D. behavior























1D 考查上下文串联。动词accept接受;notice注意;hear听说;听见;meet遇见;根据第一句可知很多人只是通过电话了解你,你们也许从来都没有见过面,只是通过电话交流。故D正确。

2A 考查动词短语。动词move移动;run奔跑;develop发展,开发;短语come from来自于....;他们对你的了解来自于电话,因为你们之间的距离通常非常遥远,甚至在千里之外。,与BCD三项的动词语义不搭配。故A正确。

3B 考查上下文串联。虽然你们之间的距离很远,但是他们只要通过你的声音,就可以了解你。上下文之间是转折关系,所以使用副词yet串联前后语义。故B正确。

4C 考查副词辨析。副词rather相当地;also也;just只是;already已经;本句使用just表示强调,别人只要通过声音就可以了解你。故C正确。

5A 考查上下文串联。根据26空后“only by phone”可知本文介绍的是电话,人们可以通过电话了解你。故A正确。

6D 考查上下文串联。形容词direct直接的;useful有用的;easy容易的;accurate准确的;本空前的but说明上下文之间是转折关系,电话虽然很强大,但是也并不是很准确。与ABC三项语义不搭配。故D正确。

7A 考查介词辨析。介词in person亲自,by myself靠自己;in public当众;on purpose故意地;A项与空前的faceless形成呼应,Rain是代理人,但是我们从来没有碰过面。故A正确。

8A 考查上下文串联。空前的cold voice可知Rani在电话里的声音很冷漠,和让我很不高兴,甚至想过要另外找一个代理人。说明我对他的声音很反感。故A正确。

9C 考查上下文串联。动词promote提拔;train训练;find寻找,找到;know知道;正是因为Rani的声音让我很不舒服,所以我曾经想过另外找代理人取代他。故C正确。

10D 考查动词辨析。动词arrange预定;postpone推迟;confirm确认;book预定;因为家庭中的紧急事情我要立刻预定回家的航班。动词bookflight相搭配。故D正确。

11A 考查介词短语。短语for the first time第一次;at any time随时;from time to time时而不时;in good time及时,迅速;因为情况紧急,所以我第一次亲自来到Rini的办公室。故A正确。

12B 考查动词辨析。动词expect期待,预料;see看见;test检测;avoid避免;她看到了我的着急,Rani非常同情我,给了我安慰的笑容。动词see与上下文搭配一致。

13B 考查形容词辨析。形容词shy害羞的;comforting安慰的;familiar熟悉的;forced被迫的;她看到我很着急,笑着安慰我。故B正确。

14C 考查上下文串联。根据30空可知我要预定回家的航班的机票,本句中Rani很快帮我把机票打印出来。故C正确。

15C 考查上下文串联。副词hopefully充满希望地;disappointedly感到失望地;gratefully感激地;regretfully遗憾地;对方如此迅速地帮我把机票打印出来,而且一直面带微笑,这让我心存感激。故C项正确。

16D 考查上下文串联。形容词careful细心的;serious严肃的,认真的;nervous紧张的;pleasant令人愉快的;现实生活中的Rani富有同情心,待人热情大方。是一个令人愉快的相处对象。所以当我转身时,看见的是与电话中完全不一样的Rani。故D项正确。

17D 考查上下文串联。现实生活中的她是如此的体贴大方,而我之前却认为她很冷漠,甚至有了要另找代理的想法,我真是无话可说。说明电话中得到的印象有时很不准确。故D项正确。

18B 考查上下文串联。在文章28空前“cold”以及前句“...she was cold”之前我因为Rani很冷漠,但却没有想到实际生活中的Rani是如此的美好善良。故B项正确。

19C 考查名词辨析。名词forgiveness谅解;eagerness急切;friendliness友好;skillfulness熟练;从52-54空内容可知Rani对我非常友好善良,并没有电话中的那种冷漠的感觉。故C项正确。

20B 考查名词辨析。名词explanation解释;attitude态度;concept概念;behavior行为;Rani的善良友好的态度并没有从电话线中传递过去。B项指Rani接待我的友好的态度。故B项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What can keep your brain young and active? Marie Pasinski, 1 doctor from Massachusetts General Hospital, says, “New experiences as well as a good snack.”

The next time you feel 2(bore) at the pool, play a board game or cards. Exercising your mind with a challenging game that requires brainpower, 3 chess or bridge (桥牌), is more than just fun. These types of games are so interesting 4 they can build up working memory. Traveling, especially in the places where English isn’t spoken, can make you 5(smart) and more intelligent. There is a great deal of recent research proving its benefits.

6 the other hand, eat more nuts! Not only are nuts the perfect snack for a summer road trip, they also keep your mind sharp. Some nuts are rich in magnesium(), 7 can improve learning skills and memory of mice. The research 8(publish) in the Journal Neuron last month. Another study at New York State Institute also proved the point, 9 (show) that mice who ate nuts made improvements in learning, memory, emotional regulation and movements, compared with 10 who didn’t eat nuts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Glacier Bay is one of the most famous parks in America, located in the state of Alaska. This park in the southeastern part of the state covers more than 1 million hectares of Alaskan wilderness. It includes mountains, glaciers (冰川), bays, and even rainforests. Glacier Bay supports hundreds of kinds of animals, including many species of birds, fish, bears, whales and sea lions.
As its name suggests, much of Glacier Bay National Park is covered by glaciers. A glacier is a large area of ice that moves slowly down a slope (斜坡) or valley, or over a wide area of land. Glaciers cover more than 5,000 square kilometers of the park.
Glacial ice has shaped the land over the last seven million years. The glaciers found in the park today are what remains from an ice advance known as the Little Ice Age. That period began about 4,000 years ago.
During the Little Ice Age, the cold weather caused the ice to grow and advance. That situation continued until about 1,700s, when the climate began to warm. The higher temperatures caused the ice to start melting. That melting led the huge glacier to separate into more than 1,000 different glaciers.
The extremely tall and jagged (参差不齐的) mountains seen in Glacier Bay National Park were formed by the ice advancing and then melting over time. The melting of the ice also created water that filled in and created the many fjords (峡湾) within the park. Fjords are narrow parts of the ocean that sit between cliffs or mountains.
The huge amount of water from the melted ice killed off many kinds of plants. Vegetation returned to the area over the next 200 years. The regrowth in plants also brought back many animals to the land. This return of life to Glacier Bay is why it is sometimes called “a land reborn” by people.
(1)What is mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.The function of Glacier Bay.
B.The climate of Glacier Bay.
C.The area of Alaskan wilderness.
D.The number of animals in Glacier Bay.
(2)What happened to Glacier Bay during the Little Ice Age?
A.Many slopes or valleys came into being.
B.The glaciers grew and advanced.
C.Different glaciers became a whole one.
D.The fjords became narrow.
(3)What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?
A.How the water killed off the plants.
B.When vegetation returned to Glacier Bay.
C.What the relationship between plants and animals is.
D.Why Glacier Bay is sometimes called “a land reborn”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Suppose you will go blind 3 days later? How would you spend those 3 precious days? What would you see before going into darkness forever?
I should want (much) to see the things which have become dear to me through my years of darkness. I should want to see the people whose (kind) and company have made my life worth (live). First I should like to stare long the face of my teacher, Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy, who came to me when I was a child and (open) the outer world to me. I should want not merely to see the outline of her face, so that I could cherish in my memory, but to study that face and from it find the evidence of the love and patience with she accomplished the difficult task of my education. I should like to see in her eyes that strength of character which has enabled her to act (brave) in the face of difficulties, and that sympathy for all humankind (show) to me so often.
Oh, those things above would be the things that I should see if I (have) the power of sight for just 3 days!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Nervous suspects locked up in Britain's newest police station may feel relieved by a pleasant yellow color on the door . If they are close to confessing(供认)a crime , the blue on the wall might tip the balance .
Gwent Police have abandoned colors such as greys and browns of the 20th-century police cell(牢房)and have used color psychology to decorate them .
Ystrad Mynach station , which recently opened at a cost of £5 million has four cells with glass doors for prisoners who suffer from claustrophobia(幽闭恐怖症). Designers have painted the frames yellow , which researchers say is a calming color . Other cells contain a royal blue line because psychologists believe that the color is likely to encourage truthfulness .
The station has 31 cells , including 12 with a “live scan” system for drunken or disturbed prisoners , which detects the rise and fall of their chest . An alarm alerts officers if a prisoner's breathing stops and carries on ringing until the door is opened .
Designers and psychologists have worked for years on color . Blue is said to suggest trust , efficiency , duty , logic , coolness , thinking and calm . It also suggests coldness and unfriendliness . It is thought that strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter , soft colors will calm the mind and aid concentration .
Yellow is linked with confidence , self-respect and friendliness get the color wrong and it could cause fear , depression and anxiety , but the right yellow can lift spirits and self-respect .
Ingrid Collins , a psychologist who specializes in the effects of color , said that color was an “ energy force ” . She said : “ Blue does enhance communication but I am not sure it would enhance truthful communication . ”
Yellow , she said , affected the mind . Red , on the other hand , should never be considered because it could increase aggression . Mrs. Collins praised the designers for using colors in the cells . Gwent is not the first British force to experiment with color to calm down or persuade prisoners to co-operate , In the 1990s Strathclyde Police used pink in cells based on research carried out by the US Navy .
(1)The expression “ tip the balance ” in Paragraph 1 probably indicates that the blue might __________ .
A.let suspects keep their balance
B.help suspects to confess their crimes
C.make suspects cold and unfriendly in law court
D.enable suspects to change their attitudes to colors
(2)Which of the following helps alert officers if someone stops breathing ?
A.Scanning equipment .
B.Royal blue lines .
C.Glass doors .
D.Yellow frames .
(3)The passage is mainly concerned with __________ .
A.the relationship between colors and psychology
B.a comparison of different functions of colors
C.the use of colors in cells to affect criminals' psychology
D.scientific ways to help criminals reform themselves in prison


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was a kid, my sisters and I started a club for fan of a band. Our club met regular to trade facts about the band's and to listen to their music. We were all different ages, and we might not have many common besides our love for this music, or the club was important to us for a while. We had good time and became good friends.
Since then, I had joined all kind of clubs. Clubs give us a chance to focus on special interests, improve a skill, or learn about new one. Clubs are also about make new friends. I've learned that the best clubs are the ones that welcome someone who wants to join.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Deborah Cohen is a senior natural scientist at the Rand Corp and the author of the book A Big Fat Crisis: The Hidden Forces Behind the Obesity Epidemic and How We Can End It. According to the book, there are lots of misunderstandings of obesity.
1).If you're obese, blame your genes.
Obesity rates have increased. Yet, between 1980 and 2000, the number of Americans who are obese has doubled—too quickly for genetic factors to be responsible.
At restaurants, a dollar puts more calories on our plates than ever before, because restaurant meals usually have more calories than what we prepare at home, so people who eat out more frequently have higher rates of obesity than those who eat out less.
2).If you're obese, you lack self-control.
Research shows that if we are faced with too much information, we have a tendency to make poor dietary choices. Our world has become so rich in temptation that we can be led to consume too much in ways we can't understand. Even the most vigilant (警觉的) people may not be up to the task of controlling themselves.
3).Lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables is responsible for obesity.
Although the US Department of Agriculture estimates that fewer than 5 percent of Americans live in the “food deserts”, about 65 percent of the nation's population is overweight or obese. For most of us, obesity is not related to access to more fresh fruits and vegetables, but to the choices we make in supermarkets.
4).The problem is not that we eat too much, but that we don't exercise.
Michelle Obama's “Let's Move” campaign is based on the idea that if kids exercise more, childhood obesity rates will decrease. But there was no significant decrease in physical activity levels as obesity rates climbed in the 1980s and 1990s. In fact, although a drop in work-related physical activity may account for up to 100 fewer calories burned, leisure physical activity appears to have increased. The problem is that we eat too much.
(1)The author mentioned Deborah Cohen's book in Paragraph 1 to _______.
A.introduce the topic
B.advise readers to buy books
C.introduce the author of the book
D.advertise the book
(2)What is the relationship between obesity and the place where you eat?
A.The less you eat out, the higher rates of obesity you have.
B.The less you eat at home, the lower rates of obesity you have.
C.The more you eat out, the higher rates of obesity you have.
D.The more you eat at home, the higher rates of obesity you have.
(3)What's the best title of this passage?
A.Four misunderstandings of obesity
B.Four rules to help you avoid obesity
C.Obesity leads to a big fat crisis
D.Lacking self-control leads to obesity


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是李华, 你校成立了一个英语俱乐部, 由外教Mr. Smith担任负责人,现在他就俱乐部的活动内容征求成员的意见和建议。请给他写一封信,提出三点建议并说明理由。

注意: 词数100左右。

Dear Mr. Smith,









Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint 1( they) faces in patterns and colours to suggest different character types and 2(quality).

In Beijing Opera, facial painting can be quite complex(复杂的). However, in the 3 (begin), only three colours4(use)-red, white and black. Now, many other colours, such 5 yellow, purple, blue and green, are used for facial painting.

Red is a colour for6(brave) and loyalty. Guan Yu, a general from the Three Kingdoms Period(AD 220-280) is a good example of this kind of character. He is famous 7 being very loyal to his emperor, Liu bei.

White means all 8 is bad in human nature. One of the typical white-faced characters is Cao Cao, a9 (power) and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period.

Black face paint is 10(usual) used for someone who is fierce and violent. One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

All these different colours are used in Beijing Opera facial painting to show a clear picture of each character.

