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My English teacher recommended me to take a part in an English speech competition. But I doubt that I have the ability to win. As is known to all my classmates that I can speak English as if he were a native speaker. However, I dare not voice my opinions, especial in public. My best friend Lily has been encouraged me to accept the challenge. On her opinion, whether I can win the competition or not doesn¡¯t matter as long I try my best. Encouraged by her, I have decided to having a try, challenging myself. I must conquer my shy. Wish myself good luck.


My English teacher recommended me to take /a part in an English speech competition.


But I doubt that I have the ability to win. As is known to all my classmates that I can speak

whether \if It

English as if he were a native speaker. However, I dare not voice my opinions, especial in

I especially

public. My best friend Lily has been encouraged me to accept the challenge. On her

encouraging In

opinion, whether I can win the competition or not doesn¡¯t matter as long ¡ÄI try my best.


Encouraged by her, I have decided to having a try, challenging myself. I must conquer my


shy. Wish myself good luck


¡¾½âÎö¡¿take part inÊǹ̶¨Ó÷¨£¬Òâ˼ÊDzμӲÎÓ룬ËùÒÔÈ¥µôa¡£






In one¡¯s opinionÊǹ̶¨Ó÷¨£¬Òâ˼ÊÇÒÀijÈËÀ´¿´¡£

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Decide to doÊǹ̶¨Ó÷¨£¬Òâ˼ÊǾö¶¨×öijÊ¡£



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3. ²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºhave interactive activities ½øÐл¥¶¯»î¶¯

Recently, we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun.












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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿My life is a lot easier at high school because my ¡¾1¡¿ students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me ¡¾2¡¿.

I have a very busy life with no time to¡¾3¡¿ feeling sorry for myself. ¡¾4¡¿ going to the movies and football matches with my friend, I spend a lot of time with my pets. I have two rabbits, a parrot, a tank full of fish and a tortoise. To look after my pets ¡¾5¡¿ takes a lot of time but I find it worthwhile. I also have to do a lot of work, especially if I have been away for a while.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¼Ù¶¨ÄãÊÇÀ£¬ÄãУӢÎı¨ÕýÔÚÕ÷¸å£¬ÌâÄ¿ÊÇThe Most Impressive Woman in My Life, ÇëÄãдһƪ¸å¼þ£¬Í¶¸øУӢÎı¨¡£ÄÚÈÝ°üÀ¨£º





The Most Impressive Woman in My Life



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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿I recently ran into an old friend who I hadn't seen for two years. She looked tired and was talking in a loud voice. She is a headhunter, and had just finished interviewing a candidate but failed to impress him.

Then she started to complain about her health problems. One year ago, she began to notice a ringing in her ears. She went to the hospital and was told that her problem might have resulted from stress. The doctor gave her pills for her nerves.

At night, she has to listen to loud music to quiet the noise in her head and fall asleep. Her life has become a twopoint routine of work and home. Even while she was vacationing in Thailand, she found herself searching for the right candidate.

She suffers from the same workaholic depression as another friend who works for an advertising company. This friend has to work overtime almost every day. If she's lucky, she can leave at 9 p£®m.; otherwise it's midnight. For her, working on weekends has become normal. Each time I see her, she seems down.

My two friends share something in common: They don't want to escape their misery, believing that if you don't work hard when you are young, you will regret it. That may be true, but there are limits. If every day you wake up feeling down, then it may be time to move on.

As important as finding a job that you really like, is finding a company with a healthy atmosphere. The right company should lift your spirits and have a team working toward a common goal. As for the employees, they should work hard and play hard. If you can enjoy life, you will have more passion to bring to your work.

¡¾1¡¿Why did the author's old friend suffer from health problems?

A. Because of stress from work. B. Because she ate too much.

C. Because of the loud noise in her workplace. D. Because she failed to impress a candidate.

¡¾2¡¿One thing that the author's two friends share is that ________£®

A. they both love their work B. they both work extremely hard

C. they both work for an advertising company D. they both take an active part in social activities

¡¾3¡¿What does the author think important in finding a job?

A. Chances to achieve one's goal. B. Chances to learn new things.

C. A pleasant working atmosphere. D. A good boss and a large salary.


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Dear editor,

I am writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic. Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining the heavy traffic. It has serious influenced people¡¯s daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, I¡¯d like to put forward some advices.

For one thing, more streets and roads should be built. In this way, we can speed up the flow of buses and cars. For other, the number of bikes and cars can be limited, that can decrease the traffic flow. But the most important thing is what the number of private cars should be put under the control. Meanwhile, buses should have its own special routes which cannot be using by other vehicles. Therefore, underground train and city train should be developed quickly.

I do hope my suggestions will be taken.


Li Hua


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¼ÙÉèÄãÊÇÀ,ÄãµÄÓ¢¹ú±ÊÓÑHenry ×î½üÀ´ÐÅ,ѯÎÊÄãµÄÊîÆÚ°²ÅÅ¡£ÇëÐظù¾ÝÒÔÏÂÒªµã,ÓÃÓ¢Óï»ØÒ»·âÐÅ,˵Ã÷ÄãµÄ¼Æ»®,²¢¼òÊöÀíÓÉ¡£




3.²Î¿¼´Ê»ã:Éç»á»î¶¯¡ª¡ªsocial activities

Dear Henry,









Li Hua


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Today our class go to climb a mountain. This morning we set off to a mountain by buses. At about nine o¡¯clock we arrived at the foot of the mountain and with the guidance of our teacher, he started climbing. Because at the half of the mountain some of us got tired, we all were very excited. When we got to the top, we cheered excitedly. Seeing from the top of it, the view is wonderful. Unfortunately, when we began to go down the mountain, we were catching in a storm. We shared umbrellas and raincoats each other and walked more cautious. At last we all reached the parking lot safely and got on the bus heading back to home.


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