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【题目】How to Become an Effective Leader

The key to becoming an effective leader is not to focus on making other people follow, but on making yourself the kind of person they want to follow. 【1】_______ It takes time to become a trustworthy leader.

As you prepare yourself to become a better leader, use the following guidelines to help you grow:

Don’t be self-centered.

The truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain. 2________ Perhaps that is why Lawrence Bell remarked, “A man who cannot bother to do little things for others are unlikely to become a good leader.”


Rare is the effective leader who didn’t learn to become a good follower first. That is why a leadership institution such as the United States Military Academy teaches its officers to become effective followers first.

Work with excellence.

No one respects and follows mediocrity(平庸). Leaders who earn the right to lead give their all to what they do. They bring into play not only their skills and talents, but also great passion and hard work. 4_______

Give your power away.

What makes leadership so special is that you become a better leader by sharing whatever power you have, not by saving it all for yourself. 5________ If you use your power to empower others, your leadership will extend far beyond your grasp.

A. Become a good follower first.

B. You are meant to be a river, not a pool.

C. They lead in order to serve other people.

D. Leaders help people to reach their potential.

E. Leadership isn’t learned or earned in a moment.

F. Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.

G. They perform on the highest level of which they are capable.









【1】E 考查上下文的理解判断能力。根据后句It takes time to become a trustworthy leader.(成为一个值得信赖的领导人需要时间,故E项领导能力不是须臾之间习得或得到的。符合语境

【2C 考查上下文的理解判断能力。根据前句The truly great leaders are not in leadership for personal gain.(真正的领导人不是为了个人所得。),故后句应说伟大的领导人应该是为他人服务。故C符合语境

【3】A 考查上下文的理解判断能力。本段主要讲述become a good follower first(首先要成为一个好的跟随者),故A项概括本段大意,符合语境

【4G 考查上下文的理解判断能力。前句提到领导者应该尽自己的最大努力,与G选项中的perform on the highest level一致。故G符合语境

【5B 考查上下文的理解判断能力。上句提到要与别人分享你的权利故你应做一条流淌的河,而不是一潭死水。故E符合语境


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


“After the completion of Shenzhou9 mission, we will prepare for the next. We will be ready for the selection of our motherland, to make new contributions to China's manned space program.”

“I think during our lifetime, we need to set for us one dream after another and one goal after another, and to try our best towards the set objective(目标).”

“The Olympic Games is held every four years. I conducted my first space mission(任务) in 2008, and then again second in 2012, and now, another four years has just passed. I think I need to learn from Chinese Olympic shooter Wang Yifu, who has participated in nine Olympic Games. I still have a long way to go.”













(1) 介绍景海鹏的成长历程。

(2) 根据材料总结我们应从他身上学习到的优秀品质(至少两点)。


1. 文中可适当增加信息使文章连贯。

2. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句。

3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World

The world is designed for right-handed people, but a tenth of the population prefer the left. 1 The answer to it remains a bit of a mystery. Since scientists have noticed that left-handedness tends to run in families, it’s assumed that left-handedness has a genetic(基因的)component to it.2 In fact, identical twins, who share the same genes, can sometimes prefer to use different hands. There are also plenty of theories on what else might determine which hand you write with, but many experts believe that it’s kind of random.

Historically, the left side and left-handedness have been considered a negative thing by many cultures. 3 In some areas, the left hand became known as the “unclean” hand. In many religions, the right hand of God is the favored hand. For example, Jesus sits at God’s right side. Various activities and experiences become rude or even signs of bad luck when the left hand becomes involved. In some parts of Scotland, it is considered bad luck to meet a left-handed person at the start of a journey. 4 A person giving directions will put his left hand behind him and try to point with his right hand if necessary. In some Asian countries, eating with the left hand is considered impolite.

5 People come to realize that left-handedness is natural. People even noticed that many famous people are left-handed, including Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci and Charlie Chaplin. Some researchers find out that lefties are more creative and can deal with abstract thinking better. The left-handedness is more easily adaptable to the right-handed world as well. Being left-handed is no longer a sad story now; instead, it is a wonderful gift or maybe it is something you should take pride in.

A. In other words, left-handers are born that way.

B. Left-handedness used to be regarded as a disability.

C. The unfavorable associations of the use of the left hand among cultures are varied.

D. Why do they prefer to use their left hand rather than their right hand for routine activities?

E. Why do some parents force their left-handed children to become right-handed when writing?

F. In Ghana, pointing, gesturing, giving or receiving items with the left hand is considered rude.

G. Fortunately, nowadays most societies and cultures no longer reject left-handedness like before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

Here are some of our favorite tips that will help any student study smarter, not harder:

Recite As You Study

Recitingsaying things out loud—should first take place as you read through each paragraph or section.Test yourself.This will help you to understand as well as learn faster because it is more active than reading or listening.It will also help you to notice your mistakes and the topics you have trouble understanding.

Study the Middle

The best time to review is soon after you've learned something.You are more likely to remember the material at the beginning and the end of the lesson, so make sure you focus on the middle when you review.

Take Fuller Notes

Notes should be in your own words, brief and clear.They should be tidy and easy to read.Writing notes will help you better than just underlining as you read, since it forces you to rewrite ideas in your own words.

Sleep on it

Study before going to bed, unless you are very tired.It's easier to remember material you've just learned after sleeping than after an equal period of daytime activity, because your brain continues to think even after you've fallen asleep.

Combing Memory and Understanding

There are two ways to remember:by memorizing and by understanding.Multiplication tables, telephone numbers, and math formulas are better learned by rote(死记硬背)while ideas are best learned by understanding.

The more ways you have to think about an idea, the more meaning it will have:the more meaningful the learning, the better you can remember it.Pay attention to similarities in ideas and concepts and then try to understand how they fit in with thing you already know.Never be satisfied with anything less than a completely clear understanding of what you are reading.If you are not able to follow the thought, go back to the place where you first got confused and try again.

Titles:Tips on 1in a smarter way

Right things to be done



Help you study in an3 way

Make you aware of your mistakes and problems



brief and clear

tidy and easy to read


You can benefit a lot more than5 when you read.

Sleep on it

Studying before going to bed brings about better 6 for material you've just learned.

7 of memory and understanding

Considering an idea in as many different8 as possible.

9 similar ideas and concepts

Going back to what first cause your 10 and start again


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There are various camps. Have you heard about ‘‘Survival Camp”? “Survival Camp” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.

The reason why people like “Survival Camp” is that they think getting close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Camp” gives them an important change.

Is “Survival Camp” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.

Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.

1What is “Survival Camp” according to the passage?

A. It is for children to have fun with parents.

B. It is for children to improve study skills.

C. It is for children to escape from danger.

D. It is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.

2Which children are more likely to take part in “Survival Camp”?

A. Poor children. B. Rich children.

C. Children from cities. D. Children from rural areas.

3The last paragraph mainly deals with .

A. the suggestions of taking part in “Survival Camp”

B. the advantages of “Survival Camp”

C. the disadvantages of “Survival Camp”

D. the activities of “Survival Camp”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


With limited space for parks and gardens, architects and city planners often find it challenging to include greenery in neighborhoods in cities. One creative solution is to grow plants on unused areas like walls and rooftops. It’s a popular idea, and now rooftop gardens and green walls have been sprouting up(大量冒出) in cities around the world.

There are many benefits of having green spaces to the urban landscape. Adding gardens to rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment — what was once a gray cement(水泥) wall can become a colorful, blooming garden. The CaxiaForum art gallery in Madrid, Spain, is a famous example — one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species. In other cities, green walls are being used more functionally, to cover up construction sites and empty buildings and to decorate the lobbies of office buildings.

Using plants to cover walls and rooftops can also keep cities cooler in the summer. Buildings and roads absorb the sun’s heat and hold it, causing a building or neighborhood to stay warmer longer. Plants, on the other hand, provide an enormous amount of shade. There is evidence that growing a roof or wall garden can lower a building’s energy costs.

In New York City, public schools plant rooftop gardens that can reduce heating and cooling costs. In addition to saving the school money, teachers and parents love the gardens because of their educational value — it’s a fun and healthy way for their kids to investigate the world around them. “For the children, it’s exciting when you grow something edible(可食用的),” said Lauren Fontana, principal of a New York public school.

Rooftop gardens and green walls may require a bit more effort to grow and maintain. However, hard work always brings rewards, and with green spaces, the rewards are plentiful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I’d like to share with you my progresses on study in these three years. To be honest, I was not so good at my study when I came to high school, often feel tired out and at loss. Sometimes, I am even on the point of giving up. Therefore, my change happened when my teachers and my classmates as well as came to encourage me one day in Senior Two. It was their encouragement and my own thinking that resulted in my mchievements in study final.

Still not a top student although I am now, I have found myself filled with greatly confidence to face any difficulty and challenge. There is no doubt that I am bound to fight with my dream to the end in the coming months


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Good morning! Boys and girls,










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Having bad feeling about world? “Cheer up.” says science writer Matt Ridley. “The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will keep on getting better both for humans and for nature.” 【1】

1 ) 2

It is reported that there are more than ten billion different products for sale in London alone. Even allowing for the many people who still live in poverty, our own generation has access to more nutritious food, more convenient transport, bigger houses, and better cars. 3 This will continue as long as we use these things to make other things. The more we specialize and exchange, the better off we'll be.

2)Brilliant advances

One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer lived and freer than ever before is that the four most basic human needs—food, clothing, fuel and shelter—have grown a lot cheaper. Take one example. In 1800 a candle providing one hour's light cost six hours' work. In the 1880s the same light from an oil lamp took 15 minutes' work to pay for. 4 Today it's half second.

3 )Let's not kill ourselves for climate change

5 A child that dies from indoor smoke in a village, where the use of fossil-fuel (化石燃料) electricity is forbidden by well-meaning members of green political movements trying to save the world, is just as great a tragedy as a child that dies in a flood caused by climate change. If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain, we may well find that we have stopped a nose-bleed by putting a tourniquet (止血带) around our necks.

A. Ridley calls himself a rational optimist—rational, because he's carefully weighed the evidence.

B. Overreaction to climate change could prove just as damaging to human welfare as climate change itself.

C. Shopping fuels invention.

D. And, of course, we earn more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us.

E. In 1950 it was eight seconds.

F. It’s high time that we took immediate action to fight climate change.

G. Here's how he explains his views.

