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(1)She was so sad because she failed in the math test. Let's leave (she) alone.
(2)The child enjoyed up the wooden bricks then knocking them down.
(3)The informationoffice at the station (declare) that all trains were running about one hour behind time.
(4)It was at this shop I bought my skirt. How about coming to my home to have a look tonight?
(5)The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds (accompany) by heavy rain.
(6)He has been (absence) for three weeks. We'd better find another person to fill his place.
(7)She felt (embarrass) about wearing the improper garment in the party.
(8)In front of the park (stand) a tall tree with a history of 1,000 years.
(9)He (envy) by his colleagues for he had been assigned to a new promising post just after a couple of days he came to the company.
(10)— Do you think he will come at this weekend?
—I believe not, because he has important party to attend.

(9)was envied
【解析】(1)考查代词。句意: 她很伤心,因为她数学考试不及格。让我们把她单独留下。leave sb alone固定短语“让某人单独静一静”。用代词宾格形式,故填her。
(2)考查非谓语动词。句意:那孩子喜欢堆起积木再放倒。enjoy doing固定短语“喜欢做....”,故填piling。
(5)考查非谓语动词。句意:这起事故发生在一个强风伴着暴雨的晚上。strong winds accompanied by heavy rains“强风夹杂着大雨”。故填accompanied 。
(6)考查形容词。句意: 他缺席了三个星期。我们最好找到另一个人来填补他的位置。be absent from 固定短语“缺席,离开”。故填absent。
(7)考查形容词。句意: 在晚会上穿着不当的服装她觉得尴尬。feel在此处用作系动词,后应跟形容词作表语。embarrassed“窘迫的,尴尬的”,故填embarrassed。
(8)考查倒装句。 句意:就在这座公园的前面矗立着一棵有着一千年历史的高大的树。 当表示地点的介词短语置于句首,且谓语动词为be,lie,sit,stand等状态动词时,句子要用完全倒装形式。故填stands。
(9)考查被动语态。句意:来公司不到几天的时间,他就被提升到一个很有前途的新岗位,这受到同事们的忌妒。这是一个过去时的被动语态,故填was envied。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


have fun with feast one's eyes on play tricks on in memory of
keep one's word remind…of… attach….to break up
pay attention to turn up look forward to set off for

(1)Our government set up a museum the people who died in the war.
(2) each other on April Fool's Day is not our custom that we shouldn't advocate.
(3)Our English teacher is so busy with his work that he spends little time his own child.
(4)The tourist the breathtaking scenery of the West Lake in spring and forgot to go home.
(5)We Torreya Grandis Ridge with our teachers' accompany on April 9.
(6)The old picture me the sweet memory at university.
(7)I promised to give my daughter a gift and I must .
(8)My mother often the importance being an upright person.
(9)It was half past seven in the morning and one of my classmates finally at the school gate.
(10)The day I have been comes at last.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Here is a message that needs to (keep) in mind by every mom and dad. You love your kids not because ofthey do, but because of who they are.
In fact, raising a child is just like training a dog. You reward your children because of their
(succeed) or progress they made. (similar), a circus trainer gives a dog some food every time it (jump) through a hoop (圈).
The dog isn't loved for itself, for its actions.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the popular talk show host, has a new book for children (title) Why Do You Love Me? Part of the story includes a mother (explain) to her son that it is not what he does that makes her love him—she loves him because he is unique and he is (she) son.
Every mom, dad and grandparent needs to memorize the words of popular song: I love you most of all because you are you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1—Jane is being scolded by our boss for her being late.

— Oh, poor girl. She should have been p__________ for such an important meeting.

2—That’s funny. I am forced to log off the Glory of King when I am playing.

—Oh, the Tencent Company has issued a ban, which f__________ any child under 12 from playing the game more than one hour.

3—What a pity! Although the young man jumped into the cold water b__________ to save the drowning child, the child still died.

—Well, we still think of the young man as our hero.

4—What c__________ should be used for assessing a student’s ability?

—It is complicated to say, but obviously, the college entrance examination should not be the only standard.

5—The building project will be f__________ only by public donation.

—But it is really a big challenge to collect such a big sum of money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine.
仿写 与其说她是个演员,不如说是个歌唱家。

(2)As she turned around, there stood her best friend.
仿写 我们的校长来了。(倒装)

(3)It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.
仿写 你昨天在街上所见到的就是李蕾的兄弟。

(4)But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt. You cannot have women falling in love with machines.
仿写 他让我们在午饭期间一直笑个不停。

(5)It was going to be tested out by Larry's wife, Claire.
仿写 这种新的开关尚未经过充分检验。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)Meanwhile they set part of their funds for the motorized boats.
(2)The teacher set the papers he was marking on one side and reach his cigarettes and matches.
(3)Small businesses are anxious to experiment computers.
(4)The university students will test the computer program for any bugs.
(5)Don't leave her to sweep up after the party.
(6)This new product, or , this new style of shirt, is not very attractive.
(7)The bus had to back up and turn .
(8)That's 5.40 pounds all.
(9)He was absent the meeting for one reason or another.
(10)They were filled wonder at the sight.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)这计划似乎符合他们的主张。(meet with)
The plan seems their ideas.
(2)为了给孩子们提供公平的教育机会,当地政府已经采取了一些措施。(access to)
In order to provide children with fair , the local government has taken certain measures.
(3)我爷爷走几步就气喘吁吁,需要休息一下。(out of breath)
My grandpa gets a few steps and needs to rest.
(4)这样一来,残疾人进超市就会很方便了。(be convenient for)
In this case, the disabled to go into the supermarket.
In the evening, we usually the fire, listening to beautiful songs and eating delicious food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As we all know, questioning can lead to (search) for an answer. If we are in the habit of raising doubts as towhat we are told is true, we can find the correct answer and learn more.
Two years ago, our teacher (offer) us an answer to a difficult math problem in class. Although the answer seemed a little strange, nobody me doubted it. Thinking that his answer might be wrong, I(careful) analyzed the problem and tried to work out in a different way. Half an hour (late), I managed to find the correct answer. When I showed my answer to him, the teacher praised me for my (depend) thinking.
From this experience, I have learned that questioning can serve as bridge that helps us to seek the (true).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1What is the woman looking for?

A. An information office. B. A police station. C. A shoe repair shop.

2】【2What is the Town Guide according to the man?

A. A brochure. B. A newspaper. C. A map.

