精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

_____ at the gate of the theatre, Susan found the ticket for the play was left at home.

A.To arrive                     B.On arriving

C.As arriving                     D.While arrived


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈师大附中2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


Hopping Around the World

  Hopscotch(跳房子)is a very old game.It usually uses a puck, such as a stone, and a pattern(picture)that players hop(跳跃)through.Here are some different ways to play hopscotch.


  Escargot is the French word for “snail.” So its pattern looks like a snail.No puck is used.Players hop through on one foot.You may rest in the center on both feet.Then, hop back and write your name in a space.No other player may land in that space.At the end, the player who owns the most spaces wins.


  Children play Pele on the island of Aruba with a stone or coin.Throw the puck into the first box and hop into Box 2.Then, hop up to the top and turn around.Come back to Box 2 and pick up the puck.Hop over Box 1 and out of the pattern.Next, throw the puck into Box 2 and start again.If you make a mistake, you lose your turn.The first player to hop through the pattern wins.

  Gat Fei Gei

  In this Chinese way, the puck is a piece of stone.At the top is the pig's head.Throw the puck into the pig's head and hop through.When you reach boxes 7 and 8, turn around and pick up the puck from behind.If you hop through the pattern without making a mistake, pick a box and write your name in it.No one else can land in that box! The player who owns the most boxes wins.

  La Thunkuna

  Children play this game in Bolivia.The puck is a stone or the skin from an orange.Instead of writing a number in each square, players write each day of the week.Throw the puck into the first box.Hop over it into the second box.Next, kick the puck backwards and out of the pattern.Then, hop out.On your next turn, throw the puck into the next box and so on.The first player to hop all the way through wins.


In which two games do winners get to “own” spaces?

[  ]


La Thunkuna and Pele.


Pele and Escargot.


Gat Fei Gei and La Thunkuna.


Escargot and Gat Fei Gei.


Which is the only game that uses no puck?

[  ]






Gat Fei Gei.


La Thunkuna.


How is the pattern for La Thunkuna different from that in the other games?

[  ]


It has the most squares.


It has the days of the week.


It has a pig's head at the top.


It looks like an orange.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年广东省高三9月月考英语卷 题型:单项填空

—Did you see who the driver was?

—No, so quickly,     that I couldn’t gat a good look at his face.

A.did the car speed by

B.the car sped by

C.does the car speed by

D.the car speeds by



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

―Did you see who the driver was?

―No, so quickly_________ that I couldn’t gat a good look at his face.

A.did the car speed by           B.the car sped by

C.does the car speed by        D.the car speeds by


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—Did you see who the driver was?

  —No, so quickly_________ that I couldn’t gat a good look at his face.

A.did the car speed by             B.the car sped by

C.does the car speed by            D.the car speeds by



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—Did you see who the driver was?

  —No, so quickly_________ that I couldn’t gat a good look at his face.

A.did the car speed by           B.the car sped by  

C.does the car speed by            D.the car speeds by


