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16.I'm sorry I didn't hear you clearly,________ you repeat that,please?(  )

分析 抱歉我没有听清你的话,能请你重复一遍吗?

解答 答案是A.本题考查情态动词辨析;根据语境判断,因为没有听清,所以"请求"对方重复,could常常用在疑问句中表示请求,Could you please…请你…好吗?,故答案选择A;may可用在疑问句中表示请求,但是主语往往是第一人称;所有B项不当;must要在第二人称的疑问句中往往表示说话人的不满意的语气"偏要,非要",不符合语境;need 需要,语义不当.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Your letter ofcongratulations (祝贺) gives me a great deal of pleasure.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.In 1958,Jean Berko Gleason,an American psycholinguist,created an experiment called the Wug Test.It investigated how children learn to make plural forms of nouns in English like cats,dogs,and horses.The children were shown imaginary words in the singular and asked to change the word into their plural forms.There are three ways of pronouncing the"s"that comes after plural nouns in English; it can be pronounced like/z/,/s/,or/iz/.The most common sound is the/z/sound like in dogs,then the/s/sound like in cats,then the/iz/sound like horses.
In the experiment,the child was presented with a picture of some kind of pretendcreature.He or she was told that the creature was a"wug".The experimenter said,"This is a wug."Another card was pulled out with another wug,and the experimenter said,"Now there are two of them.These are two…?"Children who understood the proper use of plural form for nouns ending with a"g"would say,"They are two wugs,"with a/z/sound.Very young children were often confused by this and said"Two wug."Generally,children who were 4 years or older got the question right.The researchers also carried out several other experiments to create plural forms ending with the/s/sound and with the/iz/sound and found that children usually learned these rules later in their lives because they are not as common as the/z/sound plurals.
The Wug Test also included questions that explored a child's understanding of the proper use of verbs and the suing of the possessive,such as"This is Rob's bike."Possessives are parts of grammar that show ownership.Also,the children were prompted to use the"-er"suffix (后缀)of a noun to demonstrate a person's job,such as someone who drives is a"driver".Again,the children were given a nonsense word,this time"zib".The researcher asked the child,"A man who‘zibs'is a…?"Some young children replied"zibber",but many young children replied"zibman".
The Wug Test demonstrated that even very young children have established grammatical systems that allow them to make plurals,possessive,and other forms of words that they have never heard before.This test was the first of its kind to prove that children learn their language akills naturally without needing to be taught grammar rules.
32.The author introduces Jean Berko Gleason as a psycholinguist in order toBA.explain why she used imaginary words for the experiment
B.show that she was interested in how the mind learns language
C.suggest that she studied the language of the mentally ill
D.state that she illustrated the pictures used in the experiment
33.The underlined word"pretend"is closest in meaning toA
A.artificial         B.domestic            C.incorrect          D.living
34.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE about the Wug Test?C
A.It was an experiment to show that children must be taught the rules of language
B.It investigated whether children could use English verbs to show ownership
C.It examined how children learned complex language rules ( like forming plurals )
D.It proved that children acquire/z/-sound possessives before/s/-sound ones
35.The passage probably comes fromD.
A.a book review                           
B.an official documentary
C.a biography of Jean Berko Gleason           
D.a language learning journal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Obama didn't explain ______ any larger principles have guided him through the historic convulsions of the 2011Arab Spring.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.---Can I ask someone to help me?
---No,you have no alternative.You ______ rely on yourself.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.It looks exactly like other handicraft (手工艺品) shops in a traditional Chinese hutong,or alley,except that each item has a story.The city's first-of-its-kind charity shop,owned by Nathan Zhang,sells Chinese handicrafts along with used books,clothes and other items.The concept is that money from what is sold is donated to help rural (农村的) women in China.
"Many NGOs (non-governmental organizations) produce their own things but don't have a place to sell it,"said Zhang,who returned to Beijing in 2008 after working in Canada for nearly a decade in the telecommunications world."A rural women's group tried to open a little shop but only sold two things.When they put their products in my shop,everything sold out."
Located in Wudaoying Hutong in Dongcheng district,Brand Nu's walls are lined with handicrafts from a number of different NGO supported projects aimed at benefiting women across the country.The other half of the space is filled with almost brand-new clothes that have been donated from Beijing citizens.The jackets,dresses,tops and pants sell for around 30 yuan ($4.40)each.
Most of the money Brand Nu gets goes directly to the Beijing Cultural Development Center for Rural Women.The NGO offers a number of programs for poor women,including literacy classes (识字班),support networks and mental health education.
Zhang is also working with a local Scottish designer to create a clothing line made from the fabric (织物) of second-hand garments.And he is collecting books and raising money to help the NGO build a library near Beijing.He plans on expanding his product line soon as well,engaging more disadvantaged women to make sweaters,soaps and other items that he can sell in Beijing to help raise their socioeconomic status in the countryside.
Yet with ambitions come worries.Right now Zhang is operating on a shoestring budget and looking for work on the side to support both his business and his family."I wanted to do something meaningful,"said Zhang."If you can help one woman,you can help an entire family."
61.The name of the charity shop isD.
A.Nathan Zhang         B.NGO      C.Wudaoyin Hutong        D.Brand Nu
62.The owner of the charity shopA.
A.is a returned overseas Chinese
B.has long been working for the charity cause
C.is professionally engaged in telecommunication
D.is also the head of an NGO
63.The charity shopD.
A.sells goods to poor women at low prices
B.sends donated clothes to poor rural women
C.opens literacy classes for illiterate women
D.gives money to poor women through an NGO
64.The last paragraph but one tells us that Zhang tries toC.
A.open more charity shops
B.donate more money to the rural women
C.help the women live better through their own efforts
D.find jobs in Beijing for the rural women
65.The article is mainly aboutB.
A.the charity cause in Beijing                  
B.Beijing's first charity shop and its owner
C.the living condition of rural women             
D.the difficult situation a charity worker faces.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-Why didn't you answer the phone when I called you last night?
-Sorry,I __________ a bath upstairs.(  )
A.am havingB.haveC.was havingD.had


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.My friend Julia brought out all her dresses and told me to take ______ suited me best.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Sometimes there is _______ better than doing nothing on a beach for a day especially for those under stress.(  )

