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We feel it important to start reading to your child right from the start –the younger the better! With little ones(children from birth to 4)it is very important to read and reread books.Starting early makes the job of the listener(for you will be teaching your child how to listen) easier,as it helps to develop an early love of the written and spoken word.

We believe that you should read aloud to your child at least once every day .Set a special reading time during the day or evening when you can settle down(安静下来) and enjoy a book,without interruption.For most families,reading aloud at bedtime is a common practice.

We understand that it can be quite discouraging to read to a child who takes no interest .Take heart! Learning to listen takes experience .The more you read ,the more your child will learn to sit for a story .Children have a natural development of responses(反应)to your reading .By the time your child reaches6-7 months,she/he is attracted by the book in your hand ,and would like to test it out by using it as a chew(咀嚼)toy.This is natural! By one year,your child is learning to listen and talk about the pages,often shouting out things she/he recognizes.Encourage this! And at the onset (起始)of walking ,you have your biggest challenge yet.your child is always on the go.you need to set your reading time for a time in the day when your child is preparing to settle down.This means bedtime.Remember,it is your right and duty to teach your child about the power of books.Of course ,it doesn’t happen overnight,but the returns are great!

1.Who does “the listener” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.The writer B.The parent

C.The child D.The teacher

2.The best time of the day to read stories to a child is ______.

A.when the child is still active in the early evening

B.when the parents finish the day’s housework

C.when the child has a chew toy to play with

D.when the child is quiet and peaceful

3.Parent may find it most difficult to read to their child when she/he _______.

A.is 6-7 months old B.is one year old

C.start to walk D.start to talk


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津市河东区高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


The Power of a Note On my first job as sports editor for the Montpelier(Ohio) Leader Enterprise,I didn’t get a lot of fan mail, _______ a letter that was dropped on my desk one morning seemed _______ to me.

When I opened it,I read: “A nice piece of writing on the Tigers.Please _______ the good work.” It was _______ by Don Wolfe,the sports editor.Because I was a teenager (being paid for 15 cents a column inch ),his words couldn’t have been more _______ .I kept the letter in my desk drawer _______ it got rag-eared.Whenever I _______ whether I had the ability to be a writer,I would reread Don’s note and feel _______ again.

Later,when I got to know him,I learned that Don made a _______ of writing a quick,encouraging word to people in _______ .“When I made others feel good about _______,” he told me,“I feel good too.”

Not _______,he had a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie.When he died last year at 75,the paper was _______ with calls and letters from people who had been recipients of his _______ words.

_______ the years,I’ve tried to copy the example of Don and other friends _______ care enough to write uplifting comments,because I think they are on to something important.In a world too often cold and unresponsive,such _______ bring warmth and reassurance.We all need a push from time to time,and a few lines of _______ have been known to turn around a day,even a life.

Be_______ with your praise.Superlatives like “greatest” “smartest” “prettiest” make us all feel good.Even if your praise is a little ahead of reality,remember that expectations are often the _______ of dreams fulfilled.

1.A.so B.because C.for D.since

2.A.interesting B.strange C.joyful D.important

3.A.take up B.pick up C.bring up D.keep up

4.A.played B.passed C.signed D.tested

5.A.inspiring B.moving C.disappointing D.depressing

6.A.if B.until C.as D.while

7.A.felt B.thought C.wondered D.doubted

8.A.confident B.calm C.upset D.embarrassed

9.A.difference B.habit C.fortune D.wish

10.A.different places B.other fields C.all walks of life D.all kinds of uniforms

11.A.me B.him C.myself D.themselves

12.A.surprisingly B.fearfully C.truthfully D.safely

13.A.covered B.filled C.flooded D.connected

14.A.up-to-date B.spirit-liftingC.sharp D.remarkable

15.A.Over B.On C.After D.From

16.A.they B.what C.which D.who

17.A.books B.newspapers C.notes D.magazines

18.A.praise B.agreement C.advice D.advertisement

19.A.awful B.strict C.satisfied D.generous

20.A.friends B.classmates C.parents D.children


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三测试考试英语试卷(一)(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Speaking at a press conference on Friday,the official said that the central government has been combating corruption with a zero-tolerance policy,which covers all authorities and all officials at all ______.

A.ranges B.aspects

C.units D.levels


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江平湖当湖中学高一3月阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed, read and _______It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart(远离的);it can keep a _______ with very little effort.

I will give _______A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting _______ We had been close as _______but had grown apart.Our meetings were not_______; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels; and every effort to clear the air seemed to only _______ our misunderstanding.Then he_______ a small island in the Caribbean and we _______ touch.One day he wrote me a letter.He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt, and encouraged me to _______ .Rereading the letter, I was _______ by its humor(幽默)and clever expressions, These were all qualities for which I had_______respected my older brother but _______he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so _______.And with that one letter we became friends _______

It might never have occurred to _______to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no _______ ,For him, writing was a necessity, It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch.Because we live in an age of_______ communication(通讯),people often _______ that they don’t always have to phone or email.They have a_______.And that is to write.

1.A.received B.rewritten C.returned D.reread

2.A.record B.promise C.friendship D.secret

3.A.an example B.a lesson C.an experience D.a talk

4.A.through B.together C.along D.away

5.A.brothers B.children C.fellows D.classmates

6.A.normal B.necessary C.pleasant D.possible

7.A.deepen B.start C.express D.settle

8.A.toured B.stopped over C.reached D.moved to

9.A.lost B.kept in C.needed D.got in

10.A.think B.write C.enjoy D.read

11.A.driven B.beaten C.surprised D.honored

12.A.never B.seldom C.sometimes D.once

13.A.realized B.judged C.thought D.expected

14.A.well B.often C.much D.soon

15.A.later B.anyhow C.too D.again

16.A.us B.anyone else C.someone D.my brother

17.A.mail services B.transport C.phones D.relatives

18.A.poor B.easy C.popular D.busy

19.A.believe B.decide C.argue D.forget

20.A.habit B.choice C.method D.plan


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川德阳香港马会五中高一下期第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








I’d like to say anything about the service in our school dining hall.In general,the service is satisfied.The hall is clean and tidy.And dishes look inviting and tastes good.What’s more,the workers there treat us as their friends,which makes us real happy.However,the cost of the meals was a little high.Also,we have only a limited variety of dish which are the same every day.In addition,we often have to stand with line for a long time after we get our food.This wastes a lot of time.I hope something can be done to solve about these problems soon.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年陕西西安七十中高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.It was___________ (显然的)to everyone that the child had been badly treated.

2.For a ___________(苗条的) figure, share your food with hungry people.

3.He got a lot of __________ (奖状) for his excellent study.

4.His supporters _________(聚集) in the main square.

5.This factory will bring __________ (好处) to the people around it.

6.It’s important to know your own strengths and ___________(缺点).

7.You shouldn’t have done it without ___________(咨询) me.

8.Several factors had___________(联合) to ruin our plans.

9.Do you know when India gained its _______________ (独立) from Britain?

10.We_________ (道歉) for our late arrival.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁葫芦岛一中高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

Shenzhen Daily 就 “Health and Wealth, Which Is More Important?” 在读者中展开讨论。假设你是李华,向报社投稿。请依据下列要点,适当添加细节,写一篇100词左右的短文。首句已给出,不计入总词数。




Health and Wealth, Which Is More Important?

Some people hold the view that wealth is more important than health.






科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北辛集中学高一下期第一次阶段性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Are you fond of tomatoes? Bunol,a town in Spain,held its yearly tomato festival on the last Wednesday of August.Thousands and thousands of people made their way from all corners of the world to fight in it,the world’s biggest food fight.Tons of fully-grown tomatoes were thrown in the streets.

No one knows exactly how this event started.Maybe it came from a local food fight between friends,or a joke that was played on a bad musician.

On Wednesday,at 11am,the fight began.A cannon(大炮) shot was fired to start the fight.At first,people fought one another,but slowly they began to fight in groups.After exactly one hour,the fight ended when the cannon shot was fired once more.At this point,no more tomatoes could be thrown.

Those who attend this event are encouraged to wear protective glasses.And they must press the tomatoes before throwing so that they won’t hurt others.Another rule is that no one is allowed to take anything — such as a glass bottle — into the fight.Although it is forbidden to tear(扯破) another person’s clothing,the crowd seems to tear the shirt of any clothed person,whether they are men or women.

Fire trucks are used to clean the streets after the fight with water provided from a Roman channel (海峡).The government seems more concerned with cleaning up the town than the visitors,and people go to the Bunol River for a wash.

1.When the cannon shot is fired the second time,____.

A.people start to throw tomatoes

B.people start to fight in groups

C.the whole tomato fight is over

D.the fight has lasted for two hours

2.Which is NOT one of the rules of the tomato fight?

A.People can’t use glass bottles.

B.People must wear protective glasses.

C.It isn’t allowed to tear other people’s clothes.

D.Tomatoes should be pressed before they are thrown.

3.After the tomato fight,the town government ____.

A.provides water to the people

B.cleans up the streets with fire trucks

C.takes people to the Bunol River

D.holds other activities about tomatoes


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北黄冈蕲春县高二上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it is my best friend. I find very convenient to go anywhere with a bike. Riding give me not only exercise but also pleasure. I use my bike mostly on summer when the weather is warm and dry. It can very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and the rain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of course I will be very careful on my bike. In facts, accidents are not the only problem. One day I went to school and come back to find the front wheel was missed. It was a long walk to the repairer’s shop. Now I have two strong locks.

