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2.Workplaces all over the UK are preparing for Christmas and all the traditions and customs that come with it.But will Christmas be a cause for happiness and celebration or embarrassment and disappointment?
One way that colleagues in Britain show their appreciation of each other at this time of year is by doing"Secret Santa"present giving.At that time,people who work together buy each other gifts without saying whom they are from.
Co-workers all write their names on a piece of paper and then organize a lottery in which each workmate takes another colleague's name at random(任意地).Each person then has to buy a present for the colleague whose name they have picked,usually with an agreed price set at a small amount of money such as five or ten pounds.
As the gifts are given without knowing the names of the gift givers,the quality of the presents can be very different; gifts that people received are from tickets to the opera to an air-freshener for a car.
Another common seasonal workplace tradition is the office Christmas party,when workmate s put on their most attractive clothes and enjoy lots of free wine.
Although most parties are held without a hitch,sometimes the effects of alcohol(酒精) cause party goers to regret their drunken antics(古怪行为).
The BBC invited people to share their most embarrassing(令人尴尬的) Christmas office party stories,and received hundreds of funny stories,such as the man who split his trousers back to front with his strange dance moves or the drunken lady who spent the entire night with back of her dress tucked into her pants and saw the photos that proved it later at work.
But the worst story must surely come from Stuart Vaines,who got so drunk that he put his boss's head into the toilet.Unsurprisingly,he lost his job the very next day.
22.By saying this Christmas will cause embarrassment,the author actually refers toC.
A.the workmate who receives a ticket to the opera
B.the man who receives an air-freshener
C.the lady who tucked the back of her dress in her pants
D.the man who put his boss's head into the toilet
23.The underlined phrase"without a hitch"in Para.6 most probably meansA.
A.without trouble                  
B.without an end
C.without free drinks               
D.with less people
24.It is implied in the passage thatD.
A.The gift givers do not know whom they will give gifts to
B.some workmates are not generous enough to buy expensive gifts
C.the BBC is interested in people's funny stories
D.some party-goers will wish they haven't drunk so much
25.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?C
A.Office Parties at Christmas
B.Happiness from Office Parties
C.Celebrations in Workplaces at Christmas
D.Funny Stories from Office Parties.

分析 本文介绍了英国的圣诞节习俗,今年的圣诞节是幸福的欢庆还是令人失望的窘迫呢?请看文章吧!

解答 22-25.CADC
24题答案:D考查细节推理,根据文章倒数第三段的sometimes the effects of alcohol(酒精) cause party goers to regret their drunken antics(古怪行为).有时候酒精的作用会让参加欢庆的人后悔醉酒后的古怪行为.可知一些参加欢庆的人希望他们没有醉酒,故本题答案为D选项.

点评 本文是一篇新闻报道类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.If your baby has a fever,you should take him to see a doctor_______.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Letter One
                                                                21 July,2008
Dear Sirs,
Our foreman,Mr.Li Ming,had an accident on July 6,2008.He crushed his forefinger when operating a machine.At that time,we didn't think the accident was serious enough to report,but Mr.Li has returned to his work after an absence of two weeks and is still unable to carry on his normal duties.We therefore wish to make a claim (索赔) under the above policy (保险单) and shall appreciate your sending us the necessary claim form.
                                                             Yours faithfully,
Letter Two
27 July,2008
Dear Sirs,
     We have received your letter of July 21 and noted that you made a claim for the accident of Mr.Li Ming.We would,however,remind you of the terms of the policy that this claim should have been submitted within three days after the accident.More than two weeks have now passed.Consequently,your claim to compensation(赔偿)under the policy has been forfeited (放弃、没收).
Nevertheless,as an exceptional measure,we have decided to overlook its late submission,though we are bound to say that it should have been clear from Mr.Li's absence from work that this accident was more serious than you had supposed and that there seems to be no good reason why this claim should not have been made earlier.
We are enclosing (附上) a claim form as requested,but must emphasize that future claims cannot be entertained if you cannot comply with the terms of the policy.
                                                                Yours faithfully,
67.What is the main idea of these two letters?D
A.Mr.Li crushed his forefinger when operating a machine.
B.Mr.Li can't work after an absence of two weeks.
C.The insurer compensates Mr.Li.
D.Asking for a claim for injury.
68.What happened to Li Ming on July 6?B
A.He was hurt by a car accident.B.He crushed his forefinger while working.
C.He was ill.D.He didn't go to work.
69.The reason why they didn't report the accident to the insurer in time is thatD.
A.they didn't think of the claim     
B.they want more compensation
C.they didn't insure in the company  
D.they didn't think it was serious enough to report
70.What's the attitude of the insurer to this injury?B
A.He doesn't want to compensate.
B.He thinks that the accident should be informed in time.
C.He thinks it doesn't matter to tell him a little late.
D.He compensated in time when they received the letter for claim.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.Many people living in the cities would actuallyprefer(更喜欢)to live in the country.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.The biggest hamburger restaurant chain(连锁) in the world is McDonald's.It started in 1955with just one restaurant,but now has more than 20000worldwide.There are more than 12000McDonald's restaurants only in the US.You can find them in 100countries on six continents.There isn't a McDonald's in Antarctica,but I don't suppose they eat hamburgers at the South Pole.When you eat at a McDonald's restaurant you are joining the 35million people who eat and drink at McDonald's every day,and there are more than one million people who work there.McDonald's has sold 100billion hamburgers since it opened,and it sells more than 6.8million pounds of French Fries every day.
How do you like your hamburger restaurant?There are old McDonald's----part of one restaurant in England is 600years old.There are elegant(高雅的) McDonald's----there is one on the Champs Elysees in Paris.There are cool McDonald's----there is one in Hollywood.There are McDonald's restaurants on ships and trains,in hospitals and zoos,in airports and in colleges.
Clearly many people like the speed,hygiene(卫生) and cheapness of fast food restaurants.However,not everyone likes fast food.Some people question the nutritional value of the food; some people think the fast food causes too much waste and pollution.So the fast food business gives us plenty of food for thought,as well as convenient,affordable meals.
28.There areB McDonald's restaurants outside the US now.
A.about 20000B.about 8000
C.about 12000D.about 32000
29.How many people does each McDonald's employees serve on average every day?C
A.About 35billionB.About 100billion
C.About 35millionD.About 600million
30.From the passage we can infer thatA.
A.there are McDonald's of different styles to meet different customers
B.the writer encourage more people to eat hamburgers
C.the writer thinks people should stop eating hamburgers
D.hamburgers are of great nutritional value
31.The underlined phrase"plenty of food for thought"in the last paragraph probably meansC.
A.a lot of delicious food
B.a lot of food you can afford
C.a lot of things to think about
D.a lot of convenient food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Anna really wanted to do something significant for her school before she went to college.But she couldn't think of anything meaningful that would influence(影响) the lives of her schoolmates.
One day,Anna saw a girl sitting by the school pond crying.Anna went up to her and said,"Are you okay?Is there anything I can do to help?"Anna found out that the girl was in her first year and was having trouble coping with her schoolwork.Then,Anna had an idea.She would start a tutoring group where seniors could help juniors who were struggling in their subjects.
Before long,many seniors volunteered (志愿)to join Anna's tutoring group.Soon,Anna also started other support groups like"I'm Not Alone"which provided counseling for students whose parents had been divorced and"Crime Fighters"where students helped prevent theft.Anna was happy that she made a difference in her peers'(同龄人)lives.She was showered with flowers of appreciation from her friends at her graduation!
Maybe YOU could start a peer support group,too?Here's a list of peer support groups that you can start:YOU can start a group that:
(1)helps students quit smoking
(2)helps students quit drinking and gambling
(3)counsels students with health problems
(4)helps new students adjust to school life
(5)provides graduating students with information on further studies
(6)helps students who have abusive parents
(7)helps students who are emotionally unstable
(8)helps students who come from low-income families

59.what kind of girl was Anna?B
A.Lazy.     B.Helpful.
C.Happy.    D.Selfish.
60.The underlined part"coping with"in the second paragraph probably meansD.
A.putting up
B.ending up
C.being fond of
D.dealing with
61.How many peer groups does this passage mention at least?B
A.2.        B.8.
C.10.       D.12.
62.What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?B
A.To praise what Anna's done.
B.To introduce some peer groups to the readers.
C.To help some students.
D.To tell the life of Anna.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Feeling lonely has a bigger influence on older people's life expectancy(预期寿命) than smoking,top government adviser David Halpern said earlier this year.
This shocking fact,given that loneliness is reaching high levels in the UK-with 3.1 million over-65s going more than a week without seeing a friend or family member-has caused quite a debate.Later retirement age is one idea for how the government might respond,but I think we can make a change without waiting for a new law.
My solution?Yup,you guessed it:the web.OK,I'm not mad enough to suggest that a piece of electronic equipment is a magic bullet(灵丹妙药) to loneliness,but I do,hand on heart,think that encouraging more older people to get online is the simplest and cheapest tool we can equip them with so they can reawaken old,or form new,friendships.
One of my favorite jobs as Digital Champion is judging Age UK's Internet Champion of the Year Award.Looking through this year's shortlist,it was obvious that each participant had been suddenly filled with a desire to socialize because of the way the net had widened their social circle.Reading the shortlist,what also struck me was how far from rocket science getting older people online is.
One of this year's winners,Brenda,has a great story that's both totally special and also ver y typical.Brenda felt extremely lonely after her husband's death.Several months later,she got online.Having quickly got used to using the computer,Brenda amazingly managed to make contact with a soldier who had stayed with her family during the Second World War.Starting up their friendship again after more than half a century is the kind of miracle(奇迹) the Internet has made us almost take for granted-but which would have been almost unthinkable just ten years ago.
32.Why did the author suggest the web as a solution?D
A.It is an all-purpose tool.
B.It is strongly advised by the government.
C.It is the only way older people make new friends.
D.It can solve the problem of loneliness in an easy way.
33.What did the author learn from the shortlist?C
A.Participants had a similar social circle.
B.Participants found it difficult to get online.
C.Participants benefited greatly from the web.
D.Participants knew each other because of the net.
34.As a lonely old woman,BrendaD.
A.searched hard for her old friend        
B.became a new friend of a soldier
C.lived alone for more than half a century  
D.got in touch with an old friend on the net
35.What is the best title for the text?A
A.Friends Online                     
B.Debate on Loneliness  
C.Encourage Older People             
D.Help an Internet Beginner.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Zheng Pengyu:Interest is the best teacher.Classrooms that weren't fixed could give students the chance to explore their interests.At the same time,they would be able to learn on their own because they would have to make their own decisions.All in all,the new system would be a good chance to inspire students'love for studying.
Sun Yao:Despite its benefits,I'm worried about whether the new system would work.Going to different classrooms would take up a big part of our break time and we would have less time to relax after class.Also,not all schools could offer so many different classes.
Shi Zhenghan:I support students learning in different classes.It would solve the problem of some students thinking the classes are too easy while some think they are too difficult.Teachers could also teach more effectively.What's more,friendships built while in different classes might be a pleasant surprise.
Zhou Qingqing:In my opinion,studying in different classrooms might affect students'psychological development.They might find it difficult to develop deep and strong friendships with other students if they had to change classrooms constantly.They would also lose their sense of belonging to a certain class.
Hu Qile:I applaud the idea.It would help teachers set up special teaching plans for different classes.For students,making choices by themselves could encourage them to be responsible.Changing classrooms could also help remove the boredom of doing the same dull routine (惯例) every day.
Wang Xiaoqian:The new system might help with students'individual development,but I still prefer the current system.Studying in one fixed classroom,students with different academic levels can help each other.Spending your senior middle school years with the same classmates is an unfortgettable experience.
21.According to Sun Yao,which of the following sentences is TRUE?B
A.The new system will work if great measures are taken.
B.All the schools can't afford so many different classes.
C.Students will have more time to relax.
D.He supports the system because of its benefits.
22.Among the following people,who prefers the new system?C
A.Sun Yao   
B.Zhou Qingqing   
C.Hu Qile   
D.Wang Xiaoqian
23.What is the passage about?A
A.Different opinions about changing classrooms.
B.Students find it difficult to develop friendship.
C.Schools should offer different classes to students.
D.Changing classrooms can help with students'individual development.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.With Disney parks recently raising their ticket prices to 89now is the perfect time to start thinking about smaller,regional theme parks.Here are four theme parks where the daily price of adult admission is under 50.
Luna Park,Coney Island,NY.
How much you spend in enjoying Luna Park really depends on which rides you choose to go on.For anyone as indecisive as I am,stick with the 29four-hour Unlimited Luna Park Ride Wristband or the 39Ride and Play package,a four-hour unlimited ride wristband that comes with a 20game card.
Dorney Park,Allentown,PA.
Dorney Park is a popular theme park located about an hour outside of Philadelphia.Kids love Planet Snoopy,a fun area with attractions centered around the lovable Snoopy.Adult tickets are available online for 39.99 (or at the gate for 49.99)and kids are 27.99online (or 29.99at the gate).You can also buy a Starlight Admission (29.99online or at the gate),good for visits between 5p.m.and 10p.m.during the summer months when the park is open late,or from 3:30p.m.to 8p.m.when the park closes earlier.
Knotts Berry Farm,Buena Park,CA.
Home to some of the country's craziest rides,Knotts Berry Farm also has calmer,more family-friendly rides.Ages 12-61get in for 39.99when tickes are bought online,while children ages 3-11and adults over 62pay 26.99.
Santa Cruz Boardwalk,Santa Cruz,CA.
Sitting on the warm beaches of Santa Cruz-about 90minutes south of San Francisco-the Boardwalk is home to big roller coasters,mini-golf,enough food and games to keep people of all ages busy.The best part?An all-day unlimited rides wristband is only 31.95.
33.All of the four theme parksD.
A.have calm rides
B.are family-friendly
C.require online booking
D.are cheaper than Disney Parks
34.The Ride and Play package at Luna Park costs youC.
35.What can we learn about the Starlight Admission at Dorney Park?D
A.It is aimed for kids.
B.It can be used twice.
C.It is designed for summer use.
D.It's for visits in the later part of a day.

