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11.It was the fact ______ he had to find another job ______ made him worried much.(  )

分析 你不得不寻找另一份工作的事实让他非常着急.

解答 答案是D.考查定语从句和强调句,分析句子可知 made him worried much是强调句中的剩余部分,根据强调句的固定结构it is/was+被强调部分+that+句子剩余部分,所以前面的空填that;he had to find another job 是一个同位语从句,句中不缺少主语和宾语,所以用that来引导,故答案选D.

点评 本题是一个比较复杂的句型,解题时分析句子结构判断从句的类型是解题的关键,然后根据判断出的从句类型,针对不同的从句选择不同的解题方法.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.hero(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Mikael was set free very soon because of a lack of________ that he was guilty.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.The doctor __________ she sent her friend is very well known.(  )
A.by whomB.at whomC.whomD.to whom


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.I'm calling to enquire about the position _____ in today's China Daily.(  )
A.advertisedB.to be advertised
C.having advertisedD.advertising


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.He has moved back to the house ___he was born.(  )
A.in whereB.in whichC.at whereD.at which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.All the factors         ,we decided to offer the job to Liwei,a man of rich experience.(  )
A.consideredB.being considered
C.consideringD.having considered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Because the shop_________,all the T-shirts are sold at half price.(  )
A.has closed downB.closed downC.is closing downD.had closed down


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.[1]In Finland winters are long and cold,with temperatures rarely rising above freezing,and the nights never seem to end.In addition,those who live in the far north of the country have to cope with the"polar night",a period of 51 days on end during which the sun never rises.But the Finns have invented a way of staying warm and happy-the sauna(桑拿).
[2]Almost every house in Finland has one;in a country which numbers just five  million inhabitants,there are an estimated two million saunas.
[3]Saunas have been around for a long time.The first written reference to the sauna dates back to the l2th century.At first,the sauna was just a heated hole in the ground used for bathing.But over time,as the population became more settled,it became an above-ground room separated from the main house.Today,however,most modern hornes include a sauna,in addition to a shower or bath,in the bathroom.
[4]For Finns the sauna is part of life from childhood,and an experience to be shared with family or friends.It is usual for men and women to take turns to have a sauna.In public saunas there will be separate saunas for men and women.The aim is to relax and sweat,after which you can have a shower,or just run about in the snow outside.Some people even dive into a nearby lake!
[5]But are saunas healthy?        .For example,although some people think  that it is possible to use a sauna to lose weight,most doctors would advise against it.More realistic claims made in favor of saunas include improving blood circulation,getting rid of toxins(毒素),helping people who have breathing problems,and relieving tired muscle.What's more,research by the Finnish Medical Society suggests that people who regularly have saunas reduce their chances of catching colds by up to 30 percent.
66.What is"polar night"?(no more than 20 words)The polar night is a period of 51 days on end when the sun never rises.
67.What does the information in Para.2 suggest?(no more than l5 words)It suggests that the saunas are very popular in Finland./People in Finland love saunas very much.
68.What's the main idea of Para 3?(no more than 10 words)The history of the sauna./The development of the sauna./Saunas have been around for a long time.
69.List three things that people usually do after taking saunas.
①having a shower ②running about in the snow outside ③diving intoa nearby lake    
70.Fill in the blank in Para.5 with proper words.(no more than 10 words)Opinions are divided./Opinions are different./People have different opinions.

