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61 She has all the right _______________ to be a good manager.(qualify)

62. He has a ____________ income, so buying a Ferrari is not a problem.( comfort)

63. Can you  ____________ me a good hotel? (recommend)

64. He didn't do enough _________________for his exam, and failed (prepare)

65.------- I haven’t seen Jane for days. How’s she doing recently?

  ------- She   is __________ in studying for the coming exam. (occupy)

66. I learned to operate a  ________machine to make a dress .(sew)

67. Every year the girl ______________ an unusual gift to the children in poor areas.( donate)

68. These are ___________ rather than social matters. (politics)

69. This kind of desk can be _______________ to the height you need. (adjust)

70. Her appearance is not ___________ to whether she can be a good teacher.(irrelevant)

61-70 qualification   comfortable  recommend  preparation  occupied

     sewing   donates    political  adjusted   relevant


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


III  写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10)



66、The scientist was famous for his d of the new element.

67、We’ll never forget the p        who taught us English at the university.       

68、The wounded soldier must be sent to the hospital as soon as p           .

69、C            was the cause of the accident.

70、The smallest continent in the world is O              .

71、I can’t wait so you had better give me an                  (立刻)reply.

72、“Sorry, I must be off now,” he said and then left out          (勿忙).

73、I could not get a satisfactory         (解释).

74、Do come please. I will wait for you at the           (入口处).

75、The notice reads: “Don’t come in without                  (允许).

