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3. This car is very special. It only has three (wheel) .

4. When he said 3 o’ clock,I (understand) him to mean “in the afternoon”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.你可以参加校篮球队的选拔。 (try out for)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




    Last summer Jane went to Shanghai on vacation. After a long train (1) ,she arrived at the city. She was (2) but a little tired,so she decided (3) first. After she woke up,she found she had lost her wallet somewhere. You could (4) how upset she was at that time. Luckily,she (5) a ten-pound note(纸币) with her. She went to the bank and (6) the note into RMB. On her way back to the hotel,Jane bought some bread and apples. As soon as Jane got to the hotel,she told the waiter that she could only eat special food that hotel didn't serve.

    Jane didn't have a good time (7) she only ate bread and apples every day.

    On the last day of Jane's (8) , Mike,one of the guests,asked, “Hey,Jane. Why didn’t you eat with us in the hotel?” Jane told him about her (9) . Mike laughed, “But didn’t you know the cost (费用) of this hotel includes(包括) everything?” Jane said to herself, “In fact,I'm not as (10) as I thought. ”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Take these new (knife) to your brother,Lisa.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    People often talk about jobs. But when I tell others what I do for a living,they can hardly believe this job exiyis (存在) . But I'm not joking. I spend my days at work eating chocolate!I taste chocolate to make sure that people can get excellent chocolate from our factory.

    Every week I receive chocolate from our factory. I have to check (经验) it for taste and smell.I also have to taste raw maienals (原材料) we usually use. I spend days choosing the most suitable (合适的) ones to go into the chocolate.

    Just beside my office I have a kitchen. I test and taste chocolate I make there. My kitchen is full of machines. It's wonderful to work there during the day.

    No two days are the same in this job. Sometimes I am in the kitchen. Sometimes I’m out of the country buying the raw materials we need and because I have a young family,that can be difficult. But I love this job. I like to live a different life every day. The question is that many people ask me whether I get bored of chocolate,I’ve never felt I didn't want to eat it. In fact,I’11 often go home and eat some more in the morning! 


() 1. When the writer tells people about his job,they .

   A. think he is joking

   B. believe it must be very easy

   C. tell him some ways of improving it   

   D. wonder why he chose this kind of work

() 2. Which of the following does the writer do in his work?

① selling chocolate machines 

② testing and tasting chocolate 

③ buying chocolate of different tastes 

④choosing raw materials of chocolate 

A. ①③   B. ①④   C. ③④   D. ②④.

() 3. The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 4 refers to .

   A. eating too much chocolate

   B. going to a different country

   C. living a different life every day   

   D. working a long time in the kitchen

() 4. What does the writer think of his job?

  A. Boring.  B. Enjoyable   C. Tiring.   D. Relaxing.

() 5. The passage is mainly about.

   A. what the writer's job is like

   B. when the writer begins his job 

   C. why the writer lov?s chocolate   

   D. how the writer makes chocolate


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 一Are you the o of the car?

—Yes,it's mine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 告诉我他为什么成立这个组织。

Tell me why they this organization.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 22. —Jenny lives alone in Shanghai. She must be.

—Why .doesn’t she move to Beijing with her family?

   A. tired   B. blind    C. lonely   D. sick


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

               B  易读度★★☆

    Last year,Bob visited Vancouver,Canada alone. He went there to give a talk on the environment. When it was over,he traveled to the Rocky Mountains and stayed in the Maple Leaf Hotel. He then took a short walk to look at local (当地的) plants in the forest. After a few hours,he knew he took the wrong way,but was sure he could get back to the hotel.

    However,after walking for several hours the next day,Bob knew he was in trouble. u\ had my mobile phone,but the battery(电池) was almost ? dead. I could probably make just one call. But I : didn't know the number of my hotel and I didn't : want to worry my family unless I really had to,said I Bob. He went on walking for three more days. He : knew which plants he could eat and he had little trouble finding them. :

    On the fourth day,he knew it was hopeless and decided to call his family. “He was quite calm when I he spoke to me on the phone ,” said Shirley,Bob’ s (妻子) .“He seemed to be in control of the situation.w Shirley called the Maple Leaf Hotel at once. “That week lots of visitors went to the city to watch basketball games,and we thought Mr. Rigsby went there too,” said the hotel owner. As soon as Shirley phoned,the hotel sent out some people to look for Bob. They found him about one hour later,and luckily he was quite unhurt.

   “I will never go to the forest without a guide. I never want an experience like that again ,” said Bob. 


() 56. Bob went to Vancouver to .

   A. watch football games

   B. give a talk on traveling 

    C. watch basketball games

   D. give a talk on the environment

() 57. What does ihf underlined word “calm” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?

   A. 矜夸的   B. 惭愧的   C.镇静的   D.痛苦的

() 58. Who did Bob call in the end?

   A. His mother.   B. His wife,   C. His sister.    D. His daughter.

() 59. What can we learn about Bob from the passage?

   A. He knew what he could eat in the forest.

   B. He stayed in the forest for seven days,

    C. He didn't like traveling with others.

   D. He was seriously hurt in the forest.

() 60. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. Traveling in the mountains

   B. An early call

    C. An enjoyable experience   

    D. Lost in the forest

