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Nowadays big cities are becoming more and more      (拥挤).




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


      People believes that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skill of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb, you’re wrong. Many Americans are learning to climb in city gyms (体育馆). Here, people are learning on climbing. The climbing wall goes straight up and small holding places for hands and feet.

     How do people climb the wall? To climb, you need special shoes and (保护带) around your chest to hold you. There are ropes (绳索) tied to your. The ropes hold you in place so that you don’t fall. A beginner’s wall is usually about 15 feet high, and you climb straight up. There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes it’s easy to see the new piece of metal. Sometimes, it’s not. The most difficult is your fear. It’s normal for humans to be afraid of falling, so it’s difficult not to feel fear. But when you move away from the wall, the ropes hold you, and you begin to feel safe. You move slowly until you reach the top.

    Climbing attracts people because it’s good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body, especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both your mind and your body can become stronger.

68. What can we infer from the passage?

    A. People are fairly interested in climbing nowadays.

    B. It is impossible to build up one’s body by climbing.

    C. People can only learn the skill of climbing outdoors.

   D. It is always easy to see holding places in climbing.

69. The most difficult thing to do in wall climbing is _______.

    A. to tie ropes to your                          B. to control your fear

   C. to move away from the wall                 D. to climb straight up

70. The word “workout” underlined in the last paragraph most probably means _________.

   A. settlement              B. exercise          C. excitement           D. tiredness

71. Why does the author write this passage?

    A. To tell people where to find gyms.           B. To prove the basic need for climbing

   C. To encourage people to climb mountains.   D. introduce the sport of wall climbing


科目:高中英语 来源:2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试安徽卷英语试题 题型:阅读理解

People believes that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skill of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb, you’re wrong. Many Americans are learning to climb in city gyms(体育馆). Here, people are learning on  climbing. The climbing wall goes straight up and small holding places for hands and feet.
How do people climb the wall? To climb, you need special shoes and (保护带) around your chest to hold you. There are ropes(绳索)tied to your. The ropes hold you in place so that you don’t fall. A beginner’s wall is usually about 15 feet high, and you climb straight up. There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes it’s easy to see the new piece of metal. Sometimes, it’s not. The most difficult is an your fear. It’s normal for humans to be afraid of falling, so it’s difficult not to feel fear. But when you move away from the wall, the and the ropes hold you, and you begin to feel safe. You move slowly until you reach the top.
Climbing attracts people because it’s good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body, especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both your mind and your body can become stronger.
【小题1】What can we infer from the passage?

A.People are fairly interested in climbing nowadays.
B.It is impossible to build up one’s body by climbing.
C.People can only learn the skill of climbing outdoors.
D.It is always easy to see holding places in climbing.
【小题2】The most difficult thing to do in wall climbing is _______.
A.to tie ropes to yourB.to control your fear
C.to move away from the wallD.to climb straight up
【小题3】The word “workout” underlined in the last paragraph most probably means _________.
【小题4】Why does the author write this passage?
A.To tell people where to find gyms.B.To prove the basic need for climbing
C.To encourage people to climb mountains.D.introduce the sport of wall climbing


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建罗源县第一中学高二下学期月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A few months ago, Dr. Ken Duckworth, a psychiatrist(心理医生) in Massachusetts, was swimming in his community's pool, chatting with other swimmers. When he mentioned his career, one man wanted Duckworth’s opinion on his struggles with depression; another asked for advice on a family member's mental illness.

“I was sort of amazed. They were talking openly about their mental disabilities with a stranger in a swimming locker room, ” said Duckworth, “That wouldn't have happened 15 years ago. ”

New research shows that these swimmers aren't the only ones opening up. According to a new study, more American adults than ever are reporting being disabled by the symptoms of depression, anxiety or other emotional problems.

The report, published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health, found that people who said they couldn’t perform everyday tasks or engage in social and leisure activities because of a mental illness increased from 2 percent in 1999 to 2.7 percent in 2009. That increase amounts to nearly 2 million more people disabled by mental distress (痛苦) in the past decade, the report said.

Although people did not say they felt more mental distressed compared to past years, they reported that their mental health problems had a greater impact on their daily lives.

Dr. Ramin Mojtabai, the study's author, said it's unclear whether the findings tell a sad story of greater mental distress in recent times or point to a victory for public education about the importance of acknowledging and evaluating mental illness.

“It is possible that people are realizing the effects of mental illness more acutely now than before," he said. "People could be becoming more aware. ”

Mojtabai said it's also possible that a number of factors could be taking a toll on the population's mental well-being. High unemployment, economic hardships and a growing sense of isolation could be putting greater stress on Americans.

But Duckworth said there could be a more positive explanation -- like his fellow swimmers, people may be getting more comfortable with talking about their mental distress.

“I wonder if this tells us that American culture is becoming more open and is giving people the ability to speak about it,” he said. “If people have this problem and are willing to acknowledge it, then we're getting closer to dealing with it.”

1.Why was Dr. Ken Duckworth surprised when other swimmers talked about the depression with him?

A.He hadn’t expected those swimmers had so many questions.

B.He didn’t know there would be so many people suffering mental disabilities.

C.People wouldn’t talk about their mental disabilities with a stranger in the past.

D.It amazed him that people were becoming more and more open-hearted.

2.Which of the statements may Dr. Ramin Mojtabai agree?

A.More and more people are suffering mental distress nowadays.

B.People may be more willing to acknowledge their mental illness.

C.People are becoming more and more aware of the effects of mental illness.

D.The public education about the importance of acknowledging mental illness is successful.

3.What does the underline phrase “taking a toll on” in para.8 mean?

A.making a contribution to

B.taking part in

C.playing a part in

D.doing harm to

4.What’s the best title of the text?

A.How mental illness come about?

B.Swimmers with mental illness puzzled psychiatrist.

C.Study shows more mental illness.

D.You should have an accurate attitude towards mental illness.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省高三第八次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a child occupied. Yet despite the competition, my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories. She wants to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competition which she won last year.

As a writer, I know about winning contests – and about losing them. I know what it is like to work hard on a story only to receive a rejection letter from the publisher. I also know the pressure of trying to live up to a reputation created by previous victories. What if she doesn’t win the contest again? That’s the strange thing about being a parent. So many of our own past scars and destroyed hopes can resurface in our children.

A revelation (启示) came last week when I asked her, “Don’t you want to win again?” “No,” she replied, “I just want to tell the story of an angel going to first grade.”

I had just spent weeks correcting her stories as she spontaneously (自发地) told them. Telling myself that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for characters, conflicts and endings for her tales. The story about a fearful angel starting first grade was quickly “guided” by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson. I had turned her contest into my contest without even realizing it.

Staying back and giving kids space to grow is not as easy as it looks. Because I know very little about farm animals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, I had to accept the fact that I was co-opting my daughter’s experience.

While stepping back was difficult for me, it was certainly a good first step that I will quickly follow with more steps, putting myself far enough away to give her room but close enough to help if asked. All the while I will be reminding myself that children need room to experiment, grow and find their own voices.

1.What do we learn from the first paragraph?

A.A lot of amusements compete for children’s time nowadays.

B.Children have lots of fun doing mindless activities.

C.Rebecca is much too busy to enjoy her leisure time.

D.Rebecca draws on a lot of online materials for her writing.

2.What did the author say about her own writing experience?

A.She was constantly under pressure to write more.

B.Most of her stories had been rejected by publishers.

C.She did not quite live up to her reputation as a writer.

D.Her road to success was full of pain and frustrations.

3.Why did Rebecca want to enter this year’s writing contest?

A.She believed she possessed real talent for writing.

B.She was sure of winning with her mother’s help.

C.She wanted to share her stories with readers.

D.She had won a prize in the previous contest.

4.The underlined sentence probably means that the author was _______.

A.trying not to let her daughter enjoy her own life

B.trying to get her daughter to do the thing as the author wished

C.making sure that her daughter would win the contest

D.helping her daughter develop real skills for writing



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏无锡一中高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

About 21,000 young people in 17 American states do not go to classes in school buildings. Instead, they receive their school education by working at home on computers. The Center for Education Reform says the United States has 67 public “cyberschools,” and that is about twice as many as two years ago.

The money for students to go to a cyberschool comes from the governments of the states where they live. Some educators say cyberschools receive money that should support traditional public schools. They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well.

Other educators praise this new form of education for letting students work at their own speed. These people say cyberschools help students who were unhappy or unsuccessful in traditional schools. They say learning at home by computer ends long bus rides for children who live far from school.

Whatever the judgment of cyberschools, they are getting more and more popular. For example, a new cybershool called Common-wealth Connections Academy will take in students this fall. It will serve children in the state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen.

Children get free equipment for their online education. This includes a computer, a printer, books and technical(技术的) services. Parents and students talk with teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their computer when necessary.

Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another. But 56 such students who finished studies at Western Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School recently met for the first time. They were guests honor at their graduation.

1.What do we know from the text about students of a cyberschool?

    A. They have to take long bus rides to school.

    B. They study at home rather than in classrooms.

    C. They receive money from traditional public schools.

    D. They do well in traditional school program.

2.What is a problem with cyberschools?

    A. Their equipment costs a lot of money.

    B. They get little support from the state government.

    C. It is hard to know students’ progress in learning.

    D. The students find it hard to make friends.

3.Cyberschools are getting popular because ________.

    A. they are less expensive for students

    B. their students can work at their own speed

    C. their graduates are more successful in society

    D. they serve students in a wider age range(范围)

4.We can infer that the author of the text is ________.

    A. unprejudiced(无偏见的) in his description(描述) of cyberschools

    B. excited about the future of cyberschools

    C. doubtful about the quality of cyberschools

    D. disappointed at the development of cyberschools

5. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

    A. About 67% of the students in the USA go to cyberschools nowadays.

    B. Cyberschools will take the place of traditional schools in the future.

    C. Cyberschools are the most popular form of education now in the USA.

    D. Not everybody likes cyberschools.


