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We owe all our achievements to the correct leadership of the Party.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In our life, we face situations where we are either asked to choose between trust and disbelief. Many of us would say we have to choose trust over disbelief. Actually we are given intellectual(智力的) power to choose what we want, and what we choose certainly need not be the one that sounds pleasing. That is, we can choose both trust and disbelief, but we have to know when to choose between these two.

We should all realize that we are living in a world which is unfortunately mixed with people of various types. We have been given the power of judging who we are working with and who we are partnering with. We cannot give an excuse for believing a scheming(诡计多端的)person, just because he looked or sounded nice, unless we consider ourselves mentally unskillful.

   This world was there before us and it does not owe us a single thing. We are asked to take care of ourselves and our belongings. Trust, too, has to be saved for the deserving(值得的) people. When we give trust universally to all, we end up troubled by the undeserving common cheat. People say trust is life. True! But only wisely exercised trust is life.

   When we start a conversation with someone, the first things that we usually notice would be their dress, behavior, style and their language. What sometimes we all forget to look at is the person’s intention. Now how to look at a person’s intention is a lesson everybody has to learn for themselves in their own way -- there is no single standard for it. But it is certainly possible to discover the purpose if we seek a little bit more.

   Certainly a false offer of friendship or guidance cannot stand undiscovered for long; we are therefore called to exercise disbelief over trust at least momentarily till we find out that we certainly are in agreement with a mutual(相互的)good-willed person.

The world teaches you lots of lessons and if we are willing, we can learn all that we want.

In the first paragraph, the author ________.

A. concentrates on the reason why we make different choices

B. focuses on how to choose between trust and disbelief

C. suggests that trust should be wisely exercised

D. implies that people are forced to make the choice

. We can infer from the passage that _________.

A. people who we are working with are in fact those who we are partnering with

B. the first thing we notice tends to mislead our judgment

C. the mentally healthy people will not judge a person by his looks 

D. the standards of looking at a person’s intention are not various

. The underlined sentence means __________

A. trust and disbelief go hand in hand with each other.

B. disbelief is necessary if you aren’t wise

C. trust is established if two people know each other

D. doubt may serve as the precondition for trust

Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage? 

A. Trust or Disbelief?                         B. Trust Is Life.

C. Trust over Disbelief?                     D. Disbelief over Trust?


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省成都七中2010届高三考前冲刺考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

In our life, we face situations where we are either asked to choose between trust and disbelief. Many of us would say we have to choose trust over disbelief. Actually we are given intellectual(智力的) power to choose what we want, and what we choose certainly need not be the one that sounds pleasing. That is, we can choose both trust and disbelief, but we have to know when to choose between these two.
We should all realize that we are living in a world which is unfortunately mixed with people of various types. We have been given the power of judging who we are working with and who we are partnering with. We cannot give an excuse for believing a scheming(诡计多端的)person, just because he looked or sounded nice, unless we consider ourselves mentally unskillful.
This world was there before us and it does not owe us a single thing. We are asked to take care of ourselves and our belongings. Trust, too, has to be saved for the deserving(值得的) people. When we give trust universally to all, we end up troubled by the undeserving common cheat. People say trust is life. True! But only wisely exercised trust is life.
When we start a conversation with someone, the first things that we usually notice would be their dress, behavior, style and their language. What sometimes we all forget to look at is the person’s intention. Now how to look at a person’s intention is a lesson everybody has to learn for themselves in their own way -- there is no single standard for it. But it is certainly possible to discover the purpose if we seek a little bit more.
Certainly a false offer of friendship or guidance cannot stand undiscovered for long; we are therefore called to exercise disbelief over trust at least momentarily till we find out that we certainly are in agreement with a mutual(相互的)good-willed person.   
The world teaches you lots of lessons and if we are willing, we can learn all that we want.
1. In the first paragraph, the author ________.
A. concentrates on the reason why we make different choices
B. focuses on how to choose between trust and disbelief
C. suggests that trust should be wisely exercised
D. implies that people are forced to make the choice
2. The underlined sentence means __________.
A. trust and disbelief go hand in hand with each other.
B. disbelief is necessary if you aren’t wise
C. trust is established if two people know each other
D. doubt may serve as the precondition for trust
3. We can infer from the passage that _________.
A. people who we are working with are in fact those who we are partnering with
B. the first thing we notice tends to mislead our judgment
C. the mentally healthy people will not judge a person by his looks 
D. the standards of looking at a person’s intention are various
4. Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage? 
A. Trust or Disbelief?                         B. Trust Is Life.
C. Trust over Disbelief?                    D. When to Choose between Trust and Disbelief?


科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(四) 题型:阅读理解

After winning a big game, athletes are often asked how they attained that success. Most say their achievement is the result of grueling hard work and intense practice. Usually athletes say how hard it is to win the big games. At the opposite end of the spectrum, however, is the fact that losing the big game, or, in my case, all the games, can be even tougher.

From the spectators' point of view, last year's basketball season for my high school team was nothing short of an embarrassment. And while 0 and 20 is certainly nothing to be proud of, that season had a bigger impact on me than any other, and probably more than any season since.

As a team captain, I knew it probably wouldn't be the easiest year, but did I ever think we would lose every game? Of course not. Since six of our top players had graduated, it was clear that we were a young team who would struggle. The struggle began earlier than expected, though, as our team's starting center was suspended for the season, and two key members decided to quit after two weeks. At some point, quitting probably passed through every player's mind, but, in the end, we all stuck it out, vowing to work even harder.

Then there came a time when even our own coach had given up on us. Personally, I felt like it was no longer worth giving my all. I thought, if even the coach doesn't believe in us, why should I? But just as my hope began to fade, a teammate called a meeting. He said, "Nobody thinks we're going to win, and heck, we may not, but, as teammates and friends, we owe it to each other to give it our all every game."

Sure, it was a little cliché(陈旧的), but it was that moment that taught me how to be a leader. It hit me then that I may have been a captain, but I, like others in my position, certainly didn't deserve the role. As a leader you can never quit on the team who looks up to you. It is one thing to be named captain and feel great and go through the motions, but it is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone works to their potential all the time.

I am sure it is great to go through high school without losing and bringing home awards. But in all honesty, I relish the fact that my team lost every game last year. It may not help me to become a better basketball player, but it already has made me a better leader, and person.

77.What was the biggest problem with the author's team last season?

A. Several key members were unable to play the games.

B. Their coach no longer wanted to instruct them.

C. There were no actual leaders on the team.

D. Most of players lost hope and wanted to quit.

78.In the text, the author seems to suggest that a good leader should _______.

A. be confident about himself       

B. make sure everyone goes all out

C. work hard to win the games      

D. feel great about his team

79.By saying "we owe it to each other to give it our all every game." (Paragraph 4) the teammate means that all of them should ________.

A. be responsible for the losses      

B. try their best on the court

C. feel thankful for what they've done

D. get together to win every game

80.What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?

A. Success is the result of hard work.

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. One can learn something from the failure.

D. A real leader should never give up.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






           Dear Mr. Johnson,

                We have just heard with pleasure that you and Mrs.           1._____________

        Johnson are coming Beijing for a holiday this summer.                     2. ____________

        That’s real great! As members of the football team, we            3. ____________

       were sending you this gift to express our gratitude to you            4. ____________

       for spending so much time and energy train our team.                 5. ____________

       Your help enabled us to win the district championship in that              6. ____________

       year. We owe all our victories and achievements on you,             7. ____________

       but we hope the binoculars (望远镜) will be useful to you                8. ____________

       on your trip. May you have wonderful vacation. We’re               9. ____________

       looking forward to meet you in Beijing.                                      10. ____________

                                   Sincerely yours,

                                   Li Mei

