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【题目】 Welcome to our full-hotel hotel for dogs and cats. Here your cats can rest easy in comfortable quarters (住处)and dogs can enjoy playtime, salon services, training classes and more!


Standard Guest Rom

An open space that's cleaned daily and furnished with comfortable bedding

Private Suite

Large suits (套房) separated from the standard rooms for a more peaceful, private environment and they are perfect for multiple family pets. Rooms are cleaned daily and feature a raised cot (小床) and TV tuned to pet-themed shows.

Kitty Cottage

Cat cottages are kept separate from dog guest accommodation and they are cleaned daily. Boarding two cats? Cottages with connecting doors are available.


We serve meals for free. If you're bringing meals from home, please portion (分配) them into disposable (一次性的) sealed bags marked with your pet's name. Want to surprise your pet with a tasty snack? We also have treats and doggie ice cream available for purchase.


Our cozy rooms and private suites are stocked with comfortable bedding but please feel free to bring your pet's bed, blanket and toys to make them feel even more at home.

Boarding requirements


Vaccinations (疫苗) must be administered at least 48 hours prior to arrival under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian (持证兽医). However, we prefer that vaccinations should be administered 10 to 14 days before check-in to make sure maximum efficiency. Witten proof is required.

Fleas & Ticks

In addition to vaccinations, all pets should be flea and tick (虱子) free. Overnight "guests" with signs of fleas And/or ticks will not be allowed to check in.

Additional Requirements

All PetsHotel guests must be over four months old before we can offer hospitality.

1According to the passage PetsHotel offers________.

clean and comfortable quarters

salon services and training classes

free meals for pets

tick and flea clean-up service


2Which of the following statements is true?

A.Private suites in PetsHotel are only for guests with many pets

B.PetsHotel offers delicious snacks for pet guests for free.

C.Toys are not allowed into PetsHotel.

D.PetsHotel only accommodates pets aged four months and above.

3Where can you probably find this passage?

A.On the website of an animal protection group.B.In the Life section of a newspaper.

C.On the leaflet of a hotel for pets.D.On the announcement board of a pet clinic.







1细节理解题。根据第一段Here your cats can rest easy in comfortable quarters (住处)and dogs can enjoy playtime, salon services, training classes and more!可知在这里,您的猫咪可以在舒适的住处轻松休息,狗可以享受游戏时间,沙龙服务,培训课程和更多!以及Meals部分中We serve meals for free.可知我们提供免费膳食。由此可知,PetsHotel提供干净舒适的宠物住处、宠物沙龙服务和培训课程以及宠物免费用餐。故选A

2细节理解题。根据最后一段All PetsHotel guests must be over four months old before we can offer hospitality.可知所有PetsHotel的客人都要四个月以上,我们才能招待他们。由此可知,PetsHotel只接纳四个月及以上的宠物。故D选项正确。故选D

3推理判断题。根据第一段Here your cats can rest easy in comfortable quarters (住处)and dogs can enjoy playtime, salon services, training classes and more!可知在这里,您的猫咪可以在舒适的住处轻松休息,狗可以享受游戏时间,沙龙服务,培训课程和更多!结合文章主要介绍了一家名为PetsHotel的宠物旅馆为宠物提供各种各样服务的情况。由此可推知,你可能可以宠物旅馆的传单上能找到这篇文章。故选C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Decision-making under Stress

A new review based on a research shows that acute stress affects the way the brain considers the advantages and disadvantages, causing it to focus on pleasure and ignore the possible negative (负面的) consequences of a decision.

The research suggests that stress may change the way people make choices in predictable ways.

“Stress affects how people learn,” says Professor Mara Mather. “People learn better about positive than negative outcomes under stress.”

For example, two recent studies looked at how people learned to connect images(影像) with either rewards or punishments. In one experiment, some of the participants were first stressed by having to give a speech and do difficult math problems in front of an audience; in the other, some were stressed by having to keep their hands in ice water. In both cases, the stressed participants remembered the rewarded material more accurately and the punished material less accurately than those who hadn’t gone through the stress.

This phenomenon is likely not surprising to anyone who has tried to resist eating cookies or smoking a cigarette while under stress –at those moments, only the pleasure associated with such activities comes to mind. But the findings further suggest that stress may bring about a double effect. Not only are rewarding experiences remembered better, but negative consequences are also easily recalled.

The research also found that stress appears to affect decision-making differently in men and women. While both men and women tend to focus on rewards and less on consequences under stress, their responses to risk turn out to be different.

Men who had been stressed by the cold-water task tended to take more risks in the experiment while women responded in the opposite way. In stressful situations in which risk-taking can pay off big, men may tend to do better, when caution weighs more, however, women will win.

This tendency to slow down and become more cautious when decisions are risky might also help explain why women are less likely to become addicted than men: they may more often avoid making the risky choices that eventually harden into addiction.

1We can learn from the passage that people under pressure tend to ______.

A.keep rewards better in their memory

B.recall consequences more effortlessly

C.make risky decisions more frequently

D.learn a subject more effectively

2According to the research, stress affects people most probably in their ______.

A.ways of making choicesB.preference for pleasure

C.tolerance of punishmentsD.responses to suggestions

3The research has proved that in a stressful situation, ______.

A.women find it easier to fall into certain habits

B.men have a greater tendency to slow down

C.women focus more on outcomes

D.men are more likely to take risks


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 NASA said its Kepler spacecraft has spotted 'Earth's bigger, older cousin': the first nearly Earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star similar to our own.

Though NASA can’t say for sure whether the planet is rocky like ours or has water and air, it's the closest match yet found.

The planet, Kepler-452b, is about 60% bigger than Earth, NASA says, and is located in its star's habitable zone, where life-sustaining liquid water is possible on the surface of a planet.

A visitor there would experience gravity about twice that of Earth's, and scientists say the possibility of it having a rocky surface are 'better than ever'. While it's a bit farther from its star than Earth is from the sun, its star is brighter, so the planet receives about the same amount of energy from its star as Earth does from the sun.

Kepler researcher Jeff Jenkins said, 'The planet almost certainly has an atmosphere, although scientists can't say what it's made of. But if the assumptions are correct, kepler-452b's atmosphere may be thicker than Earth's. '

It takes 385 days for the planet to orbit its star. 'Because it has spent so long orbiting in this zone—6 billion years—it's had plenty of time to brew life,' Jenkins said.

'That's an opportunity for life to arise, if all the necessary ingredients and conditions for life exist on this planet, ' he said in a statement.

Kepler-452b is too far away for humans to visit. But the discovery of this new Earth-like planet can tell us a lot about what’s possible for the future of space travel. 'The next step in the process is to do follow-up missions to find planets similar to kepler-452b, but much closer to Earth, ' said Peter Coughlin, a Kepler research scientist. 'We could do a lot more research into those planets, and even start to think about visiting one day. '

1The researchers are sure that Kepler-452b ________

A.is larger than EarthB.has an atmosphere

C.has air and waterD.has many rocks

2What is the similarity between Kepler-452b and the Earth?

A.They are both located in the sun's habitable zone

B.Their distances from the sun are almost the same

C.Their atmospheres are made of the same compositions

D.They get almost the same amount of energy from their stars.

3The underlined word 'brew' in paragraph 6 most probably means ________.



4What should be the best title for the text?

A.Kepler-452b Is Compared to the Earth.

B.NASA Discovers a New Earth-Like Planet.

C.A Spacecraft Was Launched to Find Super-Earth.

D.A New Planet With Life Is Discovered.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1听到学校篮球队赢球的消息, 我们都很兴奋。(excited


3尽管在发掘学生潜能方面我们做了很多努力, 但仍留下许多领域亟待进一步的探索。(although

4一个知识体系包含了理论与实践经验, 两者互相成就, 缺一不可。(consist


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Have you ever had the following experience? You have been given the task of organizing a conference, which includes a must-do list about a mile long. There is the conference site, the guest list, the materials, the technology and even the food and drink to think about and plan. If you are beginning to feel the stress, slow down and take a breath. 1.

Write down your goals. You will need to clearly define what you hope to accomplish with this conference because this will shape the rest of your decisions. 2.

Develop your budget. 3. Then break that budget into different parts such as conference site, materials and speakers' fees. Stick to your budget, and make sure your assistants are keeping their monetary limits as well.

4. When searching for locations, keep in mind the number of participants, the convenience of the location, parking and closeness to public transportation, airports and hotels. Your goal in finding a place to hold the conference should be making it as easy as possible for participants to attend.

Seek help from the staff of the conference site. If you have chosen a site that is known for holding conferences, you can seek help from the staff there as organizing meetings is what they do every day. 5. They should be able to answer any questions or concern and provide advice when needed.

Of course, full preparations also include a walk-through. Go to the site and meet with the staff the day before to be certain that everything is in place and to take care of any small details.

A. Decide on a schedule for the meeting

B. Choose your conference site

C. Read the following skills to figure out how to organize a conference

D. Knowing what you want to achieve can ease your stress

E. Makefull use of this important resource

F. You can do nothing without knowing how much money you have to spend

G. Turn a blind eye to it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Questions are based on the following passage.


A.The layout of the laboratory.B.A laboratory experiment.

C.The workbook for the laboratory course.D.A piece of equipment.


A.The activities are to be done during class.

B.The activities take less time.

C.No equipment is needed for the activities.

D.Few instructions are given for the activities.


A.After the first laboratory experiment.

B.When the students need to be motivated.

C.At the beginning of the semester.

D.When the students have done good work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:












注意: 1. 文章开头已经写好,不计入总字数;

词数: 150左右

参考词汇: renewable 可再生的

In recent years, carrying out a low-carbon economy has been a hot topic. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it._____________________________________________________________________________











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:









Dear Li Ping,

I received your letter yesterday.__________________________________________________











Best wishes.


Lin Tao


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】To: David Rodgers

From: Mavis Chen

Subject: getting back our old subscribers

Since the marketing meeting yesterday, it occurred to me that we might be ignoring one potentially important source of subscribers. We have focused so intently on how to expand the appeal of our product to groups that have never used it before that I’m afraid we may have overlooked the obvious we may have forgotten that there is a whole group of interested people who have used it and stopped for one reason or another.

This target group has particularly good potential because it consists of readers who have demonstrated interest in the subject matter we present. Their interest is not something we have to work to stimulate. I suggest that making a maximum effort to win these readers back will be more effective on a percentage basis than pursuing some of the other groups we’ve identified.

Since these readers quit using our product once, they were most likely dissatisfied with some aspect of our presentation or our pricing. Our new product will be vastly improved over the old version and is priced more competitively. We need to do everything possible to get those points across, perhaps by sending them a free issue and by asking for their opinions on how we might improve it even further. This could be in the form of a very short survey, either included with the free issue or accessible online.

If you think this idea has merit and might be willing to authorize it, let’s discuss it further when you’ve got a few spare minutes. I have a rough draft of the survey questions I could show you.

1What kind of product is the writer referring to in the memo?

A.A web-based information service.B.A magazine.

C.A consulting service.D.Computer software.

2Why is the writer confident that they can win back their old customers?

A.Their product has no competition.

B.Their product has changed dramatically.

C.They have reduced the price of their product

D.The need for their product has increased.

3What does the writer want to do?

A.Start her plan immediately.B.Wait for input from the survey.

C.Get Mr. Rodgers’ approval.D.Present her idea in the next meeting.

