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假如你叫李华,是一名高一学生,正在准备题为“Why English Is So Important”的文章。






科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南省长沙市高三入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever found yourself in his situation: You hear a song you used to sing when you were a child-a bit of nostalgia(怀旧) or “blast from the past,” as we say. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They found that remembering words in a song was the best way to remember even one of the most difficult languages.

Here is what they did. Researchers took 60 adults and randomly divided them into three groups of 20. Then they gave the groups three different types of “listen-and-repeat” learning conditions. Researchers had one group simply speak the words. They had the second group speak the words to a rhythm, or beat. And they asked the third group to sing the words.

All three groups studied words from the Hungarian language for 15 minutes. Then they took part in a series of language tests to see what they remembered.

Why Hungarian, you ask? Researchers said they chose Hungarian because not many people know the language. It does not share any roots with Germanic or Romance languages, such as Italian or Spanish. After the tests were over, the singers came out on top. The people who learned these new Hungarian words by singing them showed a higher overall performance. They did the best in four out of five of the tests. They also performed two times better than those who simply learned the words by speaking them.

Dr. Katie Overy says singing could lead to new ways to learn a foreign language. The brain likes to remember things when they are contained in a catchy 3, or memorable 4, tune 5.

Dr. Ludke said the findings could help those who struggle to learn foreign languages. On the University of Edinburgh’s website Dr. Ludke writes, “This study provides the first experimental evidence that a listen-and-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning, and opens the door for future research in this area.”

1.The “song” mentioned in the first paragraph is intended to__________.

A. recall the past

B. attract the readers

C. introduce the topic

D. compare the childhood with the present

2.According to the passage which language doesn’t share the same root with Germanic or Romance languages?

A. Hungarian B. Spanish

C. Italian D. English

3.Based on the last two paragraphs, we can conclude that __________

A. singing is the best way to learn a language.

B. the brain probably works best when the foreign language learners sing the words.

C. a listen-repeat method is very effective for any language learner.

D. Dr. Katie Overy and Dr. Ludke disagree with each other.

4.In which situation can the finding of the research be applied?

A. A mother is going to teach her baby how to speak.

B. A child is going to have his first music lesson.

C. A student is going to learn a new English song.

D. An American is going to learn some Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东省汕头市高二下学期期末教学质量监测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Chinese police are joining Italian officers on the streets of Rome and Milan in an experiment aimed at helping tourists from China feel safe, Italy’s interior ministry has announced.

The experiment is the first of its kind in Europe, China’s ambassador to Italy, Li Ruiyu, said at a meeting to announce the project, according to a statement from the Italian ministry.

The four Chinese officers, who were trained by Italians in Beijing, will wear the same uniforms they wear at home so their compatriots can recognize them easily.

More than 3 million Chinese tourists come to Italy every year, according to Liao Jinrong, the director general of the Chinese international co-operation bureau.

“This service was planned with Chinese tourists in mind and, if it works well, we may consider other forms of collaboration, given the presence of the Chinese community in our country,” said the interior minister, Angelino Alfano.

The officers will share information with Italian police and help Chinese tourists if they need to contact local authorities and diplomats from Monday until 13 May, the ministry said.

Liao, the head of the Chinese international co-operation bureau, said the officers’ assignment was a “historic moment” recalling that the route between China and Italy was mapped 700 years ago by Venetian merchant traveler Marco Polo.

1.Why do the Chinese police come to work in Italy?

A. They plan to help the Italian police.

B. They plan to help Chinese in need in Italy.

C. They plan to show Chinese tourists around Italy.

D. They plan to comfort Chinese tourists.

2.What does the word “compatriot” mean?

A. company B. countryman C. family D. friend

3.According to Angelino Alfano, the experiment _____________.

A. will be the first of its kind in Europe

B. will improve the presence of the Chinese community in Europe

C. will give a good example to other forms of cooperation if it succeeds

D. will help Chinese tourists contact local authorities

4.What dose Liao think of this service?

A. meaningful. B. perfect. C. useless. D. interesting.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷第一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Many students believe the choice of their majors and universities should ________ their own interest.

A.be based on B.base on

C.be basing on D.base at


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷第一中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Chinese ________ in many schools around world. Many people love to learn it.

A. is teaching B. has taught C. is taught


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃省高一上学期月考二英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Two students started quarreling at school. One student shouted dirty words at the other, and a fight began. What can be done to stop fights like this at school? In some schools, the disputants sit down with peer mediators(同龄调解者). Peer mediators are students with special training in this kind of problems.

Peer mediators help the disputants to talk in a friendly way. Here are some of the ways they use:

1) Put what you think clearly but don’t say anything to hurt the other. Begin with “I feel…” instead of “You always…”

2) Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Don’t stop the other person’s words.

3) Keep looking at the other person’s eyes when he or she talks.

4) Try to see the other person’s side of the problem.

5) Never put anyone down. Saying things like “You are foolish” makes the talk difficult.

6) Try to find a result that makes both people happy.

Peer mediators never decide the result or the winner. They don’t decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead, the disputants sit down with peer mediators(同龄调解者)

1.The underlined word “disputants” refers to the students ________.

A.who make peace B.who give in

C.who are lazy D.who quarrel

2.Peer mediators’ work is ________.

A.to give lessons to disputants

B.to find out who starts a quarrel

C.to give students some special training

D.to help find a way to make both sides happy

3.Which of the following ways is not used by Peer mediators in finding a “win-win” result?

A.Listen carefully to what the other person is saying.

B.Try to see the other person’s side of the problem.

C.Never say things like “You are foolish”

D.Never keep looking at the other person’s eyes when he or she talks.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃省高一上学期月考二英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ is going to do the job will be decided by the Party committee.

A.That B.Why C.How D.Who


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届全国高考英语阅读理解汇编(10)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Tony Morrison has won this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature. Tony Morrison is sixty-two years old. She was born in Lorain, Ohio. She is the daughter of farmers who moved to Ohio from the southern state of Alabama. She studied at Harvard University in Washington D.C. and Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Her first success came in 1970 with the book called The Bluest Eye. It tells the story of a young black girl in a society where golden hair and blue eyes are considered beautiful. Her next book was called Sulla. It tells the story of two black girls and pain in their lives as they grow up in a small town in Ohio. Her book The Song of Solomon is about a black man who tries to forget his past as a slave and begin a new life. And Tar Baby explores the relationship of a black man and a black woman. In the story the writer argues that black men and women can not get along with each other until they join together to fight racial hatred(种族仇视).?

Miss Morrison won America’s highest prize for literature, the Pulitzer Prize in 1988 for her book Beloved. It is a powerful story of a slave woman who kills her baby daughter so she will not grow up to be a slave, too. Her latest book Jazz was published last year. It tells about the sad stories in the lives of a black man and woman who moved from a small town in the south to New York City. It took place in the 1920s,a time when Jazz music became popular in America.

Tony Morrison is a professor in literature at Princeton University in New Jersey. She says the most wonderful thing about winning the Nobel Prize is that it has finally been awarded to an African American writer. The prize is valued at more than 800,000 dollars. It will be awarded on Dec.10 in Stockholm in Sweden.

1.From the passage, we can see _________.

A. Morrison is the first woman writer to win the Nobel Prize

B. The Bluest Eye tells the story of two black girls

C. the Blacks lived a hard life

D. Morrison studied at Cornell University and is now still working there

2.Morrison has been awarded the Nobel Prize perhaps because _________.

A. she is an important professor in literature

B. her books are widely read

C. what she has written attracted people’s attention to the Blacks’ life

D. she mostly writes about the black women

3.How many books she has written are mentioned in the passage?

A. Five. B. Six.

C. Seven. D. Eight.

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Morrison’s father once lived in Alabama.

B. When jazz was popular in the United States.

C. When her ancestors first came to the U.S.

D. When and where the Nobel Prize will be given to her.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西省高一下学期期未考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Robert Ballard was born in 1942. From an early age, he loved the sea. Ballard grew up in Southern California. He spent his free time at the beach near his home. He enjoyed fishing and swimming. He even learned to dive. When Ballard wasn’t at the ocean, he loved reading about it. At age 10, he read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a book which describes the undersea adventures of Captain Nemo. Ballard decided he wanted to be like Captain Nemo when he grew up. His parents helped him follow his dream.

Ballard was a hard-working student. He spent many years learning all he could about the ocean. By the age of 28, he was an expert. In 1970, he took a job as a scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts. There he studied underwater mountains of the Atlantic Ocean. He came up with ways to predict(预知) volcanoes under the oceans. Working with other scientists, Ballard also found previously (以前) unknown sea animals. These animals lived far below the ocean’s surface, where scientists had believed no animals could live.

By the 1980s, Ballard’s interests changed. He developed unmanned(无人的)vehicles to explore the ocean bottom. His first find, the well-known ship Titanic, made Ballard famous. He was not happy with just one big find, however. He looked for and found other well-known ships. One was the German battleship Bismarck. Another was the U.S.S. Yorktown, an aircraft carrier (航空母舰) that sank during World War II.

Today Robert Ballard is still an underwater explorer. He also heads an organization that encourages students to learn about science. Ballard hopes that some of the students will follow in his footsteps. After all, the world’s huge oceans are mostly unknown. Who knows what remains to be discovered under the sea?

1.What was Ballard’s dream when he was young?

A.To be a science teacher.

B.To be a famous writer.

C.To be an animal expert.

D.To be an underwater explorer.

2.When Ballard worked at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, he _____.

A.explored the undersea world by ship

B.thought of ideas to predict underwater volcanoes

C.found some unknown sea animals alone

D.set up an organization to teach students science

3.Which is the correct order of the events mentioned in the text about Ballard?

a. He found the German battleship Bismarck.

b. He read a book about Captain Nemo.

c. He found the famous ship Titanic.

d. He became an expert in science.

A.b-c-d-a B.d-b-c-a

C.b-d-c-a D.d-c-a-b

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Ballard was greatly influenced by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

B.Ballard didn’t like fishing and swimming in his childhood.

C.Ballard’s parents felt disappointed at his undersea adventures.

D.Human beings have explored more than half of the sea.

