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______ he had broken the record, he would be a world-famous runner now

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省乐清市白象中学高三第四次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

The owner of the mine was ____________ to twenty years because he had broken the law to employ children as miners.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省乐清市高三第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The owner of the mine was ____________ to twenty years because he had broken the law to employ children as miners.

A.sentenced         B.trapped           C.sheltered         D.buried



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届湖南省高二第六次教学质量联合检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Japanese sailor Kenichi Horie has finished a 110-day solo (单独的) voyage across the Pacific Ocean in a boat pushed by sea waves to win another world first.

Weak waves and ocean water movements made his arrival late, which was going to be in late May.

“When waves were weak, the boat slowed down. That’s a problem that needs to be solved,” the adventure told reporters from his boat in western Japan. His 9.5-meter-long boat can move like a dolphin’s tail, and it rises or falls with the waves.

Horie reached his destination in the channel between the main Japanese islands just before midnight after covering about 7,000 kilometers from Hawaii.

Horie first made world record in 1962 when, at the age of 23, he became the first person to sail alone across the Pacific. He made the three-month voyage from his hometown in spite of breaking Japanese law, which did not allow his citizens to sail on their own out of the country, and without a passport or money.

He was arrested upon arrival in San Francisco but the city mayor freed him, gave him a 30-day visa and made him an honorary citizen. News of his achievement made him a hero back home in Japan and his book of the voyage In the Pacific was made into a film. Since then, he has completed many sailing trips across the Pacific and around the world.

After his latest adventure with an environmentally friendly theme, Horie planned to return to his hometown on Sunday. He said, “Throughout history, mankind has used wind for power, but no one has appeared to be serious about wave power.” Horie told the reporter, “I think I’m a lucky boy as this wave power system has remained untouched in fact.”

1.Horie’s boat was mainly powered by ________.

A.sea waves

B.sea winds

C.his strength


2.From the passage we learn that ________.

A.Horie undertook the voyage with a partner this time

B.it took Horie about twenty days more to cross the Pacific this time than in 1962

C.Horie made his first voyage across the Pacific alone fifty years ago

D.Horie’s destination is 7,000 kilometers from San Francisco

3.Horie was arrested in San Francisco after his voyage in 1962 mainly because ________.

A.he had broken Japanese law

B.he had kept it a secret from others

C.his action had put people in danger

D.he had no passport to America

4.Which of the following statements best proves that Horie’s latest voyage was meaningful?

A.He was made an honorary citizen of San Francisco.

B.In Japan he was regarded as a hero.

C.His voyage had the theme of protecting the environment.

D.He wrote an exciting book after the voyage.

5. The author wrote the article mainly to ________.

A.start an ocean crossing movement

B.tell us a piece of interesting news

C.make Horie known to the world

D.encourage people to learn from Horie



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届度山东省德州市高三上学期期中联考英语题 题型:单词拼写


1.She learned to survive in a _________(荒芜的) island.                      

2.The boy spoke in a very low voice, ________(承认) he had broken the glass.     

3. Now that we are all part of the   _____   (全球) village, everyone becomes a neighbor.

4.All these difficulties were caused by natural        (灾难).                 

5. The world is full of  _______(机遇)and challenges.                       

6. Each office will be   __________ (装备) with a computer soon              

7.      (青少年)are young people who are between 13and 19 years old.    

8.“Mind your ________ (行为) , ”the mother said to her young boy..            

9. Don’t be frightened by the television camera, Just speak  _________.(自然地)  

10.It is said that this show is going out _________(实况转播).



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届度北京一零一中高二第二学段模块英语卷(必修6) 题型:单项填空

______ he had broken the record, he would be a world-famous runner now.

A. When             B. Because          C. If           D. Though


