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18.Cultural Center Adds Classes for Young Adults
The Allendale Cultural Center has expanded its arts program to include classes for young adults.Director Leah Martin announced Monday that beginning in September,three new classes will be offered to the Allendale community.The course titles will be Yoga for Teenagers; Hip Hop Dance:Learning the Latest Moves; and Creative Journaling for Teens:Discovering the Writer Within.The latter course will not be held at the Allendale Cultural Center but instead will meet at the Allendale Public Library.
Staff member Tricia Cousins will teach the yoga and hip hop classes.Ms.Cousins is an accomplished choreographer (舞蹈教师) as well as an experienced dance educator.She has an MA in dance education from Teachers College,Columbia University,where she wrote a thesis on the pedagogical (教学法的) effectiveness of dance education.The journaling class will be taught by Betsy Milford.Ms.Milford is the head librarian at the Allendale Public Library as well as a columnist for the professional journal Library Focus.
The courses are part of the Allendale Cultural Center's Project Teen,which was initiated by Leah Martin,Director of the Cultural Center.According to Martin,this project is a direct result of her efforts to make the center a more essential part of the Allendale community.Over the last several years,the number of people who have visited the cultural center for classes or events has steadily declined.Project Teen is primarily funded by a generous grant from The McGee Arts Foundation,an organization devoted to bringing arts programs to young adults.Martin oversees the Project Teen board,which consists of five board members.Two board members are students at Allendale's Brookdale High School; the other three are adults with backgrounds in education and the arts.
The creative journaling class will be cosponsored by Brookdale High School,and students who complete the class will be given the opportunity to publish one of their journal entries in Pulse,Brookdale's student literary magazine.Students who complete the hip hop class will be eligible to participate in the Allendale Review,an annual concert sponsored by the cultural center that features local actors,musicians,and dancers.All classes are scheduled to begin immediately following school dismissal,and transportation will be available from Brookdale High School to the Allendale Cultural Center and the Allendale Public Library.For more information about Project Teen,contact the cultural center's programming office at 988-0099 or drop by the office after June 1 to pick up a fall course catalog.The office is located on the third floor of the Allendale Town Hall.
74.Which of the following statements is correct?A
A.Tricia Cousins will teach two of the new classes.
B.The new classes will begin on June 1.
C.People who want a complete fall catalogue should stop by the Allendale Public Library.
D.The cultural center's annual concert is called Pulse.
75.According to Leah Martin,what was the direct cause of Project Teen?D
A.Tricia Cousins was available to teach courses in the fall.
B.Community organizations were ignoring local teenagers.
C.The McGee Arts Foundation wanted to be more involved in Allendale's arts programming.
D.She wanted to make the cultural center a more important part of the Allendale community.
76.Which of the following factors is implied as another reason for Project Teen?A
A.The number of people visiting the cultural center has declined over the last several years.
B.The cultural center wanted a grant from The McGee Arts Foundation.
C.The young people of Allendale have complained about the cultural center's offerings.
D.Leah Martin thinks classes for teenagers are more important than classes for adults.
77.This article is organized in which of the following ways?B
A.In time order,from the past to the future.
B.Most important information first,followed by background and details.
C.Background first,followed by the most important information and details.
D.As sensational news,with the most controversial topic first.

分析 The Allendale Cultural Center预计面向青少年增设三门新的课程,这三门课程包括青少年瑜伽,街舞以及创意性写作课程等.通过开设这三门课程,项目的主办人想使这个培训中心成为the Allendale community社区的一个重要部分,也想吸引更多的青少年.

74.答案 A细节理解题.文章开头提到新学期将开设三个新班级,然后再根据第二段Staff member Tricia Cousins will teach the yoga and hip hop classes.可知Tricia Cousins将教授其中的两个班级,答案选A.
75.答案 D细节理解题.根据文章第三段According to Martin,this project is a direct result of her efforts to make the center a more essential part of the Allendale community.可知Project Teen的原因就是她想使文化中心成为社区的重要部分,所以D选项正确.
76.答案 A推理判断题.第三段介绍了the Allendale Cultural Center's Project Teen这个项目,提到了to make the center a more essential part of the Allendale community.是这个项目的一个目的,然后作者又说the number of people who have visited the cultural center for classes or events has steadily declined,由此可知开设新课程也是为了吸引更多的青少年,所以A选项正确.
77.答案 B推理判断题.通读全文可知,作者在谋篇布局上都是每段先提出主题句,然后再进行详细解释,也就是首先提出重要信息,然后用细节支撑,所以答案选B.

点评 社会文化类是英语阅读中常见的题材,掌握该类的英语阅读理解技巧十分重要.主旨大意题在历史文化类文章中是常考的题型.解答这类试题的英语阅读理解技巧:1.读首句抓大意.文化教育类阅读理解文章多采用说明文、议论文体裁,而这类文章大都采用文章段落的中心,即主题句在文章开头.因此,要寻找这类文章的主旨大意就需要研究文章的首句. 2.读尾句抓大意.有时这类文章的主题句安排在文章的结尾,作为对全篇的总结. 3.读首段抓大意.有些文章或段落的开头和结尾部分都有主题句.这种结构是为了突出主题思想而使用两次点题的写作方法.这两个主题句在句子结构和用词上有所不同,而且在内容上前句和后句也不重复. 4.从段落中抓大意.有些文章或段落的主题句在文章中,这种文章或段落往往以一句话或几句话引出要表达的主题,在主题句出现后,再举例子陈述细节或继续论证. 5.归纳要点抓大意.有些文章或段落无明显的主题句,只是暗示性地体现主题.这就要求同学们在阅读过程中根据文中所叙述的事实或线索来概括总结主旨大意.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Shakespeare was ___________ great writer in ___________ 17th century.(  )
A.the; aB.the; theC.a; theD.a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.There was a man who was blind from birth.He owned a fruit stand (摊子) on a very busy street.
One day his son came to him and told him that he had read in the newspaper of a new discovery that they could operate on his eyes and allow him to see.The father and son traveled to the doctor and paid for the operation.
The doctor asked the man after the operation,"What is the first thing you want to see when I take the bandages off?"
The blind man replied,"I want to see my beautiful fruit on my stand!"
The doctor and the son took the man down to the busy street where his fruit stand was located for so many years.The doctor carefully took off the bandages so that the man could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit.The man was so full of joy that he could finally see his life's work-taking care of his fruit.
After a few hours of enjoying his beautiful fruit stand,he looked down the street and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both directions.He spent so much time looking at other fruit stands and he was so sad because his fruit stand was not the only one along the street!
The reason I tell you this story is:
-You are an individual.
-You have different fingerprints,DNA,and thinking!
-You are one of a kind.
-There is no competition.
-You are on the endangered species list!
-Once you are gone,that's it!
-Be yourself and allow everyone else to be who they are.
36.How did the son know there was a way to allow the blind man to see?D
A.From the doctor
B.From a friend.
C.From the advertisement
D.From the newspaper.
37.What was the blind man's biggest wish after he could see?A
A.To see his fruit
B.To see the world.
C.To see his son
D.To see the doctor.
38.Why did the man's feeling change from joy to sadness?C
A.Because he couldn't see his stand very clearly.
B.Because his life's work was taking care of his fruit.
C.Because his stand was just one of those fruit stands.
D.Because the fruit wasn't as beautiful as he had thought.
39.The purpose of the story isB.
A.to support us to compete with others
B.to remind us to mind our own life
C.to advise us to be a special one
D.to believe us endangered.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.A student was one day taking a walk  with a professor.The professor was very popular with students for his ways of   __11___.When they were walking,they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes,which they(12)Cbelonged to a poor man who was working in a field close by.
The student turned to the professor,saying,"Let's play a (13)Don him:we'll hide his shoes,and hide ourselves behind those bushes,and wait to see his(14)Bwhen he cannot find them."with students for his ways of   11.As they w A student was one day taking a walk
The professor said,"We should(15)Camuse ourselves at the expense of the poor.You are(16)B,and may give yourself a much greater pleasure(17)Ahelping the poor man.Let's put a coin into each shoe,and then we will(18)Dourselves and watch how the (19)Aaffects him."The student did so.Before long,the poor man came across the (20)Ato the path where he had left his coat and shoes.
While putting on his coat he (21)Chis foot into one of his shoes,feeling something(22)B.He bent down to see what it was,and found the coin.(23)Band wonder appeared on his face.He stared at the coin,turning it around,then looked around on all sides without
  (24)Aanyone.He put the money into his pocket,and(25)Cto put on the other shoe,and his surprise was(26)Aupon finding the other coin.
He fell upon his(27)B,looked up to heaven,and let out a sincere thanksgiving in which he spoke of his wife,sick and(28)C,and his children who(29)Dbread,whom this timely help would save from dying.
The student stood there deeply affected,his eyes filled with tears."Are you not much better(30)Dthan if you had played a trick?"said the professor.

17.A.by means ofB.in case ofC.for fear ofD.with regard to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Most schools in America do not have the latest equipment in laboratories.It is just too costly.But the eastern state of Maryland and8 non-profit group found a way to make such equipment available during the school year.They put it on a bus!
    The 13-meter-long Maryland BioLab is a mobile classroom filled with equipment that lets students explore many kinds of science.It travels around the state visiting schools.It has everything from biology to forensic science(法医学).The mobile lab has been bringing bioscience education to schools around Maryland for more than 10 years,
"It is really nice to get the students in here with hands-on activities.They get really excited and want to be engaged."said Ms.Mangus,who is in charge of the program.She said that many students finished their experiments and left the bus excited about the possibility of becoming a scientist.
    At the end of each class,Ms.Mangus talked to the students about how she became a scientist."If we have enough time,we like to take five,ten minutes and talk about us,ourselves.I tell them how I got into science,maybe where I went to school,what I did,and the different kinds of things we could do."
    Brian Gaines,the chief executive officer of the foundation supporting the BioLab program,said the organization's goal was to help create the next generation of scientists."We use this program to talk about careers in science-not only science,but science,technology,engineering and math.Students on the bus get real-life experience they do not get in a classroom."

56.Which of the following is true about the BioLab?B
A.It visits schools around the United State.
B.It's a mobile lab for the schools in Maryland.
C.It is used to replace the ordinary classroom.
D.It is equipped with all kinds of school things.
57.The students are very pleased becauseA.
A.they can do experiments with their own hands
B. they can have face-to-face talks with scientists
C.the bus comes to their school every day
D.they can realize the dreams of being scientists
58.Ms.Mangus talked about her experience toC.
A.make her classes lively and interesting
B.show off her achievements
C.arouse the students'interest in science
D.get the students more involved in class
59.According to Brian Games,the real purpose of the program is toA
A.help create the future scientists
B.prepare students for future careers
C.improve students'marks in schools
D.save money for the government
60.Which of the following would be the best tide for the test?D
A.Bioscience Education in America.        
B.A New Way to Do Experiments!
C. The Way to Be a Scientist.                
D.A BioLab on a Bus!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

3.At a local bakery I gave the cashier some money."Please surprise someone by(11)Atheir meal with this today,"I said.
     Her(12)Bdropped open."Why are you doing this?"she asked.
"To spread a little bit of(13)C,"I said,"It feels like a good day to share love."
"This is so nice!"she smiled,I smiled too and thinking about how she was going to (14)Athe rest of the day looking for that"perfect"person.
  A little while later I stood,looking(15)B,on a subway platform in Times Square.A passer-by (16)Dhis earphones and gently asked,"Where do you need to go?"Then he gave me directions.
    Soon afterwards I found myself struggling with a heavy(17)Dthrough a downtown subway station.I'd already dragged it up and down a great many staircases.As I (18)Ain front of a final flight of steps,a young man turned around the corner and without hesitation,said,"Carl I help you with the suitcase?"Before I'd even managed a(n)(19)Che lifted my suitcase up.It was a love-filled moment that(20)Bme how much I love this city-with quiet kindness!

11.A.paying forB.eating upC.taking awayD.clearing up
16.A.brought upB.got backC.gave awayD.pulled out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.It was the so-called"supermoon"evening the other night.That is when the moon is at its(41)B and brightest point.I decided to take a (42)Cfrom the book I was reading and go out to(43)Dit for a while.A gentle rain was falling as I(44)Bout into my yard and looked up at the sky.At first I thought the rain clouds would ruin my(45)A,but it wasn't long before they(46)Bright where the giant moon was resting in the sky,and the golden light from it(47)Aup the sky.I stood there for a long time moved by the sight and(48)Cnoticed the cold rain drops beating my head.
When I finally took my(49)Coff the sky,I saw something else(50)Din the night.Dozens of little fireflies were blinking their own(51)Bon and off.It was so wonderful seeing them again.They had always(52)Dmy summer nights more lovely with their lights.Their little blinks were so (53)Acompared to the giant moon,yet they too made the dark,rainy night look a little brighter.
You know,sometimes I(54)Alike one of those tiny fireflies trying to shine my light in this world.(55)Cit is so weak and small,I know that if I don't shine my light and (56)Bmy love,this world will become a darker place.I know too that the(57)DI shine,the more others will share their own loving light as well.
Don't let this sometimes dark world(58)Ayou then.So I think you should shine your own light as brightly as you can.You can(59)Cothers to shine theirs as well.(60)B,you should never forget to share your love with laughter and joy.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.On countless mornings over the past year,I stood with my son,James,in our driveway,watching our neighbor hurry off to kindergarten.My wife and I wanted to give James the best  education,but that meant we'd have to change our jobs and spend less time with our kid.I asked myself,"Would this trade-off be worth it?"When I look at the research on child development,I think it might not.Where our kids go to school might matter less than most American parents think.
    Social scientists have long tried to determine why some children grow up to be successful.In a 2001 study,Greg Duncan,a professor of education at the University of California,measured the influence that the people in a child's life have on how well the child does in school.Duncan and his team found almost no relationship between how students did on the test and whom they sat beside in class,whom they hung out with after school and who lived in their block.The only meaningful link they found was between siblings (兄弟姐妹) and twins in particular.
     For a long time,scholars thought that a family's income heavily affected how well kids did   in life.But that might not be the case.When Susan Mayer at the University of Chicago looked at the relationship between family income and lifetime achievement,she ran a series of experiments to measure it,finding such outcomes weren't caused by income.She argued that the things that make a difference are relatively inexpensive:the number of books a kid has or how often his family goes to museums.
    Lareau,another scholar began one of the most in-depth observations of American parenting.He concluded that success is much more related to the amount of time parents spend with their children.He said"Many parents I interviewed are anxious about their children's futures.But they have exaggerated(夸大) the sense of the risks involved if they don't give their children'the best'of everything."
    So at last,we decided to leave things as it were.More time with our kid is the best we can provide.
25.The first paragraph is intended toA
    A.introduce the topic of the passage
    B.confirm the result of a research
    C.stress the importance of good education
    D.support a research on child development
26.From the passage we know that most American parentsC.
    A.spend a lot of time with their children
    B.like to buy a variety of books for their children
    C.think children's achievement largely depends on schools
    D.believe their income cannot afford children's education
27.Who believes children's brothers and sisters may influence their academic performance?B
    A.Lareau.         B.Greg Duncan.    C.Susan Mayer.    D.James.
28.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A
    A.Parents'time matters to children's future.
    B.School education determines children's future.
    C.Family income counts to children's achievements.
    D.Less education means more risks for children's success.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.I know my job isn't well paid,but ________ I don't have to work long hours.(  )
A.in other wordsB.on the other hand
C.for one thingD.as a matter of fact

