精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
7.They hurried to the airport,only ________ the film star had left.(  )
A.to tellB.to be toldC.tellingD.told

分析 他们匆忙跑到机场的时候,结果却被告知电影明星已经离开.

解答 答案:B   本题中的不定式做结果状语,表示的是意料之外的结果;本句表示的是意料之外的结果.only to do是固定搭配,表示意料之外的结果,主语和tell之间是被动关系,所以用to be told.现在分词做结果状语表示的是意料之中的结果.故C正确.

点评 现在分词做结果状语表示的是意料之中的结果;不定式表示的是意料之外的结果;解题时要根据上下文的语境来判断究竟应该使用何种形式.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.For many people around the world,a subway journey means speeding from one dull station to the next,surrounded by too many uncomfortable,impatient people.But on the Moscow Metro,taking the subway is like walking through a national heritage site.Depending on where you get off,you'll receive a brief course in architectural movements and face colorful glass windows,marble(大理石)columns,gilded (鎏金的)mosaics and painted scenes from Russian history.
"These extraordinarily beautiful places are unlike any metro station I've ever seen,"says Vancouver-based photographer David Burdeny.
When Burdeny,who himself has a master's degree in architecture,first found out about Moscow's metro stations,he was struck by the work of art.In all,he has photographed 20of the most beautiful stations.
Burdeny had originally planned to focus on Russian stations more generally,taking photos of examples in both St.Petersburg and Moscow.
"But when I saw the stations in Moscow,they just completely blew away the St.Petersburg ones,"he says.
Shooting in the subway sounds simple,but it is not without challenges.For one thing,Burdeny had to figure out a way to access them between 12:30a.m.and 5:30a.m.,when the stations were closed.
In the end,he settled on Arbatskaya Metro Station,whose vaulted (拱顶的) arches he found the most beautiful.But it also represented a challenge he was not sure he was able to overcome:conveying the hugeness of the spaces.The Arbatskaya platform,for example,stretches 820feet."Some of the arches are quite long,"he says."When you enter them,they're just so completely grand."
1.We can learn from the text that David BurdenyD.
A.is a world-famous architect
B.is studying Russian history
C.took the subway to and from work
D.took photos of Moscow subway stations
2.What Burdeny found challenging wasC.
A.when to take photos of Moscow subway stations
B.whether to work in St.Petersburg or Moscow
C.how to photograph the long arches at Arbatskaya Station
D.where to get off to study the Moscow metro system
3.What does the underlined word"shooting"mean in Paragraph 6?B
A.Firing bullets from a gun.
B.Taking photographs.
C.Making movies.
D.Throwing the ball at the basket.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Does money buy happiness?Not!Ah,but would a little more money make us a little happier?Many of us smirk(傻笑,假笑) and nod.There is,we believe,some connection between financial fitness and emotional fulfillment.Three in four American college students-nearly double the 1970 proportion-now consider it"very important"or"essential"that they become"very well off financially".Money matters.
But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life's necessities,increasing wealth matters surprisingly little.The connection between income and happiness is"surprisingly weak,"observed University of Michigan researcher Ronald Inglehart in one 16-nation study of 170,000people.Once comfortable,more money provides diminishing returns(报酬递减).The second piece of pie,or the second﹩100,000,never tastes as good as the first.Even lottery winners and the Forbes'100 wealthiest Americans surveyed by University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American.Making it big brings temporary joy.But in the long run wealth is like health:its complete absence can create suffering,but having it doesn't guarantee happiness.Happiness seems less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.
Has our happiness,however,floated upward with the rising economic tide?Are we happier today than in 1940s,when two out of five homes lacked a shower or tub?Actually,we are not.Since 1957,the number of Americans who say they are"very happy"has declined from 35 to 32 percent.Meanwhile,the divorce rate has doubled,the teen suicide(自杀) rate has increased nearly three times,the violent crime rate has gone up nearly four times,and depression has mushroomed.Economic growth has provided no boost to human morale.When it comes to psychological well being,it is not the economy.
I call this soaring wealth and shrinking spirit"the American paradox."More than ever,we have big houses and broken homes,high incomes and low confidence,secured rights and reduced civility.We are good at making a living but often fail at making a life.We celebrate our prosperity(繁荣) but long for a purpose.We treasure our freedoms but long for connection.In an age of plenty,we feel spiritual hunger.

63.Which of the following statements best expresses the author's view?C
A.The more money we earn,the less returns we have.
B.The more money we earn,the happier we would be.
C.In the long run,money cannot guarantee happiness.
D.In the long run,happiness grows with economy.
64."The second﹩100,000 never tastes as good as the first"becauseD.
A.it is not so fresh as the first﹩100,000
B.it is not so important as the first﹩100,000
C.profit brought by it is less than that from the first﹩100,000
D.happiness brought by it is less than that from the first﹩100,000
65.According to the passage,people do well in making a living but don'tC.
A.have any primary aim
B.know how to spend money
C.know how to enjoy life 
D.keep in touch with other people
66.The things that happened after 1957are given to show thatA.
A.people's spiritual needs cannot be fulfilled by wealth
B.family problems become more and more serious
C.young people are not happy about their life
D.social crimes have increased significantly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.There are many talented writers waiting_________.(  )
A..to discoverB.discovered
C..to be discoveredD..being discovered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Don't invite crime-take basic,sensible precautions.Your house and possession are valuable and must be properly protected.When you buy a lock,you buy time.The best prevention is delay and noise which could mean discovery.
When you leave it-lock it!
First of all,fit security locks to all doors and windows and a safety chain on the front door.Secondly,use them!
If you have any ladders or tools,don't leave them lying about in the garden,lock them away.
"Safe"or"secret"places for keys and valuables are not reliable-nine times out of ten,they are the first place a thief will look.
When you move house…
When you move into a new home even if it is fitted with security locks,change them.You don't know who else may have keys.
Never let strangers into your house.An official-looking cap is not enough,ask for proof of identity and look at it carefully-if you are still not satisfied,don't let the person in.
Valuables need special protection
Valuables should really be given special protection-preferably by leaving them with your bank.A small security safe works too,but not to the most determined burglar.It is also important to keep an up-to-date list of valuables and their descriptions.In the case of fine art,paintings,or jewelry,color photographs can sometimes be of assistance to the police if you are unfortunate enough to have them stolen.Enter the details on the back of the pictures.But don't keep such documents in your house,keep them at the bank or with your insurance company.
Going on holiday?
Don't talk about your holidays and future plans loudly in public.Do remember to cancel the milk and newspapers and also to draw curtains back.
Operate a"Good Neighbor"program to ensure that mail is taken in,the house is checked regularly and that lights are put on.
Call at your local police station and tell them you are going away.Make sure that they know how to contact you in case of trouble.
Don't leave cash or valuables in the house-take them with you or put them in the bank.
55.When moving into a new house,you are supposed toB.
A.buy a safe
B.change the locks
C.visit your neighbors
D.stay away from strangers
56.Which is the safest way to protect your valuables?B
A.Taking pictures of your valuables.
B.Keeping your valuables at the bank.
C.Putting your valuables in your safe.
D.Giving a list of your valuables to the police.
57.When you are away for holidays,youC.
A.should cancel your mail
B.shouldn't leave your keys to your neighbors
C.shouldn't make it known that your home is empty
D.should ask the police to check your house regularly
58.What is the purpose of the passage?D
A.To inform people of safety standards.
B.To introduce the advantages of banks.
C.To prove the importance of security locks.
D.To educate people on prevention of burglars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I am a music store owner.One day,when I was cleaning the instruments in my store,I saw an old man come in.His short steps dragged on the carpet."Is 77too old to learn the banjo(班卓琴)?"he asked."It's never too late to learn to play,"I replied,holding back my doubts.My mind told me I was giving false encouragement.I reached the instructor's schedule and gave the rates,the available(有效的) time and additional information that he would need.To my surprise and delight,the old man,Carl,began banjo lessons three days later with my most patient teacher.
With nothing to do at home but practice,Carl made surprising progress.After breakfast he practiced for his required half hour.While waiting for lunch he picked up his banjo again for just a couple of minutes.Since TV was difficult for him to see and hear,he often played the banjo in the evenings.Carl was always early for lessons so it was a surprise that he didn't arrive one Tuesday.
The next morning I listened to the answering machine with sadness."Carl's in hospital,"the voice recorded.
Two months later,I shared the newspaper obituary with the banjo teacher.We both shed tears for a surprisingly clever banjo student.
Several months later,an old woman came into the store carrying a plant."This is for Carl's banjo teacher,"she said."I'm his wife,Mary."
"Why did Carl want to play banjo?"I asked.Mary took a deep breath and let it out slowly."Carl was at some show when he was 10years old.He came close to the stage to watch the performers.When they were picking up their instruments,the banjo player said to Carl,‘You want to see this up close?'Carl climbed up on the stage and from then on he wanted to play the banjo."Carl had waited 67years to realize this dream!Mary gave the plant to me."Thank you for the best six months of his life,"she said.

61.In Paragraph 2,the author's reaction to Carl's question showed that heD.
A.was willing to help   
B.didn't want to encourage Carl
C.didn't want to give him false encouragement
D.encouraged Carl though he had doubts
62.The underlined word"obituary"in Paragraph 5means a notice thatA.
A.announces somebody has died
B.announces somebody is needed
C.announces a good piece of news
D.announces a gift for somebody
63.Why did Carl want to learn banjo?C
A.Because his wife encouraged him to learn it.
B.Because he wanted to become a banjo performer.
C.Because he wanted to realize a dream from his early age.
D.Because he wanted to enjoy the last six months of his life.
64.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.all roads lead to Rome
B.it's never too old to learn
C.well beginning is half done
D.a friend in need is a friend indeed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Faced with fog and haze(雾霾),Chinese experts______ how to solve the problem recently,but it may take a long time.(  )
C.will discussD.have been discussing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.You are watching a film in which two men are having a fight.They hit one another hard.At the start they only fight with their fists.But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs.And so it goes on until one of the men crashes (撞击) through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below.He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead.With any luck he isn't even hurt.Why?Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains,who crash cars or even catch fire,are professionals.They do this for a living.These men are called stuntmen.That is to say,they perform tricks.There are two sides to their work.They actually do most of the things you see on the screen.For example,they fall from a high building.However,they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress (床垫).Again,when they hit one another with chairs,the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows,the glass is made of sugar!But although their work depends on trick of this sort,it also requires a high degree of skill and training.Often a stuntman's success depends on careful timing.For example,when he is"blown up"in a battle scene,he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.
  Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work,but they lead dangerous lives.They often get seriously injured,and sometimes killed.A Norwegian stuntman,for example,skied over the edge of a cliff (悬崖) a thousand feet high.His parachute failed to open,and he was killed.In spite of all the risks,this is no longer a profession for men only.Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous action,for nowadays there are stuntgirls,too.
68.Stuntmen are those whoC
A.often dress up as actors 
B.prefer to lead dangerous lives 
C.often perform seemingly dangerous actions 
D.often fight each other for their lives 
69.Stuntmen earn their living byB
A.selling their special skills 
B.playing their dirty tricks 
C.jumping out of high windows 
D.jumping from fast moving trains 
70.When a stuntman falls from a high building,D.
A.he needs little protection 
B.he will be covered with a mattress 
C.his life is in danger
D.his safety is generally all right 
71.Which of the following is the main factor (因素) of a successful performance?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.My husband hates going to the gym in January.  Not because he doesn't want to take exercise after the Christmas break,but because of the amount of new people there.Without fail,every January brings eager new gym members filled with  excitement over their New Year's resolution(决定):Join a gym.
His frustration(沮丧)is short-lived though;within a matter of weeks only a few new comers are still there.In fact,research suggests that only about 8%of them remain.That's the amount of the 40%of people who set resolutions who actually keep them.
Why is it so hard to keep new year resolutions?I believe it is because we make them difficult to keep.They're too specific.Look at the resolution:join a gym.What's the problem with it?Maybe your schedule makes it difficult to get to the gym regularly or you don't like the atmosphere.It's all too easy to fail at goal-setting when you focus on a specific goal.
So what do you do instead?This year,I want you to focus on feelings and experiences instead of goals.Why do you sign up for a gym membership?Because you want to feel healthy,get fit and feel energized.There are lots of ways besides the gym to get these results:eating better,walking more,taking a dance class.If you don't like one thing,move onto the next.You need not feel like you failed because you are still looking for the feeling.
By focusing on feelings you stay open to opportunities around you.Instead of blindly following only one way that may or may not work,you can explore a variety of  options.This year,instead of a list of resolutions,make a list of things you want to feel and experience.You can't fail

51.The author's husband hates going to the gym in January becauseD.
A.he is too busy to take exercise
B.he doesn't want to take exercise
C.he is too tired after Christmas
D.the gym becomes too crowded
52.What can we learn from the second paragraph?C
A.The gym was short-lived because only 8%of the members remain
B.About 40%of the people who set resolutions actually keep them.
C.About 92%of the new gym members never come again after some time.
D.Research shows that most people set resolutions in the new year.
53.Which of the following is the writer most likely to agree with?B
A.Resolutions are difficult to keep.
B.We'd better not make goals too specific.
C.The gym is the best choice to keep healthy.
D.We should focus on goals instead of feelings.
54.The underlined word in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toA.
A.choices    B.exercises    C.feelings    D.gyms
55.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?D
A.To tell us her husband hates going to the gym in January.
B.To encourage readers to sign up for a gym membership.
C.To tell readers many people fail to keep their resolutions,
D.To offer readers advice on how to set goals successfully.

