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第四部分: 任务型填空( 共10小题,满分10分)

Teaching kids to fish sometimes puzzles us parents. Now I’d like to give you a few tips.

First of all, start them young.

Get them in a boat, or on a pier(码头), or on the bank at as young an age as you possibly can. Obviously this means being extremely conscious about their safety. Whatever you do, DON’T plan on any fishing yourself. If fishing is going to happen, the fishing will be done by the kids with your help! This lets you pay attention to them and not ignore them while you fish.

Next, make sure you plan the first trips to someplace where you can actually catch a lot of fish. At this point, it doesn’t matter what kind or how big, just make sure they can catch some. A small child’s patience is very short, and waiting 30 minutes for a bite will turn them off in a hurry. You may need to go to a small pond where the fish are dying to eat bread balls. Any type of fish will do. Remember, this is for them, not for you.

As they fish, cheer for every fish they catch. Make a really big deal out of it. Take pictures. And if it’s possible, take some home to clean. Let the child help you clean with a table knife, so he can’t get hurt.

Make sure he makes and sees the connection from catching to cleaning to cooking. As soon as you have the fish cleaned, it’s into the kitchen to start cooking. Make him flour and cornmeal the fish. Let him see the fish cooking, and talk about how good they are. Then when it’s ready, make sure you brag(吹嘘) on the fact that he (or she ) caught these fish, and “aren’t they good?”

In this way, I’m sure your kids will be interested in fishing and good at fishing.

Title: Teach a kid to fish

Start them young

·Be aware of (71)_________

·Plan a fishing trip for the (72)_________ not for yourself.

Plan the first fishing (73)_______

·Choose places where the kids can catch fish easily because a small child’s patience doesn’t (74)_________ long.

·Regardless of (不管)the kind and (75)_________ of fish.

Cheer for every fish they catch

·Make a big deal out of it.

·Take pictures.

·Take some home and let the child help to clean with a table knife to avoid (76)_________ hurt.

(77)_________ the fish they catch

·(78)_________him to flour and cornmeal the fish.

·Let him see the fish cooking.

·Talk about how good they are.


·Make them (80)_________ in and good at fishing.

71.safety   72.kids   73.trips     74.last   75.size    76.getting   77.cook   78.get   79.conclusion   80.interested  


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省六合高级中学2010届高三下学期冲刺模拟卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

第四部分任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格的空格处里填人最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格填1个单词。
Host family accommodation means that hosts treat the student as a full member of the household, eating together with the student and sharing the common living areas with him/her. No more than three adult students or four junior students will be accommodated in host family accommodation at one time.
Host family accommodation remains popular among international students. It is the most economical and beneficial accommodation for any student. It is also the best way to practice English and learn new cultures. As a result, it is often seen as the number-one choice for its advantages in language study, cultural communication and cost of living. Staying alongside host family enables students to get enough practice during the short time of their study so that their language acquisition is likely to become faster. Living in host families, students are able to spend a lot of time communicating with their "host parents", who are often very hospitable and friendly, and get to know the local way of life, people and culture. Most host families are always ready to help students out in any situation. Often the bonds that are made between international students and their host families endure many years, and are maintained through letters and e-mails. Another advantage is that host family accommodation can sometimes be the least expensive. It attracts students as it ensures them a family type of living at a low cost.
The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying. On the one hand, some host families are losing their unique selling point. One problem is that the majority of hosts in big cities, now generally single and young, have less time available for international students, but the selling point for host family accommodation is communication practice. On the other hand, students' expectations have risen. They are becoming more demanding and asking for more than ever from their accommodation, as they come mainly from high socio-economic groups in their own countries.
To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service. They are trying to make living conditions better, including broadband Internet service, private bathroom, and access to plenty of hot water for long showers. They are also providing students with structured family activities.
It is believed that host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with international students.

Title: Host Family Accommodation
Host family accommodation refers to a kind of accommodation in which the student is treated as a (71)   ▲   member of the host family, eating together and sharing the living areas with the hosts.
(72)  ▲  
Language study
Students learn the language faster because they (73)    ▲   
frequently enough.
Cultural communication
It is more convenient for students to communicate and get to know the local (74)  ▲  , people and culture.
Cost of (75)  ▲ 
Sometimes it is the least expensive and enables students to live at a low cost.
Loss of the selling point
Hosts (76)   ▲   enough time to communicate with students.
Rise in (77)  ▲ 
Students are demanding more from their host families.
(78)  ▲ 
Improvement of service quality
Hosts are (79)  ▲   living conditions.
They are offering students structured (80) ▲  activities.
Host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with international students.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市2009-2010学年度高二第二学期期中考试英语 题型:其他题



请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。

The Internet is making the world smaller and changing every aspect of our lives. The impact of this, in my opinion, will be strongly felt in the field of education. There are three reasons for this.

First, the Internet provides equal opportunities for all students, as long as they can get access to it. In the traditional form of education, students who get higher marks in examinations may enter a good school, and those who do not, have to enter a relatively less good one. With the Internet, every student is provided with access to the same educational materials, so they have equal opportunities to improve themselves. In that case, the general quality of education will be highly improved in our country.

Second, the Internet presents a challenge to teachers. Traditionally, teachers have controlled education. With the Internet, a student may choose any teacher’s instruction as he wishes. Faced with this, a teacher is likely to try his best to improve his instruction to be attactive and this will in turn improve the educational quality of our country.

Last but not least, the Internet makes education more convenient for students. A student can learn at any time he likes and, at the same time, he can save the money spent on tuition and board. All of these may lead to a revolution in education.

It is true that the Internet may still remain out of the reach of some people and maybe less amicable (友好的) than human teachers. But the point is that the Internet is sure to accelerate the development of education in our country.


The Internet is strongly affecting 71. _________.


72. _________ for this

1) All students are 73. _________ with equal opportunities by the Internet, as long as they can have 74. _________ to the Internet.

In this way, our country’s education will

be of high 78. _________.

2) With the Internet, education becomes a little bit 75. _________ to teachers. Teachers have to try to improve their instruction to 76. _________ more students to his classes.

3) The Internet brings 77. _________ to the students and helps them save some money.


Though the Internet is 79. _________ the reach of every person and it is not so amicable, it will make education  80. _________ faster.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2010届高三下学期第一次模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:其他题






In addition to self-awareness, imagination, and conscience, it is the fourth quality — independent will — that really makes effective self-management possible. It is the ability to make decisions and choices and to act in agreement with them. It is the ability to act rather than to be acted upon, to actively carry out the program we have developed through the other three qualities.

The human will is an amazing thing. Time after time, it has overcome unbelievable difficulties. The Helen Kellers of this world give dramatic(给人深刻印象的) evidence to the value, the power of the independent will.

But as we examine this quality in the context of effective self-management, we realize it’s usually not the dramatic, the visible, the once-in-a-lifetime, up-by-the-bootstraps(自立自强的) effort that brings lasting success. This special ability comes from learning how to use this great quality in the decisions we make every day.

The degree to which we have developed our independent will in our everyday lives is measured by our personal honesty. Honesty is, fundamentally, the value we place on ourselves. It’s our ability to make and keep promises to ourselves, to “walk our talk.”

Effective management is putting first things first. While leadership decides what “first things” are, it is management that puts them first, day-by-day, moment-by-moment. Management is discipline (training to be self-controlled), carrying it out.

Discipline obtains from belief—belief in a set of values, belief in an overriding(最主要的) purpose, to a long-term or short term goal that must be carried out.

In other words, if you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a follower of your own deep values and their source. And you have the will, the quality to control your feelings and moods rather than depend on others or have your work half done.


The power of independent will


Independent will makes self-management (71)       .


·The example given to (72)        power of independent will is amazing.

·Power of independent will helps to make one’s (73)       every day.

·(74)       is very important to develop our independent will.

·It’s our ability to have our promises made and (75)       .


·Effective managers should know (76)      should be done first.

·Effective managers with discipline should (77)        to their  promises.


·You (79)        your deep values.

·Your feelings and moods are able to be (80)       .



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南通市通州区2010届高三考前回归课本检测英语试题 题型:任务型阅读


第II卷 (两部分 共35分)

第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



The number of young Internet addicts had grown to 24 million by 2009, almost double the figure for 2005, as the nation’s Internet population continues to rise, a survey shows. The addicts accounted for one in seven young Internet users, according to the survey.

“The survey results highlight the worrying situation of the ever-growing number of young Internet addicts,” Hao Xianghong, secretary-general of the China Youth Association for Network Development (CYAND), said yesterday at a press conference to release the results.

The findings come against the background of an increasing number of children and young adults receiving controversial re-education or treatment to fight Internet addiction at rehabilitation (康复)schools, camps and clinics dotted across the country.

Last year, governments at all levels sprung into action, closing down cyber cafes and announcing plans to install filtering software on every computer.

The nation’s Internet population, already the world’s largest, rose nearly 30 percent in 2009 to 384 million, of which one in three was younger than 19, according to the China Internet Network Information Center.

The new survey of more than 7,000 people aged 6 to 29 in 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions was conducted from last September to January. It has been conducted every two years since 2005 by CYAND.

As many as 15.6 percent of netizens aged 18 to 23 were Internet addicts, accounting for the largest percentage compared with other age groups, while 8.8 percent of Internet users aged 6 to 12 were web addicts, the lowest percentage, according to the survey.

“Compared with 2005, the number of Internet addicts aged 18 to 23 has increased, while addicts in the 6-12 age group have decreased. It shows that the years of efforts by the authorities to prevent children from getting hooked are effective,” Hao said, “But it also shows us that more needs to be done for helping addicts aged 18 to 23, who are mainly students,” he said.

Although there is no universal standard on Internet addiction, web users are defined as Internet addicts if school grades, careers or interpersonal relationships in real life are affected by overuse of the Internet, according to Ke Huixin, director and professor of the survey and statistics institute of Communication University of China, who also headed the survey.

Those defined as addicts should also meet at least one of three requirements: He or she always wants to use the Internet; feels annoyed or depressed if denied Internet use; or feels happier in the cyber, rather than the real world.

“As one of the few nationwide surveys, it is expected to comprehensively reflect the true picture of Internet addiction among Chinese youths,” said Ke.



Young Web Addicts Increase in China

China’s general situation of netizen population

The nation’s Internet population continues to rise.

(71)  ▲  it was already the world’s largest, it rose nearly 30% in 2009, of which one third were younger than 19.

(72) ▲ of a survey

The number of young Internet addicts was almost (73) ▲    larger than that in 2005.

The addicts (74)  ▲  up one seventh of young Internet users.

The 18-23 age group account for the largest percentage of the addicts, while the 6-12 age group the lowest.

(75) ▲ taken to fight Internet addiction

Children and young adults fight Internet addiction by receiving reeducation or (76)  ▲  at different institutions.

Closing down cyber cafes and planning to install filtering software on every computer

Definition of Internet addiction

No universal (77)  ▲ 

Three requirements at least:

The person has a strong (78)  ▲  for computer use; feels annoyed or depressed if denied computer use; feels happier in the virtual world than in the real world.

Conclusion drawn

from the survey

Efforts by the authorities have (79)  ▲  off.

More (80)  ▲  should be paid to helping addicts aged 18 to 23.




科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省三校2010届高三下学期5月联考英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读


第II卷 非选择题 (两部分,共35分)

第四部分 任务型阅读 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)



Do we need an “Ivy League”?

China may soon have its own “Ivy League”, with a union of top universities.

The term originally referred to an athletic conference of eight top universities in the northeastern US. The Chinese version, which was officially started in mid-October, consists of nine famous universities, including Peking, Tsinghua, Zhejiang and Fudan. The union is supposed to result in student exchange programs, recognition of academic achievements, and other joint programs.

The news of this Chinese “Ivy League” has received mixed responses from the public and press. Some negative critics have dismissed it as yet another example of the wishful copying of international practices without fully understanding them. Others say that the “Ivy League” is not necessary but that the union is a good idea, one that could promote academic development.

So what’s your opinion on a Chinese “Ivy League”? Do we need one?

Yes. Ivy League or not, nine of China’s best universities cooperating is a good thing.

These universities combining resources could create a better environment for students and for research. It could also save a lot of time and resources because it would mean fewer unnecessary investments for some of the universities.

Allowing students to move to or have exchanges with other universities could broaden their horizons, improve their social skills and create more employment opportunities. The results could be more important than lessons and achievements.

The term “Ivy League” carries a sense of academic excellence, tradition and reputation. If borrowing such a term could encourage students’ and professors’ mental state and improve Chinese higher education, then there’s no reason not to do it.

No. Universities should do some work on increasing cooperation instead of copying an “Ivy League” model.

Many Chinese universities already have such cooperation with each other. If this cooperation were associated with the “Ivy League”, it would just distract (分散) attention and resources and have a negative effect.

These Chinese universities are all state-run and most get their funding from the government. They’re quite similar to each other in many ways and more cooperation wouldn’t bring about as much potential ability as between , say, public and private, or Chinese and foreign universities.

China should find its own way to develop world-class universities instead of by copying some foreign practices. We have our own unique conditions and foreign lessons often don’t apply well here.



Ivy in America

Originally referred to an athletic conference of eight famous universities in the   71   of America









Ivy in China

Member universities

Nine famous universities



Purposes of the union

* To exchange students

* To   72   the academic achievements

* To work on joint programs




  73   from the public



Positive side

1. The cooperation is good for the   75   of resources and creation of a better environment.

2. Students will have   76   difficulty finding jobs through the student-exchange program.

3. The cooperation will encourage students and professors   77  .



­­  74   side

1. Attention will be drawn away and   78   will be divided.

2. The cooperation won’t have great effect because of their   79   in running universities.

3. China should develop world-class universities in its unique way without   80   foreign practices blindly.



