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 ___ is ___ family that the villagers all admire it.
  A. It, such an united    B. His, such a united   C. Her’s, so united a   D. Theirs, so an united


科目:高中英语 来源:2011—2012学年甘肃省天水市三中高三级第五次检测考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给题的四个选项(A 、B、C 、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A philosophy professor loved to teach students about important theories of the subject.Once, while his 21  was about to begin, he just closed the book and  22  stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. Students were curious but the professor without looking at them 23  a very large and empty jar.And then he started to 24  it with small rocks.25 the jar appeared full, the professor asked his students whether the jar was full
The entire class 26   that jar was indeed full.Next, the professor picked up some  27   and began pouring them into the jar.The moment pouring was 28  , he shook the jar lightly.As a result of that, all the small rocks 29 the open areas between the rocks comfortably. 
Professor again asked the students if the jar is full.Same  30   from the class like before.Professor  31   a bit but silently, and this time he picked up a box of sand.He poured the box into the jar and sand filled the entire 32  spaces.At the same time, professor 33  his question to the class, if the jar was full? Yes again.
Professor now  34 towards the class and said, this jar  35  your life.All the things in the jar I poured mean some important lessons.The rocks are the most important things,  36  is family, your partner, health and your  37 .Even if everything else in your life goes away but the rocks remains there, your life would still be full  38  the most important things are still present in your life.Pebbles represent other significant things like car, house and job etc.And the sand is the small stuff or everything else.
If your time and 39 is spent on small stuff then there is no 40 for the pebbles or the rocks or in other words, most important things of your life.

A.thoughB.besidesC.otherwisD.instead e
A.pointed toB.picked upC.took outD.sent up
A.SoonB.Instantly C.LuckilyD.Hopefully
A.arguedB.told C.suggestedD.agreed
【小题9】A rolled into      B..fell out     C.mixed with        D.turned up
A.response B.commentC.order D.content
A.left B.availableC.gettingD.remaining
A.whichB.that C.whatD.it
A.hopeB.needC.room D.doubt


科目:高中英语 来源:09-10年福建省泉州一中高二上学期期末考试 题型:阅读理解

What makes a house a home?
Not size, of course. I’ve been in some of the grandest houses in America and it’s readily apparent no one lives there. Earlier this year in a mud hut in Ethiopia, where we sat on chairs next to the hostess’s bed—a home that had more warmth than any house I’ve been in since.
Now John Edwards is exploring what makes a house a home in his just-released book-- The Blueprints of Our Lives. There Edwards writes, “ This is a book about homes, the values they rest on, the dreams they are filled with, and the people they have shaped. The houses and circumstances (环境) are different, but much of what you find inside will be familiar.”
Whether you’re sitting in an airport right now, waiting to fly to your childhood home for Thanksgiving, or in your own home waiting for the relatives to arrive, you know what he’s talking about.
We’ve lived in our townhouse for 21 years--the loose windows that make noise in the wind, the fireplace so shallow it holds only one log, the kitchen window that offers a view of the world passing by. It is where friends sit on the kitchen counter drinking wine while dinner is being fixed. I lived there for only 18, but it will always be my true home. Even the lamp in the west living room window, which I could see far down the road when driving home late at night, still shines.
While all this talk about childhood memories can be warm and comforting, home is whom you’re with, not where you are. As Edwards writes, “ Home is family. Home is safety. Home is faith.”
69. What would be the best title for the text?
A. Home means everything            B. What’s inside makes us feel at home
C. Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives   D. The importance of Houses
70.   The purpose of the second paragraph is to _________.
A.    mean the author likes living in grandest houses 
B.   prove the author got along with the hostess
C.   mean the feeling of a home isn’t related to the size
D.   show the author’s different feelings about houses
71. We know that The Blueprints of Our Lives ________
A.   is the description of Edwards’s houses
B.   is mainly about houses
C.    helps us to understand the concept of home
D.    is written by the author of the text
72. According to the text, which of the following can make a house a home?
A. The atmosphere you feel                B. The color of the walls
C. The number of family members           D. The position of the home


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届江西省南昌二中高三上学期10月第二次统一考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

What makes a house a home?
Not size, of course.I’ve been in some of the grandest houses in America, and it’s readily apparent no one lives there.Earlier this year, I had dinner in a mud hut in Ethiopia, where we sat on chairs next to the hostess’ bed -- a home that had more warmth than any house I’ve been in since.
Now John Edwards is exploring what makes a house a home in his just-released Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives.There Edwards writes, " This is a book about homes, the values they rest on, the dreams they are filled with, and the people they have shaped.The houses and circumstances are different, but much of what you find inside will be familiar."     
Whether you’re sitting in an airport right now, waiting to fly to your childhood home for Thanksgiving, or in your own home waiting for the relatives to arrive, you know what he’s talking about.
We’ve lived in our townhouse for 21 years.The loose windows that make noise in the wind.The fireplace so shallow it holds only one log.The kitchen window that offers a view of the world passing by.It’s where friends sit on the kitchen counter drinking wine while dinner is being fixed.I lived there for only 18, but it will always be my true home.Even the lamp in the west living room window, which I could see far down the road when driving home late at night, still shines.
While all this talk about childhood memories can be warm and comforting, home is whom you’re with, not where you are.As Edwards writes, "Home is family.Home is safety.Home is faith."
Happy homecoming.
【小题1】What would be the best title for the text?

A.Home Means EverythingB.What’s Inside Makes Us Feel at Home
C.Home: The Blueprints of Our LivesD.The Importance of the Home
【小题2】The purpose of the second paragraph is to __
A.mean the author likes living in grandest houses
B.prove the author got along well with the hostess
C.mean the feeling of home isn’t related to the size
D.show the author’s different feelings about houses
【小题3】About the book Home: The Blueprints of Our Lives, we know that __
A.it was the description of Edwards’ houses
B.it is mainly about houses
C.it helps us understand the concept of home
D.it was written by the author of the text
【小题4】What did the author mainly mean when he mentioned the loose windows and the shallow fireplace ?
A.His house was too old to live in.B.He missed the feelings of home.
C.He hated living there.D.He missed his old friends too much.
【小题5】It can be inferred according to the text that __
A.the author’s family were very richB.every happy home is the same
C.the author has been living a hard life D.the author and Edwards hold similar ideas


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年辽宁盘锦第二高级中学高一下学期期初考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

We can’t help but grow older physically, but we can stay young in other ways. Do you want to stay young? If yes is the answer, here is what you can do:
1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay him/her.
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches (抱怨)pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”
4.Enjoy the simple things. When the children are young, that is all that you can afford. When they are in college, that is all you can afford. When you are on retirement, that is all you can afford!
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. Laugh so much that you can be tracked in the store by your distinctive laughter.
6. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, or hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
7. Value your health. If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
8. The tears happen. Endure sorrow, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be alive while you are alive.
9. At every opportunity, tell the people you love that you love them.
【小题1】What does the underlined sentence “Throw out nonessential numbers” mean?

A.Try to forget some unimportant numbers.
B.Do not let your age, weight or height trouble you.
C.It is not interesting to remember some numbers.
D.Some unimportant things are difficult to remember.
【小题2】What is the fourth advice meant to tell us?
A.The children are so clever that we need not worry about their study.
B.Someone else can take care of the children and our late life.
C.We are rich enough to afford all the money that the children spend.
D.We needn’t worry about the children and our late life.
【小题3】Which of the following advice is NOT mentioned?
A.Laugh often.B.Enjoy the simple things.
C.Drink eight cups of water a day.D.Keep in good health.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江西上饶县中学高三第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mainland couples who give birth to a second child in Hong Kong will be fined forbreaking the family planning policy a senior official has warned. As more women flock to Hong Kong to give birth to their second child,Zhang Feng,family planning department director of Guangdong Province,stressed that this violated Chinaspolicies. “And those who are government employees will even be dismissed from their posts.”he said.

    ''It doesn't matter if they give birth to their second child on the mainland or in other countries and regions, they have violated the country's policies and the province's regulations''.

    He said that some families had been punished in the past few months after having a second child in Hong Kong, but gave no details.

    Zhang made his remarks when a Hong Kong newspaper carried a controversial notice claiming residents' medical services had been affected by the growing number of mainland women who arrive in the city to give birth and gain right of abode (居住) there.

    According to statistics revealed by Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government, about 88,000 babies were born in Hong Kong in 2010, but more than 41,000 or 47 percent, were to mainland couples, including a large number from Guangdong.

    Hong Kong has limited the number of mainland women permitted to give birth in the city at 34,000 this year.

    The issue also has caused calls for an amendment to Hong Kong's Basic Law so that babies born to mainland women are no longer granted permanent right of abode.

    ''I support Hong Kong government's decision to reduce or limit the number for mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong.'' Zhang said.

    China introduced its family planning policy in 1979 to limit births in the world's most populous nation, although the rules have been relaxed in recent years.

1.Which of the following is true?

A. Zhang Feng is family planning department director of Guangdong Province.

B. Many government employees have been dismissed from their posts.

C. Those who give birth to a second child in Hong Kong will be fined.

D. It doesn’t matter if they give birth to their second child on the mainland.

2. What does the word ''violated'' mean in the second paragraph?

A. was obeyed           B. went against      C. was for     D. was dismissed

3.Zhang Feng said that______.

A. few families had been punished after having a second child in China

B. about 88,000 babies were born in Hong Kong in 2010

C. he agreed to reduce or limit the number for mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong

D. the residents' medical services in Hong Kong had been affected

4.From the passage we can infer______.

A. in 2010 most of the babies born in Hong Kong belonged to mainland couples

B. babies born to mainland women in Hong Kong can't get permanent right of abode now

C. the number of mainland women permitted to give birth in Hong Kong has been reduced

D. the family planning policy in China is as strict as before

5.Which is NOT the reason why some people want to give birth to a second child in Hong Kong?

A. They want to gain right of abode there for their babies.

B. They want to escape being punished for breaking the family planning policy.

C. They want their babies to enjoy the good medical services in Hong Kong.

D. They want to cause calls for an amendment to Hong Kong's Basic Law.


