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增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其 下面写出该加的词.
修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词 下面写出修改后的词.
2.每处错误及其修改均 仅限一词;
During the weekend I traveled by the air for the first time in my life.I usual travel by train or bus.It's both cheaper and safe.But to fly in the sky was something new to me.At the end I felt a little nervous.But very soon I became exciting when I found me high up in the sky among the clouds.I also found that mountains,fields,river and so on was interestingly small.I enjoy the frightening and comfortable journey very much.After all,it is more interesting take a plane than to take a car.

分析 本文主要讲述作者第一次乘飞机的感受.刚开始有点紧张,随后发现在高高的天空看到山脉,田野,河流等是那么的小,觉得乘飞机旅行比乘车有趣.

解答 During the weekend I traveled by the air for the first time in my life.I usual travel by train or bus.It's both cheaper and safe.But to fly in the sky was something new to me.At the end I felt a little nervous.But very soon I became exciting when I found me high up in the sky among the clouds.I also found that mountains,fields,river and so on was interestingly small.I enjoy the frightening and comfortable journey very much.After all,it is more interesting∧take a plane than to take a car.
1.去掉the 考查固定搭配.by air意为"乘飞机",是固定搭配.
2.usual改为usually 考查副词.travel是动词,要用副词修饰,形容词usual的副词是usually.
3.safe改为safer 考查形容词比较级.and是并列连词,它前后连接两个相同的语法成分,cheap与safe并列,都要用形容词比较级.
4.end改为beginning/start 考查名词词义.根据语境,应是"刚开始我有点紧张".
5.exciting改为excited 考查过去分词.过去分词作表语表示人物所处心理状态或情感变化. 
6.me改为myself 考查代词.根据语境,应是"我发现自己在高高的天空".
7.river改为rivers 考查名词复数.river是可数名词,要用复数.
8.was改为were 考查主谓一致.主语mountains,fields,rivers是复数,谓语动词要用复数were.
9.enjoy改为enjoyed  考查动词时态.全文都是讲述过去的事情,要用一般过去时态.
10.加to 考查动词不定式.it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语to  take a plane than to take a car.

点评 高考短文改错题的形式有说明文,短文故事,书信等,具有很强的实用性.短文的内容和语言都符合高中学生的实际,从表面上看类似一篇学生习作.首先,通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑,在通读全文时把一些容易的错误先改好,再进行逐句改错.其次,要进行逐个句子的改错.这是要对文中的词法、句法和语篇着重分析和特别注意.最后把改好的短文再阅读一遍,检查答案是否正确,感觉是否还有不妥之处,最终形成定稿.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Never shall I forget the first English lesson giving by Miss Liu.One Monday morning,when she entered the classroom,we found that she was a young or beautiful lady.Then she introduced herself and said they shouldn't call her Teacher Liu but Miss Liu.Later,she asked us to go to the blackboard and said something about ourselves with English in turn.When it was my turn,I felt so shyly that I didn't dare to say anything before the class.She went up to me and said kindly,"Don't afraid I believe you can do them well"At the last,1went to the blackboard.She praised me for which I had done.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.There was once a professor of medicine,who was very strict with the students.Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee,the students would be in fear,because he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave.A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him.At the end of the term,the students of medicine would take their exam again.Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee.This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.
    The professor began to ask.The student was required to describe a certain illness,his description of which turned out to be OK.
  Then the professor asked about the cure  for illness,and the student,too,answered just as right.
"Good,"said the professor,"and how much will you give the patient?"
"A full spoon",answered the student.
"Now you may go out and wait for what you can get.",said the professor.At the same time,the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given.Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer."A full spoon is too much,"he thought to himself.Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried,"Mr Professor,I've make a mistake!A full spoon is too much for a patient.He can take only five drops."
"I'm sorry,sir."Said the professor coldly,"But it's too late.Your patient has died.
41.The students were afraid of the professor becauseA.
A.their answers seldom satisfied him
B.their answers often astonished him
C.they often angered and disappointed him
D.he often misunderstood  them and give them bad markers
42.The student's description of the illness wasB.
A.not correct      B.accepted      C.completely discouraging    D..not satisfied
43.Before he left the room the student was almost sure thatC.
A.he had made a mistake      
B.his last answer was satisfying
C.he had passed the exam,and the only thing was to wait for the mark
D.he had not done well in the exam.
44.Which of the following is Not true?A
A.Since one spoon is less than five drops,the patient will be all right soon if he takes  only one full spoon at a time.
B.The doctor will be in trouble if he's given the patient a full spoon.
C.The patient will be in danger if he's taken as much as a full spoon.
D.If the patient wants to remain safe,he should take no more than five drops at a time.
45.Which guess is the most reasonable from the passage?D
A.The student must have passed the exam.
B.The professor must have been very pleased and given the student a good mark.
C.The student must have been very happy when he heard,"Your patient has died."
D.The students may not have passed the exam.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Their use was limited by laws,the first of which ______ the 14th century.(  )
A.dates back toB.dated fromC.dates backD.dating back to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.He has a good command ________ maths and plays an important part ________ our team.(  )
A.about; inB.of; toC.to; aboutD.of; in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Until now,we have raised 26,000 for the poor children,_______ is quite unexpected.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.In fact,some officials not only"steal vegetables"at work,but also amuse themselves by playing poker and mahjong.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.I keep medicines on the top shelf out of the children's ____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Teachers and parents usually call attention to the pictures when they read storybooks to preschool child.But a new study suggests that calling attention to the words and letters on the page may lead to better readers.
The two-year study compared children who were read in this way in class with children who were not.Those whose teachers most often discussed the print showed clearly higher skills in reading,spelling and understanding.These results were found one year and even two years later.
 Shayne Piasta,an assistant professor of teaching and learning at Ohio State University,was a n author of the study.She says most preschool teachers would find this method manageable and would need only a small change in the way they teach.They already read story-books in class.The only diff erence would be increased attention to the printed text."If you get children to pay attention to letters and words,it makes sense that they will do better at word recognition and spelling."But she says research suggests that very few parents and teachers do this in a systematic way.
   More than 300 children aged four and five were observed in classrooms.They came from poor families and were below average in their language skills.For thirty weeks,the children took part in a program called Project STAR-Sit Together and Read.The project is based in Ohio State.It tests the short-term and long-term results of reading regularly to preschool children in their classrooms.
    There are different ways that adults can talk to children about print.They can point to a letter and discuss it,and even trace the shape with a finger.They can point out a word and discuss the meaning of the print or how the words tell the story.And they can talk about the organization of the print--for instance,showing how words are written left to right in English.
56.What do we know about the ways preschool children are usually taught?B
A.Preference is given to the shape of the letters and the organization of the print.
B.More attention is paid to the picture,with words and letters being ignored.
C.The focus of the teaching is on bringing them up to be good readers.
D.Equal attention is paid to the texts and the pictures.
57.Shayne Piasta suggested that preschool teachers shouldC.
A.read storybooks regularly in class.
B.learn to manage their class well
C.often discuss the printed words and letters  
D.search for a better method of reading
58.The children who joined in Project STAR wereA.
A.very poor in their reading          
B.mostly cleverer than others
C.especially good at language skills   
D.worried about reading problems
59.Which of the following is TRUE about the study on language skills of preschool children?D
A.Many teachers want to change their way of teaching preschool children.
B.Attention of the pictures has made the children uninterested in reading.
C.Teachers are often prevented from taking different approaches to language teaching.
D.Project STAR aims to research into the results of reading books to preschool children in the classro om.
60.The last paragraph mainly tells usC.
A.why we should discuss the meaning of the print 
B.the shape of the letter is the focus of teaching
C.how we can teach children about print   
D.English words are usually written from left to right.

