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Be HealthyBe Slim! Be Beautiful!

Discover the secret for a Healthy, Slim, Beautiful You!

Discover how to be Healthy, Slim, Beautiful!? I love this healthy diet program because it helps you lose weight, lose inches, feel healthy and look beautiful. This healthy diet is an 8-week program which is unlike other diet regimens(食物疗法).It focuses on proper nutrition(营养)first and weight loss second. Your body must have proper levels of minerals, vitamins, and protein(蛋白质)in order to work well. It provides a simple lifestyle change to give you more energy and improve your health most greatly. It offers control over stomach and continuing hunger with a calorie dense diet allowing 1 700 to 2 000 calories a day. If a person has a weight problem, his body probably is not working at proper levels of basic nutrients. We invite you to follow this program so you can be the slim person who lives inside you. You too, can love dieting, especially if you are losing weight and losing inches! Do you want to feel better?


To get started being slim just Click Here.

1.What is the aim of this diet program?

A.To keep healthy first and to lose weight second.

B.To lose weight as much as possible.

C.To lose weight at the cost of the health.

D.To lose weight first and to keep healthy second.

2.Which of the following is NOT true

A.This program makes a change in your lifestyle.

B.This program can stop you from feeling hungry all the time.

C.This program allows you 1 700 to 2 000 calories for each meal.

D.The pictures above show what great progress people have made in losing weight.

3.If you “Click Here”,what will you read on the Internet?

A.Some other programs.

B.The contents of this program.

C.Some interesting foods.

D.Some products you can buy.



1、参考“It focuses on proper nutrition(营养)first and weight loss second.”这句话。

2、C选项中each meal 错,应该是a day。




科目:高中英语 来源:0115 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     He has vowed that he will not stop building his business until it is worth £100 million. But hard-working
Owens can stop for at least a moment's celebration after making his first £1 million at the age of 16. Owens,
who has used a computer since the age of seven, began teaching himself basic web design at the age of ten
when he was given his first Mac computer. He used his pocket money to fund his first business project,
website Mac Box Bundle at just 14 which has made £700,000 since its establishment in 2008. Mac Box
Bundle sells a combination of popular Mac applications which are worth up to $400 together for under just
$100 and donates 10 percent of the money to charities.
    He then established an advertising company Branchr a year later and worked on the business after school
and at weekends. Branchr made a surprising £500,000 in its first year. Branchr works as a platform for
website owners to sell advertising.
     Owens, from Northampton, currently employs eight staff-all adults-around the UK and America as sales
and technical assistants. The young man lives with his parents. His mother who is a company secretary said
he was inspired to go into business after observing the huge success achieved by Apple's chief executive
officers (首席执行官) Steve Jobs.
     Owens said,"I think everyone has business sense in them, and they just need to gain experience and be
determined to make it. There is no magical formula (法则) for business, It takes hard work, determination
and the drive to do something great. My aim is to become a leading name in the world of Internet and mobile
advertising and push myself right to the top of the game.
     The teenager insists his professional success has not affected his personal life, and says his interests
include photography and playing the guitar. "My friends and I don't really talk about my success. To them
I'm just a normal teenager and it doesn't change anything between us."
1. What can we know from Paragraph 1?
A. Owens' company is worth £1 million now.
B. Owens learned to use computers at the age of 10.
C. Owens made £700,000 from Mac Box Bundle in 2008.
D. Owens is successful and enthusiastic about public welfare.
2. From Paragraph 2 we know that Branchr _______.
A. takes up all Owens' spare time
B. offers a platform for advertising business
C. designs practical software for website owners
D. takes up advertising business for Nac Box Bundle
3. Why did Owens come up with the idea of doing business?
A. Because eight adults were ready to help.
B. Because it was easy to establish web companies.
C. Because his parents wanted him to have a try.
D. Because he drew inspiration from Steve jobs.
4. Owens tends to think that ________.
A. every person has potential talent for business
B. getting experienced in business needs determination
C. it is hard work for people to decide to do something great.
D. he is sure to play a leading part in the world of the Internet.
5. What do Ownes' friends think about him?
A. He sets a good example.
B. He does quite well in music.
C. He is a common school boy.
D. He puts friendship above anything else.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Was he dreaming? David Ewart saw a red ball of fire. He shot out of a deep sleep and heard his
ten-year-old daughter, Heather, screaming. Ewart jumped out of bed on the second floor of  his home.
Downstairs he heard loud popping noises, glass bulbs, furniture, appliances exploding as fire consumed
     Three hundred and fifty people, including friends and family members, had attended Ewart's annual
Christmas party at his home in Valencia, California. David was a giver. They all enjoyed
themselves. After the party, he and his 77-year-old mother, Esther, put out the candles all but one,
missed and left burning on a holiday paper tablecloth.
     Now, as Ewart started down the hall to alert his parents and three children, he said a silent
prayer: God, if it is your will, save us. The heat was hellish(地狱般的). But then he felt a hand on his
shoulder and something that was not quite a voice guiding him, giving him the direction: the bedroom 
     He kicked out the window screen and told Heather to jump onto the patio(院子) cover, crawl
to the edge and drop to the ground, the feet below. Next he headed for his two sons, Jonathan, 13, 
and Michael, 15, who were screaming with pain. David led Jonathan to the window. He returned for
Michael, who was now helping his grandparents, trapped in their room behind a jammed door.
Michael threw himself against it and finally burst through. David guided his mother, then Michael, 
to safety.
     Only his father remained. The 81-year-old's face was badly burned. He lost his footing and fell. 
David took his hand and helped him to the window. Too weak to hold on, his father rolled off the
patio cover to the ground.
     Finally,David escaped. Second later, the second floor exploded, yet all the while, he felt he was 
being led, under protection. The family survived and firefighters said they were mystified(迷惑) as to
how the family survived. David Ewart was not..
1. Why did the fire take place?  
A. Three hundred and fifty friends were at their home.    
B. David and his mother put out all the candles but one left burning.    
C. Someone set fire to their house.    
D. David Ewart saw a red ball of fire.
2. Which is the following is Not true?    
A. Michael helped his parents escape from the fire.    
B. David Ewart helped heather jumped out of the burning room from the bedroom window.    
C. David's father was too weak to hold on , at last he was dead.    
D. David's mother was saved out earlier than his father.
3. How many years older was David's father than his mother?   
A. 2    
C. 4   
D. the same age
4. How many people were trapped when the fire broke out?    
A. 350    
B. 6   
C. 5    
D. 356
5. What does the writer want to tell us from the story?    
A. Everyone should be aware of the danger of fire
B. People shouldn't hold big parties at home    
C. United, we stand, Divided, we fall.    
D. When in danger, we should keep calm.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     He was the baby with no name. Found and taken from the north Atlantic 6 days after the sinking of the
Titanic in 1912, his tiny body so moved the salvage (救援) workers that they called him "our baby." In their
home port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, people collected money for a headstone in front of the baby's grave (墓),
carved with the words:"To the memory of an unknown child." He has rested there ever since.
     But history has a way of uncovering its secrets. On Nov. 5, this year, three members of a family from
Finland arrived at Halifax and laid fresh flowers at the grave. "This is our baby," says Magda Schleifer, 68, a
banker. She grew up hearing stories about a great-aunt named Maria Panula,42, who had sailed on the Titanic
for America to be reunited with her husband. According to the information Mrs. Schleifer had gathered, Panula
gave up her seat on a lifeboat to search for her five children -- including a 13-month-old boy named Eino from
whom she had become separated during the final minutes of the crossing."We thought they were all lost in the
sea," says Schleifer.
     Now, using teeth and bone pieces taken from the baby's grave, scientists have compared the DNA from
the Unknown Child with those collected from members of five families who lost relatives on the Titanic and
never recovered the bodies. The result of the test points only to one possible person: young Eino. Now, the
family sees: no need for a new grave. "He belongs to the people of Halifax," says Schleifer. "They've taken
care of him for 90 years."
                                                                      Adapted from People, November 25, 2002
1. The baby travelled on the Titanic with his _____.
A. mother
B. parents
C. aunt
D. relatives
2. What is probably the boy's last name?
A. Schleiferi.
B. Eino.
C. Magda.
D. Panula.
3. Some members of the family went to Halifax and put flowers at the child's grave on Nov. 5 _____.
A. 1912
B. 1954
C. 2002
D. 2004
4. This text is mainly about how _____.
A. the unknown baby's body was taken from the north Atlantic
B. the unknown baby was buried in Halifax, Nova Scotia
C. people found out who the unknown baby was
D. people took care of the unknown baby for 90 years


科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     He says the problem with teachers is, "What will a kid learn from someone who chose to become a
teacher?" He reminds the other dinner guests that it's true what they say about teachers: Those who can,
do; those who can't, teach.
     I decide to bite my tongue instead of biting his and stop myself from reminding the other dinner guests
that it's also true what they say about lawyers-that they make money from the misfortune of others.
     "I mean, you're a teacher, Taylor'," he says to me. "Be honest. What do you make?"
     I wish he hadn't asked me to be honest, because now I have to teach him a lesson.

     You want to know what I make?
     I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
     I can make a C+ feel like a great achievement and an A-feel like a failure.
     How dare you waste my time with anything less than your very best?
     I make parents tremble in fear when I call them:
     I hope I haven't called at a bad time,
     I just wanted to talk to you about something Billy said today.
     Billy said,"Leave the kid alone. I still cry sometimes, don't you?"
     And it was the bravest act I have ever seen.
     I make parents see their children for who they are and what they can be.

     You want to know what I make?
     I make kids wonder.
     I make them question.
     I make them criticize.
     I make them think.
     I make them apologise and mean it.

     I make them write, write, write.
     And then I make them read.
     I teach them to solve math problems that they once thought impossible.
     I make them understand that if you have brains then you follow your heart and if someone ever tries
to judge you by what you make, you teach them a lesson.

     Let me make this simple for you, so you know what I say is true:
     I make a great difference! What about you?
1. What do we know about the man that the author is speaking to?
A. He is respectful to teachers.
B. He is in the author's home.
C. He is actually a lawyer.
D. He dislikes lawyers.
2. The underlined phrase "bite my tongue" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. say something which is wrong
B. speak out honestly but carelessly
C. keep silent about myself
D. stop myself saying what I really think
3. The author called Billy's parents to _____.
A. let them tremble in fear
B. ask why Billy cried that day
C. praise what Billy did that day
D. advise them to leave Billy alone
4. What is the tone of the passage?
A. Angry and proud.
B. Upset and disappointed.
C. Humourous and light-hearted.
D. Cheerful and positive.
5. What's the best title of this passage?
A. An Argument between Two Guests
B. What Teachers Make
C. Requirements of a Good Teacher
D. A Dinner Conversation


科目:高中英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

Be Happy
Lioyd Morris
    "The days that make us happy make us wise."--John Masefield.
    When I first read this line by England's Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人),I was amazed.What did Masefield
mean?Without thinking about it much,I had always  assumed that the opposite was true.But his calm
assurance(自信) was remarkable.I could not forget it.
   Finally ,I seemed to grasp his meaning and realized that here was a profound (意义深远的)observation.The wisdom that happiness makes possible lies in clear understanding,not fogged by anxiety nor dimmed(变暗淡) by despair and boredom,and without the blind spots caused by fear.
   Active happiness-not more satisfaction or contentment-often comes suddenly,like an April shower or
the unfolding of a bud(蓓蕾).Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it.The grass is
greener;bird songs are sweeter;the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more
forgivable.Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses correcting your spiritual vision.
   The insight of happiness are not limited to what is near around you.Unhappy ,with your thoughts turned in
upon your emotional sadness,your vision is cut short as though by a wall.Happy ,the wall crumbles(倒塌).
     The long vista(展望)is there for the seeing.The ground at your feet,the world about you-people ,
thoughts,emotions,pressures-are now fitted into the larger scene.Everything assumes a fairer proportion
     And here is the beginning of wisdom.
1.After reading the line by Masefield,the writer felt surprised.Why?
A.Because he didn't expect such a poet would have written such a line
B. Because he had never thought about that before
C. Because he thought it was impossible to be both happy and wise
D. Because he thought it rubbish for Masefield to write something like that
2.what makes being both happy and happy possible?
3.According to the writer ,when does active happiness happen?
A.happiness occurs when t rains in April spring
B.active happiness happens when a bud unfolds
C.it occurs when your understanding of everything is better
D.it happens out of our expectation
4.What is the beginning of wisdom?
A.taking a long view of things      
B.looking at things from different angles
C.considering advantages and disadvantages
D.sweeping down irresistibly from a commanding height

