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At a computer exhibition Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated : “If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has ,we would all be driving twenty-five dollar cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.”

In response to ‘Bill’s comments , General Motors announced a news release stating :

If GM had developed technology like Microsoft , we would be driving cars with the following characteristics :

1. For no reason your car would crash twice a day .

2. Every time they repainted the lines on the road you would have to buy a new car .

3. Sometimes your car would die on the freeway for no reason and you would just accept this , restart and drive on .

4. Only one person at a time could use the car , unless you bought “Car95” or “CarNT” . But then you would have to buy more seats .

5. If you tried to get your car to a mechanic , you’d make a long distance call , be put on hold for three or four hours , when you finally got the mechanic , you’d to told how to fix it yourself , and the mechanic would hang up before you even tried his or her suggestions .

6. People would get excited about the “new” features in Microsoft cars , forgetting completely they had been available in other cars for many years .

7. The airbag system would say: “Are you sure”? before going off .

8. Every time GM introduced a new model car , buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car .

9. Microsoft cars would have a special radio/cassette player which would only be able to listen to Microsoft FM, and play Microsoft Cassettes .

10. If you couldn’t afford to buy a new car , then you could just borrow your friend’s and then copy it .

11. You’d press the “start” button to shut off the engine .


53.The purpose of writing this article is        .

       A.to state the advantages of Microsoft in making cars

       B.to inform that Microsoft will make cars in the future

       C.to compare cars made by GM with those made by Microsoft

       D.to make fun of the disadvantages of Microsoft’s products

54.It can be inferred from the passage the airbag system of the new car        .

       A.would be more safe than the old one

       B.would become useless in case of an accident

       C.would not surprise the driver by going off suddenly

       D.would remind the driver of the danger ahead of time

55.What does the writer really mean by saying “You’d press the ‘start’ button to shut off the engine”?

       A.The design of Microsoft is very funny and strange .

       B.It is better to control the engine like a computer .

       C.The engine control system requires to be improved .

       D.It is impossible to shut off the engine by pressing the “start” button .

56.The best title of this passage would be        .

      A.Characteristics of the New Cars             B.GM Should Learn from Microsoft

       C.If Microsoft Build Cars                        D.New Cars to be Made in the Future


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省兰州交大东方中学2009-2010学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:030


A:Did you hand in your term paper for the Modern Grammar course?

B:Yes, I did.  1  

A:I wrote my paper but I want to change a few things.  2  

B:If you have a word processor(信息处理机), it will save you a lot of time.

A:  3  

B:It's easy to make changes on a word processor.You can move paragraphs around, put in a few word here and leave out some words there.  4  

A:That sounds great, but I'm not good at mechanical(机械的)things.

B:Well, come to my room this evening.  5  

A.I tried to use the IBM compute, but I was at a loss.

B.I think I'll get it finished tomorrow.

C.I don't think it's easy for you to do it.

D.I'll show you how to do it.

E.Did you hand in yours?

F.All you have got to do is to press a key or two.

G.What about you?


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届黑龙江省哈六中学高三第三次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever walked outside thinking it was one temperature but quickly discovered it felt colder? That is because of the “wind chill” effect.
Wind chill is how cold people and animals feel when they are outside, not the actual temperature on the thermometer(温度计). It is based on how quickly your body loses heat when it is exposed to wind and cold. When the wind is strong, your body quickly loses heat, making the temperature of your skin drop.
When scientists first started calculating wind chill, they used research conducted in 1945 by explorers to Antarctica who measured how quickly water froze outside.
But water freezes faster than exposed skin, so the wind chill index based on that data wasn’t accurate.
In 2001, the US government began to measure wind chill more precisely by testing how quickly people’s skin froze.
Twelve volunteers were placed in a chilled wind tunnel. Equipment was stuck to their faces to measure the heat flow from their cheeks, forehead, nose and chin while they walked three miles per hour on a treadmill(跑步机).
The experiment revealed how quickly exposed skin can be damaged, particularly unprotected areas like your fingers, toes, the tip of your nose and your ear lobes. In fact, 40 percent of your body heat can be lost through your head! Signs you might have frostbite(冻疮) are when the skin turns white or pale and you lose feeling in that area.
The information collected from the volunteers helped scientists work out the math to compute wind chill. It involves wind speed and air temperature.
If, for example, the temperature outside is zero degrees Fahrenheit and the wind is blowing at 15 miles per hour, the wind chill is calculated at 19 degrees below zero. At that wind chill temperature, exposed skin can freeze in 30 minutes.
You can find a calculation table at www.nws.noaa.gov/om/windchill/index.shtml.
Experts advise in cold weather that you wear loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing, worn on top of each other. Air caught between the clothes will keep you warm. The best cold-weather coats have head coverings made of woven material that keep out water. So next time the temperature drops and you want to play outside, listen to your parents when they tell you to wrap up warm!
【小题1】 According to the text, wind chill _______.

A.means how fast exposed skin freezes
B.doesn’t affect your head as much as other body parts
C.changes according to the temperature on the thermometer
D.changes from person to person depending on their health
【小题2】 When might a person have frostbite according to the passage?
A.When his skin turns red and he loses feeling in that area.
B.When he is running faster and he is losing strength quickly.
C.When his face is exposed and quickly loses heat even indoors.
D.When his skin turns pale and he has no feeling in that area.
【小题3】 What factors influence wind chill?
A.A person’s body temperature and will speed.
B.Wind speed and a person’s strength.
C.Air temperature and wind speed.
D.The location and air temperature.
【小题4】 What can we conclude from the passage?
A.It was in 1945 that scientists first began to calculate wind chill.
B.Compared with water, people’s exposed skin freezes more slowly.
C.The wind chill index based on Antarctica data is considered a standard.
D.With the development of technology, many previous researches have been proven wrong.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年甘肃省嘉峪关市第一中学高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

We all know something about Thomas Edison. He was a great American   21  .He was in school for only a short time.  22 , he had to leave the school and   23  himself at home and learned a lot. When Edison grew up, he had his own lab. He worked hard and hardly   24  to have a rest.
One day a friend of his brought a young man into his lab. He   25  the young man to Edison. He said the young man had studied in a famous university in Germany and had a lot of   26  of physics and maths. Edison was glad to work with a man like him and   27  him as a helper. A few weeks later, the young   28  about Edison’s past. He began to look down on him. Edison   29  about it, but he said   30  .
Once the young man came into the lab while Edison   31  an important experiment. He stood near the table   32  he didn’t help him. Edison stopped   33  out a bottle and said, “Go to calculate (计算)its volume(容积)and tell me the   34  in two hours.”
At first the young man thought it easy to do it. Soon he   35  it difficult. Two hours later Edison went into his office and saw a lot of paper and books on his desk. Of course he couldn’t compute the volume in the time   36  .
“Why not pour some   37  into the bottle?” said Edison. “Then you’ll   38  calculate its volume!” Having heard this, the young man’s   39  turned red, and he knew Edison was really   40 than him!

A.SoonB.AfterC.Later onD.Soon after
A.teachB.play withC.studyD.enjoy
A.forgotB.rememberedC.finished D.observed
A.toldB.was toldC.saidD.was said
A.didB.hadC.was doingD.was having
A.but B.andC.as D.while
A.bringingB.to bringC.takingD.to take
A.resultB.way C.ideaD.opinion
A.more politeB.stricterC.more kind-heartedD.cleverer


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南濮阳外国语学校高一上第二次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten years . Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use . But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses. Computers have been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficult for human beings to work out. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories(库存货物) and to send bills to their customers(顾客) . Offices use computers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with other offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend.

    One important new use for computers is for entertainment(娱乐). Many new games have been designed to be played on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these games, People also have been buying home computers to play computer games, watch movies and listen to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed.

1. Computers used to _____.

A. work rapidly                  B. be large and expensive

C. be easy to use                 D. be used for fun

2. In recent years , computers are being made ______.

A. larger and more expensive        B. smaller and cheaper

C. more difficult to use             D. to work more slowly

3. Home computers can be used for ______.

A. writing letters        B. playing games

C. doing business        D. all of the above

4. Salesmen use computers mainly to ______.

A. check the list of goods and materials that are kept in the store house

B. play games for pleasure

C. talk with their friends 

D. write letters



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川仪陇县第二中学高二9月月考卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United States in the last ten years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use. But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use. As a result, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses.

Computers have been designed to store information and compute problems that are difficult for human beings to work out. Some have voices that speak to their operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories and to send bills to their customers. Offices use computers to copy letters, record business and keep in touch with other offices. People also use computers in their homes to keep track of the money they spend.

    One important new use of computers is for entertainment. Many new games have been designed to be played on computers. People of all ages play these games. People also buy home computers to watch movies and listen to concerts at home. They have become very popular indeed.

1.Compared with those of today, computers used to ______.

A. work rapidly    B. be used for fun

C. be large and expensive      D. be easy to use

2.In recent years, computers have become ______.

A. more and more difficult to use       B. slower and slower

C. more and more expensive           D. smaller and smaller

3.Home computers can be used for ______.

A. doing business        B. writing letters

C. playing games       D. all of the above

4.Salesmen use computers mainly to ______.

A. talk with their friends

B. write letters

C. check the list of goods and send bills

D. play games for pleasure


