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   While reading the local newspaper in last month,I knew the Z00 in my town d?dn,t have enough money to raising its animals. To call on people to help,I wrote a letter to the newspaper in it I wrote, “Giving some money and you will be able to help an animal." Finally,I sent a letter to the local newspaper as well some money. After a few days,my letter was published. To my delighted,people begin to donate money to the zoo. At school,I told my schoolmate about the poor situation of the animals in the zoo. I hoped they could also do anything to help them.

31. . .. in last month ... 去掉 in 

32. . .. to raising ... raising —? raise 

33. . .. in it I wrote ... it which 或in 前加 and   

34. “Giving some money …Giving —? Give 

35. . .. sent a letter... a —?,the 

36. . .. as well some ... well 后加 as 

37. To my delighted ... delighted —? delight

38. . .. begin to donate ... begin —? began 

39. ... my schoolmate ... schoolmate —? schoolmates 

40. ... do anything to ... anything —? something

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第37期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On a very cold evening,an old man was waiting for a ride across the river. He saw several       horsemen pass by but he didn't ask for any help. The wait seemed1 (end) . Then another rider came and2       (catch) the old man's eye and he said, "Sir,would you mind doing me a favor?" Stopping his horse,he replied, "Of course."Almost3       (freeze) ,the old man could not get 4        the ground. The horseman helped him get onto his horse. He took the old man not just across the river,5       to his home. u Sir, you didn't even ask the other riders for help,why? What 6        I had said' no' and left you there?" the horseman asked. The old man looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "I looked into their eyes,and I found they didn't care,7       told me it would be useless,but when I looked into8      ,I saw kindness."These words touched the rider deeply. uThank you for9       you've said,I hope I will never be too busy to help others." With that,Thomas Jefferson,the10       (three) president of the US,turned his horse around and went away.

1. 2.                  3.                  4.                  5.       

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10,         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                 A ★★★

    I’m sitting down in the second period when the principal comes in bringing a new student with him. He says that the new student called Marco has come from Mexico and doesn’t know English. Suddenly I think of my first day of school when I moved from Mexico to Utah. It was hard to move to a place that had a different language and different ways of doing things. I was a little frightened because I was about to start school but I had trouble understanding the teacher.

    When school started I sat in the back so I Wouldn’t draw any attention. Ms Bolling,my new second-grade teacher,made all of US introduce ourselves to everybody. I went up to a kid named Ivan and told him my name and started talking to him in Spanish. Ivan knew Spanish so he was the only one I could talk to. Ivan helped the teacher translate what she was saying to me.

    During lunch break,I didn't v^ant to go outside but the rule was that I couldn^t stay inside during break. After lunch,one of the teachers took me outside and then I got a soccer ball from the equipment room and started playing by myself. I was kicking the ball at the wall and dribbling (运球) it. I was pretty good at soccer and I could do some tricks (把戏) with the soccer ball,which attracted Ivan. He came over to me and asked me if I wanted to play soccer with him and his friends. I told him ?eah and when the game was over,he introduced me to his friends,after which we all became good friends.

    Suddenly I realize that Marco is sitting next to me. I introduce myself and start helping him with the worksheet (作业单) we have to do. After that,the bell rings and he asks me if he can eat lunch with me and I say yeah.

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that

   A. Marco is from Utah

   B. Marco has caused problems

    C. the author understands Marco well

   D. the author adapted to his new school quickly

2. How did the author communicate with his teacher at the beginning?

   A. By ?peaking English.

   B. With the help of Marco,

    C. By using body language.

   D. Through Ivan's translations.

3. One teacher took the author outside after lunch because .

   A. he wanted to play soccer

   B. he had done something wrong

    C. he had to follow the school's rule   

    D. the teacher wanted to teach him soccer

4. What helped the author make friends with Ivan’s friends?

   A. His courage.

   B. His soccer ball skills,

    C. His teacher’s respect.

   D. His familiarity with Utah.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出修改后的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    One day our English teacher asked US to list other classmate1’s names on a piece of paper.Then we are told to write down the nicest thing we could think of about each name. It took US 40 minutes finish fhe task. Before we had left the classroom,we handed out the papers. Then the teacher listed how everyone else had said about a same person. Two days after,she gave each student his or her list. After read the lists,the entire class became excited. UI didn't know others liked me so much”. I said to me when I read my list.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Lucy Li s playful giggle (傻笑) might make people think she’s just a silly schoolgirl. 21, those who ve seen her play 22 she’s all business on the golf course. But how did this 14-year-old talented girl become one of the most-talked-about 23 players in golf today?

In 2002.Lucy was bom to a Chinese immigrant (移民) family in California. Lucy's mother tried to interest her in other 24. like ballet. But Lucy 25 to be like her elder brother,who played 26 . One day while waiting for him to finish agolf match,7-year-old Lucy 27 a club(高尔夫球棒) ,hit the ball and sent it flying straight down the course. Her mother said,We28 something special that day. 

    The family 29 famous golf coach Jmi McLean and asked him to teach Lucy. That was the  30 of her golf career. According to McLean, “Lucy has a 31 for golf. She can play better than any other kid r ve ever seen.”

    Lucy was the youngest 32 ever to qualify for the US Women's Open golf tournament in 2014. At the US Women's Open,Lucy was 33 against the world's best players in North Carolina. She was also playing on one of the world's most 34 courses in 90-degree heat. 35 the first round ended,she had a (n) —36 score of 78. But her score of.78 again the next day wasn,t enough for her to advance.

    Lucy is still a 37 girl,and often (单脚跳) and skips as she 38 along the golf course. When asked what she 39. Lucy answered ,“I want to have fun and 40 . I want to learn a lot from these great players."

21. A. Therefore   B. Howevbr  C. Otherwise   D. Besides

22. A. doubt   B. deny dope   C.hope  D. know

23. A. lazy   B. silly C. disabled   D. young

24. A. activities   B. stories  C. topics   D. memories

25. A. feared   B. refused  C. expected   D. regretted

26. A. tennis   B. golf C. baseball   D. football

27. A. kissed   B. lost C. broke   D. grasped

28. A. realized   B. ignored  C. forgot   D. created

29. A. forgave . B. helped  C. contacted   D. comforted

30. A. aim   B. start  C. success   D. end

31. A. chance   B. prize  C. gift   D. performance

32. A. reporter   B. player c. coach   D. audience

33. A. debating   B. protecting  C. guarding   D. competing

34. A. difficult   B. relaxing  C. romantic   D. funny

35. A. If   B. Though  C. After   D. Because

36. A. poor   B. good   C. wrong   D. old

37. A. shy   B. foolish  C. beautiful   D. little

38. A. moves   B. dances C. paints   D. drives

39. A. wants   B. guesses  C. sings   D. understands

40. A. travel   B. dream   C. learn   D. smile


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  If you drop a feather and a hammer ( 铁锤) , which do you think will hit the ground first?

  On his last moon walk in 1971,Apollo 15's Commander David Scott did his final 21 for the television cameras. Scott was re-creating an experiment  22 by the astronomer Galileo in 1590.

  If you guess that the 23 would hit the ground first,you' re not alone. When Galileo was a boy,everyone 24 that heavier things fell faster. A rock twice as heavy as a potato should fall twice as fast. That's what they 25 in school.

  But Galileo wasn’ t so 26 . So he decided to 27 it. He dropped balls of different 28 from towers and timed how long they took to get to the ground. And he discovered 29 amazing — dropped things fall at the same rate,no matter how 30 they are.

  Why? Falling objects fall 31  the pull of gravity between the object and Earth. And the tremendous (巨大的) force of Earth's gravity is the same whether it's 32 on a feather or a hammer.

  But wait,you say — feathers do fall more 33 than hammers. That's quite true,on Earth — but the 34 is air,not gravity. Air pushes against light feathers enough to hold them up,but it isn't 35 enough to hold up a heavy hammer. This pushing of air 36 people for a long time.

  The moon has no 37 to slow a falling object. But it does have gravity. The moon's gravity is 38than Earth's,since the,moon is smaller. But it's still strong enough for dropping things.

  And sure enough,when Scott let the hammer and the feather drop,they hit the ground 一 exactly 39.

 “Galileo was 40 in his findings/' Scott broadcast. .

21. A. practice   B. interview

   C. experiment   D. flight

22. A. ignored   B. given up

   C. reported   D. thought up

23. A. feather   B. hammer   C. camera   D. rock

24. A. doubted   B. believed

   C. denied   D. forgot

25. A. taught   B. lost   C. learned   D. recorded

26. A. sure   B. sad   C. nervous   D. lucky

27. A. imagine   B. design

   C. name   D. test

28. A. sizes   B. shapes   C. colors   D. weights

29. A. anything   B. nothing

   C. something   D. everything

30. A. soft   B. heavy   C. long   D. beautiful

31. A. instead of   B. because of

   C. in case of   D. in spite of

32. A. depending   B. focusing

   C. pulling   D. relying

33. A. gently   B. steadily

   C. slowly   D. naturally

34. A. reason   B. problem

   C. goal   D. winner

35. A. good   B. big    C. clean   D. strong

36. A. informed   B. fooled

   C. reminded   D. persuaded

37. A. energy   B. time   C. life   D. air

38. A. greater   B. older   C. weaker   D. severer

39. A. alone   B. together

   C. silently   D. loudly

40. A. brave   B. curious

   C. correct   D. humorous


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  “Is there going to be a flood?” asked Daniel. He looked nervously at his dad and mom. They both looked worried. Dad was completely wet and dirty. He and some other men in town had spent the morning piling bags of sand on top of the /ewe (防洪堤) along the river. For years the levee had kept the Mississippi from flooding its banks. After three straight days of rain,though,the water grew higher and higher. If the levee broke,Dani?r‘s neighborhood would be flooded for sure.

  “We’11 be fine,” Dad placed a reassuring hand on Danier’s shoulder. Outside,lightning flashed,followed by distant thunder. “Just in case,” said Dad. I think we should start moving some things to Uncle Mike's house." Uncle Mike lived farther away from the river on higher ground. “And we’ 11 take everything we need to cook and eat upstairs,” he said, “like camping out in our own house."

I  By nightfall,everything the family needed had been moved upstairs. Dad had taken their new couch and TV to Uncle Mike's. Daniel helped his dad tie a fishing boat to the front (门廊) .“Just in case,”said Dad.

   Lying in bed that night,Daniel tossed and turned. He could hear the heavy rain beating on the roof. “Everything will be all right,” he said to himself just before falling asleep.

   Several hours later,the sound of"幻:皮似(警报器) woke Daniel from a sound sleep. He sat straight up in bed,his heart pounding. Ink rushed Mom ,“Get dressed,Daniel!The levee just broke!WeJ re leaving. We have no other choice."

   A few minutes later they all got . into the fishing boat,leaving behind just about everything they owned. Daniel asked,re going to -lose everything,aren't we?w

  “No,not everything”’ said Mom,pulling him close. We'11 always have each other."

  “That's right,” said Dad. “We may lose the house,but we can always rebuild it. We can't ever lose our home,though,because home is us."

1. What caused the levee to break?

   A. Bad construction.

   B. High water levels.

    C. Lack of sandbags.

   D. People's  carelessness.

2. The underlined word “reassuring” in Paragraph 2 probably means.

   A. shaking   B. disturbing

    C. disappointing   D. comforting

3. How did Daniel's family manage to escape the danger?

   A. By taking a fishing boat.

   B. By being saved by the police,

    C. With the help of Uncle Mike.

   D. By camping out on higher ground.

4. From what Daniel's parents said we can learn that.

   A. life isn’t a bed of roses

   B. east or west,home is best 

    C. home is where the family is   

    D. a man's house is his castle


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In 1952,I was in the 9th grade. That was the year I made friends with Rajdeo Singh,a .boy who lived in one of the villages around our small town. The son of a farmer,he was the first member of his family to go to school. Although a year older than me,Rajdeo studied in the 7th,grade at another school.

    At school,I did well in all my subjects except one: (梵语) .It was a real problem. If I failed :in Sanskrit,I'd not pass the matriculation exams (学入学考试) .

  “How strange!” Rajdeo said. “I am weak in all subjects except Sanskrit. I could help you. Look at the verbs. First of all you have to learn their shabd roop and dhatu roop by heart."

   I did as I was told. I remembered those word 介厂所加/训5 (构词法) as if they wei*e ar/í/?m冲V:(算术) ; tables. Rajdeo had such a practical way of teaching. He told me about short-cuts and strange relationships in the rules of grammar,and I was beginning to see Sanskrit much like I saw mathematics,which I liked. Rajdeo came to my home almost daily always;prepared,without expecting or taking anything in return. Of course,Mother always gave him meals whenever he visited.

   I started to enjoy his lessons so much that I got through high school with more than 70 percent in Sanskrit!Although I never needed Sanskrit at work,learning the ancient language wasn,t useless after all. Recently,when my grandchildren,too,found Sanskrit studies difficult,I could really help them out,in the way Raj deo did.

   I've had many teachers through college and at work. Yet I always remember Rajdeo Singh as a very good teacher — a student actually,altho?gh I lost touch with him and my hometown ages ago.

5. What do we know about Rajdeo Singh?

   A. He lived in a big city.

   B. He was an excellent student,

    C. He came from a poor family.

   D. He was younger than the author.

6. The author felf that Rajdeo Singh's  way of teaching was .

   A. strange   B. old

    C. stressful   D. effective

7. After learning Sanskrit with the help of Rajdeo Singh,the author .

   A. got a good job

   B. made a lot of money

    C. found Sanskrit useful in life   

    D. graduated fròm high school successfully

8. Which of the following can best describe Rajdeo Singh?

   A. Humorous. B. Friendly,

    C. Brave.   D. Honest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —Should I take Mary to see the doctor?(补全否定答语)

—No, .

