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A. predicts      B. operation     C. employ      D. limited      E. majority

F. also        G. reservations     H. dreams     I. necessary    J. estimate


     We're waiting to take trips to outer space. When will it happen? According to individuals in the growing field of space tourism, it may be in five or fifty years.

     Space Adventures is taking ____55____ for the flights, similar to the first manned spaceflights. The trip will cost $ 90,000, with a $ 6,000 deposit required.  More than 200 people have made reservations, said Sarah, Dalton, the company spokeswoman.

     John Spencer of the Space Tourism Society says that a more realistic ____56____ for regular space travel is 50 years. Issues of expense, difficulty, and danger must still be resolved. Oh yes --- a reusable vehicle must ____57____ be invented.  He adds, however, that ten years from now, a ____58____ number of people may be able to visit a space station. He says he expects a fleet of private space vehicles or “space yachts (快艇)” to be in ____59____ in 20 to 25 years. They will do what he calls “orbital super yachting.” After that, there will be cruise lines, like those that travel the Earth's oceans, as well as space hotels and resorts.

     There have been only a few studies to determine the public's interest in space tourism, but they all conclude that a ____60____ of people would like to visit space and would be willing to pay good money for it.

     According to expert Patrick Collins, between 5 million and 20 million people will head for space by 2030. He also ____61____ 100 flights a day leaving Earth. It would be ____62____ to have more than 100 hotels in Earth's orbit, a few more orbiting the moon, and a few on the moon's surface. These hotels would ____63____ more than 100,000 people, who would work month-long shifts. Each hotel would have a service station. Such service stations would provide oxygen, water, and hydrogen. They might also ship environmentally safe electric power back to Earth. If all the issues can be resolved, Collins says that space tourism could one day become a $1 trillion industry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would_______ directly in talks about such problems of regional concern as shipping and pollution.

A. predict   B. attend   C. enter   D. participate  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Astronauts’ meals have come a long way from the free-dried powders and semi—liquid pastes of decades ago,now US scientists want to grow vegetables in mini—greenhouses on the moon.

   Scientists say they are looking forward to a time when residents of future lunar or even Martian outsteps will be able to dine on fresh vegetables.Paragon Space Development Corporation has unveiled what it called the first step toward growing flowers——and eventually food on the moon.

   This is a sealed greenhouse that looks like a bell jar encased in a 46-cm triangular aluminiumframe.It is designed to safely land a laboratory plant on the lunar surface,and protect it while it grows.

   The miniature greenhouse is to be launched into space by Odyssey Moon Ltd, a participant in the Google Lunar X Prize. This competition offers $21 million to any entrant who can launch, land and operate a rover on the lunar surface.

   Paragon officials say future testing of the “Lunar Oasis” will be driven by Odyssey’s flight Schedule, which will not happen until 2012 at the earliest.

   When it does lift off the greenhouse will contain the seeds of Brassica, a hardy plant related to Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Because Brassica goes from seed to flower in just 14 days, it can complete its life cycle in a single lunar night.

   “Colonizing the Moon or Mars seems so far away,but it is important that we do this research now. ”Paragon president Jane Poynter said.

   “It takes a long time to get a lot of research, and to get integrated, reliable efficient systems before colonists move in. ”she said.

The article is written mainly to__________.

    A. predict the astronauts’ meals in the future

    B. introduce an experiment “Lunar Oasis’’

    C. tell us the future development of astronomy

    D. focus on the human’s great progress

The article implies that__________.

    A. astronauts can grow flowers in space at present

    B. Paragon and NASA will carry out the test separately

    C. Lunar Oasis is a series of experiments carried out in space

    D. the earliest testing of the Lunar Oasis may be in 2012

The underlined word “colonists” in the last paragraph probably has the meaning of______.

    A. plants    B. wild beasts    C. human beings      D. scientists

The seeds of Brassica will be contained in the greenhouse mainly because _________.

    A. their life cycle is much shorter

    B. they are more nutritious than other food

    C. they are related to Brussels sprouts and cabbage

    D. they are very delicious


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宿迁市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

Rest is critical to life and work and a positive attitude towards rest needs to be maintained. Enough rest is significant to our body and mind   36   a lack of adequate rest, as well as  __37__ attitudes to rest, will do great harm to our health.
Rest is vital to our ability to   38   at our best. Recent news stories report that scientists are learning surprising things about the importance of sleep. There is enough __39_  suggesting that rest will refresh us,  40   our body and mind to work efficiently. Besides, rest is important for   41   that; it is helpful in setting   42   goals and deciding what goals to attain first. Those who are caught up in extremely busy lives   43   the time to think about what they are doing and to make objective   44  , which blocks the maximization of their   45  .
On the contrary, lack of adequate rest damages brain function, so much so that sleep experts have been able to   46   drops in IQ in patients who are   47   of sleep. Other studies have presented a negative effect on body movements in sleep-wanting subjects. It should not, therefore, be a   48   that the California Highway Patrol has stated that sleep-wanting drivers are as great a   49   to road safety as are drunken drivers.
However, rest is widely   50   by some people. Instead of sleep, they go to pubs and clubs   51   what they call social drinking or having a smoke with friends and they   52__   that this kind of entertaining is rest. Nowadays, the economy forces people to drink and gamble for the sake of the   53   one moves in. The truth is that rest means not using our  _54 _ both physically and mentally, even spiritually. We need to rest correctly and   55  ; otherwise, tiredness and illness will occur.
36. A. when                  B. though                      C. until                    D. while
37. A. critical                B. misleading                C. puzzling                 D. ambiguous
38. A. survive                B. create                       C. function                 D. advance
39. A. evidence              B. theory                      C. belief                  D. information
40. A. encouraging         B. enabling                 C. persuading             D. concentrating
41. A. more than            B. rather than                C. other than              D. less than
42. A. ideal                   B. appropriate               C. professional            D. high
43. A. afford                 B. expect                      C. lack                       D. waste
44. A. comments            B. complaints                C. attempts                 D. decisions
45. A. potential              B. limit                         C. vision                    D. goal
46. A. predict                B. evaluate                    C. measure                 D. assume
47. A. short                   B. afraid                       C. full                        D. tired
48. A. fact                     B. warning                    C. rule                     D. surprise
49. A. burden              B. reminder                   C. threat                     D. blow
50. A. accepted              B. valued                      C. abandoned              D. misunderstood
51 A. with                     B. like                         C. as                          D. for
52. A. claim                  B. suggest                     C. announce               D. promote
53. A. traps                   B. circles                      C. mysteries               D. troubles
54. A. judgment             B. time                         C. labor                     D. power
55. A. completely          B. partly                       C. sufficiently             D. permanently


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省湖州市高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

 When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000 m race.My  36  was to pass out water to the runners. I remember being so excited to see all the different kinds of    37   who passed by and   38  a cup of water. The next year I signed up for the   39   and gave it a shot.

The first 10,000 m race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked. At times, I didn’t   40   if I could finish.

At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me very   41   , and I felt embarrassed that I was 50 years younger than him and I couldn’t even keep up with him. I felt      42   for a second.

But then I   43    something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had   44   capacities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my   45    was only to finish.

After a minute, it   46  me that this was a lesson I could draw from . I learned  47  about myself in that moment. I turned my   48   into inspiration.

I decided that I would not   49  running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and  50  properly and one day I would be one of those 70-year-olds who were still running. As I   51  the finishing line, I was proud  52  my accomplishment.

In life we all have those moments when we  53  ourselves to others. It’s only   54  . Don’allow those moments to weaken you. Turn them into   55   and let them inspire you. Use them to show you what is possible.

1.A. position    B. direction      C. decision        D. target

2.A. trainers    B. runners        C. fans      D. volunteers

3.A. begged     B. drank   C. dropped       D. grabbed

4.A. project      B. service          C. race     D. experience

5.A. doubt        B. know    C. answer         D. promise

6.A. slowly        B. fast      C. quietly D. carefully

7.A. surprised  B. satisfied       C. amused        D. defeated

8.A. forgot        B. realized        C. remembered        D. abandoned

9.A. different   B. wonderful    C. valuable       D. proper

10.A. dream     B. plan      C. goal      D. job

11.A. happened        B. hit         C. occurred      D. attracted

12.A. everything      B. anything       C. nothing         D. something

13.A. disappointment B. embarrassment       C. agreement          D. achievement

14.A. sign up    B. pick up         C. give up          D. keep up

15.A. predict    B. behave         C. prepare        D. pretend

16.A. found      B. crossed        C. held      D. left

17.A. in    B. upon    C. of         D. for

18.A. combine B. control          C. compare      D. contribute

19.A. natural   B. frequent       C. important    D. terrible

20.A. condition         B. motivation   C. situation      D. protection



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届海南省高二上学期期末考试英语卷(重点班) 题型:单项填空

.Manufacturers should have professional productivity and technical knowledge to ______ the quality of the products.

 A. predict      B. promise      C. guarantee       D. determine



