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Jack is no longer the lazy boy ________ he used to be.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省宜章一中2009-2010学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:014

Jack is no longer the lazy boy ________ he used to be.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Makoto、Mr. Zheng、Mr. Zhu、Jack 和Xiao Wang 正在广州寻找合适的餐厅,下列各题是对他们个人情况的介绍。阅读下列餐厅的信息(A、B、C、D、E、F), 选出符合他们各人需要的最佳选择。选项中有一项是多余的。

Makoto is a Japanese tourist who has stayed in Guangzhou for a few days. He wants to make a tour of North China but unfortunately he has no time. So he would like to find a restaurant where he can taste northern food and experience the life in the north.

78. Mr. Zheng was born in Hunan but went to Japan at an early age. This time he came to Guangzhou to deal with some business affairs. Coming back to his homeland after being away for about 20 years, he hopes to find a restaurant serving food of his home town.

79. It is the first time for Mr. Zhu, who comes from the northeast of China, to visit Guangdong Province. He is interested in traditional Cantonese food and Cantonese lifestyle.

80. Jack is a successful businessman. He is flying to Guangzhou to meet some people, who are likely to sign a contract with him. He wants to find a high quality restaurant. Of course, it is the quality rather than the price that he cares about.

81. Xiao Wang, a migrant worker in Guangzhou, plans to hold a party with his 10 friends. All of them are fond of the Sichuan cuisine. Xiao Wang hopes to spend less than 600 yuan for the dinner.


Nanhai Yucun Restaurant

Founded in 1986, Nanhai Yucun Restaurant has always been one of the gourmets’ choices in Guangzhou.

Prices are high, but so is the quality. Just look at the gust list; the King and Queen of Spain, South Korea’s Prime Minister and his wife have eaten here, along with lots of local famous people.



Dongbeiren is meant for northerners. The decoration is basically red—from the paper cuts and the curtains to the Kang (a bed with a table where people can sit comfortably without shoes and with their legs folded). It is perhaps a way to remind the northerners of home or for other people to get in touch with the north. 


Taotaoju Restaurant

Taotaoju Restaurant is one of Guangzhou’s most well-known traditional Cantonese restaurants, located in a historic building in the heart of the city’s Xiguan District.

You can’t get any more traditional Guangzhou than this, which is a great place for dim sun and seafood. You haven’t lived in Guangzhou until you’ve eaten dim sum in a true local place like Taotaoju. It’s also a popular spot for parties.


Chongqing Xiaodongtian Restaurant

It’s one of the top Sichuan cuisine restaurants in Guangzhou, featuring Chongqing flavor.

It is a group of chain restaurants in Guangzhou. The food is Sichuan style, but the decoration and surroundings are a bit old.

Like most Sichuan restaurants, the pleasant smell of their traditional hot pot spreads throughout the whole place.

Food here is medium-priced, around 50 RMB per person.



Maojia Reastaurant

Maojia Reastaurant is a local favorite for strong-flavored Hunan dishes.

It has a strong cultural atmosphere related to Chairman Mao and also introduces Maojia dishes characteristic of tasty Hunan local flavors, which are a bit softer than the traditional Hunan flavor.



Enmi Japanese Reastaurant

The decoration here is beautiful and peaceful.

A small “courtyard of bamboo” is refreshing while the space between tables is large and comfortable. The diverse sashimi (raw fish slices) is a must-try here.

The food, however, is served slow and the regulated tow hours for ordering is strange.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省惠州市高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配




For travelers in China, Beijing is a must, as it is a political and cultural center and it offers many scenic attractions. Foods are very popular with tourists as well, such as authentic(真正的) Beijing roast duck and instant-boiled mutton.

B. Shanghai

You know what? Shanghai is one of the developed cities in China. It is a commercial (商业的)and industrial (工业的)city. Tourists will be satisfied with what the city supplies, from various snacks and cakes to handcrafts and textiles. Spring and autumn are the best seasons to visit the city.

C. Suzhou and Hangzhou

Suzhou and Hangzhou are two cities near Shanghai. They were once described by Italian traveler Marco Polo as the most beautiful and prosperous (繁荣的)cities in the world. Both of them are called “Paradise (天堂)on Earth”.

D. Xi’an

Xi’an is the capital of Shanxi Province. It dates back over 2,000 years as an ancient capital which served as the capital for many dynasties in the Chinese history. It is also the starting pointing of the famous ancient Silk Road. The life-size terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty are described as the “Eighth Wonder of the world”.

E. Harbin

If you want to travel in winter, Harbin is particularly good for sightseeing in January and February. If you have never seen any snow, you may enjoy the ice festival and even go skiing and skating in this world of snow.

F. Kunming

Kunming is regarded as “Scenic City of Eternal Spring” because of its year-round spring weather.

You may find almost every kind of Asian flowers there.


1.The Whites want to visit China recently. They are fond of Asian cultures. They are both professors of botany, who are interested in the study of species(物种). They expect to discover new species of plants, especially about flowers that no one has ever seen during the trip.

2.Tony is a British young man who likes to play online games. He learns a lot about world history while playing games. Tony is very fond of the history of ancient China and curious about how Qin Shi Huang managed to unite all the seven states.

3.Mark is a sport lover. His hobbies include horse-riding, wrestling, boating, skating and skiing. He is looking forward to a trip with his parents next winter holiday when he can have fun on the snow.

4.Jack is a retired (退休的)teacher in Texas. He has been teaching for over 30 years. He enjoys traveling and tasting all kinds of food in other countries. Recently his friends invited him to a city in China, where he could have some traditional Chinese food such as duck cooked in a special way.

5.Lily is a middle school student who loves reading. Among all her books, she loves the one written by Marco Polo describing a place called “Paradise on Earth” best. She always dreams about taking a trip there one day.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年河北省高一下学期期中考试英语 题型:单词拼写



1.Children sat happily on             (坐垫) on the hard floor.

2.The                between the two cities is 600 miles. (距离)

3.They are on a               across the Atlantic Ocean.(航海航行)

4.Many dead fish are seen _______(漂浮)on the river.

5.They travelled by ____________ (气球)over the ocean.

6.Jack took a deep __________________ (呼吸) and then dived into the water.

7.He’d like to live in the              (城市商业区的) area.

8.He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the ___________ (烟囱).

9.Because there is no food, the people are _________(挨饿)[来源:]

10.The _________(商人)of Arab are doing their things all of the world


