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Why Don't Students Like School?
Most of the teachers I know entered the job because they loved school as children. However, they are understandably discouraged when they find that some of their students don't like school much, and that they, the teachers, have great difficulty inspiring them. Why is it difficult to make school enjoyable for students?
As a matter of fact , the brain is not designed for thinking. It's designed to ask you not to have to think, because the brain is actually not very good at thinking. Thinking is slow and unreliable.People like to solve problems, but they do not like to work on problems that cannot be solved. If schoolwork is always just a bit too difficult for a student, it should be no surprise that he doesn't like school much.
What is the nature of being human? Many people would answer that it is our ability to reason that makes us different—birds can fly, fish can swim, and humans can think . (By thinking I mean solving problems, reasoning, reading something complex, or doing any mental work that requires some effort.) Shakespeare thought highly of our cognitive(认知) ability in Hamlet: “What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason!” Some three hundred years later, however, Henry Ford came up with a quite different opinion, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few people are interested in it.” They both had a point of view. Humans are good at certain types of reasoning, especially compared to other animals, but we hardly often exercise those abilities.Thinking is not only painful, as Ford noted, it's also slow and unreliable.
A. A cognitive scientist would add another point of view, “Humans don't think very often because our brains are designed not for thought but for escaping from thought.”
B. What sets us apart from other species?
C. Of course you could make each decision with care and thought.
D. However, people enjoy thinking if it is successful.
E. Therefore, teachers should reconsider how they encourage their students to think, in order to make thinking enjoyable enough for students to go after.
F. If we are all so bad at thinking, how does anyone get through the day?
G. They want to help their students feel the same excitement and passion for learning that they felt.

(1)考查上文和句意理解。根据上文” Most of the teachers I know entered the job because they loved school as children.“我认识的大多数教师进入了教师这一行业是因为他们在是孩子的时候就热爱学校。可知下文:他们想帮助学生感受到同样的兴奋和对学习的热情。此处的同样的兴奋和对学习的热情就是和他们在是孩子时对学校的热爱一样的兴奋与热情。故选G。
(2)考查上文和句意理解。根据下文”People like to solve problems, but they do not like to work on problems that cannot be solved. If schoolwork is always just a bit too difficult for a student, it should be no surprise that he doesn't like school much.“人们喜欢解决问题,但是人们不喜欢去在不能解决的问题上浪费时间。可知上文:然而,如果它是成功的,即,问题能解决,人们就喜欢思考。故选D. 。
(3)考查上文和句意理解。根据上文”People like to solve problems, but they do not like to work on problems that cannot be solved. “然而,如果它是成功的,人们就喜欢思考。可知下文:因此,教师应该重新考虑如何鼓励学生思考,以便使学生的思考变得愉快。也就是让学生喜欢上思考。故选E。
(4)考查上文和句意理解。根据下文”Many people would answer that it is our ability to reason that makes us different—birds can fly, fish can swim, and humans can think . “许多人会回答说,这是我们的推理能力,使我们与动物有所不同,鸟可以飞,鱼可以游泳,人类可以思考。可知上文:是什么使我们与其他物种不同?下文是对上文的回答。故选B。
(5)考查上文和句意理解。根据下文”“Thinking is not only painful, as Ford noted, it's also slow and unreliable.”正如福特指出的那样,思考不仅是痛苦的,而且也是缓慢而不可靠的。可知上文:一位认知科学家会补充另一种观点:“人类不经常思考,因为我们的大脑不是为思考而设计的,而是为了逃避思考而设计的。”在此处两位科学家都在强调我们的大脑不是为思考而设计的。故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Ms Jenkins,

I’m Li Hua, a Senior 3 student from No. 5 Secondary School. I would like to offer my apology for unable to teach you to make Chinese knot this Saturday.

The reason is that I have got a cold, but the doctor suggests that I must lie in bed for one week or so. But don’t worry. I had asked a friend of mine, Han Meimei, to go here instead. He is very experienced in making Chinese knots. She will drop on at your apartment at 9:00 this Saturday morning.

Please allowing me to say sorry again. I have the confidence what you can learn how to make Chinese knots. Wish you a good time!


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Today is Sunday.The sky is full of sunshine,so does my life.At about 9:00 a.m.,I go to the bookstore with my friends.There was a lot of new books,I didn't know which one to buy,because these books were both useful to me.At last,I chose two.At 10:00,we went to the cinema;the film calling Titanic was very popular.It took us about 3 hours to see it.Having seen the film,and everyone was deeply moved.Some friends even burst out tears.From the story,I understand that love is noble and valuable.That's really wonderful film.It is very worth seeing again,What a happy day!I hope tomorrow I will be even happy!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated because no customers came to his restaurant. (Curious) drove him to follow a customer into a newly-opened restaurant. He found that Yonghui opened a restaurant where only (slim) foods were served to help people lose weight. After having a look at the menu, he(amaze) at the choices of food and the prices cost more than a good meal in his restaurant. He thought he could not have Yonghui(get) away with telling people lies! After a lot of research he realized that Yong hui's food could not give people enough energy to keep them fit. He felt more (hope) as he drove back home. He wrote his sign in order to win his customers A week later, Wang Peng's smile left his face when Yonghui said he (spy) on her menu. Then later they found of their restaurants offers a balanced diet and decided to combine their ideas and provide a new menu with food which can cut down the fat and increase the fiber. Their balanced diets became such success that before long their business cooperation turned into a personal one. Finally, they got married and lived a happy life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










参考词汇:折纸fold paper 注意:词数100左右。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People nowadays can hardly imagine what Jewish people went through during World War Ⅱ. It was just because they were JewishAnne and her family had to hide away, or they would be(catch) by the German Nazis.
Anne hadn't been able to be outdoors forlong a time that she had grown crazyeverything to do with nature.
For example, when it was warm, she stayed(wake)on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a look at the moon for once by(her). But as the moon gave far too much light, she didn't dare open a window. And another time, she happened(be) upstairs one evening when the window was open. She didn't go downstairsthe window had to be shut. The dark, (rain) evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held her entirely in their power. It was the first time in a year and a half that she(see) the night face to face.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

May 5th
Dear Jane,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There is no doubt that the world climate 1 (change) in recent years. Many people blame this change on gases such as carbon dioxide. Animals and humans produce carbon dioxide when they breathe. However, many other human 2 (activity) also let off carbon gases. Anytime something is burnt, carbon is put 3 the atmosphere. Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their engines, and electrical power plants most often burn fuels such as coal and oil in order to produce electricity.4, the more petrol and electricity we consume, the 5 carbon we are letting off.

One thing we can do to help solve this problem is to walk or use 6 bicycle when possible. Of course, there are times 7 we need to travel long distances. In this case, public transport such as buses and the underground is always a much better choice than a private car or a taxi.

You can also plant a tree,8 trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. Planting a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at 9 will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction,10 (know) that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

How to Say Goodbye
Knowing how and when to say goodbye is often difficult, even in informal situations. But learning to say goodbye appropriately is a skill that will help you keep your relationships and let people know you care. Read on to learn how to recognize opportunities when you leave.

When you're at any kind of party or gathering, or even a one-on-one conversation, it can be difficult to get away. Learning to recognize good opportunities to leave will make a short-term goodbye much easier.
Watch body language.
People don't like telling you that they'd like you to leave. If the host of a party starts cleaning up, or withdraws (退出) from the conversation, gather your friends or belongings and make your exit. If someone starts checking their watch, or seems otherwise restless, it's also time to leave.
Make plans to see each other again.
Even saying, “See you at school tomorrow,” or “Can't wait to see you again at Christmas” keeps the goodbye light and focused forward.
Tell the truth.
Many people expect to come up with a “good excuse” when they're ready to leave.If you want to leave, just say, “I'm going to go now, see you later.”
A. You don't need to.
B. Set up a coffee date.
C. Recognize when to leave.
D. So try and watch for signals.
E. It makes the goodbye easier.
F. It's also easier than it seems sometimes.
G. If you haven't already made plans, use it as an opportunity to make them.

