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   Many scientists are now exploring the idea of going to live on Mars. Some other scientists from the MASA AMES Center(美国宇航局) have already started the creation of a “Mars town” and many others are in fact already experimenting with it. Of course, these experiments are done on Earth itself but this “Mars town” has an environment practically like that of Mars.

  The astronauts working in these towns wear their space suit and also do everything they would really have to carry out if they ever go to Mars in the future.

   But Mars would be like Earth, a temporary(临时的) place for humans. When the Sun starts swallowing up(吞掉) the planets, Mars will disappear only hours after Earth. So Mars only seems to be the ideal place to spread the human beings. It is also a good location to send humans if ever there is a disaster on Earth. By saying disaster, I mean asteroids(小行星) hitting and things like that.

   If we humans do not want to disappear when Earth or Mars gets swallowed up, we will have to go and live beyond the solar system. But are there any planets outside our solar system prepared to support life? Astronomers’ answer is:

   “If Earth can support life, why can’t other planets do the same too? Astronomers have already discovered a Jupiter(木星)- like planet orbiting a Sun-like star, so why not an Earth-like planet orbiting a Sun-like star?

   To achieve this goal though, many other problems have to be taken into consideration. How do we transform(改造) a dusty planet like Mars into one more or less like our Earth? How should we go on? There is still a long way to go.

The “Mars town” mentioned in the passage is ___________

   A. a research base on Mars.

   B. an experimental lab built on Earth.

   C. a strange place on Mars .

   D. a town existing in scientists’ imagination

We can know from the passage that astronomers probably think ____________

   A. it is impossible to transport humans to other planets.

   B. there may be an Earth-like planet outside the solar system

   C. humans will move to the new-found Jupiter-like planet

   D. there’s no need for humans to move beyond the solar system.

Why would Mars only be a temporary(临时) place for humans?

   A. The conditions there would be too hard for the human beings

   B. There would be more disasters like asteroids hitting.

   C .It would disappear when Earth disappeared.

   D. It would be too hot to live on.

The underlined word “orbiting” in the fifth paragraph is closest in meaning to “________”

   A. moving around           B. getting close to

   C. passing by quickly        D. going through

Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

   A. Mars Town                           B. Living on Mars

   C. The Future of Earth                    D. Where to live in the Future








科目:高中英语 来源:0118 月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the
passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

     A Low-Carbon Economy (LCE) refers to an economy which has a minimal emission of greenhouse gas
(GHG), namely, carbon dioxide into the biosphere (生物圈). Recently, most of the scienti sts and the public
hold the opinion that the climate is changing because there is such an accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere
due to human activities. The over-concentration of these gases is producing global warming that affects
long-term climate, with negative impacts on humanity in the foreseeable future. LCE, therefore, is proposed
as a means to avoid catastrophic climate change.
     All nations which are considered carbon intensive societies and societies which are heavily populated
should become zero-carbon societies and economies. Several of these countries have promised to become
'low carbon' but not entirely zero carbon, and claim that emissions will be cut by 100% by balancing emissions
rather than ceasing all emissions.
     Nuclear power and the strategies of carbon capture and storage (CCS) have been proposed as the primary
means to achieve a LCE while continuing to exploit non-renewable resources. Scientists are afraid, however,
whether the spent-nuclear-fuel can be stored, and whether it is secure. Also they are not certain about the
costs and time needed to successfully implement CCS worldwide and whether the stored emissions will leak
into the biosphere or not. Alternatively, many have proposed renewable energy should be the main basis of a
LCE, but, they have their associated problems of high-cost and inefficiency; this is changing, however, since
investment and production have been growing significantly in recent times. Furthermore, it has been proposed
that to make the transition to an LCE economically attractive we would have to attach a cost (per unit output)
to GHGs through means such as emissions trading and/or a carbon tax .
     A LCE is aimed to integrate all aspects of itself from its manufacturing, agriculture, transportation to
power-generation around technologies that produce energy and materials with little GHG emission and thus
around populations, buildings, machines and devices which use those energies and materials efficiently and
dispose of or recycle its wastes so as to have a minimal output of GHGs.
Title:   1  
I.   2   : an economy with a minimal output of GHG
II.   3   of the present economy:
     ● global warming
     ● long-term climate change
     ●   4   on humanity
III.   5   :
     ● to produce energy and materials with little GHG emission
     ● to use those energies and materials efficiently
     ● to have   6   of GHGs
IV.   7   to achieve a LCE:
      ● nuclear power
      ● the strategies of carbon capture and storage
     ● renewable energy
     ●   8   
     ● a carbon tax
V.   9   :
     ● spent-nuclear-fuel storage / storage of spent-nuclear-fuel
     ●   10    
     ● uncertainty about the costs and time needed

