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19.Nine years ago,after Leo had died,people said to me."I never knew he was your stepfather."You see,I never called him that.At first,he was no one special in my life.Then he became my friend.In time,I felt he was also my father.
Leo married my mother when I was eleven.Two years later we moved into a house in a new suburban development,where we put down roots.At first our lawn was just a mud with wild grass,but Leo saw bright possibilities."We'll plant trees there to give us shade as well as some flowers,"he said.And just these little touches made our house different from all the others.More important,a real family was forming.Leo was becoming a full-time parent,and I was learning what it meant to have a father.
Weekday mornings when the weather was bad,Leo often drove me to school.Having a father drop you off may have been something my classmates took for granted,but I always thought it was wonderful.Saturday mornings,we went to the hardware (计算机硬件) shop,then stepped into the five-and-ten,buying a sports magazine or something else.Some people might think that doing shopping together is nothing special,but I,who had ever before spent my childhood watching other families do their everyday activities,experienced them now with extreme delight.Looking back,I realized that Leo gave me what I needed most-the experience of doing ordinary things together as a family.
Soon after we moved to the suburbs,one of our new neighbors introduced herself to me.She had already met my mother and Leo."You know,"she said,"you look just like your father."I knew she was just making a conversation--but even so…"Thank you",I said.Why tell her anything different?

52.The writer's purpose in writing this passage isA.
A.to show his pride to have a good stepfather
B.to show how interesting a person Leo was
C.to remind us of our parents
D.to explain why they moved to the suburbs
53.The phrase"put down roots"in the second paragraph meansC
54.In the writer's opinion,D.
A.it is not easy to live with a stepfather
B.not all the stepfathers are as good as Leo
C.the husband and wife must think more about their children before they divorce
D.in step families the love and friendship are extremely precious
55.The last sentence"Why tell her anything different?"means thatB.
A.he should have told the truth
B.he wouldn't tell her the truth
C.he wanted to tell her something that had nothing to do with Leo
D.he wanted to keep silence whenever he met the neighbors.

分析 我有一位值得自己骄傲的继父Leo,他不仅是我的父亲,也是我的朋友.

解答 52-55.ACDB
53题答案:C考查词义猜测,根据前面的Two years later we moved into a house in a new suburban development.(两年后我们搬进了一个新的郊区发展地带的房子里)可知那儿就是我们"安顿"下来的地方,故本题答案为C选项.
54题答案:D考查细节推理,根据文章倒数第二段的Some people might think that doing shopping together is nothing special,but I,who had ever before spent my childhood watching other families do their everyday activities,experienced them now with extreme delight.有的人或许会觉得一起购物没什么特别,但是对于在童年时曾经看着别人家一起做日常活动的我而言,体验它们时我极其开心.可知本题答案为D选项.
55题答案:B考查细节推理,根据前面的She had already met my mother and Leo."You know,"she said,"you look just like your father."I knew she was just making a conversation--but even so…"Thank you"她已经见过了我的妈妈和继父Leo,她说我很像我的父亲(继父).我知道她只是在聊天,但是还是说了"谢谢".可知作者明明知道邻居为了谈话而乱说自己像他的继父,但是他却不想把真相告诉她(一个可以睁着眼睛说瞎话的人,肯定也是一个喜欢在背后说长道短的人;作者如果把真相告诉她,那邻居就会到处说是非).故本题答案为B选项.

点评 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Only by practising a few hours every day ________ be able to play the piano well.(  )
A.you wouldB.would youC.you willD.will you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Cold weather can be hard on pets,just like it can be hard on peopl e.Sometimes owners forget that their cats are just as used to the warm shelter as they are.Some owners will leave their animals outside for a long period of time,thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors.This can put their pets in danger of serious illness.There are things you can do to keep your animal warm and safe.
Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad.If you have to take them out,stay outside with them.When you're cold enough to go inside,they probably are too.If you must leave them outside for a long time,make sure they have a warm,solid shelter against the wind,thick bedding,and plenty of non-frozen water.
If left alone outside,dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter.They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere.Watch them closely when they are left outdoors,and provide them with shelter of good quality.Keep an eye on your pet's water.Sometimes owners don't realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet can't get anything to drink.Animals that don't have clean and unfrozen water may drink dirty water outside,which may contain something unhealthy for them.
21.What do we learn about pets from Paragraph 1?D
A.They are often forgotten by their owners.
B.They are used to living outdoors.
C.They build their own shelter.
D.They like to stay in warm places.
22.Why are pet owners asked to stay with their pets when they are out in cold weather?B
A.To keep them from eating bad food.
B.To know when to bring them inside.
C.To help them find shelters.
D.To keep them company.
23.If pets are left on their own outdoors in cold weather,they mayA.
A.run short of clean water              
B.dig deep holes for fun
C.dirty the snow nearby                 
D.get lost in the wild
24.What is the purpose of this text?B
A.To solve a problem.
B.To give practical advice.
C.To tell an interesting story.
D.To present a research result.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.My house is made out of wood,glass and stone.It is also made out of software.
If you come to visit,you'll probably be surprised when you come in.Someone will give you an electronic PIN (个人身份号码) to wear.This PIN tells the house who and where you are.The house uses this information to give you what you need.When it's dark outside,the PIN turns on the lights nearest to you,and then turns them off as you walk away from them.Music moves with you too.If the house knows your favorite music,it plays it.The music seems to be everywhere,but in fact other people in the house hear different music or no music.If you get a telephone call,only the nearest telephone rings.
Of course,you are also able to tell the house if you want something.There is a home control console(控制台),a small machine that turns things on and off around you.
The PIN and the console are new ideas,but they are in fact like many things we have today.If you want to go to a movie,you need a ticket.If I give you my car keys,you can use my car.The car works for you because you have the keys.My house works for you because you wear the PIN or hold the console.
I believe that ten years from now,most new homes will have the systems that I've put in my house.The systems will probably be even bigger and better than the ones I've put in today.
I like to try new ideas.I know that some of my ideas will work better than others.But I hope that one day I will stop thinking of these systems as new,and ask myself instead,"How will I live without them?"

21.What does the passage mainly discuss?C
A.How to develop a new system.
B.The function of the PIN.
C.A home for the future.
D.Easy life in the future.
22.What can't be done in the writer's new house according to the passage?B
A.Turning on the lights.
B.Going swimming.
C.Getting a telephone call.
D.Playing music.
23.The writer's new house is different from ordinary ones mainly becauseD.
A.it has your favorite music following you
B.you can make a telephone call anywhere
C.the writer is able to change his new idea into practice
D.it has been controlled by computers
24.What is the writer most likely to be according to the passage?A
A.An IT expert               
B.A famous doctor
C.An idealist                  
D.An experienced teacher.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.They have already succeeded ______ saving many endangered animals.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Remember,Tom,water the tree regularly,never letting the soil_________.(  )
A.dry upB.to dry upC.dry outD.to dry out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.PE will be part of the high school graduation examinations._____,you will have to be strong and healthy to graduate.(  )
A.After allB.As a matter of fact
C.In other wordsD.What's more


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

She loves literature,classicsin particular.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.-I'm leaving for Europe on vacation tomorrow.
-________.(  )
A.So longB.CheersC.Best wishesD.Have fun

