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【题目】根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。 Art is considered by many people to be no more than a decorative means of giving pleasure. This is not always the case, however, at times, art may be seen to have a purely functional side as well. Such could be said of the sandpaintings of the Navaho Indians of the American Southwest; these have a medicinal as well as an artistic purpose.
According to Navaho traditions, one who suffers from either a mental or a physical illness has in some way disturbed or get in touch with the supernatural—perhaps a certain animal, a ghost, or the dead. To break away from this, the ill person or one of his relatives will employ a medical man called a "singer" to perform a curing ceremony which will attract a powerful supernatural being. During the ceremony, which may last from 2 to 9 days, the "singer" will produce a sandpainting on the floor. On the last day of the ceremony, the patient will sit on this sandpainting and the "singer" will rub the sick or injured parts of the patient's body with sand from a specific figure in the sandpainting. In this way the patient absorbs the power of that particular supernatural being and becomes strong. After the ceremony, the sandpainting is destroyed so its power won't harm anyone.
The art of sandpainting is handed down from old "singers". The materials used are easily found where the Navaho settle: brown, red, yellow, and white sandstone, which is ground(研磨)much as corn is made into flour. The "singer" holds a small amount of this sand in his hand and lets it flow between his fingers onto a clean, flat surface on the floor, with a steady hand and great patience. He is thus able to create designs of stylized people, snakes and other creatures that have power in the Navaho belief system. The traditional Navaho doesn't allow copying sandpaintings, since he believes the supernatural powers that taught him the craft have forbidden this; however, such reproductions can in fact be purchased today in tourist shops in Arizona and New Mexico. These are done by either Navaho Indians or by other people who wish to preserve this craft.
(1)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.The Navaho Indian
B.The Ancient "Singer"
C.Functions of Art
D.The Navaho Sandpaintings
(2)How did the "singer" treat the patient according to the passage?
A.By passing his supernatural power on to the patient.
B.By applying a magic substance to the patient's body.
C.By rubbing the patient's sick parts with sand from a sandpainting figure.
D.By destroying the sandpainting figure.
(3)The traditional Navsho does not allow copying of sandpaintings because .
A.anything copied has no effect
B.the craft only belongs to the supernatural
C.it's against Navaho belief system
D.the copying may do harm to other Navahos
(4)That the reproductions of sandpaintings are now commercially available shows .
A.people have realized the artistic value of sandpaintings
B.patients have benefited from the powerful effect of sandpaintings
C.more people have come to believe in supernatural power
D.modern technology has helped the production of sandpaintings

(2)根据the patient will sit on this sandpainting and the "singer" will rub the sick or injured parts of the patient's body with sand from a specific figure in the sandpainting. 可知"唱歌者"从沙画中取出沙子搓揉病人的患病部位。所以选C。
(3)根据The traditional Navaho doesn't allow copying sandpaintings, since he believes the supernatural powers that taught him the craft have forbidden this可知传统的纳瓦霍人不允许复制沙画是因为违背了他们的信仰。所以选C。
(4)根据however,such reproductions can in fact be purchased today in tourist shops in Arizona and New Mexico.These are done by either Navaho Indians or by other people who wish to preserve this craft. 可知现在,在商业上可以复制沙画,展现出人们意识到了沙画的艺术价值。所以选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

To develop one's taste in English,the most effective way is to read English books extensively. However, one may be at a loss to choose the appropriate books,especially as a beginner.I would like to share some of my experience.
My first English novel was Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice,recommended by many English teachers and professors as an ideal book for English learners. But I had great difficulty in understanding the novel,let alone enjoying it. It's not the vocabulary that troubled me,but rather the way Austen constructs sentences,and her way of thinking,which seemed too remote to me at that time. My fading enthusiasm was much recovered after reading Hemingway's novel Farewell to Arms. I particularly liked his brief and lively style. So my first suggestion is,as a beginner, you'd better choose contemporary novels instead of classical ones.
However,reading novels is not the only way to improve your English. English essays can at once inform you,entertain you, and improve your taste in English. The best example is Bertrand Russell's work. Its language is plain, yet you cannot help feeling the elegance and the unique sense of humor. His simple language enables his philosophy(哲理) within the reach of ordinary people. Here comes my second suggestion—essays are indispensable.
Never follow other's opinions blindly,however famous or influential the person might be. As a saying goes,one man's meat is another man's poison. With that in mind,we are sure to find out our favorite writers through reading and develop our fine taste in English.
(1)What made the author's first English novel hard to understand?
A.Complex conversations.
B.Not knowing the social background.
C.The old-fashioned vocabulary.
D.Sentences and Austen's thinking pattern.
(2)Which can best replace the underlined word“ indispensable”?
(3)What advice does the author give in the last paragraph?
A.Choose books that challenging us most.
B.Read books that are instructive.
C.Don't be affected by other's choices.
D.Compare books before buying.
(4)What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?
A.Give comments on literature works.
B.Tell beginners how to choose English books.
C.Encourage people to read more English books.
D.Recommend first-class books to English learners.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.If a long reading assignment is given,instructors expect students to be familiar with information in the reading even if they do not discuss1in class or take an examination.The ideal student is considered to be one who2(motivate)to learn for the sake of learning,not the one interested only in3(get) high grades.Sometimes homework is returned4brief written comments but with out a grade.Even if a grade is not given,the student is responsible for learning the material5(assign).When research is assigned,the professor expects the student to take it6(active) and to complete it with minimum7(guide).It is the student's responsibility to find books,magazines,and articles in the library.

Professors don't have the time to explain8a university library works; they expect students,especially graduate students,to be able to exhaust the reference origins in the library.Professors will help students who need but prefer that their students should not be too9(depend) on them.In the United States,professors have many other duties besides teaching,such as research work,10the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited.If a student has problems with classroom work,the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make an appointment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你的班级决定组织同学们5月30日端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival) 一起骑自行车去西湖观看龙舟比赛。请你给外教史密斯先生写封邮件邀请他上午8:00 在学校门口集合,一同前往,感受中国传统文化。












科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】You know that everything changes, but you’re seldom prepared when it comes to your children. 1years fly by, suddenly they’re teenagers. They’re all grown up with plans 2their own.

At parents, we want to hold tightly to those precious and unforgettable 3(moment) when she 4(lose)her tooth and you were the Tooth Fairy, or when you bought his baseball glove and taught him with great patience 5(hold) a bat. Your girl looks more like a young woman now; your son is becoming a man. If you’re fighting those changes, you may get tired. But if you welcome the changes6 (merry), you’ll be young at heart.

Parents have to change, too---you can’t avoid it. It’s7(nature) for you to miss the years when they were cute and when you were 8center of their world. As a courageous parent aware of the process of life9you’re involved in, you accept the changes and move forward in tears. Sometimes you’ll thankful that10(be) a teenager is not a permanent condition.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

People who have lost the ability to understand or use words due to brain damage are called aphasics(失语症患者).Such patients can be extremely good at something else.From the changing expressions on speakers' faces and the tones of their voices,they can tell lies from truths.
Doctors studying the human brain have given a number of examples of this amazing power of aphasics.Some have even compared this power to that of a dog with an ability to find out the drugs hidden in the baggage.
Recently,scientists carried out tests to see if all that was said about aphasics was true.They studied a mixed group of people.Some were normal;others were aphasics.It was proved that the aphasics were far ahead of the normal people in recognizing false speeches—in most cases,the normal people were fooled by words,but the aphasics were not.
Some years ago,Dr.Oliver Sacks wrote in his book about his experiences with aphasics.He mentioned a particular case in a hospital.Some aphasics were watching the president giving a speech on TV.Since the president had been an actor earlier,making a good speech was no problem for him.He was trying to put his feelings into every word of his speech.
But his way of speaking had the opposite effect on the patients.They didn't seem to believe him.Instead,they burst into laughter.The aphasics knew that the president did not mean a word of what he was saying.He was lying!
Many doctors see aphasics as people who are not completely normal because they lack the ability to understand words.However,according to Dr.Sacks,they are more gifted than normal people.Normal people may get carried away by words.Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better,though they cannot understand words.
(1)What is so surprising about aphasics?
A.They can fool other people.
B.They can tell whether people are lying.
C.They can understand language better.
D.They can find out the hidden drugs.
(2)How did the scientists study aphasics?
A.By asking them to watch TV together.
B.By organizing them into acting groups.
C.By comparing them with normal people.
D.By giving them chances to speak on TV.
(3)What do we learn from this text?
A.What ones says reflects how one feels.
B.Aphasics have richer feelings than others.
C.Normal people often tell lies in their speeches.
D.People poor at one thing can be good at another.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dr.Yuan for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields...Dr. Yuan is now his knowledge in India, Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests... to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to the world of hunger.
He made people laugh at a time they felt depressed, so they could feel more with their lives...His parents were both music hall .
However, people from places like Spain, Italy or south American countries approach others closely and are more to touch them.
In , though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I am at a loss why Mike is always ________ every time I meet him. Believe it or not, we used to be best friends.

A. giving me the cold shoulder B. making my day

C. following suit D. beating around the bush


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Once upon a time, there was a man from the State of Chu who loved his sword very much. One day, he was sitting in a boatpreparing to cross a river1 heaccidentallydropped his sword into the water.2the ship moving fast on and the water running, the people on board reminded that he should go into the water to find his beloved sword back. The man felt in great3( anxious) too. However, he turned a deaf ear to that and instead, he4(immediate) took out a knifeand made a notch(刻痕)on the side of the boat5his dear sword fell. The people wondered why he did so. He said proudly the notch could help6(get) his sword back. Shortly after the7(arrive) at the shore, he entered the water just beneath the notch he made. Though8(spend) rather a long time, he returned empty-handed.Without doubt, he was laughed at in public and his story became9well-known joke in China.

Today the idiom10(relate) to the story is used to describe a person who stick to rigid rules without considering a changing environment or describes an action made pointless by changing circumstances.

