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7.You may know the English letters A,B and C.But do you know there are people called ABC?You may like eating bananas.But did you know there is such a thing as a"banana person"?How strange!Are these people from"another earth"?No.They are just Chinese people like you and me.
    ABC means American-born Chinese.An ABC is a Chinese,but was born in the United States.Sometimes,people call an ABC a"banana person".A banana is yellow outside and white inside.So,when a person is a banana,he or she is white inside-thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside-looking like a Chinese.
    Do you know why?Usually,ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language.Some of them don't speak Chinese.Also,they are not interested in Chinese politics.
    But if ABCs cannot speak Chinese,can we still call them Chinese people?Yes,of course.They are Chinese.They are overseas Chinese.These people may be citizens of another country like the US,Canada or Singapore.But they have Chinese blood.Their parents,grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China.They all have black eyes and black hair.But they are not Chinese citizens.They are not people of the People's Republic of China.For example,we all know the famous scientist C.N.Yang.He got the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957.Chinese people love him.But he is an American citizen.
12."ABC"in this text stands for"C".
A.three English letters         B.a kind of banana
C.Chinese born in America       D.Americans born in China
13.Chinese in Western countries are called"banana persons"becauseB.
A.their bodies are white inside but yellow outside
B.they think like Westerners but look like Chinese
C.they were born in China but go to study in America
D.they are Chinese who look like bananas
14.C.N.Yang is mentioned here to show thatD.
A.American Chinese are great
B.we love American Chinese
C.Chinese people can win Nobel Prizes
D.American Chinese are not Chinese citizens
15.This text is mainly aboutB.
A.different kinds of bananas
B.overseas Chinese
C.the Nobel Prize
D.the life story of C.N.Yang.

分析 这篇短文为我们介绍的是ABC,即美国出生的中国人,或外国出生的中国人.这样的人有着中国人的外貌,中国人的血统,但是他们不是中国的公民.也许他们不懂得中国的文化,也不会说中国话.

解答 12:C 细节理解题,由文中语句"ABC means American-born Chinese.An ABC is a Chinese,but was born in the United States."可知ABC意指美国出生的中国人,故选C.
13:B 细节理解题,由文中语句"when a person is a banana,he or she is white inside-thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside-looking like a Chinese."有时候人们称ABC为香蕉人.香蕉外面是黄色的.所以香蕉人就是里面是白色的,即像西方人那样的思考;而外面是黄色的,就像中国人一样.故这里的香蕉人是来比喻这些有着中国人的外表却有着西方人思想的人.故B选项是最佳答案.
14:D  细节理解题. Their parents,grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China.They all have black eyes and black hair.But they are not Chinese citizens.他们的父母,或者祖父母来自中国,他们有黑眼睛黑头发,但他们不是中国居民,由此可知选D.
15:B 推断理解题,纵观全文内容理解可知,本文主要讲述到出生在国外的中国人-ABC,他们有着西化的思想,而实际上是一个中国人,被称为"香蕉人".结合选项,故选B.

点评 本文是社会文化类阅读理解.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Not everyone is born with beautiful hair,but by learning a few about hair care,you can make your hair look its best.Healthy,attractive hair should look smooth,silky and shiny.Hair that is dull,dry,brittle(分叉)or frizzy(卷曲) is unhealthy and unattractive.Everyday events such as shampooing,brushing and blow drying can do great damage to your hair,causing the dry,brittle,frizzy look.
When you shampoo your hair,you should apply shampoo for your specific type of hair,if you have color treated hair,you should use a shampoo for chemically treated hair.If you are not sure what your hair type is or what type of shampoo to use,ask your hairdresser.Your hairdresser can recommend a typical shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair shiny and healthy.
Brushing your hair can actually improve the shine.If you have long hair that tends to tangle on the ends,you should start brushing on the ends to remove any tangles,and work your way u p to the scalp.You should never brush hair when hair is wet.,because it is much weaker than when it is dry.Wet hair will break very easily if it is not combed very gently.If you have long hair,you should squeeze the extra water from your hair with a towel.Never rub your hair between the towel to dry it,this can cause severe breakage.Before combing,a leave-in conditioner should be sprayed on the hair to help restore shine and help remove tangles.Using a wide tooth comb,comb hair from the ends and work your way up.
Blow dryers are very convenient and many of us use them daily.If they are used incorrectly,they can cause severe heat damage to your hair.Blow drying can cause your ends to be unhealthy.You should allow your hair to air dry until it is about half way dry.Set your dryer on low or medium heat,and keep the dryer about six to eight inches away from your hair.
If you follow these tips,you should notice an improvement in the condition of your hair within two or four weeks,depending on how damaged your hair is.While you are making efforts to improve your hair condition,consult your hairdresser or visit your local beauty shop for more information on available products.
59.A healthy hair looks likesmooth,silky andshiny.
60.Why should we never brush wet hair?
Because it is much weaker than when it is dry./It breaks very easily..
61.You turn toyour hairdresser orvisit your local beauty store for help if you are not sure which kind of shampoo is suitable for your hair.
62.What mentioned above can damage our hair?
Everyday events such as shampooing,brushing and blow drying can do great damage to your hair..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The room in which the boys were fed was a large stone hall,with a large pot at one end.The master,helped by two women,served the soup from this pot at meal times.Each boy was allowed one bowl of soup and no more.The bowls never needed washing,as the boys cleaned them with their spoons,trying to eat every bit of soup.Boys usually have excellent appetites.Oliver Twist and his companions slowly starved for three months until finally,they became quite wild with hunger.
There was one boy who was tall for his age and had a wild,hungry look in his eye.He told his friends he had to have another bowl of soup each day.If not,he was afraid that one night he might eat the small young boy sleeping next to him.The boys had a meeting and decided that one of them should ask for more food after supper that evening.They wrote their names on pieces of paper and picked one out.It was Oliver Twist who was chosen.
In the evening,the boys sat down at the tables.The master stood by the pot,and the soup was served.It disappeared quickly.The boys whispered and made signs to Oliver.He stood up from the table and went to the master,with his bowl and spoon in his hands."Please,sir,"he said,"I want some more."The master was a fat,healthy man,but he went very pale.
"What?"said the master at last in a quiet voice.
"Please,sir,"repeated Oliver,"I want some more."
The master hit Oliver with his spoon,then seized him and cried for help.Mr Bumble rushed into the room,and the master told him what Oliver had said."He asked for more?"Mr Bumble cried."I cannot believe it.One day they will hang the boy."He took Oliver away and shut him in a dark room.The next morning a notice appeared on the workhouse gate.Five pounds were offered to anybody who would take Oliver Twist.

28.This passage is most probably taken fromD.
A.an essay  B.a diary  C.a report  D.a novel
29.The master went pale because he wasB.
A.sick  B.surprised  C.nervous  D.disappointed
30.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.the boys suffered from hunger in the workhouse
B.the master showed great mercy to the poor boys
C.Oliver was lucky enough to be chosen as a hero
D.the big boy was strong enough to get food for the others
31.Which may be the best title for the passage?C
A.Oliver Feeds His Companions
B.Oliver Will Be Hanged
C.Oliver Asks For More    
D.Oliver Tricks His Master.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

15.假如你是李华,你们学校下个月即将召开一年一次的艺术节.给你的朋友Lucia 写一封信,介绍一下你们学校的艺术节及相 关活动,并邀请她参加最后的晚会.要点如下:
2.有多种大家喜欢的活动:环保服装设计比赛;歌唱比赛; 舞蹈比赛;动漫真人秀等.老师们也将参加活动
环保服装Green Clothes    动漫真人秀 cos-play   
学生社团student association
Dear Lucia,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.The following is a father's advice to his son/daughter,who has just graduated from high school:
First of all,congratulations on your graduation!Graduation from high school means that a new stage of life is ahead of you.At the beginning of this new stage,I have some advice for you.
Clean your own room and do your own laundry(洗衣物的活).After you have messed up(弄乱)something,you should learn to clean it up yourself.Cleanliness is indeed close to godliness.
Don't mistake knowledge for wisdom.No matter how much information or knowledge you have gained,you'll never make sound judgments if you don't have wisdom.Wisdom comes from imagination and reflection (反省).If you can imagine the possible future outcomes of your present decisions and actions,you can avoid mistakes.And if you can reflect on the mistakes you have made,you can avoid making the same mistakes again and again.Such is wisdom.
Don't complain.When you take up a job,do your best to carry it out.Don't waste time complaining about it,no matter how difficult and boring it is.
At last,be an early bird.If you get up earlier than the sun,you can watch it rising up slowly into the sky.And the sight of the rising sun will warm your heart and give you energy for the day ahead.Besides,being an early bird,you have plenty of time to take exercise or do a lot of work.
26.The father wants to give his son/daughter some advice,becauseC.
A.his son/daughter does not know how to behave himself/herself
B.the teacher is disappointed at his son's/daughter's performance
C.another stage of life waits for his son/daughter
D.the father is a philosopher
27.What should you do if you messed up something?B
A.Confusing   B.Cleaning   C.disordering   D.Clearing
28.According to the father,wisdom enables one toD.
A.acquire a lot of knowledge   
B.get more time to take exercise
C.gain wealth and fame  
D.evaluate situations correctly
29.In the opinion of the father,complainingD.
A.usually leads to success  
B.can be appreciated by many people
C.is helpful for the job   
D.gets you nowhere
30.The father says that being as early bird makes oneA.
A.energetic and efficient   
B.boring and bossy
C.stubborn and stingy   
D.considerate and careless.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

be rated as           point out      insist on          come into view
within arm's reach      lead to    complain about      be appropriate for
77.As she rightlypointed out,the illness can affect adults as well as children
78.Playerscomplained about the uneven bounce of the tennis court.
79.The showwas rated as a success by critics and audiences.
80.The lake sooncame intoview.
81.Heinsisted on telling us the details about their trip.
82.I always have a dictionarywithin arm's reach.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Contrary to my expectation,Mickey Stewart,       the German management,was doing his best to convince me not to leave.(  )
A.at the mercy ofB.in terms ofC.in favor ofD.on behalf of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Towards the end of the Qing Dynasty,the conditions in Beijing's hutongs went down as the political situation cast a dark cloud on China's economy.Many new hutongs were quickly built(61)to house  (house) the increasing population but these were poorly made.The (62)turning (turn) point came when the People's Republic of China (63)was founded(found).Conditions improved (64)a great deal and the government undertook the preservation of many of the oldest hutongs.
Hutongs are still an important part of Beijing life and (65)it is not surprising that tourists love the hutongs.They can walk up Sanmiao Street,(66)which dates back 900years,wander down Rongxian-the longest hutong at 2km(67)or squeeze through Qianshi-the narrowest at only 40cm in(68)width (wide)!They can also stop under a stone arch and watch the hutong world go by while enjoying a plate of Beijing's best"Peking Duck"or satisfying their thirst(69)with a cold Tsingtao beer.The hutongs not only link Beijing's streets and communities after all,but also its past and present,(70)showing (show) that Beijing is truly an ancient yet modern city.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

take …for granted,equip …with,focus on,function as,come to life,make room for,bring up,refer to
66.Being brought upin the countryside made Mr.Wilson very hardworking when he was very young.
67.The boy sat silently by the window with his eyesfocused on the beautiful scenery outside.
68.Equipped with a fat body and tiny legs as well as a warm heart,Baymax in the movie Big Hero 6has delighted audiences of all ages.
69.You,as readers,may notice that I use"we"whenreferring to America in the above paragraphs.
70.Athensfunctioning as a center of the trade in the 13th century is a charming tourist attraction now.
71.A pure virus could be kept in a bottle,just like hundreds of other chemicals.Yet,when it is placed on a living thing,itwill come to life.
72.The store wants to sell out all of its winter clothesto make room for the summer ones.
73.He Jiang,a biology doctor from Hunan,delivered a graduation speech in Harvard,in which he stated lifesaving knowledge which wetake for granted in the modern world is often unavailable in his hometown.

