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         impression you make at the beginning of           interview is very important .

     A. An;an           B.The ;an          C.the;/          D./;an


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2010届高三5月“临门一脚”模拟测试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


Last Sunday I made a visit to some new neighbors down the block. No specific purpose in mind, just an opportunity to sit at the kitchen table, have some tea and chat. As I did so, it occurred to me how rare the Sunday visit has become.

When I was a kid in the New Jersey of the 1960s, Sunday visits were routine. Most stores were closed, almost nobody worked, and the highways, as a result, were not the desperate steeplechases(障碍赛跑) they have become today. My family normally traveled eight city blocks to the home of my grandmother—the same house my father was raised in, where adults would sit on the front porch and chat while we children played hide-and-seek.

The Sunday visit was something to desire strongly. It was the repetition to church, our reward for an hour of devotion, an opportunity to take advantage of the fact that Dad was not at work, we were not in school, and there were no chores that couldn’t wait until Monday. Sunday was, indeed, different from all the other days of the week, because everyone seemed to be on the same schedule, which means that there was one day when everyone seemed to have time for everybody else.

         Sunday as a day of rest is, or was, so deeply rooted in the culture that it’s surprising to consider that, in a short span of time, it has almost entirely lost this association. In my childhood, it was assumed that everyone would either be home or visiting someone else’s home on Sunday. But now the question is, “What do you plan to DO this Sunday?” The answer can range from going to the mall to participating in a road race to jetting to Montreal for lunch. If one were to respond, “I’m making a Sunday visit to family,” such an answer would feel sepia-toned, an echo from another era.

I suppose I should be grateful to live in Maine, a state of small towns, abundant land and tight relationships. Even though folks work as hard here as they do anywhere else, the state’s powerfully rural cast(特质)still harbors at least remnants of the ethic of yesterday’s America, where people had to depend on one another in the face of economic vagaries(反复无常的情况)and a challenging environment.

1.The writer’s general impression of the Sunday in the past was a day when _______.

A. everyone was paying a visit to some relative far away

B. everyone seemed to be free and could have some leisure

C. Dad was not at work while Mom was busy cleaning the house

D. nearly every adult would go to church and children were not at school

2.In the fourth paragraph, the writer compares the response “I’m making a Sunday visit to family” to an echo from another era because _______.

       A. people nowadays prefer staying at home on Sunday

       B. such answers are rarely heard in our modern society

       C. people in the city dislike being disturbed on Sunday

       D. visiting someone on Sunday might take a lot of time

3.From the last paragraph we may infer that _______.

A. people in Maine suffer more from economic depression and the changed environment

B. people in Maine has abandoned their tradition and lived an absolute new life

C. land in Maine is short, thus the relationship between people is tense

D. people in Maine always help each other when they are in need

4.Which word we may use to describe the writer’s attitude towards the Sunday today?

A. Unsatisfied.           B. Anxious.              C. Treasured.            D. Teased.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年天津市高三年级第一次月考英语题 题型:阅读理解

Everyone knows about straight-A students.We see them frequently in TV situation comedies and in movies like Revenge(报复)of the Nerds.They get high grades, all right, but only by becoming dull laborers, their noses always stuck in a book.They are not good at social communication and look clumsy while doing sports.

How, then, do we account for Domenica Roman or Paul Melendres?

Roman is on the tennis team at Fairmont Senior High School.She also sings in the choral group, serves on the student council and is a member of the mathematics society.For two years she has maintained A’s in every subject.Melendres, a freshman at the University of New Mexico, was student-body president at Valley High School in Albuquerque.He played soccer and basketball well, exhibited at the science fair, and meanwhile worked as a reporter on a local television station.Being a speech giver at the graduation ceremony, he achieved straight A’s in his regular classes, plus bonus points for A’s in two college-level courses.

How do super-achievers like Roman and Melendres do it? Brains aren’t the only answer.“Top grades don’t always go to the brightest students, ” declares Herbert Walberg, a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who has conducted major studies on super-achieving students.“Knowing how to make the most of your innate(天生的)abilities counts for more.Much more.”

In fact, Walberg says, students with high IQ sometimes don’t do as well as classmates with lower IQ.For them, learning comes too easily and they never find out how to get down.

Hard work isn’t the whole story, either.“It’s not how long you sit there with the books open, ” said one of the many-A students we interviewed.“It’s what you do while you’re sitting.” Indeed, some of these students actually put in fewer hours of homework time than their lower-scoring classmates.

The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can readily learn.

1.The underlined word “nerds” can probably be    

A.dull bookworms lacking sports and social skills

B.successful top students popular with their peers

C.students with certain learning difficulties

D.born leaders crazy about social activities

2.What can we conclude from the first paragraph?

A.Most TV programs and films are about straight-A students.

B.People have unfavorable impression on straight-A students.

C.Everyone knows about straight-A students from TV or films.

D.Straight-A students are well admired by people in the society.

3.What will be talked about after the last paragraph?

A.The interviews with more students.

B.The role IQ plays in learning well.

C.The techniques to be better learners.

D.The achievements top students make.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.IQ is more important than hard work in study.

B.The brightest students can never get low grades.

C.Top students certainly achieve all-around developments.

D.Students with average IQ can become super-achievers



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年四川省资阳市高三第二次高考模拟考试英语试题 题型:完型填空



My husband and I sat outside. A small child about three came up the street, accompanied by her mother. As she saw another girl a few feet away, she gave her admiring comment, “Mommy, I like her dress.” Her mom   1 , “Well, why don’t you go and tell her?”

The little girl walked   2  toward the girl wearing the pretty dress. The other one,

  3  the same age, was standing with her   4  turned, alongside her parents. They had not heard the compliment (赞美). Receiving no answer, this little one   5 . My husband said to the other girl, “  6  wants to tell you something.” As she turned around,   7  was made. Once again, the little one   8  “I like your dress,” and upon hearing those words, the other one gave her a big smile and excitedly   9  “Look, it’s a spinning (旋转) dress!”, at which moment she began to spin. Both of them smiled widely.

Now, the one stopped spinning and said, “It’s my favorite dress and I have (a)   10  that match!” She   11  running toward a stroller (婴儿车) parked nearby.

The mom and daughter started to   12  down the street,   13  the encounter (邂逅) had ended. Moments later, the “spinning dress girl” reappeared, shoes in hand,   14  her new friend who had seemingly disappeared. Now, an elderly couple, seated on a bench, had obviously been

  15  of all this. The man   16  the child, saying, “There’s someone coming behind you.” Then we saw one showed and the other   17  the beautiful shoes.

If you can make a   18  better, do it. I have no idea how many others that evening might have   19  this act, hoping to help good things to happen. But such brief moments,

  20  together, make up what might very well be the important times in our lives.



































D.No one



























A.took off

B.turned down

C.put on

D.made up















A.coming across

B.looking for

C.shouting at

D.calling on







































科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省名校高三联考试题 题型:填空题



It's common for kids of all ages to experience school anxiety - school-related stress.This is often most apparent at the end of summer when school is about to start again, but it can occur year-round.Where does the stress and anxiety come from?


A good experience with a caring teacher can cause a lasting impression on a child's life—so can a bad experience.While most teachers do their best to provide students with a positive educational experience, some students are better suited for certain teaching styles and classroom types than others.If there's a mismatch (不协调) between student and teacher, a child can form lasting negative feelings about school or his own abilities.


Friends can also be a source of stress.Concerns about not having enough friends, not being in the same class as friends, not being able to keep up with friends in one particular area or another, and interpersonal conflicts are a few of the very common ways kids can be stressed by their social lives at school.Dealing with these issues alone can cause anxiety in even the most confident kids.

Bullies (欺凌弱小者)

Things have changed in the world of bullies since I was a kid.The good news is that

teachers and parents are paying more attention.Many schools now have anti-bullying pro-

grams and policies.Though bullying does still happen, help is generally more easily accessible

than before.

The bad news is that bullying has gone high-tech.Many students use the Internet, cell phones and other media devices to bully other students, and this type of bullying often gets very aggressive.One reason is that bullies can be anonymous (匿名的) and enlist other bullies to make their targets miserable.Another reason is that they don't have to face their targets. So it's easier to get rid of any empathy that they may otherwise feel.There are ways to fight against "cyber-bullying", but many parents aren't aware of them - and many bullied kids feel too overwhelmed to deal with the situation.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江西省高三六校联考英语卷 题型:完型填空



A recent study shows that gossip(流言蜚语)is more powerful than truth. It suggests people believe what they hear through the grapevine(小道消息)  36  they have evidence to the contrary.

Researchers,  37  students using a computer game, also found gossip played an important role when people  38  decisions. “We show that gossip has a strong  39  , even when people have  40  to the original information as well as gossip about the same information. Thus, it is  41  that gossip has a strong controlling potential,” said Ralf Sommerfeld, who led the study.

In the study, the researchers  42  the students money and allowed them to give it to others in a series of rounds. The students also wrote  43  about how others played the game that everyone could review. Students tended to give  44  money to people described as “scrooges (吝啬鬼)” and more to those described as “ 45  players”. “People only believed the gossip, not the past decisions,” Sommerfeld said in a telephone interview.

The researchers then took the game a step  46  and showed the students the actual decisions people had made. But they also supplied false gossip that contradicted that  47  . In these cases, the students  48  their decisions to award money on the gossip,  49  the hard evidence.

“If you know what the people did, you should care, but they still  50  what others said,” Sommerfeld said. Researchers have  51  used similar games to study how people cooperate and the  52  of gossip in groups. Scientists define gossip  53  social information spread about a person who is not  54  . In evolutionary terms, gossip can be an important tool for people to  55  information about others' reputations or find the way through social networks at work and in their everyday lives.

1.A. in case          B. for fear that                         C. as if   D. even if

2. A. testing         B. checking             C. examining     D. experimenting

3. A. drew            B. made                 C. reached       D. concluded

4. A. impression      B. difference           C. influence     D. function

5.. A. access         B. entrance             C. charge        D. communication

6. A. curious         B. serious              C. obvious       D. worth

7. A. impressed       B. asked                C. showed        D. gave

8. A. articles        B. notes                C. dairies       D. letters

9. A. less            B. more                 C. fewer         D. much

10.A. general         B. mean                 C. generous      D. outgoing

11. A. away           B. forward              C. ahead         D. further

12. A. existence      B. evidence             C. confidence    D. dependence

13. A. based          B. put                  C. focused       D. passed

14. A. more than      B. less than            C. rather than   D. other than

15. A. referred to    B. listened to          C. turned to     D. stuck to

16. A. soon           B. presently            C. far           D. long

17.A. strength        B. energy               C. effect        D. force

18. A. as             B. for                  C. to            D. by

19. A. absent         B. present              C. gone          D. missing

20.A. achieve           B. earn                     C. acquire       D. win


