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假如你是Bede,你的朋友Dong Zhitao苦于同宿舍的同学不洗脚,但是又不想为这事小题大做。针对这一矛盾请你给Dong Zhitao写一封信说明你的建议。词数120左右

Dear Dong Zhitao,

  This is quite a difficult question to answer.On one hand you are upset by your classmates refusing to wash their feet,and on the other hand you don't wish to offend your friends by making a big issue out of the problem.

    My advice to you is this:

    As you have clearly failed to get your friends to change their ways by asking them yourself, you should now involve someone in authority.

    Approach one of your teachers,or the head of the dormitory, and explain the situation to them.

  Ask them politely to remind everyone staying in the dormitory to wash every day, as personal hygiene is extremely important. You can also ask your teacher/dormitory head to mention your complaint.Hopefully a word to your classmates from a teacher will solve your problem.I hope this helps.


