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Patient: Good morning, doctor.

Doctor: Morning. What seems to be the trouble?

Patent: It’s my vision. I can’t see well at night, and when I wake up in the morning, it takes me a few minutes 1. I can see clearly.

Doctor: OK. I’m going to take a closer look. Just relax. How 2. has this been going on?

Patient: A couple of weeks, I guess — wow, that’s bright!

Doctor: 3. it hurt when I do that?

Patient: Not exactly. It’s just really bright.

Doctor: OK. Please, go on.

Patient: Well, I 4. (walk) down to the basement in my house about three weeks ago when I slipped and bumped my head pretty hard on the steps.

Doctor: Where exactly did you hit your head?

Patient: Right on the back. I heard a loud sound, 5. everything seemed to be okay.

Doctor: You didn’t get it 6. (check) out then?

Patient: No, I didn’t. Well, a week passed, and all of a sudden I started to have problems 7. my sight. I first noticed it when I was driving back home from work. It’s gotten 8. (bad) over the past week.

Doctor: I’m glad you came. I’m going to order some tests, and I want to make 9. appointment for you to see a specialist tomorrow morning. 10. (hope), nothing is too serious.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He found________ almost impossible to express what he wanted to say.

A. that B. this C. it D. One


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Does the young man standing there ________ the company.

-- No, the company is _____his father.

A.in possession of; in the possession of

B.have possession of; in the possession of

C. take possession of; in possession of

D. have possession of; in possession of


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东省临沂市高一6月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was my birthday last Thursday. I decided to _________ by inviting a few friends out to supper. I chose a restaurant in a _________ part of town. It is one of my favorite restaurants because the food is good and the waiters are friendly. It is _________ ever crowded, because not many people know about it, so it is not usually _________ to book a table. In any case, Thursday is not a busy evening _________.

When we entered the restaurant, we were surprised to find it completely _________. I looked around but no _________ was free. One of the waiters recognized me. He came across and explained the situation. “A party of tourists came in about half an hour ago,” he said. “It was like an invasion (侵略). _________ the place was full! We can hardly manage (对付,应付).”

The waiter then pointed to a table in the corner. “The people there are about to _________,” he said. “Just hold on and you’ll _________ a place there.” He was right. Fifteen minutes later, the people _________ the corner table paid their _________, got up and left. I led my friends across and we all sat down.

_________ , our table was almost out of sight. We tried to call the attention of the waiter who sent us there, _________ he, like all the other waiters, was _________ with the party of tourists. They ordered lots of food. At last, an hour later, the tourists were finishing their meal and looking very _________ with life. The waiter, now very tired, appeared at our table. I advised my friends about the best dishes and finally the waiter went off with our _________ .

A few moments later he returned to our table. We could tell from his face that he had _________news for us. _________a little sorry, he told us that there was no meat or fish. “All we can _________ you,” he said, “is an omelet (煎蛋卷)!”

1.A. remember B. congratulate C. memorize D. celebrate

2.A. calm B. quiet C. busy D. faraway

3.A. hardly B. often C. hard D. always

4.A. important B. possible C. necessary D. certain

5.A. as usual B. in fact C. as before D. in all

6.A. full B. empty C. free D. quiet

7.A. person B. table C. waiter D. friend

8.A. Happily B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Hopefully

9.A. start B. end C. leave D. pay

10.A. find B. take C. wait D. see

11.A. by B. at C. beside D. near

12.A. money B. drink C. food D. bill

13.A. Luckily B. Normally C. Unluckily D. Angrily

14.A. but B. so C. yet D. and

15.A. easy B. busy C. strict D. satisfied

16.A. excited B. tired C. disappointed D. pleased

17.A. order B. foods C. dishes D. money

18.A. good B. bad C. valuable D. pleasant

19.A. Remaining B. Seeing C. Looking D. Finding

20.A. find B. sell C. offer D. bring


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁省协作校高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We live in a sweet world. An average American kid consumes(消耗) more than 20 teaspoons of sugar per day, and adults eat 50% more sugar today than they did in the 1970s. We all know that too much sugar isn’t good for us. Researchers at the University of Utah used mice to make a study to prove the toxic effects of eating more sugar. They found it could influence people’s health seriously.

During the 58-week-long study, mice were fed a diet containing 25% more sugar. This percentage is equal to a healthy human diet along with three cans of soda daily. The team found that these mice were twice as likely to die as mice without eating so much sugar. Though the mice did not show signs of obesity or high blood pressure, male mice produced 25% fewer offspring(后代) than the other mice.

The reason why mice were chosen for research by scientists is not far to seek. “Mice have the genetic(基因) structure similar to humans’. Most substances(物质) that are harmful to mice are also harmful to people; it’s likely that those important physical problems that cause the rising death rate among mice can also influence people,” says the study author James Ruff of the University of Utah. Findings from this study reveal negative effects that are not as detectable as weight gain or heart problems. Sugar can contribute to long-term changes in the body that can affect development and even shorten lives.

Different types of sugar have different effects on the human body. Some of the sugar we consume comes from foods we might expect—candy, soda, and cookies. But much of the sugar that we eat is hidden. Food companies add large amounts of sugar to items we may not classify as sweets. To help cut down extra sugar consumption, nutrition experts suggest looking at the ingredients on food packages. Cutting sugar out of the American diet altogether may be difficult, but making every effort to control our nation’s desire for sugar will avoid a sweeter future.

1.The underlined word “toxic” in Paragraph1 probably means “________”.

A. positive B. harmful C. doubtful D. reasonable

2.According to Paragraph 2, we can know ________.

A. mice eating more sugar will live longer

B. the study on mice lasted less than a year

C. the study showed the bad effects of more sugar on mice

D. mice eating more sugar will become fatter and fatter

3.Why did the scientists choose mice to do the study?

A. Because a substance may have the same effects on mice and humans.

B. Because mice have a longer lifespan (寿命) than other animals.

C. Because mice can take in the harmful substances easily and quickly.

D. Because mice are sensitive to the sweet taste.

4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.

A. sugar from candy, soda and cookies is helpful for us

B. we should never believe what food companies said

C. most types of sugar have similar effects on people

D. it’s necessary to control people’s wish for sugar


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁省协作校2高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Saturday was my husband’s birthday, but we spent most of the time in the car. We were driving to Phoenix for the weekend to celebrate his birthday and see the Warriors play the Suns.

My husband is a lucky man. Not only has he lived to see another birthday, but he doesn’t mind driving 200 miles to see an NBA basketball game.

In the car, his cellphone kept ringing with birthday greetings from family and friends. He put them all on the speakerphone so he could drive with both hands and I could listen in even though it wasn’t my birthday.

Meanwhile, on the CD player, the Reverend AL Green began to sing Love and Happiness. A little good music makes a bad road better.

Four hours later, we checked into hotel, got dinner and sat out a rooftop feeling glad to be alive.

We had a great weekend—we ate too much, slept too little and the Warriors, well, they lost. But still, it was worth the drive.

On the way home, I started thinking about birthdays. In our family, we celebrate four in January, four in February, and all the others throughout the year. Mine is next week.

I felt lucky, like my husband, I will get cards and calls and maybe a few videos. I don’t need presents any more. When you’ve seen as many birthdays as I have seen, the only gift you truly want is to see one more.

Birthdays are the mile markers on the road of life. They tell us how far we have come, but not how far we have gone.

Life is a journey more than a destination. What matters is whom we choose as traveling companions, and how often we get to sit back and enjoy the ride.

1.What helps to make their long journey drive to Phoenix better?

A. The phone calls from their friends.

B. The music played on their CD player.

C. The beautiful view along the road.

D. The desire to celebrate a nice birthday.

2.What kind of birthday gift does the author really want?

A. A wish to live another year.

B. Calls and cards from friends.

C. A live NBA game

D. Videos from friends and family.

3.What is the major lesson that the author took from the journey?

A. People should learn to appreciate life together with their loved ones.

B. Taking a long drive is a great way to celebrate a birthday.

C. A meaningful life is like a journey with a clear destination.

D. People shouldn’t rest on what they have but try to make new achievements.

4.What could be the best title for this passage?

A. My lucky Husband

B. Driving to See a Basketball Game

C. Mile Markers on the Road of Life

D. A birthday journey


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁省瓦房店市高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

You know how wonderful you are, and you know that others know how wonderful you are, but what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousy (嫉妒)? For most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship. When this happens it can seem like there is nothing that you can do, but the good news is that there is. Don’t let jealousy spoil your relationships. Deal with it confidently and you might be back to normal much sooner than you think.

It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem is, but if you want to save your friendship you’ll have to do just that. Don’t approach them and ask why they are jealous of you unless of course you want to appear totally conceited (逞能), just take some time alone with them and let them know that you’ve been feeling like there’s been something coming between you. If they refuse to respond, then use the opportunity to explain how you have been feeling. Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.

When you figure out what is annoying your friend, ask him or her what (s)he thinks would make the situation better. If, for example, (s)he says that (s)he feels like (s)he doesn’t get to spend any time with you because of your being off with your new friends from the swim team then maybe you could invite her along the next time or block off one day a week for just the two of you. Remember, though, that whatever solution you decide on should be a compromise (妥协). Don’t limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy. Try instead to include him or her in your new life and see how that works out.

Even the best of friendships can be ruined by jealousy. This destructive emotion is rarely productive and can turn best friends into worst enemies. Before taking extreme action, chat with your jealous friend to see if the two of you can work out a compromise. If you can’t, be prepared to know exactly how far you will go to keep your friend and how far you won’t.

1.What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 2?

A. How to solve the problem of jealousy.

B. Why we need to solve the problem of jealousy.

C. How to explain your jealousy to your friends.

D. Why it is hard to deal with the problem of jealousy.

2.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. There’s always a solution to solve the problem of jealousy.

B. Jealousy can turn best friends into worst enemies.

C. You should go a long way with your friend to work out a solution

D. You may lose a friend to keep your own gifts, chances or self-development.

3.This passage is mainly intended for________.

A. female readers B. students C. teenagers D. best friends


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西省高二下学期期未考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


There are four possible birth order positions within a family. A child may be the oldest, the youngest or the _________ child, or an only child _________ no brothers or sisters. Birth order theory says that our birth order influences what kind of person we each _________.

Children in each birth position have a _________ way to gain an advantage in the family. The oldest children often get more time with their parents. They always try to be _________ and do everything correctly. The youngest children are used to other people providing for them. They may be more _________ about themselves than about other people. As for middle children, they can sometimes feel left out, since they don't get the _________ of being the oldest or the youngest. Some middle children become competitive and even rebel against (反抗) their parents. _________ many of them make peace in the family.

The last birth order position is only children. With no brothers or sisters they often _________ whatever they want! They don't have any _________ for their parents' time or resources. Only children often use language very well _________ they spend so much time with adults. They can also feel a lot of _________ as only children, which can make them competitive and hardworking.

Some people _________ that birth order theory describes them very well. Other people say the theory doesn't _________ There are many other different_________ that may change the effects of birth order on personality. These variables _________the sex and age of each child and the number of brothers and sisters. Culture and education _________ make a difference. So does the amount of money that the _________ has. The experiences of the family can also change how birth order affects _________ .

As family expert Frank Sulloway says, “Humans are complex. But that doesn't mean birth order isn't _________ we can learn from.”

1.A. middle B. last C. small D. cute

2.A. beyond B. under C. with D. for

3.A. become B. need C. accept D. see

4.A. new B. different C. strange D. right

5.A. perfect B. honest C. polite D. curious

6.A. concerned B. cautious C. excited D. disappointed

7.A. results B. promises C. advantages D. dreams

8.A. And B. So C. But D. Or

9.A. get B. ignore C. hide D. doubt

10.A. preparation B. excuse C. authority D. competition

11.A. until B. because C. unless D. though

12.A. sadness B. pressure C. pity D. pain

13.A. advise B. hope C. know D. find

14.A. work B. happen C. appear D. develop

15.A. forms B. situations C. standards D. purposes

16.A. influence B. change C. include D. describe

17.A. seldom B. also C. never D. ever

18.A. team B. society C. school D. family

19.A. emotion B. attitude C. personality D. behavior

20.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁省锦州市高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Muhammad Ali was one of the1._________ (good) boxers i n the world. Hi s death on June 3 2._________ (lead) to a lot of sadness and appreciation. He was a symbol of excellence and charm.

Ali almost seemed 3._________a ghost in the US for years. As he shook while 4._________ (light) the Olympic flame to open the Summer Games in Atlanta in 1996, those 5._________ had seen Ali grow from a charming boxing superstar into a beloved civil rights icon (代表) struggled, too.

Ali 6._________ (bore) in Kentucky in 1942. His boxing skills got 7._________ (he) a gold medal at the 1960 Rome Olympics, and in 1964, he won the world heavyweight championship, living up to his prediction that he 8._________ “shock the world”.

He refused to join the army and take part in the Vietnam War. He became one of the lasting symbols of the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s. “I am9._________ (confidence) that justice will come my way, for the truth must10._________ (eventual) prevail (获胜) ,” he said in 1967.

