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4. _____ can be done _____ been done.

  A. All; have         B. All that; have   C. All; has           D. All that; has


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.

Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.

For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person's health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hor- mones (荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc.In general the person feels excited and ready to act.

Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.

Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”

Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.

“Damaging emotion” means that _________.                                 

       A.the emotion is harmless               B.the emotion is harmful                              

       C.the feeling is very strong              D.the feeling is hard

What statement is right?                                                    

       A.Were you angry, you would be cancered (得癌症).           

B.Once you are angry, you must be cancered.

C.Angry as you are often, you can't be cancered,            

       D.Anger may cause you a cancer.

Expressing anger violently _________ repressing it according to some scientists.

       A.is just the same as               B.is more harmful than                           

       C.is no better than               D.is much better than      

According to the author, you'd better _________.                              

       A.never be angry                        

       B.cool it down before you express it 

       C.laugh and laugh when you get angry    

       D.admit you are wrong when you are angry


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In 1883, an imaginative engineer named John Roebling decided to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with Long Island. However, bridge building experts throughout the world thought that this was a pipe dream. It was not practical. It had never been done before.

But Roebling refused to listen to them. He thought about the bridge day and night and he knew deep in his heart that it could be done. After much discussion and persuasion he convinced his son Washington, who was a promising engineer himself, that the bridge in fact could be built.

Working together for the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished. With great excitement, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge.

The project started well, but several months after it began, a tragic accident on the site took the life of John Roebling. Washington was so seriously injured that he was never able to walk, talk or even move again.

"We told them so", "Crazy men and their crazy dreams", "It's foolish to chase wild visions", the critics said and most thought the project should be scrapped since the Roeblings were the only ones who knew how the bridge could be built. In spite of his handicap Washington still had a burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind was still as sharp as ever.

Washington's wife tried to inspire and pass on her husband's enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task. As he lay in his hospital room, an idea suddenly hit him. All he could do was move one finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving this finger and tapping it on his wife's arm, he slowly developed a code to communicate with her. Then he used this method to tell his wife what the engineers should do. It seemed crazy but the project was under way again. For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally completed.

Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man's spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances.

_ What did most people think about Roebling's idea to build the bridge?

A. It would never become a reality.                    B. Washington was not experienced enough.

C. It would take a lot of time.                            D. Finding the money would be impossible. 

_The underlined word `daunted' (para. 6) is closest in meaning to '______'.

  A. unpleasant    B. scared    C. amazed    D. determined

_ Which of the following shows the correct order of the events that happened in the story?

   a. Roebling convinced his son.

   b. Washington found a new way to communicate.

   c. They hired the crew.

d. The bridge was completed.

   e. Roebling wanted to build a bridge.

   f. There was a tragic accident.

A. e, a, c, f, d, b     B. e, a, f, b, c, d    C. e, f, a, b, c, d    D. e, a, c, f, b, d  

_ What can we learn about Washington's wife?

A. She knew sign language very well.

B. She was devoted to her husband.

C. She developed a code to communicate with her husband.

D. She helped her husband design the plan.

_ What does the story tell us?

  A. Success will come with the passing of time.

  B. Struggles are exactly what we need in our lives.

  C. Even the most distant dream can be realised with a never-say-die attitude.

  D. The people who make a difference in our life should be remembered forever.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, winter skating or skiing in winter. It may be a game of some kind, football, hockey, golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering(爬山).

Those who have a passion(热情)for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.

Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different thing that it would be dangerous to ignore(忽视),but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.

If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no“matches”between“teams”of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork.

The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than men. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities

A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it is not unusual for a man of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less waste of efforts and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.

Mountaineering involves       .

A.cold B.hardship C.physical risk    D.all of the above

The difference between a sport and a game has something to do with the kind of        .

A. activity B. rules    C. uniform  D. participants

Mountaineering can be called a team sport because       .

A.it is an Olympic event

B.teams compete against each other

C.mountaineers depend on each other while climbing

D.there are 5 climbers on each team.

Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Mountaineering Is Different from Golf and Football k

B.Mountaineering Is More Attractive than Other Sports


D.Mountain Climbers      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Animation means making things which are lifeless come alive and move.

Since earliest times, people have always been astonished by movement. But not until last century had we managed to take control of movement, to record it, and in the case of animation, to retranslate it and recreate it. To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector (放映机).

In the world of cartoon animation, nothing is impossible. You can make the characters do exactly what you want them to do.

A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in America in the early nineteen twenties. Felix was a wonderful cat. He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back.

Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America, the home of the moving picture industry. The famous Walt Disney cartoon characters came to life after 1928. Popeye the Sailor and his girl friend Olive Oyo were born at Max Flcischer in 1933.

But to be an animator, you don’t have to be a professional. It is possible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all. All you have to do is to draw directly onto an empty film and then run the film through a projector.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

   A. Animal world      B. Movie camera    C. Cartoon making      D. Movement

Which of the following statements is True?

   A. People were unable to recreate the movement or record it in the nineteenth century.

   B. Pat Sullivan was a famous early cartoon character.

   C. It is impossible to make cartoon characters to do what they are designed to do.

   D. Only professional animators can make animated films.

According to the passage, Felix the Cat _________.

   A. was created by the American cartoonist Felix.

   B. was designed by Pat Sullivan in the early twentieth century.

   C. was unable to do what natural cats could not do.

   D. was created in the United States in the nineteenth century.

It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

   A. Walt Disney’s cartoon characters were born earlier than Pat Sullivan’s.

   B. only professionals can create cartoon character

   C. Popeye the Sailor and Olive Oyo were famous cartoonists.

   D. the cartoon industry started in the United States.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年山东省莱芜市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



【1】Last year,researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy,the ability to understand other people,among college students had dropped sharply over the past 1 0 years.That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time,the researchers said.Today,people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.

【2】Jennifer Freed,a co—director of a teen program,has another explanation.Turn on the TV,and you’re showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting,competing,and generally treating one another with no respect. Humans learn by example-and most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.

【3】There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples.Humans are socially related by nature.Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human-and having empathy is decisive to those relationships.Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect.Besides,empathy can be a cure for loneliness,sadness,anxiety,and fear.

【4】Empathy is also an indication of a good leader.In fact,Freed says,many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things that they look for in new managers.Good social skills-including emoathy-are essential abilities that will help you succeed in many areas of life."Academics are important.But if you don’t have emotional intelligence,you won’t be as successful in work or in your love life,”she says.

【5】____?For starters,let down your guard and really listen to others.“One doesn’t develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,”Freed says.

【6】To really develop empathy, you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital,join a club or a team that has a diverse membership,have a“sharing circle’’with your family,or spend time caring for pets at all animal shelter.

1.According to the passage, what happened to the college students?(no more than 15 words)


2.What influenced the students’ ability of empathy?(Please list three aspects.)


3.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


4.Fill in the blank in Para.5 with proper words.(no more than 10 words)


5.If a college student lacks the ability of empathy, what things can be do to improve?

(at least two points, 15-25 words)


