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  Pupils are ordered not to wade into ankle-deep water unless teachers first carry out a full risk assessment and put“proper measures in place”.

  Staff are expected to check rivers, ponds and the sea for currents and rocks before allowing children to dip their feet.

  Guidance issued to schools warns that any“impromptu(事先无准备的)water-based activities”could pose dangers to children.

  The recommendations were outlined in a document-available to all 21,000 schools in England-to help teachers organize more school trips.Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families is intended to cut red tape(官样文章)and give staff practical tips.

  But the guidance caused argument after teachers were presented with a series of orders surrounding swimming and the use of minibuses.

  It said:“Swimming and padding or otherwise entering the waters of river, canal, sea or lake should never be allowed as an impromptu activity.The pleas of young people to bathe-because it is hot weather, for example, should be resisted where bathing has not been prepared for.”

  “In-water activities should take place only when a proper risk assessment has been completed and proper measures put in place to control the risks.”

  Teachers are urged to check the weather, currents, weeds, rip tides, river or sea beds and breakwaters before allowing children into the water.No child should be able to swim deeper than waist height, the guidance added.

  Margaret Morrissey, from campaign group Parents Outloud, said:“Wading out into the ocean is one thing but there’s nothing wrong with padding where the waves break.”

  “Part of children’s learning is to walk along the water’s edge and get your feet wet.There are dangerous currents further out and you stay at the edge.”

  She added:“I want to see schools and youth groups taking advantage of opportunities that learning outside the classroom can provide.”

  But the Department for Children, Schools and Families said teachers had to plan activities carefully.

  “We are not banning padding,”said a spokeswoman.“We have seen cases in the past where things have not been planned and assessed for the risk.Unplanned activities around water can be dangerous.”


Guidance issued to schools in England gives the information that ________.

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school trips to oceans are forbidden in the country


school swimming pools should be surrounded with fence


school staff must plan water-based activities carefully


school children shouldn’t have a walk along river banks


Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families shows us that ________.

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they are strongly against the guidance


they are fond of the outline of the guidance


they don’t understand the aim of the guidance


they want the guidance to become more useful


To the guidance, Margaret Morrissey holds the opinion that ________.

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oceans are dangerous place for children to visit


young people should be encouraged to learn outside


children should learn padding in rough ocean alone


schools should stop students from walking along beaches


Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

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No padding on school trips, children told.


No walking along the rivers, teachers told.


No swimming after school, parents told.


No learning out of school, students told.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053

阅读理解: 阅读理解:

    Every weekday morning I take the 830 bus to go to my job I know by sight several people who also ride that bus Some of the girls work as maids They get off at each stop in stop in ones ,twos or threes

   But at one corner something wonderful happens Before the bus stops, a little dog races out of the nearest house He doesn't look at two of the maids who get off But for the third he has a joyful "Hello!" from head to tail his little body wags his happiness Everyone on the bus watches until the maid and the dog go into the house

    One day not long ago the maid wasn't on the bus I wondered if the dog would be waiting for her Sure enough, he was!

    He stood at the back door of the bus for a minute I could see his joyful welcome turning into fearful worry Where was she?

   The driver closed the back door The dog raced to the front door It, too, shut in his face

    Everyone on the bus felt sad Poor little pup! He looked so unhappy, standing there!

    The driver couldn't stand it He opened the door and looked down at the dog "She didn't come today," he said, in a loud, kind voice

    A man in a front seat leaned forward "Maybe she will come tomorrow," he called

    The dog wagged his tail as if to say "Thank you "He watched the bus as we pulled away Then he turned to trot home alone

    The next day everyone on the bus was happy to see the maid back again Yes, the dog was waiting for her

    The welcome he gave her was even warmer and more delighted than usual We all smiled at one another How bright and good the morning suddenly seemed to us

1What do those people on the bus usually see at one corner? ______

[  ]

   AA little dog coming close to the bus when it stops

   BTwo maids get off the moment the bus stops

   CA dog waiting for someone

   Da dog greets a maid merrily and follow her into a house

2One day the maid wasn't on the bus and the dog ______

[  ]

   Adidn't appear

   Bstood waiting at the bus stop till the bus left

   Cwent back the moment he found the maid wasn't there

   Dwent back the moment he found the maid wasn't there

3All this made people on the bus ______

[  ]

   Aawfully sorry Bgreatly surprised

   Cvery bored Dmuch excited

4The next day people on the bus were happy, for ______

[  ]

   Athe maid was among them again

   Bshe would not take the same bus

   Cshe was not on their bus

   Dshe was waiting for an empty bus to come

5We can safely say this story is about ______

[  ]

   Aa magic dog

   Ba young maid that has magic powers

   Ca bus that cam produce magical results

   Dthe close relationship between a maid and her dog


科目:高中英语 来源:测试专家课课练单元练  高二英语(下) 题型:050


  Every living thing has a physical boundary(分界线) that separated it from its external environment. Beginning with the bacteria and the simple cell and ending with man, every organism has a certain limit which marks where it begins and ends.

  Anyone who has had experience with dogs, particularly in the countryside such as on farms, is familiar with the way in which the dog handles space. In the first place, the dog knows the limits of his aster's yard and will defend it against encroachment. There are also certain places where he steeps: a spot next to the fireplace, a spot in the kitchen, or one in the dinning room if he is allowed there. In short a dog has fixed points to which he returns time after time depending upon the occasion. One can also observe that the dog creates zone he is in, a trespasser(非法进入者) can cause different behaviours when he crosses the invisible lines which are meaningful to the dog.

  This is particularly noticeable in females with pup-pies. A mother who has a new litter(一胎所生的小动物) in a little-used barn wall claim the barn as her territory. When the door opens she may make a slight movement or stir in one corner. Nothing else may happen as the intruder moves ten or fifteen feet into the barn. Then the dog may raise her head or get up circle about and lie down as another visible boundary is crossed. One can tell about where the line is by withdrawing and watching when her head goes down. As additional lines are crossed, there will be other signals, a thumping(重击) of the tail, a low moan or a growl. One can also observe comparable behavior in other vertebrates(脊椎动物)-fish, birds and mammals.

1.A dog on a farm knows ________.

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A.the size of its master's yard

B.the only fixed place where it should sleep

C.it should not sleep in the kitchen

D.the area that it should defend

2.A female dog with puppies will probably ________.

[  ]

A.attack any stranger who comes near

B.signal differently according to different occasions

C.raise her head at the sight of a stranger

D.growl when a stranger leaves her territory

3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that mother dogs ________.

[  ]

A.have a sense of gradual territory

B.protect their babies cautiously

C.are ready to attack strangers

D.prefer to raise babies in barns

4.In the second paragraph, the underlined word “encroachment” probably means ________.

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5.Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage?

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A.Dogs sleep at certain places in the yard or house.

B.logs will respond to territory trespasser.

C.The boundary lines are visible and meaningful to dogs.

D.Fish, birds belong to vertebrates.


科目:高中英语 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  Dog training is a business for some people, a serious hobby for others, and a once in a life time experience for many.Individuals in all of these categories would probably agree that consistency(一致性)is a key element of success from the beginning.

  If puppies are to be socialized, they must learn to control the impulse to use the carpet as a bathroom, chew shoes, and nip at fingers.The first issue, bathroom training is more easily accomplished in warm weather.Try to feed your pup outdoors, and after he has finished eating, take him to a spot where you would like him to eliminate.If he cooperates, praise him generously with words and pats.Take him to the same spot after each meal, and eventually he will follow this routine himself.

  The sight of a small puppy chewing through a new tennis shoe will make you do well to remove the stolen shoe from the pup's mouth and firmly say “no!”.Provide your pup with some acceptable toys, such as a ball or a chew toy.

  Until your pup is well trained and trustworthy, don't leave him unattended unless he is limited to a small area.When he is young, you want to be sure someone will praise your pup for desired behavior and express disapproval when he does something you want to discourage.

  You will want your dog to learn to respond to the commands “Come”, “Sit”, and “Stay”.Again, consistency and praise will help you achieve this goal.Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him.Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him.

  Negative behavior must be attended to also.You can discipline most dogs without hitting them.Since they are usually anxious to please, most dogs are duty punished by cruel words and tone of voice.Remember to be consistent so your dog knows unquestioningly what is acceptable behavior.

  Although the first stages of dog training require great deal of time and patience, the reward of a socialized and obedient dog is well worth the effort.


Dog training is appropriately attempted by ________.

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What is negative behavior best handled by?

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A slap on the nose.


Tying the dog up.


A firm tone of voice.


Starving the dog.


The article deals with all of the following EXCEPT ________.

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chewing problems


barking at strangers


bathroom training


responding to commands


What might be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Tips on Training Your Dog


A Good Puppy


A Six-week Program to Train Your Dog


Leave Dog Training to the Professionals

