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  Concern with money, and then more money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working harder than ever before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing. Offices, shops, and factories are discovering the great efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of work, emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output thus the “ typical” Frenchman produces more, earns more, and buys more consumer goods than his counterpart of only a generation ago he gains in creature comfort and ease of life what he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or individuality.

  Some say that France has been Americanized. This is because the United States is a world symbol of the technological society and its consumer products. The so-called Americanization of France has its critics. They fear that “assembly-line life” will lead to the disappearance of the pleasures of the more graceful and leisurely (but less productive) old French style.

What will happen, they ask, to taste, elegance, and the cultivation of the good things in life- to enjoy in the smell of a freshly picked apple, a stroll by the river, or just happy hours of conversation in a local café?

  Since the late 1950’s life in France has indeed taken on qualities of rush, tension, and the pursuit of material gain. Some of the strongest critics of the new way of life are the young, especially university students. They are concerned with the future, and they fear that France is threatened by the triumph of this competitive, goods-oriented culture. Occasionally, they have reacted against the trend with considerable violence.

  In spite of the critics, however, countless Frenchmen are committed to keeping France in the forefront of the modern economic world. They find that the present life brings more rewards, conveniences, and pleasures than that of the past. They believe that a modern, industrial France is preferable to the old.

The passage is about ______.

A. changes in the life style of the French          B. criticism of the old life style

C. approval of the new life style               D. analysis of the old way of life in France

73. The old French way of life mainly featured ______.

   A. elegance, leisure and romanticism        B. efficiency, elegance and leisure

   C. elegance, leisure and taste              D. efficiency, leisure and taste

74. Which of the following about the French is NOT true?

   A. They show more concerns about money than before

   B. They do enjoy working on the assembly line.

   C. Many of them prefer the new life style to the old.

   D. They are more competitive than the elder generation.

75. What is the attitude of the general Frenchmen towards the new life style?

   A. They fear that France is threatened by the new trend

   B. They are unsatisfied with the new way of life

   C. They welcome the new life style enthusiastically

   D. They confuse the traditional life style with the new one






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

All areas of the world face a nurses shortage. But the shortage is most severe in developing countries. Many of their nurses move to the more developed nations for better pay, better working conditions and better chances for career development. For example, nearly 2,000 nurses left the Caribbean between 2002 and 2006.

       The Caribbean nations currently have about 1 nurse for every 1,000 people. The ratio(比例) of nurses to population is about 10 times higher in the United States and countries in the European Union(EU). Now, more than 21,000 nurses who trained in the Caribbean are working in the United States, Canada and Britain.

       Gaetan Lafortune is an official of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(O.E.C.D) in Paris. He says the nurses shortage also affects industrialized countries. He says, “There is concern in most O.E.C.D.countries that the number of nurses is too small to meet the demand. And what is more worrying is that their concern is sort of growing.” Mr Lafortune says a large number of nurses are expected to retire within the next 10 years. At the same time, the health care needs of aging populations are expected to grow, intensifying the shortage of nurses.

       Gaetan Lafortune said, “In the U.S., for instance, some researchers have found that there may be a shortage of close to a million nurses by 2020.” The United States is 1 of the 21 countries in the O.C.E.D. Gaetan Lafortune says in the recent years many of the countries increased their efforts to hire foreign nurses. As a result of that, O.E.C.D. countries were mainly exporting their shortage problem to countries that may have an even greater need for these nurses.

What will be the main causes of the global nurses shortage in the next 10 years?

       a. The demand for nurses will decrease.                    

b. Many nurses will be too old to work.

       c. Many rich countries will hire more foreign nurses. 

d. Nurses are often looked down upon.

       e. Aging populations will increase rapidly

       A. a and b             B. b and c              C. b and e              D. c and d

The underlined word “intensify” in para. 3 means “________”.

       A. strengthen         B. neglect            C. reduce               D. cause

We know from this text that America and the EU countries ______.

       A. refuse to offer equal pay to foreign nurses

       B. have at least one nurse out of 100 people

       C. don’t like to train nurses of their own countries

       D. have more serious nursing problems than the Caribbean nations

What does the text mainly tell us?

       A. Nursing is no longer a worthwhile profession in most countries.

       B. The different attitudes towards nursing in different countries.

       C. Nurses shortage will result in serious consequences.

       D. The health care industry needs more nurses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The following people are expressing their thoughts (1--5) to show their concern for food, environment and so on. After that are pieces of related information (A--F). Now decide which piece of information would be most suitable for the thought and idea mentioned in questions61---65 and mark your answer letter (A---F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

______ How I was struck by the clear water and fresh air in my childhood! But everything has changed, that is, the clear water and fresh air are nowhere to be found again as they were. Above all, a great deal of waste hardly rots away.

______ More and more people are beginning to have a good knowledge of the importance of a safer and cleaner environment, which in turn forces the business to be cleaned up.

______ Organic products are getting more and more popular among people, but we should know the fact that organic products might also have something to do with pesticides (农药).

______ I’m very much fond of growing some vegetables of my own in my small garden, for many vegetables on sale in markets are actually becoming more and more dangerous as a result of widespread pesticides.

______ Nowadays it is very convenient for consumers to find and buy green food in supermarkets as they are clearly marked.

A. “Organic produce is always better,” Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides, and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.

B. Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences - but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand. “The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market,” said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.

C. Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted. Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment-friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. One result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic, and metal containers are produced, and these are difficult to get rid of.

D. However, today, more and more consumers are choosing “green” and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment. Before they buy a product, they ask questions like these: “Will this shampoo damage the environment?” “Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?”

E. Only a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels (标签) to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing (制造) of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.

F. The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business. No longer will the public accept the old attitude of “Buy it, use it, throw it away, and forget it.” The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.


科目:高中英语 来源:东北三省四市2010届高三第二次联合考试 题型:完型填空

I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession   36  in the way of being a good parent.
I no longer consider myself the   37   of the universe.I show up.I listen.I try to laugh.I
am a good friend to my   38  .I have tried to make marriage vows (誓约)   39   what they
say.I am a good friend to my friends,and they   40   me.Without them,there would be nothing to say to you today.
So here’s what I wanted to tell you today:Get a   41  .A real life,not a desire of the next   42  ,the bigger paycheck,the larger house.
Get a life in which you are not   43  .Find people you love,and who love you.And remember that love is not   44  ,it is work.   45    the phone.Send an e-mail.Write a letter.And realize that life is the best thing and   46  yon have no business taking it for granted.
It is so easy to    47   our lives,oar days,our hours,and our minutes.It is so easy to exist   48  to live.I learned to live many years ago.Something really,really   49   happened to me,something that changed my life in ways that,if I had my choice,it would never have been changed at all.And what I learned from it is what,today,seems to be the hardest   50  of all.
I learned to love the   51  ,not the destination.I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it.completely and totally.And I tried to do that.in part,by telling others what I had learned.
By telling them   52  :Read in the backyard with the sun on your face.Learn to be happy-
And think of life as a deadly   53  ,because if you do   54  it ought to be lived,you will live it with joy and   55  .
36.A.come           B.stand                  C.take                    D.block
37.A.body           B.star                    C.center                    D.planet
38.A.child           B.husband              C.mother                   D.friend
39.A.mean           B.express               C.concern                  D.convince
40.A.for              B.of                      C.with                   D.to
41.A.job              B.family                C.life                     D.home
42.A.promotion    B.success                C.baby                 D.accomplishment
43.A.busy            B.guilty                    C.immature            D.alone
44.A.game           B.fun                     C.enthusiasm          D.leisure
45.A.Pick up       B.Take up              C.Hold up              D.Get up
46.A.whether       B.what                   C./                                   D.that
47.A.waste                 B.spend                    C.kill                      D.pass
48.A.in favour of   B.instead of            C.in spite of           D.in honoue of
49.A.nice            B.fierce                        C.bad                    D.great
50.A.decision       B.method               C.1ife                    D.lesson
51.A.trip             B.journey               C.tour                    D.travel
52.A.this             B that                       C.it                       D.follows
53.A.routine        B.acquaintance       C.illness                 D.enemy
54.A.as if           B.how                   C.as                       D.than
55.A.delight        B.sorrow                C.anxiety               D.passion


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈尔滨四校2010届高三下学期第二次模拟联考 题型:阅读理解

The announcements by the NASA,in the form of several Web site postings and a video posted on YouTube,were in response to worries that the world will end on Dec.21,2012.
The doomsday(末日) rumour reached a high point with the release of the new movie “2012”,directed by Roland Emmerich.In the movie,Yellowstone blows up, showering the continent with black ash.Tidal waves wash over the Himalayas,where the governments of the planet have secretly built a ship which a select 400,000 people can ride out the storm.There are hundreds of hooks devoted to 2012,and millions of Web sites,depending on what combination of“2012”and“doomsday”you type into Google.All of it,astronomers say, is nonsense.“Most of what's claimed for 2012 relies on wishful thinking and ignorance of astronomy.”Ed Krupp, an expert on ancient astronomy,wrote in an article in the November issue of Sky&Telescope.
“I get angry at the way people are being influenced and frightened to make money,” Morrison said.“There is no right to frighten children to make a buck.”suggested David Morrison,an astronomer at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field,Calif.He said he had been getting about 20 letters and e—mail messages a day from people as far away as India scared out of their wits.Morrison said he did not blame the movie for all this,as much as many other supporters of the Mayan prediction.But then,he said,“my doctorate is in astronomy,not psychology.”
In an e—mail exchange, Krupp said:“We are always uncertain about the future,and we always consume representations of it.We are always attracted by the romance of the ancient past.”A NASA spokesman,Dwayne Brown,said the agency did not comment on movies,leaving that to movie critics.But when it comes to science, Brown said, “we felt it was careful to provide a resource.”
If you want to worry,most scientists say,you should think about global climate change or nuclear war.But if ancient prophecies(预言)get you going,here are some things Morrison and the others think you should know.
64.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Dr.Morrison blamed the Movie“2011”for the panic it aroused in the public around the world.
B.People who watched the movie were seared and firmly believed that the end of the world was coming.
C.In terms of science it was better to provide evidence and theory at the same time.
D.Dr.Morrison thought it was not right to make money by frightening people.
65.It can be inferred from the text that        .
A.astronomers think that doomsday is likely to happen in the near future
B.the reason why the NASA posted web site postings was to make people interested in astronomy
C.scientists think we shouldn't worry about doomsday but show concern about environment protection
D.most astronomers agree that the world is not ending—at least anytime soon
66.Which of the following would be the best title?
A.A New Movie“2012”            B.Is Doomsday Coming?
C.End-of-the-World Stories          D.Astronomers Comment on Movies
67.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?
A.Evidence that the Mayans thought something special would happen in 2012.
B.What will really happen in 2012.
C.The reason why there is no need to worry about doomsday.
D.Ancient stories about the end of the world.

